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The Name vs Numbers Systems in Commerce

by Alan Louis, PhD in Commerce

The Role of Mathematics

Mathematics lies at the heart of commerce as all the processes depend on an understanding of the
ways numbers work, how they interact with reality and how, in some cases, certain equations
which would normally have a simple solution, are never-ending.
Working in commerce for nearly three decades gave me the insight that there was a significant
difference between operating under a name system or a number system.
Putting it differently, the name system is dominated by relationship whereas the number
system cannot spell relationship. Place value dominates the number system, i.e. a digit carries
a different value according to its place in the number the digit 9 in the number 19 has a
different value to the digit 9 in the number 191.
Name System Dominated by Relationship
Unlike the number system, inherent value dominates the name system. i.e. your own standards
you have developed in your own character. Love reflects a response to ones own inherent values
in another person.
It is often quoted in marketing material that so and so Bank is a relationship-minded Bank.
Nonsense, no Bank or Bank manager can be relationship-minded because their philosophy is
dominated by a numbers system. It is only a name system that can follow the Golden Rule of
treating others the way you would like to be treated, so necessary towards building on

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