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Unit 1 Our Vision, Goals, & Expectations

August 11, 2014

Name: _________________________


Portraits of Power

Mr. Dorns Vision: Welcome back to Encore Academy for the 2014-2015
academic school year. I will be your Social Studies teacher and we, as a class,
will challenge ourselves over the next year to use our education and creativity
to analyze, discuss, question, and discover solutions to problems that continue
to occur throughout human history. Our classroom will work together to
advocate for our community, our world, and ourselves. I believe that all of my
students possess the power to change the status quo by using their minds,
heart, and voices. In other words, I believe that all of my Social Studies
students have the ability to be true Portraits of Power in a world that needs
curious, empathetic, and gritty individuals like you.

Wait, what
is a status

Turn and Talk: How would you describe the status quo of New Orleans, LA? Explain and
provide examples.


Unit 1 Our Vision, Goals, & Expectations

August 11, 2014

Focus Question: What is the status quo of New Orleans, LA?

Fact #1: Louisiana is the Prison Capital of the World

What does the graph show? ___________________________________________________


Fact #2: Overwhelmingly, the incarceration rate is highest in black and Latino communities.

Unit 1 Our Vision, Goals, & Expectations

August 11, 2014

Fact #3: 82% of prisoners in America are high school dropouts.

What does the information above suggest? _____________________________________________


Fact #4: Your education is the key and pathway to future success and opportunity.


Unit 1 Our Vision, Goals, & Expectations

August 11, 2014

Turn and Talk Question: What is Mr. Dorns argument? Explain why he is providing the class with
graphs, statistics, and facts about New Orleans and the United States. What is he trying to say?

1. What do you think Mr. Dorn is trying to argue?

2. Why did Mr. Dorn provide graphs, statistics, and facts?

Mr. Dorns Argument: I believe that we live in a world that is still filled with
inequality, injustice, and inopportunity that is dependent on race, gender,
religious belief, and sexuality. It is my goal to ensure that our future is filled
with curious, empathetic, and gritty individuals that use their power to ensure
that they are creating a better tomorrow for their world, their community, and
themselves. Through the study of history we will analyze, discuss, and question
how these injustices can still exist in countries like the United States. More
importantly, we will create solutions to the complex problems that unfortunately
repeat themselves throughout history.

Discussion Question: How will we accomplish this goal?

Unit 1 Our Vision, Goals, & Expectations

August 11, 2014

Mr. Dorns Core Values: In order to be successful academically, professionally, and socially,
all students must strive to act with grit, curiosity, and empathy.









Directions: Solve the equation below.

1. Grit + Curiosity + Empathy = _______________________________


Unit 1 Our Vision, Goals, & Expectations

August 11, 2014

What is a Portrait of Power?

A Portrait of Power is a person of any gender, belief, race, or sexuality
that uses their mind, heart, and voice to ensure they are helping create a
better, just, and equal world for all people of any background.
A Portrait of Power advocates for their world, their community, and
A Portrait of Power is an individual that takes their education seriously
and uses their voice to fight for their beliefs, while respecting new
A Portrait of Power is your potential and what we are fighting to become
everyday in Mr. Dorns Social Studies class.

Who are historical examples of a Portrait of Power?

Unit 1 Our Vision, Goals, & Expectations

August 11, 2014

I, ___________________________, am a Portrait of Power:

I will be an advocate for my world, my community, and myself.
I will speak like a respectful and forward-thinking advocate for my world,
my community, and myself.
I will have grit, curiosity, and empathy to understand new perspectives,
solve complex historical problems, and create solutions to issues facing
my community and world.
I will have grit, curiosity, and empathy to ensure I am contributing to a
respectful, challenging, and thoughtful educational atmosphere in Mr.
Dorns Social Studies class.
I will work relentlessly to ensure that I earn 80% or higher on my year-end
Social Studies LEAP/iLEAP exam.
I will take personal responsibility for my words, actions, and work.
I will take risks that take me out of my comfort zone and seek assistance
from my teacher and classmates to solve any type of problem.
I will be prepared for Mr. Dorns class and give 100% everyday to ensure
that I am working towards our classroom goal.
I will think about what is best for the class before I think about what is best
for myself.
I will prove critics of my community wrong and show the world that the
possibilities are endless.
I, ___________________________________________, agree to use my education
as a pathway to opportunity. I will use grit, curiosity, and empathy to challenge
the status quo and become a true Portrait of Power to inspire the world.

Unit 1 Our Vision, Goals, & Expectations

August 11, 2014

Name: _________________________
Unit 1: Homework #1
Due Tomorrow: August 12, 2014
Need Help? Call me. (516) 448-2465

Story of Self
Directions: RTQ the questions below. Be prepared to share your responses with the class.
1. What is power? ___________________________________________________________
2. What does it mean to be a Portrait of Power? __________________________________
3. Why is it important to be a Portrait of Power? __________________________________
4. What do you love about New Orleans? Explain. ________________________________
5. What would you change about New Orleans? Why? ____________________________
6. What is your greatest strength? _____________________________________________
7. What is your greatest weakness? ____________________________________________
8. Describe yourself in one word. ______________________________

Unit 1 Our Vision, Goals, & Expectations

August 11, 2014

Name: __________________________
Unit 1: Homework #2
Due Wednesday: August 13, 2014
Need Help? Call me. (516) 448-2465

Student Survey
Name ____________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name(s)____________________________________________
Birthday: Month __________________ Day _____________ Year ____________
Do you have brothers or sisters? ________ If so, what are their names?
Who do you live with? ________________ Relationship to you? ______________
Academic Information
1. What did you like about school last year?

2. What did you dislike about school last year?


3. What is your favorite subject in school?



Social Studies



4. What is one thing you want me to know about your learning style?

Unit 1 Our Vision, Goals, & Expectations

August 11, 2014

Shout Outs!
1. Who should I call when you do something awesome in class?
Name: __________________________________________________
Relationship to you: ________________________________________
Phone number: ___________________________________________
2. What can I do to help you when something is difficult?

3. What do you do when you get stressed or frustrated (how do you usually
behave? shout? put your head down?)?

4. If you earned a whole class reward, what would you like as your treat?

5. What/Who inspires you?


Personal Information
1. What music artists do you like?

2. What are your hobbies?



Unit 1 Our Vision, Goals, & Expectations

August 11, 2014

Name: _________________________
Parent Survey
Unit 1: Homework #3
Due Wednesday: August 13, 2014
Dear Parents and Guardians,

Thank you for taking time to complete this short survey. The more information I have,
the better we can work together to make sure your student succeeds this year in Social Studies
at Encore Academy. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please contact me via
phone or e-mail.

Mr. Dorn
(516) 448-2465

Directions: Please answer the questions below with all current information. Thank you.
Student Name: _____________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name : _____________________________________________________
Relationship to student: _______________________________________________________
E-Mail Address: _____________________________________________________________
Home Phone __________________________ Work Phone ___________________________
Cell Phone_____________________________________


Unit 1 Our Vision, Goals, & Expectations

August 11, 2014

Directions: Please answer the questions below to help me better serve your student.

1. What is the best way for me to contact you about your student? (Check all that apply)
Text Message

Note Home


Phone Call

2. When is the best time of day for me to call? (Check all that apply)




3. What do you wish teachers knew about your student that they might not know?

4. What motivates your student and who inspires him/her?

5. What are your goals for your student?

6. Would you be interested in volunteering in my classroom?

7. What would you like to assist with?

8. Would you be interested in speaking to your students class about your life in New Orleans?


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