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‘Te EriscoraL CHURCH in the ) Diocese OF NORTHWEST TEXAS ‘Te Right Reverend J. Scot Mayer Bishop Friday in Easter Week. ‘April 10, 2015 Dear Friends in Christ, ‘Yesterday, the Provisional Bishop ofthe Episeopal Diocese of Fort Worth, the Rt Rev Rayford B igh, Jr, called for a Special Convention to elect the next Provisional Bishop of Fort Worth. ‘Today, the Standing Committee of the Diocese of Fort Worth will announce that Iam its ‘nominee for this position. If elected at their convention on May 16, I will serve as their Provisional Bishop until they are in postion to calla full-time bishop. I want to be very clear that [will continue to serve as the Bishop of Northwest Texas. 1 did not seek this opportunity. Early this year, 1 was approached by members ofthe Fort Worth Standing Committee and staff about exploring ways for our respective dioceses fo partner in, God's mission, as there is a growing movement of collaboration between dioceses across the ‘Church, Conversations led to an eventual meeting in Abilene ~ the Abilene Summit - between members of the two Standing Committees, treasurers, chancellors, and staf ‘As you might imagine, much prayer and thought has gone into the decision to accept this nomination. Our Standing Committe, acting in its role as my council of adviee, has piven ts full support ~as has the Office of the Presiding Bishop. Throughout the process, [have discerned a growing sense of call to serve. My schedule as bishop of two dioceses will be busy. With God's help, the good work of our talented and dedicated staff, the wonders of technology, and the strong diocesan-wide leadership in both dioceses, we will continue to participate in God's mission with joy and faith, I'm ‘mindful that our frst bishop, Bishop Garret, traveled a territory from Louisiana to New Mexico ‘on horseback, [As Ihave said before, have the opportunity to attend meetings with bishops throughout the ‘Church, I never return home jealous. I love the Diocese of Northwest Texas and I am at home inthis culture. I eould not be more grateful than to serve with you, With affection and gratitude, +Scott The Hulsey Episcopal Center 1802 Broadway, Lubbock Texas 79401 Phone (806) 765-1370 Fax (006) 4720681 mal,

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