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The Eyes of Nye: Genetically Modified Foods

1. Are Genetically Modified (GM) foods labeled in the USA?
2. Choosing certain wheat plants to breed by hand is known as (circle one
answer below):
Selective Breeding

Genetically Engineering

3. Your opinion matters: Which papaya would you choose to eat, the GM
papaya with some virus, or the virus infected organic papaya?
4. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to ___________________________.
5. Golden Rice (GE Rice) is less than _________% of the daily vitamin
6. _______% of all GM crops belong to Monsanto Company.
7. Is starvation actually a result of not enough food?
8. At the end of the video, Bill Nye states his opinion that we should farm
responsibly, require labels on our foods, and test each food on a case by
case basis (one by one). Do you agree or disagree with his statement?
Explain why you said agree or disagree in 3-4 sentences.

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