Grade 1: Compare and Contrast Fictional Texts Literacy RL.1.9: Compare and Contrast The Adventures and Experiences of Characters in Stories

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Grade 1: Compare and Contrast Fictional Texts

Literacy RL.1.9: Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories.

Did the student

answer the question?

The student went

beyond the question
and added supporting

The student answered

the question.

The student partially

answered the question.

The student did not

answer the question.

Did the student show

they understand what
it means to compare
and contrast?

The student showed

they were able to
compare and contrast,
adding evidence that
went beyond the text.

The student
demonstrated they were
able to compare and

The student
demonstrated they were
able to compare or

The student did not

show they could
compare or contrast.

Did the students

response show they
have deeper
understanding of the

The student made deep

connections to
character traits that go
beyond the text and
cited evidence from the
text to support this

The student made a

connection that went
beyond the text.

The student addressed

character traits that
were directly from the

The student did not

address either of the
characters traits.

Grade 2: Compare and Contrast Fictional Texts

R.L 2.9 Compare and Contrast two or more versions of the same story (e.g., Cinderella stories) by different authors or from different cultures.

Did the student

address the elements
of the question?

The student answered

question and added
supporting details.

The student answered

the question.

The student partially

answered the question.

The student did not

answer the question.

Did the student show

they understand what
it means to compare
and contrast?

The student showed

they were able to
compare and contrast
adding evidence that
was beyond the text.

The student
demonstrated they were
able to compare and

The student
demonstrated they were
able to compare or

The student did not

show they could
compare or contrast.

Does the students

response show they
made deep
connections between
the stories?

The student made deep

connections that went
beyond the text and
used evidence to
support their answers.

The student made a

connection that went
beyond the text.

The student made

connections that were
directly from the text.

The student did not

make connections
outside the text.

Grade 3: Compare and Contrast Fictional Texts

Literacy RL.3.9: Compare and contrast the themes, settings, and plots of stories written by the same author about the
same or similar characters. (e.g. books in a series)

Did the student

address the elements
of the question?

The student went

beyond the question
and elaborated on the
themes, setting, and

The student answered

the question and
included the theme,
setting, and plot in their
story. .

The student partially

answered the question
but did not include all of
the elements requested.

The student did not

answer the question.

Did the student show

they understand what
it means to compare
and contrast?

The student showed

they were able to
compare and contrast
adding evidence that
was beyond the text.

The student
demonstrated they were
able to compare and

The student
demonstrated they were
able to compare or

The student did not

show they could
compare or contrast.

Did the students

response show they
have deeper
understanding of the

The student made deep

connections to
character traits that go
beyond the text and
cited evidence from the
text to support this

The student made a

connection that went
beyond the text.

The student addressed

character traits that
were directly from the

The student did not

make connections
outside the text.

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