Ffctrek 2012 DSM

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On May 30, 2015,

Laura and I will
be flying to New
Delhi as we do
another missions
trip to India. As
many of you
know, 3 years
ago, God called
Laura and me to
do our first missions trip to India. Some of you
may remember
that I did not want to go to India at first 3 years ago when I
was asked to go, but God had different plans and I went
after several Holy Spirit orchestrated events. All I can say
is, 3 years ago India was the last thing on my mind and I did
not want to go when asked to go. However, during that
trip, God put His love in me for the people of India, and I
cant wait to go to India this time.
I am so glad that I obeyed and went, because God did
amazing things on that trip and I met so many amazing and
wonderful people while in India. I could write pages full of
things God did on that trip to me. However, for brevity sake,
I will not include them in this letter, but if you are curious
about what He did on that trip, I have a personal website
which you can go to and read about the amazing things God
did during that trip. (Also, I will tell you how our Father so
intimately confirmed to me to go this time to India. He could
not have done it anymore intimately to me.) Website is:
www.trek2012.weebly.com and password is:
ffctrek2012DSM .

I will just sum up the last trip by saying that God gave me
a verse a couple weeks before we left for India, Ephesians
3:20-21, which says the following: Now to Him who is able
to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think,
according to the power that works with in us, 21 to Him be
the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen. I personally experienced far
more abundantly than I could have ever asked for or even
could have imagined for on that trip and I had such intimacy with the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) that I
cannot even describe it. It wasnt because I went to India,
it was because I was in the will of my Father for me and
stepped out in faith. (Read about it at my personal website given earlier.)
Father is calling Laura and me to go again to India (read
more about that at my website), and I am so excited to
see what He does this time! The most important thing
Father taught me while I was in India 3 years ago is
there is no
greater joy, privilege and responsibility then
to be used by
Him to bring the
Kingdom of God
and the Gospel
message to people who have
never even had
a chance to hear
about it or experience it. What an honor and privilege! The very first
night we landed in Delhi we went and visited a Sikh
Temple. I saw hundreds of people praying to many different idols around the temple and I just thought of all the

verses in the Bible that say, They worship images made of

gold, silver, brass, stone, and of wood. They have mouths,
but cannot speak, eyes, but cannot see. They have ears,
but cannot hear, noses, but cannot smell. They have hands,
but cannot feel, feet, but cannot walk, nor can they utter a
sound with their throats. (Deut 4:8 , Psalms 115:4-7)
Throughout our entire trip in India, that same scene played
over and over again as we saw people worshiping idols,
washing themselves in the Ganges River to be cleansed
from their sins
and performing
all types of rituals to try and appease their gods.
I saw so many
people, though
they were alive,
dead, because they live in total darkness and have no hope.
And, I remember, with tears in my eyes, thinking to myself
several times after observing these things how blessed and
thankful I am that I know the one, true, living God, who
sought after me, who redeemed me, who does hear me,
who does talk to me, who does love me, who has lived
amongst us in Jesus and now lives in us through His Spirit.
And, I know I cannot take any credit for knowing and experiencing this. It is because of the mercy and grace of our
Father that I know Him and have become His child. And, I
cried out to our Father several times while in India, saying,
Give me India for you and use me to bring your Kingdom
and Gospel to India. How can I keep this great news
hidden to myself, when I have personally encountered the
Father, Son and Holy Spirit and there are so many people
around the world who have never even had the chance to
hear this GREAT NEWS!
I want the people I saw worshipping idols to know the one,
true God, who has already prepared the banquet table. I
want them to
know that He has
already paid the
price, with the
blood of the
Lamb, so we can
be reconciled to
the Father and
have intimate fellowship with Him now. That is why I
stated Romans 10:14-15 at the beginning of this letter,
How are they to believe in Him who they have never
heard.how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good
news. I know personally what it is like to have no hope,

but I know the unspeakable joy of being found by God

and having an intimate relationship with Him. That is why
I cried out to our Father what I did. How can I remain
I dont know yet what that prayer all entails yet for my
life, but right now our Father has burdened me to help
awareness and gain
support to help
establish Christian
schools in remote areas of
India, where the
schools are almost non-existent and the villages so remote, other
Christian organizations do not go there. Therefore, children have no hope for a future. These schools not only
provide education, but also enable the Gospel to be
heard by children who will never have a chance to hear
about it any other way.
I have gotten to know an American missionary who was
dramatically called by the Holy Spirit to go be a missionary to India and has been there for over 30 years and she
told me the Holy Spirit told her The most Christ-like act
a person can do in this life is to give Jesus and a bright
future to a child who has no hope.
So, it is with great anticipation, excitement and joy that
my Father is calling me once again to go to India, along
with 11 other people from my church. I cant wait to be
reunited with the national missionaries we met the first
time we went. People who, though their lives are endangered because they share about Jesus in radical Hindu
villages, do not fear death, because they have been radically transformed by the Holy Spirit from Hinduism and
now have an intimate relationship with Jesus and just
want their people to know about Jesus.
I cant wait to hug the young students we met (one is
pictured with Laura and me on the first page at the top,
left column and another just below), who are attending a
Christian school
and have come
to know Jesus as
a result of the
shared in the
schools. I want
to learn more

about the goals and dreams of those Indian people who

want to get more Christian schools and teacher training
facilities started, so I can be a better ambassador to them
over here as I try and garner support for their needs. Most
importantly, I cant wait to go to the remote villages, where
no one knows about Jesus, and pray over those villages,
declare and decree the blood of the Lamb over the villages,
host the presence of God and bring in His Kingdom and see
what the Holy Spirit wants to do.
I know there are
some people who
think prayer walking
is a waste of time and
money and they ask
me why we are not
doing any humanitarian things or doing a
building project. I
tell them, we will do
humanitarian things, like simple medical procedures, give
out medicines, give food, clothing and water, etc. BUT, any
humanitarian organization can do that, even non-Christian
ones and some do it a lot better than we can. However, only
disciples of Jesus can bring the Kingdom of God into a village
which can transform a village, because we are the temple of
the Holy Spirit(1 Cor. 6:19)and the same Spirit that raised
Jesus from the dead now lives in us (Rom. 8:11) . We have
resurrection power and we are His ambassadors and we walk
in His authority and the Holy Spirit can do the impossible
through us and He wants to!

So, please keep the entire team that is going to India in

your prayers. Every one of them loves Jesus and is called
to go on this trip.
The most important thing you can pray for is that we
listen to and obey what the Holy Spirit tells us to do. He is
the one who is orchestrating this trip and He is going
before us; we just need to listen and obey Him. Like I
stated the last time I went to India, Ministry without the
Spirit is merely our best efforts. Ministry with the Spirit is
the things of miracles. We just want to be doing what
our Father tells us to do.
Also, please pray for spiritual protection. We are literally
going to the enemys strongholds, but Greater is He who
is in us than he that is in the world! (1 John 4:4)
Lastly, if any of you feel led to give financially, I know
everyone in the group going to India could use help in that
area, too. The cost is $3600 per person.
Thank you for your time, your prayers and support. We
cant wait to go and see what our Father wants to do
through us, because as ambassadors of Christ, we have
the same Spirit in us that raised Him from the dead, thus,
we can say like Jesus said, The Spirit of the Lord is upon
us, he has anointed us to proclaim good news to the
poor. He has sent us to proclaim liberty to the captives
and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty
those who are oppressed.

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