Feb 12 TH Guitar Plans

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Title: Syncopation Fields of Gold


Course: Guitar I

Desired Results
Content Standards:

Curriculum Guidelines 1. Students will develop a sense of the value of music and musicianship through a
better understanding of the elements by which instrumentalists develop, refine their skills and thereby
increase their expressive capabilities.

Enduring Understandings:

Essential Questions:
Do I understand rhythmic values
Do I understand how to subdivide rhythms
Do I understand how to play rhythms accurately
Why is it important to be precise when playing rhythms

Students will know

How to decipher rhythms
How to perform advanced rhythms

Students will understand that

Playing the correct rhythm is important for a
successful performance
Rhythm is as important as pitch

Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks:
Review rhythmic values
Label rhythms on Fields of Gold
Clap rhythms in the song
Analyze complex syncopations
Play the melody for Fields of Gold

Key Criteria:
Correct notes, rhythms and fingerings
Correct style, phrasing, interpretation

Other Evidence:

Modifications are in place based on student IEPs.

Learning Plan
Learning Activities:
SW warm up using various major scales and their correct fingering
SW analyze rhythmic patterns within Fields of Gold
SW clap patterns accurately while counting out loud
SW play sections of the melody applying the rhythms previously analyzed
SW play the melody of Fields of Gold
SW work in groups and practice playing the melody together
The class will discuss and compare results
SW play designated sections, stopping to fix the following problems:

Materials: Lead sheet for Fields of Gold, Chord and Scale Sheet
Preparation: Analyze Fields of Gold, background information about the piece, definition of syncopation,
rhythmic patterns.

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