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Waimanoni Marae Committee Monthly Meeting Minutes

DATE: Wednesday 11th February 2015

TIME: 6:00pm
VENUE: Waimanoni Marae
Karakia: Tame Kahiti Murray
Mihi: Murray Taylor
Apologies: Agnes Smith
Moved: Matire Murray
Seconded: Trudy Brown
Present: Anthony Murray, Ngaro Taylor, Murray Taylor, Ritihia Paraone, Tame
Kahiti Murray, Trudy Patuwairua, Matire Murray, Meri Taylor, Sophie Waaka,
Mangu Awarau, Evon Harris, Raiha Matthews, Whiti Awarau, Ngawaiata Stratton,
Millan Stratton
Minutes of previous meeting: read, confirmed and accepted as true and accurate.
Moved: Sophie Waaka
Seconded: Meri Taylor
Matters Of Arising: Nil
Correspondence: Inwards:
Te Runanga O Ngaitakoto- Annual Report and info package
Rangaunu Kohanga Reo 30years celebration proposal
All correspondence confirmed and accepted
Moved: Matire Murray
Seconded: Ritihia Paraone
Financial Report:
Account For Payments
01 A/C

Fire Security

$243.88 +

01 A/C

AM&JC McDonald's


01 A/C

PKF Accountants



Marae Houses
02 A/C

Top Energy


02 A/C

Rogers & Rogers


Motion: Transfer $1000 from 01A/C to 02 A/C as partially payment to pay for

Moved: Ngaro Taylor

Seconded: Matire Murray

Financial report accepted and all accounts are passed for payment.
Moved: Ngaro Taylor
Seconded: Ritihia Paraone
General Business:
1. Marae Wananga- It has been recommended that Trudy would support Mangu
in facilitating a wananga for our whanau of Waimanoni marae to attend to
provide their feedback around the following issues. 1) Marae Hireage or
Koha 2) The naming of our Whare Tupuna & Whare Kai 3) Trustees
representation- fair and equal representation. This wananga has been set for
Saturday 14th March 2015 at Waimanoni marae starting at 10am please bring a
plate for a shared lunch. If you're unable to attend then make sure you
contribute your feedback via email to
2. Rangaunu Kohanga Reo 30 years celebration day- Ngawaiata presented a
proposal on behalf of the Rangaunu Kohanga Reo to advise the marae that it
would like to book the marae for it's celebration day on Friday 15th May 2015,
however this hasn't been confirmed as of yet.
3. Ngaitakoto RunangaAnthony has approached Rangitane of the Runanga in regards to funding for
the marae to assist with the cost of what needs to be completed at the marae.
Anthony is to meet with Rangitane next week for consultation.
4. Jobs at the marae:
Motion: In future any jobs that is done around the marae that needs to be paid
must be approved by the Marae Committee.
Moved: Raiha Matthews
Seconded: Matire Murray Carried
Motion: That the invoice for the spraying around the marae to be paid to AM & JC
Moved: Matire Murray
Seconded: Ritihia Paraone Against: Raiha Matthews
Meeting closed in karakia by :Murray Taylor at 7:45pm
Next Waimanoni Marae Committee Meeting will be held on Wednesday 11th
March 2015 at 6pm

Chairperson Waimanoni Marae

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