Pe Assingmewnt Reflection

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PE Assignment 1 Reflection

Today I gave used the online research assignment in class with my

grade 8 and grade 10 classes. I altered the assignment from the
original to have them film themselves then pick three things that they
was in their technique that could be improved then work on those
three things. I had explained the assignment before so there was a
good background understanding of why we where doing assignments
in PE in the first place. I explained that while at U of L I learned about
different models of teaching PE and that I wanted to try a test of
incorporating some student directed learning and some assignments
for the first three weeks of my practicum, and then use the last week
of my practicum to incorporate the multi-sport Physical Education
model. The students didnt seem excited about the assignments but
they seemed t understand where I was coming from. As I moved
through the course I received resistance form both the grade8s and
tens. They performed the tasked and filled out the form well with the
self-evaluation and seemed to have fun with it for the most part. When
I asked the grade eights how they liked it they said it was fine but they
would have preferred to just come in and play. The grade tens said
they just wanted PE class as their break and seemed to feel they that
where coddled a little bit. Which the online research both grades where
not fans. My 10s did it first and I found that even with changing to
filming and just having them look u three simple points non of them
where engaged. Regardless of the ease of the assignment, many
students didnt care about it and tried to spend time just sitting or
rallying around. Some of them worked to complete it while others
showed little to no effort but with my 10s it was clear that they where
not fans of the assignment. With the grade eights we filmed first and
then moved to another part of the school to have better Internet
connection for the online research. The grade eights did what was
mandatory but where motivated by grads and unengaged in the
assignment for the most part. I know coming into to this Practicum that
I would like to have more then just participation and tests to base my
grading off of, but I learned from this group that if the students are not
used to having differentiated assessments in their class that
assignments which resemble assignments from core classes cause
instant disengagement. Even with working to make the assignment
simple, clear, and not time constraining, the students where
unengaged and unhappy. In the future I think that the most paper work
that I would have students do is a checklist or a self-rating scale similar
to the one that I did, and I would want to use that on a less frequent
basis. I want to strike a better balance between the activity and
assessment, I know that it is important to meet all the curricular
outcomes and to have valid forms of assessment, but if the students
are not physically active and or are not enjoying physical activity, I am

missing the bigger picture. time to give something else a try and see
how it goes.

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