Personal Type Mikey

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ersonauty type imps:stioceea.naviance.comstucentsmamprint_awya.pnpisia=Z0294090 10f 16 {[@¥- 00 WHat You ARE” Pewered 2 Human eSources Confidential Report Wiha Aceves TI Poronalty Type: SFP il lI I, J] teseeemeie res: ney ct el us Fru Introduction Of the many factors that contribute fo a successful future, an understanding af Personality Type is among the most useful \While interests and skills change during the course of a person's Ife, the one thing that does remain constant is {an individual's Personality Type - the innate way each person naturally prefers to see the world and make decisions. And although all individuals are unique, people of the same type share enormous similarities in the kinds of academic subjects and careers they find interesting, and the kind of work they find satisfying. By understanding the role Personality Type plays, people can gain important insights into their educational, cateer, and relationship needs. And because people of diferent types often communicate in very diferent ways, counselors and teachers can leam which strategies work most effectively with each individual student Understanding Michaet Paople tke Michael are gentle, caring, and sensitive. To those who dont really know him, he may appear cool and reserved. But inside he foels things very deeply. His close friends know he is loyal and affectionate, expressive and eager to please. And he is thoughttul, considerate, and supportive of his friends and family. While he loves to be included in social activities, he also neads time alone to relax or pursue his inerests. Because Michael has such a big hear, he often takes even the most constructive eriicism personally and may frequently {eel disappointed or hurt, He has to force himself to deal with conflicts head on, and to speak his mind honestly, even when he knows it might hurt someone's feelings. Michael is also 2 down to earth and realistic petson. He probably has 2 keen sense of aesthetics and may love a variety of artistic expressions or activities. Since he is so observant, he usualy gives his fll attention to whatever he is doing at the moment, and is often able to tell amazingly accurate stories. He is easy going and playful, but may not be especially adventurous. He struggles to stay organized and may find large or complicated projects are ‘overwhelming and draining. Since Michael naturally wants to follow his curiosity wherever it leads him, he may have trouble making decisions, following through, and finishing al of the projects he starts. He hates to sappoint anyone, but is usually quick to forgive others who disappoint him. Note: Based on our assessment, Michael's personally type is "SFP" Michael's Strengths and Blinéspots Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. The key to finding the best path forall people is by using their natural strengths and becoming aware of their natural blindspots. Michael's strengths may include: * Collecting lots of information. * Developing a good rapport with people. 4nior2o1s 4:33 PM. Personality Type ‘tps: (succeed,php?sid=26254656 2ofl6 + Being responsive to questions by providing thoughtful, detailed answers. ‘+ Being able to make a realistic assessment ofthe information gathered, '* Having a good instinct for what would make him happy. Michael's blindspots may include: ‘+ Not being assertive enough at selling his strengths and talents. Not considering new possiblities he may not have yat thought of Not being objective enough; relying too heavily on his immediate feelings and impressions. Not prioritizing his goals wel. Focusing only on his current needs, and ignoring possible future needs, For a career to be satisiying for Michael, it should: ‘+ Be consistent wth his strong, inner values and be something he cares deeply about, * Involve helping people in real, and practical ways. ‘+ Be done in 2 supportive, friendly, and tension-iree environment. ‘+ Make good use of his ability and desire to pay attention to facts and detail, ‘+ Let him work somewnat independently, but also have contact with other people. ‘+ Not have too structured an environment, or too many rules and policies. ‘Allow him to work outside the public spotight and not require heavy pubic speaking. ‘+ Preferably let him spend time outdoors, and get some physical exercise, Michael's Preferred Leaming Style: While ALL individuals are unique, people of the same type often lear best in similar ways. The following summarizes vihat Michael needs in order to maximize learning ‘+ Provide a fiendly, non-competitive, supportive learning environment. ‘+ Allow him to work alone or in small groups when he prefers. ++ Try to demonstrate how the learning relates to something he cares deeply about. ‘+ Make sure he has plenty of time to absorb and apply information at his own pace. + Stick fo the practical and realistic, rather than the abstract and theoretical ‘+ Reward his gentle and cooperative nature, ‘To communicate with Michael most effectively: ‘+ Be friendly, but restrained. Dont overwhelm Michael with your energy, ‘+ Make the conversation informal - more ike a conversation between friends than part of a formal process. + Help Michael mentally prepare for, and feel comfortable during the interview, by giving him es much information as possible before the interview, as to what it will be ike, + After asking a question, give him plenty of time to formulate his response. + Respect Michael's privacy. Dontt ask him questions he might consider too personal Potential careers and majors for Michael to consider: ‘The careers listed below are all inked to Michael's personality type and are organized by career cluster he has Indicated he is most to least interested in, While there Is never a guarantee, people of Michael's type have Indicated job setistaction with these careers. Miltary and Protective Services (ery interested) as iene Fire Inspectors + fire protection and safety technology/technician Firoightor + fire sclencelfireighting Insurance Adjusters, Exariners, and Investigators ‘insurance and risk management 4/10/2015 4:33 PM reisuuainty ype _naps:y/succeea naviance,conysmaen'smanyprint_awya.pap /std=20294090 30f 16 Computer Sciences & Technology (Pretty Interested) SS EOS Computer Operator, Except Periaheral Equipment * data processing technologyitachnician ‘+ management information systems and business data processing, general business computer faciities operstor business systems networking and telecommunications Data Processing Equipment Repairer ‘computer maintenance technologyltechnician Systems Analyst, Electronic Data Processing ‘computer and information sciencas, general ‘+ computer programming ‘management information systems and business data processing, general computer systems analysis ‘+ business computer programmingiprogrammer business systems analysis and design Government and Law (Pretty interested) aa TEES, Paralegal + law and legal studies «+ paralagalagal assistant Sports & Entertainment (Protty Intorested) Sea REnOoue Fitness Trainers and Aerobies Instructors + exercise sciencesiphysiclogy and movement studies ‘+ health and physical education, generat Coaches and Scouts ‘+ health and physical education, general ‘+ sport and fitness administraton/management Athlete Trainer + athletic training and sports medicine ‘+ physical education teaching and coaching «physical therapy College or High School Athletic Coach + health and physical education, general + athletic training and sports medicine + sport and filness administration/management 4/10/2015 4:33 PM, Personality Type Personal Fitness Trainer Recreation Worker Studio, Stage, and Special Effects Technician Intps:/fsucceed’studentsmain/print_dwya php?sid=26254656 + sport and fitness administrationmanagement + athletic traning and sports medicine + health and physical education, general child care and guidance workers and managers, general parks, recre and leisure studies ‘educationalinstructional media design radio and television broadcasting technologyftechnician electrical and power transmission installer, general carpenter + dramattheater arts, general * technical thestertheater design and stagecraft * flmicinema studies Agriculture & Natural Resources (Somewhat int Agricultural Crop Farm Manager Agricultural Inspector Farmer Nursery and Greenhouse Managers 4 of 16 2) ‘+ form and ranch management ‘agricultural and food products processing operations and management + agricultural businessiagribusiness operations + agricultural business and management, general + agricuture/agricultural sciences, general + plant sciences, general « horticutture science ‘+ agricultural and food products processing operations and management ++ plant sciences, general * plant protection (pest management) ‘+ agricultural production workers and managers, general ‘agricultural animal breeding and genetics crop production operations and management agricultural production workers and managers, general ‘top production operations and management ‘omamental horticulture operations and ‘management horticulture services operations and management, generat ‘greenhouse operations and management + nursery operations and management * turf management 4/10/2015 4:33 PM rrersommunyy 1ype mmps://succeea.naviance. conystusenismanyprint_awya.php/sta=z0z>4020 50f16 Soil Conservationist «soll sciences ‘+ natural resources conservation, general + forestry, general + forestry sciences * forest management Soll Scientist + sci sciencos Business, Management, & Finance (Somewhat Interested) Bey REST Claims Examiner, Property and Casualty Insurance + finance, general ‘Insurance and risk management Insurance Appraiser, Auto Damage + insurance marketing operations Communication & Media {Somewhat interested) IN Broadcast Technician photographic technologyitechnician * radio and television broadcasting fechnology/technician Communication Equipment Mechanic, installer, and Repairer * electrical and power transmission installer, general * electrical, electronic and communications engineering technologytechnicign Interpreter and Translator * foreign languages and literatures, general * foreign language interpretation and translation «+ sign language interpreter ‘+ communication disorders, general ‘Translator or Interpreter international relations and affairs ‘Spanish language and literature allan language and Iteraturo French language and iterature Chinese language and literature Russian and Slavic area studies ' Japanese language and literature Consumer Services, Hospitality and Tourism (Somewhat interested) aa TLE 4/10/2015 4:33 PM Personality Type Itps:/succeed naviance,com/studentsmain/print_dwya php?side26254656 Caterer * culinary artsichet training Cook, Restaurant * culinary arsichet training Flight Attendant * flight atendant Innkeeper hotelimotel and restaurant management Education & Training (Somewhat interested) = ee Curator ++ education, general + curriculum and instruction ‘+ museology/museum stu ‘+ educationalfinstructional media design + history, general Preschool Teachers, Except Special Education + elementary teacher education + child care and guidance workers and menagers, ‘general child growth, care and development studles * child development, care and guidance * teacher education, muliple levels Genealogist + history, general + publiclapplied history and archival administration Home Economics Teacher sducation, general + home economics teacher education (vocational) Library Technician * library assistant Teacher Assistants + education, general * bilingualfbicultural education + teacher assistantlaide Teacher- Emotionally Impaired, Mentally Impaired, and Learning Disabled *+ education of the autistic * education of the emotionally handicapped + education of the multiple handicapped + education of the mentally handicapped * education ofthe specific learning disabled Teacher, Preschool + pre-elementaryleary chiidhood/kindergarten teacher education + teacher education, multiple levels, Engineering 60f16 1012015 4:33 PM. rersonmnty sype smapsrsuoceea.naviance comstucentstnanvprint_awya.pnp?sid~Zo2>4090 {Somewhat interested) areer] Roe Ceramic Engineer ‘+ ceramic sciences and engines The Environment (Somewhat interested) = Fish and Game Warden + natural resources law enforcement and protective services * fishgame management «wilde and wildlands management «= fishing and fisheries sciences and managemont Forester + horticulture services operations and management, ‘general ‘+ nursery operations and management «= forest harvesting and production technologyhtechnician ‘= natural rescureas conservation, general + forestry sciences, * forestry, general « forest management Gamekeeper * agricultural production workers and managers, general + agricultural animal breeding and genetios ‘ witdife and wildlands management Marine Biologist ‘+ marine/aquatic biology Wilderness Adventure Leader ' education, general + health and physical education, general * counsaling psychology * socio-psychological sports studies * counselor education counseling and guidance services Health Services (Somewhat interested) a3 DET SE Recreational Therapists + art therapy Health Technologists and Technicians, All one * health aide 70f 16 4710/2015 4:33 PM Personality Type 8 of 16 Biology Specimen Technician Cardiovascular Technologists and Technicians Dental Assistant Dental Hygienist Diagnostic Medical Sonographer Dialysis Technician Dietetic Technician Dietitian and Nutritionist Emergency Room Physician Exercise Physiologist Licensed Practical Nurse Manual Arts Therapist Massage Therapist Medical and Ciinical Laboratory Technologist Medical Assistant Optician, Dispensing and Measuring Inups://oucceed’studenismain/print_dwya.php?sid=26254656 + blood bank technologyftechnician ‘+ medical laboratory technician rmicroblology/bacteriology cardiovascular technologyftechnician + diagnostic medical sonography dental assistant ental hygienist * diagnostic medical sonography ‘+ medical radiologic technology/technician health and medical laboratory technologies foods and nutrition science foods and nutrition studies, general Intitutional food services administrator

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