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APRIL, 2013
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In a landmark step, Prime
announced the much-awaited direct
cash transfer scheme wherein the
subsidy amount will go directly into
the bank accounts of the
beneficiaries. The government will
implement the scheme for cash
transfer to the beneficiarys account
in 51 districts from January 1, 2013.
Aadhaar card enabled cash
transfers, or Direct Cash Transfer
(DCT) scheme, which was launched
on January 1, 2013, was UPA-led
governments supposed game
changer. However, the scheme is yet
to take off properly. With the
governments decision that all
payments to the beneficiaries, who
do not have either bank accounts or
their unique identity cards, will be
be made through the Aadhaar
bridge, the administration is on an
overdrive to enrol people via
enrolment centers. However, even
after the patients get their enrolment
numbers, it will be at least a month
before they get their Aadhaar cards.
Earlier, at the Sanjay Gandhi

Memorial Hospital, the payment was

made through a bearers cheque. It
seems like the DCT scheme has been
rolled out in a hurry with the teams
at the grassroot level having a
herculean task before themselves to
enrol beneficiaries, open bank
accounts and integrate them with
Aadhaar. It was not possible for all
the schemes to roll out within 10 to
14 days. If the payment is released
only through the Aadhaar bridge
mode that will be difficult. I think
the government has now realised
that, said Shurvir Singh, Divisional
Commissioner of North West Delhi.
Direct Cash Transfer Scheme
It is a poverty reduction
measure in which government
subsidies and other benefits are
given directly to the poor in cash
rather than in the form of subsidies.
What are its benefits?
It can help the government
reach out to identified beneficiaries
and can plug leakages. Currently,
ration shop owners divert


subsidised PDS grains or kerosene

to open market and make fast buck.
Such Leakages could stop. The
scheme will also enhance efficiency
of welfare schemes.
How is it Implemented?
The money is directly
transferred into bank accounts of
beneficiaries. LPG and kerosene
subsidies, pension payments,
scholarships and employment
guarantee scheme payments as well
as benefits under other government
welfare programmes will be made
directly to beneficiaries. The money
can then be used to buy services
from the market. For eg. if subsidy
on LPG or kerosene is abolished and
the government still wants to give
the subsidy to the poor, the subsidy
portion will be transferred as cash
into the banks of the intended
What are the
Schemes Disadvantages?
It is feared that the money may
not be used for the intended
purpose and men may squander it.


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Has it already been
Implemented in India?
Electronic Benefit Transfer
(EBT) has already begun on a pilot
basis in Andhra Pradesh,
Chhattisgarh, Punjab, Rajasthan,
Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Karnataka,
Pondicherry and Sikkim. The
government claims the results are
Are there any other Drawbacks?
Yes, because only Aadhar card
holders will get cash transfer. As of
today, only 21 crore of the 120 crore
people have Aadhar cards. Two
other drawbacks are that most BPL
families dont have bank accounts
and several villages dont have any
bank branches. These factors can
limit the reach of cash transfer.
What about
Elsewhere in the World?
Many Latin American countries
have conditional cash transfer
schemes in which money is
transferred to poor families through
women. The money is given, subject
to them ensuring that their children
attend school regularly, take
preventive healthcare measures and
provide better nutrition to their
children. The Indian scheme is
What are the
Schemes Political Implications?
While many studies have
assessed positive impacts of such
schemes, few have looked at their
political benefits. A World Bank
study recently reported there is a
direct link between cash transfers
and voting behaviour. It was found
beneficiaries express a stronger
preference for the ruling party that
implements and expands cash
Will the Direct Cash Transfer
Scheme benefit the
Common Man?


If Centres objective is more

transparency and fewer leakages in
reaching out the benefits to the
poor, planning should start from
grass-root level and not otherwise.
Aap ka paisa, aapke haath (your
money in your hands) is the
slogan coined by UPA II to promote
the Direct Cash Transfer scheme
which would be rolled out in
phases, initially covering 43 districts
(out of 51 announced earlier) from
1 January 2013 and the entire
country (640 districts) by end 2013.
Looks like the guidance given to
Team UPA II is that whatever is to
be done, should be done during
2013 and nothing should be left
post-December 2013 as 2014 is
going to be an uncertain year (read
Lok Sabha Election year, if you
believe in transparency).
Anyone familiar with the
happenings on the Aadhaar
platform and those who have been
following the chase after Financial
Inclusion since 1970s (Lead Bank
Scheme era) till date, will have the
same apprehensions briefly coming
out in the PMs observation. Let us
have a click on the keywords
AADHAAR and Financial
Inclusion contained in the PMs
observation which could turn
prophetic during the coming year.
In addition to its normal share
of constraints including inadequate
funding and non-availability of inhouse expertise and resultant
dependence on external agencies
including banks and government
departments, the lack of experience
betrayed by Nandan Nilekani in
dealing with the invisible hands of
government has been making the
progress of the UID Project relatively
slow. First came the proposal for a
drastic cut in budgetary allocations
for the UID (from Rs7,500 crore to
Rs4,000 crore, which meant only 10

crore UIDs will be possible initially

against 60 crore planned) and now
even the safety parameters assumed
for producing UIDs are losing
credibility. The problems in
universal applicability of biometrics
and the need for adequate funds for
implementing the project to cover
the 114 crore population cannot be
assumed to have surfaced midway.
As problem after problem surfaced,
the common man knew for certain
that the project was bound to take
much more time than originally
envisaged, even to cover the already
identified citizens. Even the
government was not sure, as is
evident from the fact that initially the
project was not allowed to access
the infrastructure and methodology
in use by the census organisation for
decades and fast-tract the process.
The hurry with which
AADHAAR is being linked to the
present Direct Cash (Benefit)
Transfer Scheme is unwarranted.
The pilot run has not reported
impressive success. The fate of
January 2013 launch of the Cash
Transfer Scheme in select districts
may give some indication as to the
further efforts needed to make the
project work effectively. Even a
satisfactory run of the project in
these districts which have better
linkages and literacy levels may not
same performance in
remaining geographical area, if the
scheme is pushed through within a
year as is proposed now. The UID
project may come through
successfully in states like Kerala
where the literacy rate is high and
total financial inclusion is a reality.
But that doesnt help achieve the
objective of the project, namely,
giving every Indian resident a
unique ID number. What is
surprising is how Mr Nilekani agreed
to start off the project with so many
ifs and buts.


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Financial Inclusion
spokespersons while making
statements about the Direct Cash
Transfer, are giving an impression
that this initiative is aimed at
financial inclusion. Making the
beneficiaries borrow from banks/
moneylenders against subsidy/
benefits receivable or routing
benefits through electronic media
(ATMs, etc) cannot absolve banks
from the responsibility of working
towards financial inclusion.
Financial inclusion is about bringing
over 40% of Indias 25 crore
households which still do not have
any dealings with banks under the
banking net.
In the effort to improve
financial inclusion the existing
commercial banks also should be
put into use. Cooperatives have
played a significant role not only in
providing agricultural and rural
credit, but in ensuring other linkages
like inputs for farming and marketing
avenues for products. As they were
mainly operating in rural and semiurban areas, it took longer time for
this sector to access modern skills
and technology. NABARD was
established in 1982 with the specific
mandate of supporting cooperatives
and rural sector in general. Initial
enthusiasm of NABARD faded away
in the absence of legislative and
administrative support from central
and state governments and the
institution had to satisfy itself by
continuing to be an appendage of
RBI doing some safe business
through established and creditworthy cooperative banks and
commercial banks.
Out of one lakh PACSs only
one-fifth situated in the four
southern states and West Bengal are
doing well. The remaining societies
will need financial and managerial
support for rehabilitation. Still, if a

political will can be evolved,

reviving the cooperatives with
technological, financial and
administrative support will give a
boost to the efforts for financial
Is India Ready for the
Cash Transfer Scheme?
Under the cash transfer
scheme, families with Aadhaar card
(a 12-digit individual identification
number) entitled to subsidies,
pension, scholarships, etc, will get
money directly in their bank
accounts. For this, they need to give
their Aadhaar card number to the
service provider, for instance, the
gas agency and the bank. Forty-two
schemes of the government,
including those from the health
ministry, would be part of this
scheme. The scheme should also
eliminate falsification and
duplication with regard to
subsidies. The Indian government
provides INR 3.2 trillion (US$57.7
billion) in subsidies every year. But
as of today, the decks dont seem
to be clear for a smooth take-off of
the cash transfer scheme. First, only
around 210 million (out of a
population of 1.2 billion) people in
India have been registered under
Aadhaar. Second, most below the
poverty line families (toward whom
most subsidy schemes are targeted)
dont have bank accounts. And a
large chunk of villages in India dont
even have bank branches.
While the Unique Identification
Authority of India (UIDAI)which
issues the Aadhar cards on behalf
of the Indian governmenthas
invited applications from approved
commercial banks deploying
microATMs to enable Aadhaarbased payments, it is still not clear
whether these ATMs will be
operational within the next month.
Insofar as the 51 districts are
concerned, Chidambaram expects


Aadhaar penetration to be above 80

percent by December 2013. But its
still not known whether these
districts have banks and ATMs. At
present, beneficiaries of various
schemes have to pay intermediaries
before they get any money from the
government. The minister said that
with the cash transfer scheme,
beneficiaries would not have to pay
any money to get the benefits. Banks
would be the distribution point for
cash subsidy initially. The
government plans to inform the
district collectors about the
program. The US$57.7 billion cash
transfer scheme will be launched in
stages and cover the entire country
by the end of 2013.
Is this another
Scam in the Making?
Government functionaries
have raised the red flag about how
cash would be finally disbursed to
beneficiaries and whether the
National Population Register (NPR)
would come into play in some states
instead of the Unique Identification
(UID) number to identify the endusers. Senior functionaries in the
government working on the scheme
have warned that the Centre could
be staring at a potential scam if the
scheme is hinged to the finance
ministrys department of financial
services move to hand over
monopoly contracts for distribution
of money while taking a cue from
the one cluster, one bank
correspondent company model.
The proposal is to divide the
country into 20 clusters and have
one firm each that acts as conduit
for the final handing over the cash
from banks to beneficiaries. But
advisors have been cautioned that
this could lead to monopoly control
over UPAs game-changer scheme
by certain companies, triggering
scams. They have warned that the
initial rollout of this model, where
companies bid for much less than


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2% fee for delivery of funds to
beneficiaries, has already lent the
whiff of a potential scam. For
instance, the bids have been
ridiculously low in some cases.
Department was geared to
ensure that the
correspondent model takes off in
the 51 districts where the scheme is
to be launched as a pilot. In these
districts where the company is yet

to take over the cluster, the banks

have been asked to move in first,
and the firm that gets the cluster
through bidding would take over
later, he explained. Another
concern that is plaguing the initiative
is whether to trust NPR as a platform
for timely electronic registration of
the population in some states
instead of UID. Government
functionaries have warned that

progress of NPRs work is rather

tardy in some states like UP, Bihar
and Odisha.
The volatile issue, which earlier
too had attracted high-voltage
sparks between UIDAI chief Nandan
Nilekani and then home minister
Chidambaram, has now been left to
the PMO to resolve.


Srishti Sinha



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Within 48 hours of taking back
control of Male airport from the
Indian consortium GMR, Maldivian
Defence Minister Mohammed
Nazim had touched down in Beijing.
The timing of the trip was probably
coincidental, but the signal to India
was unambiguous. As Col. Nazim
and the Chinese Defence Minister,
Gen Liang Guanglie, signed a
military agreement, with China
offering $3 million and more in free
defence aid, the message that
Maldives is looking far beyond India
for its defence needs rang out. The
year 2012 also saw the Maldives
reach out to the United States,
which has been keen to set up a
base (to occupy the one vacated by
the United Kingdom in 1976) on the
southern atoll of Gan.
The rights and wrongs of the
GMR deal will be argued in courts
and at the negotiating table for some
time to come. Yet, the fact that the
Indian government tried to
intercede, even threaten the
Maldivian government, and failed, is
an indicator of the loss in Indias
influence in this island nation. The

image of India, a $3 trillion economy,

attempting unsuccessfully to flex its
muscles with an island nation which
has a GDP of just $2 billion should
cause even more discomfort.
In fact, Indias waning
influence was visible in February
2012, when former President
Nasheed was ousted by President
Waheed. India was informed only
after the fact, and Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh was disastrously
advised to immediately endorse the
new government. When India finally
raised concerns over the coup and
the crackdown on protesters, and
sent a special envoy to Male, the
envoy landed more than 24 hours
after U.S. Assistant Secretary of
State Robert Blake, who had flown
half way around the world to show
Washingtons interest in events.
Those days of indecision have cost
the Indian government dearly. Since
then, the U.S. has kept up its voice
for democracy and free elections as
a way of staying engaged, while
managing to discuss the possibility
of taking over the base in Gan Island.
China, which stayed out of the


political situation, has engaged with

the new government strategically
and economically to the tune of
millions of dollars in deals.
In Myanmar
The pattern of waning
influence continued in other parts
of Indias neighbourhood in 2012
in countries Robert Kaplan refers to
as shadow zones; those that fall
within Indias shadow. In Myanmar,
for example, the year saw historic
changes, as pro-democracy leader
Aung San Suu Kyi entered
Parliament. For the past decade
China has dominated the Myanmar
economy; now it is the U.S. that is
welcome as it has lifted sanctions.
India, its fourth largest trading
partner, has remained at about 13
in the list of countries investing in
Myanmar. On the other side of the
political spectrum, India won no
praise from Ms Suu Kyi, who made
a point of visiting Europe and the
U.S. before coming to New Delhi,
and spoke of her disappointment
with India for engaging with the
military junta in the intervening


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years. India, as is often the case, has
fallen between two stools, and
appears neither pragmatic, nor
principled in the process.
Sri Lanka
In Sri Lanka, a country where
India is the largest investor and
trading partner, the year saw a deep
schism in relations after India voted
against Lanka at the U.N. Human
Rights Council. The move was
justified by the governments
growing concern over the treatment
of Tamils and President Mahinda
Rajapaksas refusal to keep his
promises of devolution. Even so, it
was a break from Indias past
conduct. India voted on a countryspecific resolution at the U.N.
body. Next, by endorsing a U.S.
resolution against its own
neighbour, it advertised how little
influence its bilateral pressure has.
China, in contrast, showed itself to
be a more dependable partner in the
region by backing Sri Lanka.
If the impression that the vote
was done under pressure from Tamil
Nadus leaders made the
government in New Delhi seem
weak, in the case of ties with Dhaka
too, the United Progressive Alliance
(UPA) chose to bow to the wishes
of a State government. More than a
year after Dr. Singhs visit to

Bangladesh announcing several

agreements, India has been able to
seal neither the Teesta agreement
for water, nor the swap of land
enclaves. It seems even less likely
that the government will prevail on
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata
Banerjee to push the Bangladesh
accords now, given that she is no
longer a UPA ally. In Dhaka, the
Hasina government will have less
leeway to negotiate with elections
due next year. Indias broken
promises to Bangladesh are made
more tragic by the earlier
commitment it had made: deliver
on terror, and India would go the
extra mile. In the past four years,
the Hasina government has
delivered more than 20 wanted
terrorists, including the top
leadership of ULFA and Bodo
groups, and conducted crackdowns
on camps inside Bangladesh. But
India has been unable to keep its
end of the bargain.
Nepal and Bhutan
In other parts of the
neighbourhood too, there are
examples of Indias loss of influence.
In Nepal, despite several botched
efforts, New Delhi has been unable
to help with government formation
or the writing of the constitution.
Indian investment has fallen, with
the loss of bids for Kathmandu
airport, and passport printing, while

China has bagged the countrys

biggest investment project, the West
Seti hydropower plant, originally
meant to supply electricity to India.
Even Bhutan, a country with which
Indias relations have been
untroubled, took baby steps out of
Indias shadow by standing for a
U.N. Security Council seat on its
own in 2012, a bid it lost.
This year must then be the one
when India regains its lost influence
among geographically smaller
Indias moves
It would, of course, be unfair
to conclude that India hasnt taken
large steps in investing in these
countries. In 2012 alone, India
extended lines of credit and
infrastructural spending worth
hundreds of millions of dollars to
Myanmar, Sri Lanka and
Afghanistan, while boosting
bilateral trade with Pakistan and
Housing projects in Jaffna, the
parliament in Kabul and the Sittwe
port renovation project in Myanmar
are all symbols of Indian efforts to
reach out in the region. But if it is to
counter China and the U.S. seeking
twin strings of pearls here, then
that cannot be achieved from
muscle or money power, but from
moral consistency in its actions.

Suhasini Haidar


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This is the story of how and
why the framers of the Constitution
of India deliberately designed a
procedural error in the adoption of
the new Constitution with a view to
severing the seamless transition of
legal authority from the British
Crown-in-Parliament to the new
Republic of India. The deliberate
procedural error consisted in a
deviation from the Constitution
making procedure prescribed by
the Indian Independence Act, 1947
the law enacted by the British
independence and formally
authorising the Constituent
Assembly to draft a Constitution for
the newly liberated state. To be sure,
the framers of the Constitution of
India were not the first, and indeed
they were not the last to deliberately
incorporate such procedural errors
in the process of Constitution
making. The founders of the
Constitutions of several other states
including Ireland, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
and Ghana, which were being
liberated from the British Empire,
took such a step. In doing so, they

were all motivated by the same goal:

that of ensuring constitutional
Constitutional Autochthony
The etymological roots of
autochthony, which is not to be
confused with autonomy, are to be
found in the Greek autos (self)
and chthon (earth). The goal of
constitutional autochthony is to
deliver an indigenous Constitution,
the source of whose authority can
be located in the new states own
soil. The dominant academic view
in the middle of the 20th Century
was that autochthony could not be
achieved simply by drafting an
original Constitution or verbally
invoking We the People as the
source of its authority, for
autochthony does not so much
concern the content of the
Constitution as its pedigree : the
chain of legal validity authorising it.
This proposition found
doctrinal support in the influential
theory propounded by the legal
philosopher, Hans Kelsen, which
had it that it was inconceivable for



a legal system to split into two

independent legal systems through
a purely legal process. One of the
implications of Kelsens theory was
that the basic norm ( grundnorm )
of the imperial predecessors
Constitution would continue to be
at the helm of the legal system of
the newly liberated former colony
despite the legal transfer of power,
precisely because the transfer of
power was recognised as legal by
the Constitution of the imperial
On Kelsens account, only an
unlawful or revolutionary act
could ensure an autochthonous
Constitution by rending asunder all
continuity with the imperial
Such break in legal continuity
is automatically achieved where a
former colonys independence is
won as the result of an armed
revolution, as was the case with the
United States of America.
Independence in such instances is
not granted legally by the Crownin-Parliament and the Constitution of
the newly liberated former colony


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is in no way authorised by the
imperial predecessor. The situation
independence of a former colony is
not brought about by armed
revolution, but is legally granted by
the imperial predecessor. This was
the case with India, Pakistan,
Ireland, Sri Lanka and Ghana whose
independence was the result of the
British Crown-in-Parliaments
enactment of separate statutes of
independence (Independence Act)
for each of them. The statutes of
independence also set up
Constituent Assemblies authorising
them to draft new Constitutions for
each of these States. Following the
constitution-making procedure
stipulated in the statute of
independence would have meant
that the validity of the new
Constitution could ultimately be
traced to an imperial grant. The
mere verbal invocation of We the
People as the source of authority
in such cases would have rung
hollow, apart from being
jurisprudentially implausible since
the source of authority of the new
Constitution would continue to be
the imperial predecessors
Constitution. In such cases, it was
thought that since there was no
revolution, one had to be
deliberately made up in order to
Constitution. Accordingly, as John
Finnis argues, the framers of new
Commonwealth Constitutions took
great care to do something illegal
so as to make up a revolution,
however contrived.
Irish influence
The Irish were the pioneers in
conceiving the idea of a benign legal
revolution geared towards
constitutional autochthony. Ireland
was granted independence under
the Irish Free State Constitution Act,
1922 enacted by the British Crown-


in-Parliament which also authorised

the Irish Constituent Assembly to
draft a Constitution for the newly
liberated state. Thus, the Irish
Constitution of 1922 was not
Though it was drafted by an
indigenous Constituent Assembly,
its chain of legal validity could be
traced to an imperial statutory grant.
With a view to changing this state
of affairs, in 1937 the Irish Parliament
amended the Constitution by
deliberately violating the procedure
for amendment stipulated in the
1922 Constitution and put the
acceptance in a referendum. Going
one step further, the Irish Parliament
also repealed the Irish Free State
Constitution Act, 1922 enacted by
the British Parliament, though it was
not empowered to do so. It is widely
accepted that this successfully
severed the chain of validity with the
Crown-in-Parliament and ensured a
truly autochthonous Constitution.
The framers of the Indian
Constitution appear to have
rehearsed the Irish route to
autochthony to the extent possible
in Indian conditions.
Independence was formally
granted to India by the Crown-inParliaments enactment of the Indian
Independence Act, 1947 though the
executive decision to grant India
independence was arrived at earlier
in the Cabinet Mission Plan (1946).
It was under the Cabinet Mission
Plan that the Constituent Assembly
was envisaged and charged with the
mandate of drafting the new
Constitution for India. This was
legally recognised in Section 8 of the
Independence Act. The Cabinet
Mission Plan had envisaged that the
new Constitution would be put to
the Crown-in-Parliament for
approval. Though the Indian
Independence Act did not reiterate
this requirement, it did specify that

the new Constitution drafted by the

Constituent Assembly would have
to receive the assent of the Governor
General of India, who would assent
to such law in the name of the British
The framers introduced two
deliberate procedural errors in the
enactment of the Constitution of
India in violation of the
Independence Act: a) They did not
put the Constitution to the approval
of the either the British Parliament
as envisaged by the Cabinet Mission
Plan or the Governor-General as
Independence Act 1947; b)
Following the Irish precedent,
Article 395 of the Constitution of
India repealed the Indian
Independence Act something the
Constituent Assembly did not have
the authorisation to do. In doing so,
the framers not only repudiated the
source which authorised them to
enact the Constitution but it was
also a denial, albeit symbolic, of
Indian independence being a grant
of the imperial Crown-in-Parliament.
This ensured that the chain of
constitutional validity did not
extend all the way to the Crown-inParliament, thus delivering a
Constitution. In this fashion, We the
People , through the members of
the Constituent Assembly, came to
be the source of authority of the
Constitution, rather than the
authority being traceable to the
Indian Independence Act enacted
by the British Crown-in-Parliament.
Why did it matter?
This quest for autochthony is
likely to come across to some as an
abstruse quibble that shouldnt
concern anyone other than the most
pedantic legal theorists. There were,
however, two reasons why the
framers of new Commonwealth
Constitutions felt constrained to pay


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such close attention to it. Firstly, it
was feared that the British Crownin-Parliament could, however
improbably, reassert its authority
over the newly liberated state by
independence and abrogating the
new Constitution. There was, of
course, no immediate apprehension
of the British taking such a step. All

the same, the framers of new

Commonwealth Constitutions
would have found, as Geoffrey
Marshall notes, merely prudential
reassurances to be precarious pegs
to hang their nations independence
on. Secondly, for sentimental
considerations, the framers would
have been loath to let the new
Constitution be grounded in an

imperial grant or be assented to by

the British Crown. They would have
wanted the new Constitution to be
truly autochthonous, stemming from
the authority of We the People so
that an independent future could,
albeit symbolically, be insulated
from a troubled imperial past.

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Justice JS Verma Panel Report

The Justice Verma panel,

which is a 3-member commission
created to review the laws for sexual
crimes submitted the report to the
Government of India on 23 January
2013. Justice Verma panel was
created after the brutal gang rape of
the Para-medical student on 16
December 2012. Former Chief
Justice of India, Justice JS Verma
headed the commission and
reviewed the laws on sexual crimes
which exist already. The report was
prepared by the panel in its 30-day
deadline. The former CJI described
that there were more than 80000
suggestions from the length and
breadth of India as well as abroad


after 5 January 2013 was declared

as the deadline for receiving
comments from common man in
order to refurbish the present
legislation that deals with the sex
offenders. The Justice Verma panel
recognised failure of governance as
primary cause of sexual crimes. The
panel additionally criticised the
police, government and also the
public for the lack of interest and
also recommended changes in the
entire society.
Some of the changes
described by the Justice Verma
panel as follows:
There is a need for overall
wide spectrum of law for
violence against the women.
It is important to address even
the placid sexual harassment
and that each and every
harassment should be
Anyone committing rape shall
imprisonment which may


range from seven years to life

Punishment for rape that leads
to death or vegetative state
should be given rigorous
imprisonment ranging from
not less than 20 years to the
remaining life of a convict.
Crimes like gang-rape shall
entail punishment ranging
from not less than 20 years to
whole life of the convict.
Gang-rape causing death of
the victim shall amount to life
The crimes such as voyeurism
and stalking, even-teasing as
well as insensitivity of the
police for dealing with the
rape cases shall also be
Voyeurism will lead to a
punishment of up to 7 years.
Justice Verma panel also
included in its review the
crimes such as uncalled-for


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sexual contact as well as

Stalking or attempting to
contact a woman repeatedly
via any means shall land the
person in jail for up to 3
The panel also suggested that
there was a need of provisions
for addressing the sexual
assault on the homosexuals.
The panel also mentioned in
its report the Khap panchayat
mentioning that Khaps were
unconstitutional and they had
no right to declare the
marriage invalid.
In order to preserve the rules
of law, there is a need for
police reforms as well.
The Panel suggested that Law
enforcement agencies should
not work as slaves of the
political masters.
There was a need to stop
politicisation of crime. As of
now, the politicians facing
conviction are disqualified for
the elections, but the panel
cognizance of the offence is
taken in the court. There was
no need to even wait for
ending of the trial.
The uncertainty about
responsibility of law and order
in the capital of India, which
was the reason given by CM
for absence of responsibility
should be removed.
There was a need of reforms
to prevent marital rape as well
as rape of children in their
There was a need to bring
sexual violence by the
personnel on duty under one

common law.

The panel suggested the need

to take into consideration, the

continuance of Armed Forces
Special Powers Act (AFSPA)
in the areas at the earliest.
There was a need for posting
special commissioners in the
conflict areas for the safety of
the women.
There was also the need of
effective control of the
subordinate judiciary by the
high courts.
No delay should be there in
imparting the necessary
medical aid to the victims,
even in case of the private
The general laws which were
applicable to detention of
women in the regular hours
need to be followed sternly.
There was a need of stringent
measures for ensuring dignity
as well as security of the
women, especially in the
conflict areas.
Violation of equality of women
should be considered
constitutional violation.
There was a need for the
separate Bill of Rights for
women that will make sure
that women would have their
own rights for having sexual
All the marriages should be
registered, while making sure
that there was no demand for
There was a need for
amendment of Criminal law
amendment bill 2012.
Journey of women in public
transport needed to be made
There was a need of special



procedures for protecting the

people with disabilities from
the crimes such as rape.
Juvenile homes should be run
in spirit as envisaged in
Juvenile Justice Act. The Panel
additionally noticed that these
juvenile homes became a hub
for all kinds of sexual crimes.
Indifferent attitude of the
government towards missing
children needed to be taken
into consideration.
Minor children trafficking
should be considered as a
serious offence.
Trafficking should be made
imprisonment ranging from
not less than 7 years to 10
In case, a police officer or a
public servant is involved in
child trafficking, it should be
dealt with in a stricter manner
than usual.
The judiciary of India should
have core responsibility of
making sure that the
fundamental rights through
the constitutional remedies
are fulfilled. The CJI has the
right to take up suo motu
cognizance and social
activists should help the court
in this.
In terms of education, there
was a need to make sure nondiscrimination
children and women.

Presidents Rule
Imposed on Jharkhand
Pranab Mukherjee, the
President of India on 18 January
2013 imposed Presidents Rule in
Jharkhand. The decision came as a
follow up of the recommendation
made by the Union Cabinet of India


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on 17 January 2013 and fall of the
state machinery in form of
Government on 8 January 2013 after
the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha the
supporting party to BJP led Coalition
Government withdrew its support
from it.

The President imposed the

Rule on the state following the
provisions of imposition of
Presidents Rule on a state
mentioned under Article 356 (1) of
the Constitution of India, after the
failure of Constitutional Machinery
in the state. Madhukar Gupta, the
former Union Home Secretary and
K. Vijay Kumar, the former Central
Reserve Police Force Director
General has been appointed as the
advisers to the Governor of
Jharkhand, Syed Ahmed.
PSC recommended
Entitlement of
Food for 67 percent Population
The Parliamentary Standing
Committee on Food and Consumer
Affairs in January 2013 suggested
the entitlement of the food under
the National Food Security Act to
the 67 percent population leaving
behind the 33 percent people who
are tax-payers and have pucca
houses of their own.
The Priority (BPL-below
poverty line) and general (APLabove poverty line) are to be
replaced with the exclusion and


beneficiaries would be identified by

the state government for the public
distribution system of the
subsidized rice and wheat.

As per the plans of the

standing committee the Union
Government would be distributing
the subsidized food grains to the 67
percent population that includes 75
percent rural and 50 percent urban
population. This act was sent to the
Parliamentary Panel for its reference
in December 2011 after it was tabled
in the Lok Sabha and was followed
by the demands of the Food
Security Bill.
Khap Panchayats Diktat on
Dress Code for Women Unlawful
The Supreme Court of India on

14 January 2013 ruled that Khap

Panchayats diktat on dress code for
women and asking them not to carry
mobile is unlawful. A bench of
justices Aftab Alam and Ranjana

Prakash Desai ruled that such diktats

are against the fundamental right to
life and asked Khap Panchayats,
which are caste-based councils, to
file their replies on the issue. Right
to life is guaranteed to all the
citizens of India under Article 21 of
the Constitution of India.
Parliamentary Committees
The Parliamentary committees
are constituted to take care of the
legislative businesses of the
Parliament and it comprises of
several committees. Among these
the two main committees are:
The Ad hoc Committee
The Standing Committee
Ad hoc Committee these
are appointed for specific purpose
and they are dissolved after the task
assigned to them is completed and
the final report is submitted. These
committees are the joint and select
committees over the Bills and are
appointed for specific purposes like
Committees on the Draft Five Year
Committee, Hindi Equivalents
Committee and more.
The Standing
Committee Each
house of the Indian
s t a n d i n g
committees, which
Business Advisory
Rules Committee,
the Committee of
Privileges and more.
Article 21 in the
Constitution of India 1949
Protection of life and personal
liberty No person shall be deprived of his
life or personal liberty except according
to procedure established by law.


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Total Food grains Category-I (product ion over 10MT)


(Lakh Tonnes)
Highest in last
Five years



in last
Five years


Madhya Pradesh









Total Food grains Category-II (production between 1 and 10 MT)




Tamil Nadu

(Lakh Tonnes)
Previous Highest
in last five years

Productivity (Kg/ha)




in last

2011-12 %increase



Total Food grains Category-III (production below 1 MT)




(Lakh Tonnes)
Previous Highest
in last five years
Arunachal Pradesh 3.09(2009-10)

Productivity (Kg/ha)




in last







(Lakh Tonnes)
Previous Highest
in last five years

Productivity (Kg/ha)




in last

(Lakh Tonnes)
Previous Highest
in last five years
Himachal Pradesh 5.473(2008-09)

Productivity (Kg/ha)





(Lakh Tonnes)
Previous Highest
in last five years

Productivity (Kg/ha)




in last





2011-12 %increase


(-) 2.31







2011-12 %increase






in last

2011-12 %increase







West Bengal



2011-12 %increase






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Coarse Cereals



Uttar Pradesh

(Lakh Tonnes)
Previous Highest
in last five years

Productivity (Kg/ha)


in last





The Centre resolved the Issue of

CST Compensation with the
The Centre on 29 January 2013
resolved the issue of CST
compensation with the states. The
centre agreed for a lower payment
of 34000 crore rupees for phasing
out the Central Sales Tax. It paves
the way for implementation of the
Goods and Services Tax (GST). The
agreement between centre and
states was announced following the
meeting of State Finance Ministers
at Bhubaneshwar. The Centre
agreed to pay this compensation
amount to the states. As per the
resolution at the meeting, the Centre
would bear a 100 per cent of the loss
accrued to states in 2010-11 fiscal
on account of lowering of CST.
However, for the 2011-12 and 201213 fiscal, the Centre would give 75
per cent and 50 per cent of the
losses to the states. CST, a tax
imposed on the inter-state
movement of goods, was reduced
from 4 per cent to 3 per cent in 200708 and further to 2 per cent in 200809 after the introduction of ValueAdded Tax (VAT). The committee
set up by Finance Minister P
Chidambaram to resolve the CST
issue had suggested that the
payment of 34000 crore rupees be
made to the states towards losses
on account of phasing out of CST.
Construction of Religious
Structures and Statues on
Public Land Banned
The Supreme Court of India on
15 January 2013 passed an order
that constructing religious structures
such as the temples and shrines on


the public land was banned. The

bench of Justices R M Lodha and S
J Mukhopadhaya, in its order
declared that henceforth no state
should grant permission for
installation of any statue or erection
of structures on the public utility
places, pavements, public roads as
well as the sideways.

The apex court passed an

order to communicate to the Union
Government of India as well as the
State Governments to make sure that
its order was strictly implemented.
The SC called all such structures as
unauthorised and ordered the state
governments to find out about such
constructions as well as file the
status report in eight weeks. The
order of the Supreme Court came
as the Solicitor General Gopal
Subramanian informed that the
Central Government and the State
Governments had worked together
on the agreement on 17 September
2012, to not permit such religious
structures on the public land. The
order passed by the Supreme Court
will now grant power to the
government bodies and the
municipal bodies from preventing

2011-12 %increase



unauthorised constructions. Apart

from the religious structures, the
Apex Courts order was also
applicable on the installation of
Strict Guidelines for
Regulating Surrogacy in India

The Union Home Ministry in

India issued stricter guidelines for
those visas which are used by the
foreign nationals interested in
surrogacy. This is said to be the
archetypical step by the Home
Ministry to regulate surrogacy in
India. The new guidelines indicated
that single foreigners as well as the
gay couples would not be eligible
for having the Indian surrogate. Only
those foreign man and woman, who
are married for at least two years,
would be granted the visas. The
Union Home Ministry stated that
they had noticed a few foreign
nationals visiting India for the
purpose of surrogacy on their tourist
visa, which is not appropriate. Back
in July 2012, the Union Ministry of
Home Affairs had decided in the


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circular sent to foreign embassies
that the foreigners were entitled to
enter India for surrogacy only on
their medical visas and no other kind
of visas. Also, it was mandatory for
the foreign nationals to fulfill a few
criterions. The circular was notified
on 17 December 2012 by the
Foreign Regional Registration Office
in Mumbai and was also sent to the
fertility clinics. The guidelines are
issued when the legislation for
regulating the fertility clinics is
waiting for tabling in the Parliament.
This legislation is called the Assisted
Reproductive Technology (ART)
Regulation Bill 2010.
Conditions Laid down by Home
Foreign couples who intended
to have an Indian surrogate should
provide a letter from the Foreign
Ministry of their country or the
embassy in India, certifying that the
home country recognises surrogacy.
This is important because a lot of
countries such as Norway, Italy,
France and Germany do not
recognise surrogacy. The letter
which would be certified also needs
to have an assurance that children
or a child born from Indian surrogate
would have the rights to enter the
home country as a biological child.
This was mainly essential because
in the recent past, a lot of babies
born from cross-border surrogacy
were refused to be accepted as the
biological child.
Norms of Home Ministry
compatible with ICMR guidelines
The norms laid down by the
Home Ministry are also compatible
with the guidelines of Indian Council
of Medical Research (ICMR). ICMR
only recognised man-woman
marriages and not gay marriages.
Additionally, the ICMR had
encouraged various fertility clinics
to get registered.

The guidelines of Home

Ministry made it obligatory for the
foreign nationals to undertake the
treatment from registered ART
clinics which are recognised by
What would happen with
regulation of ART?
Foreign nationals who wished
to have a surrogate child
should be on the medical
Only heterosexual couples
would be eligible for this visa.
This couple should have been
married for two years.
The foreign ministry of the
home country or the embassy
in India should certify
recognizing surrogacy.
Official assurance is required
that child or the children
would be allowed entering
home country as the biological
child of couple.
The procedure of surrogacy
should be done only at
Technology clinic which is
recognised by ICMR.
Tourists Entry in Jarawa Tribe
Habitat of Andamans Banned
The Supreme Court of India on
21 January 2013 banned the tourists
to pass from Andaman Nicobar
Trunk Road which passes through an
area which is Jarawas habitat. The
Andaman Nicobar Trunk Road leads



to the Limestone Cave. A bench of

Justices G.S. Singhvi and H.L.
Gokhale ordered that the directives
of the court which were issued in
2012 should be followed
strictly. Earlier, the Apex court had
banned the tourism or commercial
activities in 5-km radius of Jarawa
Tribal Reserve which lies in the
Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The
Supreme Court in its 2007
notification had declared the area
up to 5-km radius of Jarawa Tribal
Reserve as the Buffer Zone and had
prohibited any person from entering
into this Zone unless and until that
person is a member of aboriginal
tribe. The Buffer Zone is the area
starting from Constance Bay in
South Andaman to Lewis Inlet Bay
in Middle Andaman. No one is
allowed to operate the commercial
or tourist activities in the Buffer
Zone. Also, no one is allowed to
perform the activities which may be
a danger to the security, interests or
safety of the Jarawas.
The bench of SC commanded
that government officials, people
living in that reserve as well as the
vehicles which carry necessary
commodities to Jarawas, would be
allowed on this Trunk Road.
Andaman and Nicobar
Administration Directed to
File the Affidavit
The bench of justices
additionally, also directed the
Administration that they should file
an affidavit as well as the detailed
map which indicates the areas of
Jarawas as well as the settlement of
others. The notification of 30
October 2007, in which the
administration asked that ban
should be imposed, was cancelled
by the Calcutta High Court.
However, on 2 July 2012 the Bench
of Justices G. S. Singhvi and S. J.
Mukhopadhaya had upheld the 30


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October 2007 notification of the
Administration to declare this 5-km
radius area as the Buffer Zone and
ban any commercial or tourismrelated activities in that area.

Use of MGNREGA linked Post

Office Accounts for Direct Cash

Who are the Jarawas?

The Jarawas are basically the

indigenous tribes or adivasis of
Andaman Islands, India. The present
population of Jarawas is merely 250400 people.
It is said that the Jarawas have
remained the inhabitants of the
Andamans for thousands of years.
Jarawa ancestors were thought to
be the first successful migration of
humans from Africa.
Legal Support to Jarawas
1965- Plan created for
developing Andaman. Road
was proposed to extract
certain resources in the
Jarawa forest
1973- Construction was
started on the Grand
Andaman Trunk Road
2002- Supreme Court ordered
to shut down the Grand
Andaman Trunk Road
2007- Court prohibited
people from seeking entry into
5-km radius around Jarawa
2012 July- Banned all
commercial and tourism
activities in the Buffer Zone
2013- Ban notified


The Union Government of

India in the third week of January
2013 amended the August 2008
notification to allow MGNREGA
beneficiaries to receive other
Government benefits and deposits
in their post office saving account.
With this order of the Union Finance
Ministry more than 3.5 crore post
office accounts in existence has
turned up to be ready for the
Aadhaar-linked Cash Transfer
Scheme of Government of India.
Earlier, the accounts linked with the
MGNREGA workers of the country
were used for receiving the wages
under the rural employment
guarantee scheme. As per the
guidelines of the August 2008
notification of the Union Finance
Ministry of India no deposit other
then NREGA can be made to these
accounts. The Aadhaar number
would be used for authentication of
the identities of the beneficiaries
under the new Direct Cash Transfer
initiative. This identification would
be of a great help in transferring the
benefits offered by the Government
directly into the accounts of the
beneficiaries. There exists of a total
of 8.26 crore MGNREGA accounts
in the country and out of this 43

percent (3.5 crore) of the accounts

exists in post offices of India.
First Space Weather Reading
Centre of India Scheduled to be
opened by mid 2013
The centre of excellence
which specialises in reading the
weather conditions of the space and
helps the air traffic on their polar
routes is scheduled to come up in
Kolkata by the middle of 2013. The
space weather reading centre in
Kolkata will be first of its kind and is
approved by Union HRD Ministry.
This centre would be coming up at
Indian Institute of Science,
Education and Research (IISER)
campus. The Union HRD Ministry
sanctioned 4 crore Rupees for the
centre. The coordinator of the
centre explained that the centre of
excellence in space sciences shall
focus on areas of the space weather,
primarily the weather conditions in
the solar system as well as the
physics. The
coordinator also explained that
solar flares and the coronal mass
ejections (CME) were the kinds of
storms that originated from the Sun
and exposed various flights to huge
amount of radiations on the Polar
Regions. Various commercial flights
from North America, Europe and
South Asia fly from the Polar Regions
to shorten the distance as well as
save time. With the help of this
centre, there will be an availability
of the prior information about these
storms which originate in the space
or the solar system. This information
can eventually be passed on to the
civil aviation department, which in
turn can inform the airlines
regarding the adverse effects of
flying in Polar Regions or high
altitudes. In case the weather in
solar system is not up to the mark, it
would have an adverse effect on the
functioning of the satellites as well,
which eventually also affects the


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mobile networks and the GPS
systems. The information about the
poor weather conditions in the
space can also be communicated to
the telecommunication department.
This would allow them to safeguard
the satellites in the space.

courts as well as the state

governments asked them to
enhance strength of the subordinate
judiciary from 18000 at present to
20000. The Law Ministry approved
80 crore Rupees for recruiting these
2000 additional judges in the

This centre would initially offer

the readings free of cost to the
telecommunication department and
the civil aviation, but later this data
commercially. Apart from offering
assistance to the air traffic on the
polar routes, this centre of
excellence will also be helpful in
functioning of the GPS networks as
well as mobile satellites which are
placed already in the space.

country for the fast track courts.

The Law Ministry asked for an
approval from the cabinet in the last
week of December 2012 which was
granted to it. This happened in light
of the gang rape of the 23-year-old
Para-medical student on 16
December 2012, after which
lawyers, officials as well as jurists
discussed how long trials put the
victims at a disadvantage. The
government additionally was also
working upon the proposals to
enable states for using the funds
which were available for morning as
well as evening courts, in order to
increase the number of fast track
courts even more. The morning as
well as evening courts were set up
by the law ministry in 2010.
However, the scheme was not
successful because only a few states
availed it, which resulted in unused
funds. The government now
proposed to divert these funds for
setting up the fast track
courts. Inspite of all such efforts,
there are over 3.20 crore cases
pending in the various courts of the
country. Out of these, a total of 2.76
crore cases were pending in the

Appointment of 2000 Judges

Sanctioned for the Fast-Track

The Union Cabinet, in its letter

sent on 9 January 2013, to the high



subordinate courts and 44 lakh were

pending in the high courts, as per
the Law Ministry.
Special Consultative Status with
UN Accorded to Six Indian NGOs
Six Indian NGOs or nongovernmental organisations working
towards upliftment of poor, Dalits
as well as women were approved
by the Committee on NonGovernmental Organizations for
consultative status with the UN. The
committee is a part of Economic
and Social Council of the United
Nations. The consultative status was
given during the annual ongoing
session of the world body panel in
the week dated 21 January 2013 to
27 January 2013.
NGOs that Enjoy Special
Consultative Status

The NGOs which enjoy general

and special status are eligible for
attending the meetings of the
Council as well as issuing
statements. The most prominent of
these NGOs is Action of Human
Movement (AHM) that works
towards improving the living
conditions of the poor in rural Tamil
Nadu. Other important NGO is
Centre for Community Economics &
Development Consultants Society
that works towards empowering the
partner communities, small and
marginal farmers, Dalits, landless
people, castes and tribes and the
deprived children and women.
Other NGOs which were accorded
with this status include Chaithanya
Samskarika Vedi Chennayangaloor
P.O. that helps in promotion of
development through financial as
well as other aid to poor. Ekta


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Welfare Society which is a national
organisation for socio-economic
development, world unity and
peace was also accorded with this
status. Social & Healthy Action for
Rural Empowerment is the national
organisation working towards
betterment of disadvantaged and
underprivileged sections of remote
hilly areas of India was given the
status with UN as well. Other NGO
includes India and International
Services Association, whose main
concern is the development of
vulnerable communities as well as
the sustainable health.
Railway fares to be hiked from 21
January 2013

Railway Minister Pawan Kumar

Bansal on 9 January 2013
announced that the rail fares would
be hiked for all passengers from 21
January 2013 including the AC-1 and
AC-2 tier passengers, who were
affected in early 2012. The hike
announced will be of 2 paise per km
to 10 paise per km across classes.
All fares are supposed to be
rounded off to 5 rupees and there
will be no fare hike in the Railway
The fare hikes are higher than
what was proposed in the Rail
Budget 2012. Fares of Ordinary
Second Class (suburban) trains will
go up by 2 paise per km while for
non-suburban travel it will be 3
paise. Travel by Second Class Mail
and Express trains will be costlier
by 4 paise per km, while it will be 6
paise in Sleeper Class. Travellers by


AC Chair Car and AC Three Tier will

have to shell out 10 paise more per
km, First Class by 3 paise, AC Two
Tier by 6 paise and AC First Class
by 10 paise.
The fares for First Class, AC
Two Tier and AC First/ Executive
Class were already raised by 10
paise per km, 15 and 30 paise
respectively in the current years
budget. As per the railway minister
the slowdown has further impacted
railways earnings, adding that the
fare hike will help raise an additional
1200-1300 crore rupees in the
remaining period of current fiscal.
Also, as per the minister the Kolkata
metro rail fares will not be impacted,
adding that the annual incremental
increase in earnings including
passenger growth is expected to be
about 6600 crore rupees. Railway
Minister Pawan Bansal had stated his
support for a fare hike immediately
after taking over in October 2012.
He stated that the decision to hike
the fares was imperative as lack of
revision in the last 10 years has had
a telling effect on the railway
Guidelines for Reporting of
Sexual Crimes Issued

identity of the victims involved in

sexual assault, hideous. The
guidelines were a result of the Zee
News television interview of the
friend of Delhi gangrape victim. The
name of victim was also disclosed
in one international publication.
NBSA while issuing guidelines
declared that the news channels
needed to keep in mind that the
coverage as well as reporting of
crime can influence the mindset of
viewers, thereby also creating
significant impact on perception of
their minds for such crimes. The
news channels were advised to
balance the right to privacy of the
survivor as well as his/her family
with the public interest. Channels
were therefore asked to secrete the
identity of victims of sexual assault,
aggression and violence. The
issued guidelines declared that in
reporting of such sexual crimes on
women, victims of juvenile
offending and child abuse, the
privacy should be respected and
name, photographs as well as other
private details should not be
The television channels were
directed to practice sensitivity,
sound judgement as well as
discretion, especially while
disclosing the details of sexual
assault because these details retraumatised the survivor.
14th Finance Commission

The News Broadcasting

Standards Association (NBSA) on 7
January 2013 issued certain
guidelines for the television
channels to exercise discretion and
sensitivity, while reporting the
sexual assault cases. Keeping in
view, the Section 228A of the Indian
Penal Code (IPC), NBSA directed
television channels to keep the

Union Government on 2
January 2013 constituted the 14th
Finance Commission under former
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) governor
Yaga Venugopal Reddy. The
commission under YV Reddy is
going to primarily review finances
of the governments keeping in mind
the fiscal consolidation road map
that was laid out by his predecessor
Vijay Kelkar, the head of 13th


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Commission would have three fulltime members Sushma Nath, Former Finance
M. Govind Rao ,Director,
Sudipto Mundle Former
Acting Chairman of National
The Commission would also
have Abhijit Sen , the Member of
Planning Commission as its parttime member. Also, Ajay Narayan
Jha had been appointed Secretary
to the Commission. The commission
has to give its report by October
next year and the recommendations
will come into effect from April,
2015 for a five-year period.
About Finance Commission
The Finannce commission is
set up every five years. Article 280
of the Constitution provides for
setting up of a finance commission
to recommend how net earnings of
taxes are to be divided between the
Union and states and subsequently
among the states. The Finance
Commission Act of 1951 states the
terms of qualification, appointment
and disqualification, the term,
eligibility and powers of the Finance
Functions 14th Finance
Commission will Perform
Among the new areas of
recommendations on public
sector units (PSUs), the
commission will suggest how
to list these units on the
bourses and will also give its
disinvestment process.
The commission has also been
asked to recommend how
recommend measures for
segregating the pricing of

public utility services such as

drinking water, irrigation,
power and public transport
from policy fluctuations
through statutory provisions.
It will also suggest measures
for maintaining a stable and
sustainable fiscal environment
consistent with equitable
growth including suggestions
to amend the Fiscal
Management Act.
Money Laundering and Banking
Bills 2012 turned into Law

The President of India Pranab

Mukherjee in second week of
January gave his assent to the
Prevention of Money Laundering
(Amendment) Bill, the Enforcement
of Security Interest and Recovery of
Debts Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2012
and Banking Laws (Amendment)
Bill, 2012 to make it a law of the
land. The Parliament in its winter
session approved the Prevention of
Money Laundering (Amendment)
Bill 2012 that needed to enlarge its
definition of money laundering
offences so that it can curb the
practice of funding the terrorists
operations. The Bill sought removal
of 5 lakh rupees as fine in existence
under the act and proposed a
provision of taking away of the
profits of the crime even under
situation, where the conviction was
not proved but the offence of
money laundering happened and
the property in question that is
involved in the offence. The Bill was



passed by the Lok Sabha during the

winter session on 29 November
The Parliament improved the
law from the year of its making in
2002 in the years 2005, 2009 and
2012. The Amendment Bill was
introduced in the Lok Sabha by the
then Finance Minister Pranab
Mukherjee in the December 2011
and was further sent to the
Parliamentary Standing Committee
on Finance. Banking Laws
(Amendment) Bill, 2012 would be
shaping the way ahead to corporate
houses to enter the field of Banking
this is one of the key reform
legislation. The Banking Bill was
passed in the Indian Parliament once
the government dropped its clause
of controversies that allowed banks
to trade in commodity in future. The
Banking Laws (Amendment) Bill
2011 was introduced and passed by
both the Houses of Indian
Parliament during its winter session
of 2012 for amendment of the
Banking Regulation Act, 1949, the
Banking Companies (Acquisition
and Transfer of Undertakings) Act,
To strengthen the provisions of
bad debts by the financial
t h e Enforcement of Security
Interest and Recovery of Debts
Laws (Amendment) Bill 2012 was
passed. The Union Cabinet on 13
October 2011 approved the
introduction of the Enforcement of
Security Interest and Recovery of
Debts Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2011
in the next session of Parliament.
This bill was further passed by the
Lok Sabha on 10 December 2012.
IAMAI Report
The Internet and Mobile
Association of India (IAMAI) on 9
January 2012 released the
Vernacular Report 2012. The report
described that a percentage of the


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rural people aware of the regional
language content were higher than
that of the Urban users. The report
also revealed the fact that there are
45 million users in India, who access
content in local language. A total of
about the 64 percent population
(24.3 million users out of the total
38 million) of the rural internet users
prefer internet in their vernacular
language. In case of 84 million urban
users, a total of 25 percent users
access or browse net in local
languages and it constitutes of about
20.9 million people.

Foreign Tourists Not

Allowed To Work as
Journalists on Tourist Visa

The report also clears that the

users of vernacular medium mostly
used emails, search engines, news
content, matrimonial services,
online bank services and text chat.
But the users from the rural areas
concentrated towards sites that
offers government services and
maintain land records as well as
private initiatives like eChoupal, the
sites that helps farmers by providing
aggregate information that suits their
interests and provide facilities to
sale their produce at farm. The
study was conducted by the eTechnology Group of the Indian
Market Research Bureau and the
IAMAI and it covered the top metros
like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata,
Chennai, Bangalore, Ahmedabad,
Pune, Hyderabad, Pune, twelve
smaller cities, five non-metro towns
and ten small towns.

tourist visa was not the appropriate

visa for covering journalistic
activities by foreigners. Tourist visa
is issued to the foreigners who do
not have residence as well as
occupation in India and the primary
objective of their visit is recreation,
casual visit for meeting relatives and
friends as well as sightseeing. Any
other activity on this tourist visa was
not permissible.
Ministry of Home Affairs also
requested the Ministry of External
Affairs to communicate directives to
the Indian Missions or Posts abroad.
The Ministry also ordered that the
State Governments as well as
concerned authorities of India
should strictly abide by the order.


Ministry of Home Affairs on 2

January 2013 ordered foreign
tourists not to indulge in the
journalistic activities on their tourist
visas. The order was issued by the
Ministry after observing that a lot of
foreigners visiting India on their
tourist visa are also involved in
covering the events as well as
journalistic activities in India. The
Home Affairs official cleared that

Empowered Group of Ministers

decided to Auction four Telecom
Circles in 1800 MHz Band


The Empowered Group of

Ministers (EGoM) on 7 January 2013
decided to auction the four telecom
circles in 1800 MHz band, which
failed to win bidders in the
November 2012 auction. The EGoM
also decided to reduce the reserve
price fixed in November by 30
percent. The auction is planned in
March 2013. Of the 1800 MHz Band
the quantum of spectrum that would
be put forward for auction in
different states and cities are 15
MHz in Mumbai and Delhi and 10
MHz in Rajasthan and Karnataka.
There also are provisions of getting
an extra topping of 3.75 MHz as was
in November 2012.
Two Pakistani Diplomats Denied
Permission to Attend Jaipur
Literature Festival 2013

The Government of India

banned two Pakistani diplomats
from participating in the Jaipur
Literature Festival (JLF) 2013, which
began on 24 January 2013. Two
Pakistani diplomats Naeem Anwar
and Manzoor Memon were
prevented from visiting Jaipur on 24
January 2013 because Ministry of
External Affairs did not provide
them with the approval. The
Pakistani diplomats had requested
permission for visiting the JLF 2013
on 15 January 2013. However, the
Ministry denied permission to the
Pakistani diplomats. One of the
Pakistani diplomats asked for the
permission to visit Ajmer Sharif,
while the other wanted to visit Agra
from Jaipur in order to attend his
business meeting.


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Higher Funds for
Indira Awas Yojana

were reveled in the second week of

January 2013. The report from the
Health Department of Punjab
revealed that more than 31000
people died in the state due to
Cancer in past five years.
The Report

The Union Cabinet on 10

January 2013 approved the Ministry
of Rural Developments proposal to
increase the unit cost under Indira
Awaas Yojana (IAY), keeping under
consideration the sharp increase in
the cost of materials. As per the
approved cost, unit assistance
under the scheme in plain areas had
been increased from 45000 to 70000
rupees and for the hilly and difficult
areas it had been increase from
48500 to 75000 rupees. The
enhancement of unit assistance
provided for homestead site to rural
below poverty line (BPL) had been
increased from 10000 rupees to
20000 rupees. The unit assistance is
provided to those households who
have neither agricultural land nor a
house site.
Indira Awas Yojana is a major
scheme of the Ministry of Rural
Development which directly aims at
addressing rural housing issues by
providing grant for construction and
upgradation of dwelling units of BPL
families. The priority is especially
given to Scheduled Castes/
Scheduled Tribes, freed bonded
labourers and physically challenged
persons with financial assistance.
Over 31000 died in Punjab due to
Cancer in Five Years
The findings of the door-todoor health campaign undertaken
by the state health department of
Punjab in December 2012 to
diagnose cancer in its initial stage

During the door-to-door

campaign for identifying the deadly
cancer during its initial stage, the
health department was successful in
identifying more than 80000
suspected patients of cancer. The
identified patients would be reexamined to confirm the findings. In
the first phase of the exercise 47.69
lakh houses covering 2.48 crore
population were checked. The state
have a total of 54 lakh houses and a
total population of 2.73 crore
Aadhaar card to be accepted as
proof to get passport
The Ministry of External Affairs
on 8 January 2013 decided and
consequently advised all Passport
Issuing Authorities to accept
Aadhaar letter as Proof of Address
and Photo identity in conjunction
with any other prescribed
documents for proof of address/
identity for the purpose of passport
application. Presently, it is being
seen that the authorities accept
passport applications based on
about 14 documents such as voter
ID card or electoral photo identity
card (EPIC), ration card, PAN,
driving license, birth certificates
among others. Aadhaar is a 12 digit
individual identification number
issued by the Unique Identification
Authority of India on behalf of the
government. This number will serve
as a proof of identity and address,
anywhere in India. Any individual,
irrespective of age and gender, who
is a resident in India and satisfies the
verification process laid down by
the UIDAI, can enroll for Aadhaar.



Date of Election and By-Elections

announced in 10 States
The Election Commission of
India on 11 January 2012 announced
the dates for elections and byelections in the Legislative
Assemblies of 10 states. The
elections/by-elections would be
held in Meghalaya, Nagaland,
Tripura, Assam, Bihar, Maharashtra,
Mizoram, Uttar Pradesh, West
Bengal and Punjab. The states of
Tripura, Meghalaya and Nagaland
would go for the regular polls for 60
members in each state. The by-polls
in Tripura are scheduled for 14
February 2013 and for Meghalaya
and Nagaland the decided date of
23 February 2013 and the results
would be announced on 28
February 2013.
Rest of the constituencies of
seven different states, where the
Assembly by-elections is scheduled
for includes Kalyanpur (SC) (Bihar),
Alagpur (Assam), Chandgad
(Maharashtra), Chalfilh (ST)
(Mizoram), Moga (Punjab), Bhatpar
(Uttar Pradesh) and English Bazar,
Nalhati Birbhum, and Rejinagar
(West Bengal). The date of by-polls
for the states of Mizoram, Uttar
Pradesh, West Bengal and Punjab is
23 February 2013 and for Bihar,
Maharashtra and Assam the date is
24 February 2013. The results of the
by-elections for these states too
would be declared on 28 February
Electoral Strength of the three
North-Eastern States and Date of
expiry of their Assemblies:


Date of Expiry of
terms of State

Meghalaya 14.81 lakh

10 March 2013


23.52 lakh

16 March 2013


11.81 lakh

18 March 2013

Note: All these three states

have 60 seats in their Legislative


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The model code of conduct to
be followed for the regular polls and
the by-elections in all the ten states
are applicable for both the Central
and State Governments along with
the Political Parties and contestants
and it came into effect immediately
after the dates were announced.
Pilot Project of Crime and
Criminal Tracking System
Union Home Minister Sushil
Kumar Shinde on 4 January 2013
launched Pilot Project of Crime and
Criminal Tracking Systems. The
Government launched the project to
make use of technology in bringing
accountability into government
functioning, as Crime and Criminal
Tracking Network and Systems
(CCTNS) is supposed to be an
important step forward in this
direction which requires a
significant change management
effort. The pilot launch of the Crime
and Criminal Tracking Network and
Systems (CCTNS) Project would
create a nation-wide environment
for the real-time sharing of crime
and criminal information and
connect approximately 14000
police stations throughout the
country apart from higher offices in
police hierarchy.
About Crime and Criminal
Tracking Network and Systems
The CCTNS is a mission mode
project under the National eGovernance
Government of India.
It aims at creating a
comprehensive and integrated
system for enhancing the
efficiency and effectiveness of
policing through adopting the
principle of e-Governance.
The project also includes the
creation of a nationwide


networking infrastructure for

evolution of IT-enabled-stateof-the-art tracking system
a r o u n d Investigation of
crime and detection of
The credit for the pilot launch
goes to the State police forces and
the relentless support and guidance
provided by MHA (Ministry of Home
Affairs) and National Crime Records
Bureau (NCRB) officials.
CCTNS is 2000 rupees crore
project, approved in 2009 and spans
across all the 35 states and Union
Territories. It will be connected to a
total of more than 21,000 locations.
At present, 2000 police stations and
other higher offices (mainly
immigration check posts) in the
country have been connected under
the system.
Objectives of Crime and Criminal
Tracking Network and Systems
Make the Police functioning
citizen friendly and more
transparent by automating the
functioning of Police Stations.
Improve delivery of citizencentric services through
effective usage of ICT.
Provide the Investigating
Officers of the Civil Police
with tools, technology and
information to facilitate
investigation of crime and
detection of criminals.
Improve Police functioning in
various other areas such as
Law and Order, Traffic
Management etc.
Facilitate Interaction and
sharing of Information among
Police Stations, Districts,
State/UT headquarters and
other Police Agencies.
Assist senior Police Officers in
better management of Police

Keep track of the progress of

Cases, including in Court.
redundant Records keeping
CJI Altamas Kabir constituted
Special Bench to Hear Crimes
against Women
Chief Justice of India Altamas
Kabir on 10 January 2013 set up a
Special Bench of Justices of A.K.
Patnaik and Gyan Sudha Misra to
hear cases of crime against women.
The Bench is going to start its
hearing from 14 January2013
onwards and already a total of 526
cases relating to rape, dowry and
other sexual offences from year
2002 had been listed before the
Bench which is anticipated to take
up the matters on day-to-day basis.
As per the circular posted on the
Supreme Court website, cases of
accused languishing in jails will be
given priority and will be taken up
first. In the circular issued on 9
January 2013 the items were
categorised as 19 items in the order
of following priority:
I. Death cases
II. Matters relating to sexual
III kidnapping and abduction
IV. matters
harassment of SC/ST/OBC
and women
V. matters
VI. cruelty to women for
dowry, dowry death
VII. eve-teasing
VIII. domestic violence etc
IX. prevention of corruption
X. other criminal matters in
which accused are in jail
XI. group matters (five
XII. three judges bench
XIII. appeals filed against


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XIV. elections matters of
Parliament and Assembly
XV. specially directed and
adjourned matters
XVI.out of job matters
XVII. senior citizens matters
XVIII. matrimonial cases; old
XIX.matters which are to be
listed after the disposal of
a particular matter
12th Plan Outlay for Science and
Technology Ministry doubled
Union Science and Technology
Minister S. Jaipal Reddy on 4
January 2013 declared that the
Centres allocation for the science
and technology and earth sciences
ministry had been doubled for the
12th Plan period. The declaration
came in the inauguration ceremony
of Children Science Congress as part
o f t h e 100th Indian Science
Congress where Jaipal Reddy
announced that in the 12th Five-Year
Plan, the combined planned
allocation for science and
technology and earth sciences had
been nearly doubled from 33000
crore rupees in the previous Plan
period to around 60000 crore
rupees in the present 12th plan
period. The Minister S. Jaipal Reddy
also stressed on the newly
announced Science, Technology
and Innovation Policy, and
recommended that the policy
would emphasise on the
importance of greater innovation
and suggested that there is a need
for integrating science, research and
innovation to develop valuable
A PM Doctoral Research
Fellowship in partnership with
industry had also been initiated
where already 30 (such) fellowships
have been awarded to doctoral
students. The Minister invited the
students of the country to avail such

opportunities like the Prime

Ministers Research Fellowship
scheme being offered by the
Government of India. He pointed
out that Indias dynamic, developed
and diversified industrial and
services sectors have been built on
the strength of its technoentrepreneurial talents. India has
over 700 R&D, technical and
development centres of the top
global companies, employing over
1.5 lakh scientists and engineers. As
per the Minister, This confidence of
global majors in youth had given
boost to some of Indias best and
talented young technocrats to
India for the Second Year
reported No Fresh Polio Cases
India for the continuous
second year reported no fresh cases
of Polio. One more year of success
with zero fresh cases of polio,
would win India a status of polio
free nation, in 2014. In 2009, India
shared about a half of the polio
cases witnessed by the world. But
the success achieved since then, can
be termed as the biggest public
health success story of the century.
The report submitted by the
National Certification Committee of
India to the 11-member Regional
Certification Commission of WHOs
South East Asia Region is under
review. Continuous three years
absence of Polio that is caused due
to the wild polio virus (WPV)
coupled with the intense
surveillance would help India in
being declared the Polio-free Nation
in 2014.

(WHO) Global Polio Eradication

Initiative. Under this program,
every child below five years in age
is given two doses of Oral Polio
Vaccine (OPV),
(OPV) in the month of
January and December every year
and it needs to be continued till
Polio is eradicated completely. To
achieve 100 percent success and
meet the requirements of unreached
children programs like social
mobilization and planned mop-up
operations, were undertaken.
Programs under
Plan for Prevention
The Governments plan is to
keep up intensive campaigns to
prevent polio from re-emerging. The
campaigns would mainly take care
of the areas of high-risk. To make
people aware about the same, the
Government has planned two
nationwide campaigns and four
sub-national campaigns in 2013. The
main target of the campaigners
would be the migrant population
and the blocks of Bihar and Uttar
Pradesh and every new born in these
areas would be vaccinated through
a mapping program. In India, there
exist more than 35000 health facility
centres that respond to the Acute
Flaccid Paralysis as a part of
surveillance program.
National Data Centre for UIDAI to
come up in Gurgaon

Surveillance Program and System

In 1995, a Pulse Polio
Immunization (PPI) Program was
initiated in India with the aim of
eradicating it completely from the
country. The program started under
t h e World Health Organizations



The Chief Minister of Haryana,

Bhupinder Singh Hooda on 7
January 2013 laid the foundation
stone of the state-of-the-art National
Data Centre of Unique Identification


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Authority of India (UIDAI) at
Maneshar, Gurgaon in Haryana. The
centre that will spread in an area of
five-acres would serve as the
respiratory system for the UIDAI and

would store all the basic biometric

and demographic information of the
residents, before the 12-digit
Aadhaar Number is issued. The
development work of the UIDAI

center would be completed by mid

2014 and is being developed as a
green data centre and abides to all
the global standards and guidelines.



Paper- 1 & 2
Combo Books
Civil Services Preliminary Examinations




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Barack Obama Sworn in as the
US President

in the White House East Room by

Justice John Roberts. The brief
oath-taking ceremony was held to

Barack Obama, the first mixed

race president of the United States,
was sworn in as the President of the
country for the second term on 20
January 2013. The oath-taking
ceremony was quiet as well as brief

meet the constitutional deadline,

i.e., 20 January, under which term
of both President as well as the VicePresident finishes at the noon. The
formality of repeating this ceremony
will publically take place on 21



January 2013 because public

institutions and the courts which
record as well as endorse swearingin officially were closed on 20
January 2013 as it was Sunday.
Therefore, in the brief ceremony,
only President, his family along with
a closed group that viewed Justice
Roberts swear-in Barack Obama in
private ceremony. Obama took
oath as the President of the country
on the family Bible. On 21 January
2013, Obama repeated oath-taking
process on those Bibles which were
used by Martin Luther King and
Abraham Lincoln because 20
January 2013 was an official holiday
in the US. Apart from Obama, in yet
another ceremony, Vice-president
Joseph Biden administered this
oath-taking by associate Justice
Sonia Sotomayor.
Importance of swearing-in,
Even though the swearing-in
of Obama was kept on lowprofile, but this was creation
of history because Barack
Obama became the first


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mixed-race president who
was elected for second
consecutive term.
Also, Barack Obama is the
third consecutive president to
win two terms, after Bush and
Clinton. This had happened
two centuries ago earlier when
Thomas Jefferson, James
Madison, and James Monroe
were elected for two terms
each between the time
periods of 1801 to 1825.
War Crimes Tribunal of
Bangladesh pronounced its First
Verdict of Death Sentence
The War Crimes Tribunal of
Bangladesh constituted for
conducting trials against those, who
committed atrocities during the
Bangladesh Liberation War 1971 on
21 January 2013 pronounced its first
verdict and ordered death sentence
against Maulana Abul Kalam Azad,
the Jamaat-e-Islami leader. Maulana
Azad also known as Bachchu
Razakar then was a leader of the
Islami Chhatra Sangha, a student
wing of the Jamaat-e-Islami. On 3
April 2012, an arrest warrant was
issued against him by the War
Crimes Tribunal. He have been
accused on eight different charges
done during the 1971 Liberation War
that left 12 people dead (among
these maximum were minority
Hindus) and rape of several Hindu
women that happened during the
civil wars. These trials were
initiated as a part of the electoral
commitment of the Awami League
that is led by Sheikh Hasina, the
Prime Minister of Bangladesh. The
first war tribunal was set-up by the
Government of Bangladesh on 25
March 2009 and to speed up the
trials a second tribunal was
constituted after three years. The
verdict of hanging Maulana Azad
was passed by Justice Obaidul
Hassan the Chairman of the three-

member panel of the International

Crimes Tribunal-2. A 112 page
verdict was presented in support of
the verdict for the sentence
International Crimes Tribunal of
Bangladesh (ICTB)

The International Crimes

Tribunal of Bangladesh also referred
as the War Crimes Tribunal was
established by the officials of
Bangladesh for carrying on the
investigations and to prosecute the
crimes which were committed
during the Bangladesh Liberation
War. Following the reports of the
official estimates available more
than three million people were
killed and 200000 were raped during
this civil war due to the involvement
of the local militia and Pakistani
Bangladesh Liberation War 1971
Bangladesh, the then East
Pakistan entered into an armed
conflict against the West Pakistan on
26 March 1971, the war that lasted
for about nine months.
MV Amina, Iranian Cargo Ship
fled from Sri Lankan Waters
The Iranian Cargo Ship MV
Amina fled away from the waters of
Sri Lanka after suffering detention by
its Navy for about two months on
16 January 2013. Seizure of the ship
was done after the DVB Bank
obtained orders from the high Court
of Colombo on 12 December 2012
to hold the vessel as it had to
recover millions of dollars. Seizure



of the ship was done after the DVB

Bank obtained orders from the high
Court of Colombo to hold the vessel
as it had to recover millions of
dollars. Sri Lankan Navy fired few
shots to prevent the Cargo Ship MV
Amina and hold her on it within 12
nautical miles of its water but was
unable to capture it. The Sri Lankan
Navy following the UN Law that
states - if a ship is beyond 12 nautical
miles from the shores of the nation
than the country has no rights to take
any action against the ship until and
unless it has not committed any
crime, didnt tried to stop the ship
after it crossed its water borders.
Territorial Sea and Contiguous
Section 2: Limits of the
Territorial Sea
Article 3: Breadth of the
territoria sea: Every State has the
right to establish the breadth of its
territorial sea up to a limit not
exceeding 12 nautical miles,
determined in accordance with this
Article 4: Outer limit of the
territorial sea: The outer limit of the
territorial sea is the line every point
of which is at a distance from the
nearest point of the baseline equal
to the breadth of the territorial sea.
Article 5: Normal baseline:
Except where otherwise provided
in this Convention, the normal
baseline for measuring the breadth
of the territorial sea is the low-water
line along the coast as marked on
large-scale charts officially
recognized by the coastal State.
Ship MV Amina
The ship is managed by a
Tehran-based Rahbaran Moid Darya
Ship Management Company that as
per the reports from the United
States and European Union is a part


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of Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping
Lines (IRISL) the biggest cargo
carrier from Iran.
China Successfully Carried Out
Interceptor Missile Test

Some of the major projections

of IMF are:
Global growth would reach
3.5 percent in 2013, from 3.2
percent in 2012
Crisis risks would narrow

positive outcomes with a

good start in the year
The report also described that
if the risks of crisis doesnt
materialize, then the expected
targets of growth may be crossed
and can be stronger then that is
Thing that can show an impact,
the growth or result into the
Fiscal tightening, if crosses an
excessive limit in United
States it may have an adverse
impact on the economic
Long-term stagnation of the
euro-area would also have an
adverse impact
Situations that hinted towards
improvement in economic

China on 27 January 2013

successfully performed the second
interceptor missile test. The test was
-said to be of the defensive nature
without targeting any other
country. This is for the second time
that China announced testing such
a missile. Likewise, the anti-missile
interception test was conducted
successfully on 11 January 2010
earlier. No detailed information was
World Economic Growth Rate
would be 3.5 percent in 2013
International Monetary Fund
(IMF) in at update to World
Economic Outlook (WEO) on 23
January 2013, projected that the
global economic growth rate would
be 3.5 percent in 2013. The update
mentioned that the global economic
growth would strengthen gradually
as the limitations of the economic
activities have seen a positive note
with the start of the year.


down but the downside risks

will remain crucial
Main sources of growth would
be the emerging markets,
developing countries and the
United States
Reasons that may be beneficial in
betterment of the economic
The actions taken in policy
making have been responsible
in reducing the risk of the
acute crisis situation faced in
the area and the United
Actions in terms of plans taken
by Japan would also be
beneficial in pulling it out from
a short-lived recession kind of
The policies made by the
emerging economies of the
world in terms of policy
making is has also shown

The economic conditions of

the world had shown a positive
movement in the third quarter of the
2012 and this was change brought
by the performance displayed on
the economic front by the emerging
economies of the world as well as
United States. The borrowing cost
of the countries in Euro Zone was
marginally better than expected but
it also identified some of the
weaknesses in the core Euro area.
Japan was under the effect of
recession in the second half of 2012,
which had shown positive signs of
improvement in the running year.
Forecasts and the Expected
In terms of Euro Zone, IMF
managed to downgrade its
forecast as this economic
situation of the region may
contract a bit n 2013.
The report also observed
slight improvement in the
financial conditions of the
banks and governments of the


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occurred due to the policy
actions undertaken by them
but these economies has yet
not improved in terms of the
borrowing conditions in
private sector.
In terms of United States, the
forecast remained broadly
unchanged to that of the of
October 2012 WEO to 2
percent, but predicted that
the support offered to the
financial market would
support the growth in
consumption in the country
In terms of Japan, the nearterm outlook has also
regardless of the recession
witnessed by the country in
recent past and its expected
that the monetary easing and
incentive package would
boost the growth in the
The report projected that the
developing economies and
the emerging market of the
world would grow by 5.5
percent in 2013 and it will
remain almost same as it was
predicted in October 2012
In case of China, the IMF has
forecasted a growth rate of 7.8
percent, 8.2 percent and 8.5
percent in 2012, 2013 and
2014 respectively. In 2011, it
witnessed a growth rate of 9.3

Findings of the report and threats

Following the findings of the
report in detail, its projected
that the Euro Area is one of the
biggest threat to the Global
Economic Outlook as it poses
a downside risk to the
economy. If the momentum of
reforms is not maintained in

the Euro Area than the risk of

prolonged stagnation would
To move ahead of the risk
factor, adjustment programs
from the periphery countries
should continue and be
supported by the firewall
developments for prevention
of the contagion and take
steps towards banking union
and fiscal integration, the
report stated.
In case of United States,
excessive fiscal consolidation
in short term should be
avoided and it should raise the
debt ceiling and should move
ahead to identify a credible
consolidation plan, that
focuses towards entitlement
and tax reform.
In context of Japan, the report
identified that it should find
out a medium-term fiscal
strategy as lack of such an
strategy can bring risks to the
stimulus package to it
The developing nations and
emerging economies need to
make fine policies to tackle
the of rising domestic
The overall decrease in the
forecast for the global economic
growth rate is the result of the
economic slowdown witnessed by
the world due to the Euro Zone
Crisis in existence. The Euro Zone
crisis had an adverse impact on the
export and import of the world,
leading to great set-backs to the
emerging economies of the world as
well as the developed economies.
Before, Euro Crisis the world also
suffered from the recession that hit
the United States of America in
2009. Japan also witnessed an
economic slowdown after the
Tsunami that hit the country in 2011



and affected the Fukushima nuclear

Pakistan Anti-Corruption Body
Refused Arresting PM

The anti-corruption body chief

of Pakistan, Fasih Bokhari refused to
abide by the order of the Supreme
Court to arrest Raja Pervez Ashraf,
the Prime Minister of Pakistan on 17
January 2013. Fasih Bokhari refused
on the grounds that there were not
enough evidences which proved
PMs corruption charges. The
government of Pakistan as well as
the Apex Court have remained
under tiff in 2012. On 16 January
2013, the Chief Justice demanded
the arrest of Prime Minister Raja
Pervez Ashraf on corruption
charges. Fasih Bokhari, the chief of
the National Accountability Bureau
communicated to the Supreme
Court that there were not enough
evidences to arrest the PM and that
more time was required for
determining whether the PM should
be arrested or not. In the meanwhile,
the Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry
questioned the chief regarding the
demand of more time. The Supreme
Courts order to arrest the Prime
Minister was described as
unconstitutional by the Government
of Pakistan. Legal experts in
Pakistan also opined that it was not
necessary that SCs order would
bring down Ashraf. Legal experts
declared that Ashraf could remain


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a PM despite his arrest and that he
could be disqualified only in case
he is convicted.
Milos Zeman won the Czech
Republic Presidential Election

As per the Czech Republic

Presidential election results
declared on 25 January 2013, Milos
Zeman won and thus became the
countrys first elected President
through direct elections. He won 55
percent as compared with 45
percent of Karel Schwarzenberg.
Milos Zeman is the former Prime
Minister of Czech Republic and
head of the Party of Civic RightsZemanovci (SPOZ)while Karel
Schwarzenberg is foreign minister in
the present centre-right coalition
government. Zeman succeeds
Vaclav Klaus.The main issues in the
election were anti-corruption
measures, national security,
accession to the eurozone,
appointment of judges and
Presidential pardons of convicts.
While the Czech presidency is
largely ceremonial, the President
influences foreign policy, makes
central bank appointments and
approves judges. Until 2012, the
Parliament elected the President for
a five-year term. After years of
debate on the topic, followed by
allegations of corruption in the
voting process, the constitution was
amended in 2012 to provide for
direct Presidential elections.


Mahinda Rajapaksa, the

President of Sri Lanka, on 13 January
2013 removed the first woman chief
justice of the country, Shirani
Bandarnayake after endorsing her
impeachment by the Parliament that
caught her guilty on the corruption
charges. It is worth noticing that
Bandarnayake was fired despite
widespread protests by the lawyers
as well as others. Bandarnayake,
54, was given the notice in which
the President ordered her to move
down from the post. This happened
two days after the Parliament in Sri
Lanka voted to put her on trial,
widening the face-off between the
government and the judiciary.
Impeaching Bandarnayake was
initially declared unconstitutional by
the courts. In the meanwhile, the
finding by parliamentary committee
which had found her guilty was
cancelled. The parliamentary
committee had declared on 8
December 2012, that Bandarnayake
was guilty of 3 charges out of 14. The
impeachment proceedings were
held against her, which were moved
by ruling UPFA coalition legislators.
The three charges in which she was
held guilty were those of financial
impropriety which were based on
non-declaration of the assets.
Obama Proposed Stricter Gun
Control Laws

can fall into the wrong hands. The

US President also additionally asked
the lawmakers to ban military-style
assault weapons, high capacity
magazine as well as to make the
background check mandatory.
Obama announced that this was his
attempt to keep children safe,
keeping in view the massacre of
Newtown where 20 first grade
children along with six adults were
killed. Obamas plan as of now is to
work through the executive orders
as well as the laws.
Obamas Proposal:
According to the White
House, as an immediate
action, Obama signed 23
Executive Actions that would
keep children safe from
violence arising from gun.
Apart from this, Obama called
the lawmakers for eliminating
the loopholes as well as
conducting the background
check on anyone who would
buy the gun.
Additionally, Obama wanted
the legislators to restore ban
on the military-style assault
weapons, apart from creating
the tougher penalties for
people who buy guns for
selling them to the criminals.
The proposals on stringent gun
control laws came in light of the
Sandy Hook School shootings that
took place on 14 December 2012 in
Newtown, Conn.

Barrack Obama, the US

President on 16 January 2013
proposed extensive gun control
laws, making them stricter. Obama
announced a total of 23 executive
measures which would come into
effect immediately after his
signatures. One of these measures
include requiring the target shooters
to keep their guns locked and also
within the range once they are done,
instead of carrying it home since it

Barack Obama signed Annual

Defence Policy Bill
US President Barack Obama on
3 January 2013 signed into law the
annual defence policy Bill,
authorising 633 billion dollars in
defence spending for 2013. Obama
in a signing statement expressed
that he had strong reservations on
several provisions of the National
Defence Authorisation Act 2013.

First Woman Chief Justice of the

Country Impeached over Graft in
Sri Lanka



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The White House had earlier
threatened to veto the Bill. This
provides the Department of
Defence with a spending threshold
of 633 billion dollars for 2013.
Constitution of United States of
America does not afford the
President the opportunity to
approve or reject statutory sections
one by one. One is empowered
either to sign the Bill, or reject it, as
a whole. As per President Barack
Obama , In a time when all public
servants recognise the need to
eliminate wasteful or duplicative
spending, various sections in the Act
limit the Defence Departments
ability to direct scarce resources
towards the highest priorities for our
national security. For example,
restrictions on the Defence
Departments ability to retire
unneeded ships and aircraft will
divert inadequate resources needed
for readiness and result in future
unfunded liabilities. Additionally,
the Department had attempted to
confine manpower costs by
recommending cautious cost
sharing reforms in its healthcare
programmes. Also there can be seen
several provisions in the Bill which
had raise constitutional concerns.
For instance one section places
limits on the militarys authority to
transfer third country nationals
currently held at the detention
facility in Parwan, Afghanistan.
Malaysias Bar Council Suggested
Chemical Castration for Repeated
Sex Offenders
Malaysias Bar Council
suggested that chemical castration
should be the treatment given to
repeated sex offenders as the
alternative kind of sentencing. It is
important to note here that South
Korean Court recently gave the
order of first chemical castration of
Asia to the pedophile. However,
the medical studies on this

treatment hinted towards the fact

that there could be serious side
effects in its usage. There are already
certain jurisdictions in the world that
have made chemical castration a
mandatory law for sex offenders.
These nations include certain
American states and Czech

Other nations using it for

several years are Sweden, Poland,
Nevertheless, the President of Bar
Council of Malaysia also announced
that this alternative kind of
sentencing required study in case it
needed to be applied in
Malaysia. In the meanwhile, the
Womens Aid Organisation in
Malaysia felt that chemical
castration should only be
considered in the cases in which
offenders didnt have any control on
their sexual urges. All Womens
Action Society on the other hand
described chemical castration as
cruel and irrevocable in nature. All
Womens Action Society also
announced that the root of rape as
well as violence against women
should be dealt with in the form of
promotion of womens rights as well
as gender equality.
Israels Jewish Population Passed
Crucial 6 Million Mark
Israels Central Bureau of
Statistics (CBS) in the last week of
December 2012 revealed that the



Jewish population of Israel passed

the crucial mark of 6 million for first
time. This is equal to the Jews killed
in Holocaust. According to the
Israels CBS the overall population
of Israel was 7.98 million out of
which 75.4 percent were Jewish.
The Arab population of Israel
accounted for 20 percent and 4
percent were defined as others.
However it was made clear that the
position of Jews worldwide was the
same. Before Holocaust, the number
of Jews across the world was 18
million. After it, the number was just
a little more than the mark of 13
million. Even now, the population
is just a little more than 13 million.
Nevertheless, the population of
Jews in Israel is somewhere near
half the population of Jewish
nations across the world, which
would put Israel in central place.
Other figures were released by
Palestinian Central Bureau of
Statistics and it was found that the
overall population of Arabs in
Palestine and Israel would be
equivalent to that of Jews by 2016.
It was also revealed that the
population of Arabs would exceed
that of Jews by 2020. Jewish
population in Israel increased by ten
times since the declaration of this
state in May 1948 when the number
of Jewish citizens was just 660000.
What is Holocaust?

Holocaust is said to be the

bureaucratic, systematic and statesponsored murder of around six
million Jews by Nazi regime as well
as collaborators. Holocaust is the


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Greek-origin word which means
sacrifice by fire. Nazis acquired
power in January 1933 in Germany
and considered Jews as racially
inferior. This genocide occurred
during the Second World War.
Switzerland Best Place to be
Born in the World
Switzerland, which is said to
be the tourist paradise, emerged as
best place to be born in 2013, as per
the survey held by the Economist
Intelligence, the sister company of
The Economist. India was ranked
66th, among the last 15 countries
where a baby should begin life. The
worst place for a baby to start life
was violence-hit African country
Nigeria. The survey included 80
nations and Australia ranked second
followed by Norway, Sweden and
Denmark. Singapore, Netherlands,
Hong Kong, Canada and New
Zealand were also ranked among
top 10. The survey included
significant parameters to judge the
best country to be born and these
factors included demography,
geography, cultural and social
characteristics, state of economy,
future income per head as well as
public policy. None of the
economically emerging countries
were ranked impressively in survey
and the worst places were India and
Russia ranked at 66th and 72nd
places respectively. Brazil managed
to grab a rank in the middle and
stood at 37th position. China in the
meanwhile ranked 49th and South
Africa was ranked 53rd. A similar
survey was also conducted 25 years
ago and US ranked first at that time.
Now, US dropped down
significantly to the 16th position
followed by UAE and South Korea.
Britain was ranked 27th behind
Taiwan (14th position), Kuwait
(22nd position) and Chile (23rd
position). France that ranked 2nd in
1988 came down to 26th position


in this survey. The survey clarified

that the rankings were based on
opportunities which the country
provided to a baby for safe, healthy
and prosperous life ahead.
The top 10 countries:
New Zealand
Hong Kong
The Oldest Bank of Switzerland
to Pay 58 Million Dollar to US in
Tax Evasion Case
Switzerland, Wegelin & Co became
first foreign bank that pleaded guilty
in the United States for the case of
tax evasion. The bank admitted on
3 January 2013 that it assisted
various American clients to conceal
over 1.2 billion dollar from Internal
Revenue Service (IRS). Wegelin & Co
which laid its foundation in 1741
entered its statement in federal
court of Manhattan and agreed to
pay a sum of 20 million dollar as a
repayment to the IRS, 22 million
dollar fine, apart from additional
15.8 million dollar which
represented the gross fees that the
bank earned on undeclared
accounts of the US taxpayers
between the time duration of 2002
to 2011. US authorities declared
that the overall money along with
the April forfeiture of over 16.2
million dollar by bank indicated
towards the fact that there was an
overall recovery of around 74 million
dollar by the US. The bank was
blamed for assisting around 100 US
clients in hiding huge amount of
money in the overseas accounts
from federal tax collection agency.


US Attorney Preet Bharara believed

that the bank had become a secure
place for those US taxpayers who
wanted to cheat on the taxes
through their undisclosed off-shore
Obama Signed Former Presidents
Protection Act of 2012 into Law
Barrack Obama, the US
president signed into law
t h e Former Presidents Protection
Act of 2012 which extends life-time
protection to the former American
presidents as well as family which
includes the children till 16 years of
age. The new Former Presidents
Protection Act of 2012 also restores
the lifetime Secret Service
protection of the former presidents
who were not serving as the
President before 1 January 1997,
along with their spouses. The Act
facilitates protection to the children
of former Presidents till the age of
16 years. The fresh Act actually
reversed the previous law in which
limited Secret Service protection
was provided to the former
presidents as well as their families
up to 10 years in case they served
after 1997. As of now, the legislation
only allowed to receive this Secret
Service protection for a term of 10
years after the president left the
office. The author of this legislation,
explained that the youth of
presidents who were still living as
well as the improved mobility, along
with factor such as national security
threat, especially after 9/11,
necessitated the protection of the
former presidents for the lifetime,
just like it was since 1960s.
According to the law, Obama,
former president George W Bush as
well as future former presidents of
the US would be entitled to receive
this Secret Service protection for the
lifetime. The bill for Former
Presidents Protection Act of 2012


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was cleared in December 2012 by
US Congress.
China launched its Postage
Stamp on Year of Snake

China in the first week of

January 2013 launched a Postage
Stamp for the upcoming Year of
snake. The snake depicts a reptile
that carries a bright pearl in its
mouth in form of a gratitude for the
man, who was a savior of its life. This
stamp carries a face-value of 1.20
Yuan i.e. 19 cents. The stamp
depicts a flowery and auspicious
look and acts as a contrast to the
fearsome dragon on the running
stamp in the current Year of Dragon.
The stamp along with its booklet
worth 9.60 Yuan would be available
at different post offices of the
country. Wu Guanying is the
designer of this Snake Stamp and
has taken the idea of offering it a
flowery and auspicious look from
Ancient Chinese Story. Of the 12
Zodiac signs in Chinese Mythology
Snake are the sixth Zodiac sign and
is often considered to be an evil but
at times as calm, flexible, cautious

and wise also. The latest stamp has

featured a colourful snake that holds
a golden pearl in its mouth, with a
pink peony flower on its head,
which signifies honour and riches.
The body of the snake represents all
the four seasons by the peach
blossom, lotus, plum blossom and
chrysanthemum engraved on its
body. The shape of the snakes tail
symbolises Ganoderma a
Mushroom auspicious in China.
South Korea Became First
Country in Asia to Order
Chemical Castration of Child
South Korean court in
landmark ruling on 3 January 2013
ordered the first-ever chemical
castration of the country. The
sentence of chemical castration was
given to 31-year old pedophile (a
person who is sexually-attracted to
children) along with 15 years of jail
The order was the first-ever
since South Korea passed the law
in 2011 allowing chemical castration
or hormonal treatment for offenders
who are at the risk of repeating
crimes. The defendant, Pyo was
charged against a crime of having
sex with 5 teenagers six times
between November 2011 and May
2012. The defendant met these
teenagers through chat service of a
smartphone. Pyo threatened these
minors to circulate their sexual acts
as well as nude photos on the

Internet through online video

footage. Additionally, he raped the
minors while also threatening them
using deadly weapons.

Judge Kim Ki-young of the

Seoul Southern District Court in his
ruling explained that Pyo committed
crime against various victims for
longer time.
In the special ruling, the South
Korean court ordered that the
information of Pyo should be made
public for time duration of 10 years.
He was also asked to wear the
electronic monitoring anklet for the
time duration of 20 years after he
was released from the prison. In
order to treat the sexual impulses,
Pyo was ordered to go through 200
hours of therapy. In Asia, South
Korea was first country to order such
a treatment. Other countries to
adopt this treatment are Denmark,
Germany, Poland, Sweden as well
as U.S. state of California. The
verdict of the Seoul court was
passed at a time when India too is
debating whether punishments like
chemical castration should be
introduced or not.

Indian Year Book
MCQ Series




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that the only acceptable way to

resolve the internal crisis in Syria is
negotiations with participation of all
parties taking into account the
legitimate aspirations of all Syrians.

India announced an assistance

of 2.5 million US dollars to Syria on
30 January 2013 at the High-level
International Humanitarian Pledging
Conference for Syria held in Kuwait.
Syria continues to face acute crisis
as the impasse has become
explosive and could engulf the
region. India has strongly expressed
its concern on the steep escalation
of violence and has called upon all
sides in Syria particularly the Syrian
leadership to abjure violence and
resolve all issues peacefully through
discussions taking into account the
aspirations of the people of Syria.
India is extremely concerned about
the security situation in Syria and the
increasing violence. India considers


India and the United States

triangular India-US-Africa
partnership in agricultural training
at the National Institute of
Agricultural Extension Management
(MANAGE), Hyderabad, on 6
January 2013 for 30 trainees from
three African countries Kenya,
Liberia and Malawi. The three-year
triangular partnership program aims
to improve agricultural productivity,

strengthen agricultural value chains,

and support market institutions in
Kenya, Liberia, and Malawi.
Supported by the U.S. Government
through the United States Agency
for International Development
(USAID), by the Ministry of External
Affairs and the Ministry of
Agriculture of India, and
implemented by two of Indias
leading agricultural training
institutes - National Institute of
Agricultural Extension Management
(MANAGE), Hyderabad, and the
Chaudhary Charan Singh National
Institute of Agricultural Marketing
(NIAM), Jaipur, the program will
train 180 mid-level African
Government and private sector
agriculture professionals from
Kenya, Malawi, and Liberia in
agricultural extension practices,
agri-business, and agricultural
marketing. The training will include
classroom sessions, group work,
field trips, and interaction with
industry experts. After their training,
these professionals will go home
with new knowledge, skills, and
potential innovations to address


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their domestic challenges in food
and nutrition security.

The Supreme Court of India on

18 January 2013 decided that Kerala
had no jurisdiction to investigate
into the matter of Italian Marines
shooting incident in which two
fishermen were killed on 15
February 2012. The Union
Government was directed by the
Supreme Court bench of two Judges
comprising Chief Justice Altamas
Kabir and J. Chelameswar for setting
up of a special court for proceeding
ahead with the trials of the two
Italian Marines namely Massimilano
Latorre and Salvatore Girone,
accused of shooting the two
fishermen. The highest judiciary
body of India described that the
Union Government of India had the
jurisdiction to move ahead with the
process of investigation and trial on
the two Italian Marines.
Conditions Put
Forward by the Supreme Court
The Supreme Court bench in
its decision lifted the orders of the
High Court of Kerala that restricted
the movement of the marines form
the state and report to the City
Commissioner of Kochi Police
Station but also ordered that the
same will be regulated for them at
Delhi in which they can leave Delhi
only after taking a leave from the
court and reporting to the Station
Chanakyapuri Police Station, New
Delhi once in a week, the relaxation

may be extended further. The Court

also ordered that the petitioner
marines would remain under the
control of Italian Embassy at Delhi
and their movements will be
monitored by it. The embassy will
be responsible for making the duo
report to the trial court when ever
required to do so. Their passport,
which has been surrendered to the
trial court at Kollam would be
transferred to the Union Home
Ministry by the Court itself. The
Apex Court also directed the
Special Court to be constituted to
carry on with the matter following
the provisions enshrined in the
Maritime Zones Act, 1976, the Indian
Penal Code, the Cr.P.C. The Court
also directed the Special Court that
in situations of conflict between the
United Nations Convention on the
Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982 and
the domestic law, it should follow
the provisions mentioned in the
Italys Stand on the Issue
The Republic of Italy is also
carrying proceedings as per
the penal provisions of
available in the country against
the two accused marines. The
available panel provisions of
Italy can result into the
sentence of 21 years of
imprisonment to the marines.
Italy has also been declaring
its right in carrying out the
prosecution of the two
marines, since very beginning.
India and Bangladesh
India and Bangladesh on 28
January 2013 signed two landmark
agreements on extradition of
criminals and terrorists and
liberalising the visa regime.
However, refusal provisions were
incorporated into the extradition
treaty. If extradition of someone
poses a threat to national security,
a nation has the right to refuse the



deportation request. Moreover, no

political detainee will be brought
under the purview of the
extradition treaty. In case of a
controversy during an extradition
process, the matter will be resolved
according to the laws of the country
concerned. The other agreement
has provision for a friendlier visa
regime for citizens of Bangladesh.
Businessmen will be provided a
five-year, multiple-entry visa. Those
travelling on medical grounds will
be eligible for a two-year, multipleentry visa, which could be extended
for one more year. Three attendants
of a patient will also be given visa.
Until now, India was granting
Bangladeshi tourists visas for up to
six months and had allowed one
person to accompany a patient.
Rail Link Projects
India and Bangladesh decided
in the third week of January 2013,
to speed up its rail link projects in
order to increase the contact among
the people of two neighbouring
nations. As of now, there are four
ongoing rail link projects and these
are Chilahati (Bangladesh)-Haldibari
(India), Birol (Bangladesh)Radhikapur (India), Akhaura
(Bangladesh)-Agartala (India) and
(Bangladesh)Mahishashan (India). The senior
railway officials from the two
countries decided in the joint
meeting to also examine feasibility
of establishment of rail link between
Feni (Bangladesh) and Belonia
(India). Railway delegations from
India and Bangladesh discussed
about the operational, technical as
well as financial matters as well.
Discussions on reforming intercountry freight train operations,
improving functioning of Maitree
infrastructure as well as
establishment of even more rail
connectivity points, were held.


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Delegations from India and
Bangladesh also agreed in the
meanwhile to increase frequency of
the Maitree Express as well as
introduction of the system of return
tickets. Working group which
includes government officials from
India and Bangladesh were formed
in order to check the range of issues
such as operational, financial,
commercial as well as security of the
Maitree Express.

along the Line of Control (LoC) with

the Pakistan Army asking its troops
to observe ceasefire strictly and
exercise restraint. The ways to
defuse the tension on the LoC in
Jammu and Kashmir, which was
triggered by the brutal killing of two
Indian soldiers by the Pakistan
Army, were discussed during a
telephonic conversation between
the Director Generals of Military
Operations (DGMOs) of the two
sides. The Pakistan Army DGMO
conveyed that orders have been
passed to troops to strictly observe
the ceasefire and exercise restraint.
India and Pakistan Exchanged
Nuclear Units List as a Part of the

Secretary level talks between

India and Pakistan on water sharing,
scheduled to begin in Islamabad on
28 January 2013, were postponed.
The new dates for the talks are yet
to be decided. The two-day talks
were cancelled in the wake of
tension between the two countries
over ceasefire violations along the
Line of Control. The two countries
were scheduled to discuss
t h e Tulbul navigation projectWullar Barrage issue during the
talks. This is the second high-level
bilateral interaction that has been
put off because of tension between
India and Pakistan over ceasefire
violations along the LoC in Jammu
and Kashmir. In January 2013,
Pakistan Commerce Minister
Makhdoom. Amin Fahim called off
a scheduled visit to India to attend
a business meet in Agra.
India and Pakistan
DGMOs (Director Generals of
Military Operations) of India and
Pakistan on 16 January 2013 agreed
not to allow escalation of tensions


India and Pakistan exchanged

their nuclear units lists on 1 January
2013, as it is customary since 20
years. The list which contains the
names of nuclear units of two
countries, are exchanged between
India and Pakistan as a custom and
part of an agreement which prevents
them from aiming the nuclear
installations of each others
nations. The exchange of the list of
nuclear units has been going on, on
1 January every year since 1992. This
is a customary action as a part of
Agreement on Prohibition of Attacks
against Nuclear Installations and
Facilities which was signed in
December 1988. The external
affairs ministry of India announced
that the two countries exchanged
the list of nuclear installations
through their diplomatic channels at
Islamabad and New Delhi. Apart
from this list, the two nations, as a
part of another bilateral agreement
signed back in 2008, share the list
of each others prisoners in the jails
of two countries. The bilateral
agreement was signed between
India and Pakistan in May 2008,
according to which a complete list
of the citizens of both the countries

living in the jails of other country

should be exchanged two times
every year on 1 January and in July.

India and Vietnam on 15

January 2013 signed a Memorandum
of Understanding (MoU) which is
directly meant for building capacity
and developing institutional
framework and identifying thrust
areas and opportunities for micro,
small and medium enterprises in
Vietnam. The MoU was signed
during the 4 day state visit of Vice
President Hamid Ansari to Vietnam.
Significance of the MoU
The MoU signed would be
focusing on building capacity
for developing policy and
through exchange of experts
for the development of
MSMEs, and conducting
industrial surveys and
feasibility studies to identify
thrust areas and opportunities
for development of MSMEs in
It ideates the promotion of
partnership projects and
institutional cooperation
between the two countries,
organising exhibitions and
trade fairs for marketing the
products of MSMEs, exchange
of business missions to initiate
transfer of technology and
business alliance, and
providing training for
improvement of managerial


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and technical skills for
The MoU is part of Indias
efforts to further strengthen
economic ties with Vietnam. The
two countries have set a trade and
investment target of7billion dollars
by 2015. A Joint Committee
comprising representatives from the
Ministry of Planning and Investment
(Vietnam) and Ministry of Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises
(India) is going to monitor the
implementation of the MoU.

India and Sri Lanka after the 8th

round meet of the Joint India-Sri
Lanka Commission on 22 January
2013 at New Delhi inked two
The signed agreements are:
I. Agreement on Combating
International Terrorism and
Illicit Drug Trafficking; and
II. Revised Double Taxation
Avoidance Agreement.
The External Affairs Ministers
of India, Salman Khurshid and Sri
Lanka, G L Peiris signed the
following Agreements. The Joint
Commission Meeting (JCM) was
preceded by the Senior Officials
Meeting at the level of the Foreign
Secretaries of the two countries on
21 January 2013.
During the Joint Commission
meet both the sides discussed
bilateral relations that included
development cooperation, trade,
investment, power, science and
technology, health, agriculture,

connectivity, people to people

contacts, culture and education.
Major discussions decisions
made during India-Sri Lanka 8th
Joint Commission Meet
Both the nations recognized
the need of creating a special
framework to achieve the
shared goals of poverty
alleviation, job creation and
economic development for
the people of the two
countries, the two sides
decided to take several steps
to further deepen trade,
tourism and investment
relations. In relation to the
same, an agreement was
reached to encourage closer
economic and trade linkages
between all stakeholders with
a view to double the bilateral
trade to 10 billion US dollar,
in next three years. For
initiation of this the two
nations, agreed to initiate a
dialogue between the
Commerce Secretary of India
and the Secretary of the
Ministry of Finance and
Economic Development of Sri
Lanka at an early date, so that
a framework for a special
between the two countries
can be evolved.
Both sides noted the
impressive growth of tourism
traffic between the two
countries both ways. India
currently contributed the
largest number of tourist
arrivals in Sri Lanka and over
250,000 Sri Lankans visited
India in 2011-2012. India and
Sri Lanka agreed towards
enhancement of connectivity,
people to people exchanges
and movement of goods and



services, the two sides would

meet at the earliest to explore
the possibility of finalizing and
signing a revised Air Services
Agreement. They also agreed
to work towards the
resumption of ferry services
between Talaimannar and
Rameswaram for which the
Joint Committee on Ferry
Services would meet at the
earliest. Decision was also
made to hold the meeting of
the Joint Working Group on
Tourism in the first quarter to
2013 to identify potential
including marketing and
Sri Lanka and India made
decisions to enhance bilateral
cooperation in the areas of
New and Renewable energy,
and in this context agreed to
conclude a MoU on
Cooperation in New and
Renewable Energy. They also
decided to cooperate in
establishing three power
plants of aggregate capacity of
15 MW using biomass fuel, and
enhance cooperation in wind
and solar energy sectors. The
two nations also agreed
towards enhancement of
bilateral cooperation in the
fields of oil and gas, civil
nuclear energy, science and
technology and space
technology was also made.
The Joint Commission noted
that both sides are committed
to decrease incidents
pertaining to fishing on the
Boundary Line (IMBL). Both
countries agreed that the use
of force could not be justified
under any circumstances and
reiterated in this regard the


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importance of continuing to
extend humane treatment to
all fishermen. Both sides
welcomed the decisions
arrived at the two meetings of
the Joint Working Group on
Fishing held in March 2011
and January 2012 respectively,
and encouraged senior
officials to meet regularly to
continue the dialogue to
strengthen cooperation on
fishing related issues.
The Joint Commission took
note of the collaborative
initiatives in the field of
Information & Communication
development, training and
capacity building, among
others. To support the cause
an agreement was reached to
encourage the finalisation of
the MoU between the National
Institute of Open Schooling
(NIOS) and the Department of
Open Distance Learning in Sri
Lanka, organisation of more
Education Fairs in Sri Lanka,
setting up Provincial Centres
for English Language Training
and finalisation of the MoU for
cooperation in connection
with the Ten Year Presidential
Initiative to Steer Sri Lanka
towards a Trilingual Society by
Expressing satisfaction at
cooperation in the field of
culture, both sides reviewed
and positively assessed the
progress of work for
Thiruketheeswaram temple at
Mannar, renovation of the
Duraiappah Stadium, and
Jaffna Culture Centre. Both
sides agreed to jointly
celebrate the 150th birth


anniversaries of Swami
Vivekananda (in 2013-14) and
of Anagarika Dharmapala (in
Both sides agreed to enhance
cooperation in the energy
sector and to promote
dialogue on security and
defence issues of relevance to
the bilateral relationship. The
Joint Commission noted that
the trilateral cooperation
mechanism between India, Sri
Lanka and the Maldives was an
important initiative to
promote maritime security in
the region.
Both the sides, Sri Lanka and
India also expressed satisfaction at
the substantive developments in
bilateral relations between the two
countries in existence after the 7th
session of the Joint Commission
held at Colombo on 26 November

The group set up by the BRICS

nation to exchange information
regarding the prevailing systems and
institutional mechanisms through
meetings. The Health Ministers of
Brazil, Russia, India, China and South
Africa (BRICS) in the second week

of January 2013 decided to set up a

Technical Working Group (TWG). As
per the Agreed Action Plan released
by the Health and Family Welfare
Ministry, member countries will
nominate their respective Nodal
Officers to work jointly for the
Working Group. The group will
exchange information regarding the
prevailing systems and institutional
mechanisms through meetings.
India and Australia on 28
January 2013 agreed to concentrate
on priority areas like energy and
food security for mutual benefit of
the two countries. At the 14th
Session of the India - Australia Joint
Ministerial Commission held in New
Delhi, the two sides underlined the
importance of a solid institutional
framework to facilitate future
growth in bilateral trade and
investment. The Commission was
co-chaired by Minister of
Commerce, Industry and Textiles
Anand Sharma and his Australian

counterpart, Craig Emerson. India

and Australia welcomed the positive
momentum in the India-Australia
relationship, based on shared
values, converging interests and
growth in economic links. The
successful state visit to India by


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Australian Prime Minister Julia
Gillard in October 2012 underlined
both countries deep commitment to
advance the Strategic Partnership
agreed in November 2009. The
Minister for External Affairs, Salman
Khurshid, and the Minister for
Foreign Affairs, Senator Bob Carr,
held the 8th Foreign Ministers
Framework Dialogue on the 21
January 2013, to review the bilateral
relations and build on the
momentum achieved by Prime
Minister Gillards visit. The two
countries also met at Ministerial
level to advance Agriculture,
Energy, Education and Science &
Technology links.
emphasised the importance of
closer trade and investment
relations as a critical component of
the strategic partnership. Both
nations underlined the importance
of a solid institutional framework to
facilitate future growth in bilateral
trade and investment. In this
context, they highlighted the priority
they placed on the conclusion of a
mutually beneficialComprehensive
Economic Cooperation Agreement
(CECA). The countries welcomed
progress through four rounds of
negotiations to date, including the
exchange of goods offers. They
looked forward to a future exchange
offers on services. Ministers
reiterated that a comprehensive,
high quality equitable agreement
would broaden the base of
merchandise trade, remove nontariff barriers that impede trade in
services, and facilitate and
encourage investment. India and
Australia welcomed the growth in
the bilateral investment relationship
and agreed on the importance of
strong bilateral investment flows
particularly in priority areas such as
mining, advanced manufacturing,
infrastructure, clean technology and

India and Australia recognized

the critical role played by industry
in driving trade and investment
between the two countries. In this
regard, they expressed their strong
support for the initiatives of the
India Australia CEO Forum. Both
nations welcomed the outcomes
from the second forum meeting on
16 October 2012 held in New Delhi
including agreement to promote
skills training, increased mutual
cooperation on infrastructure
development, promotion of services
trade, and the creation of
investment champions to identify
opportunities and navigate
government processes. The nations
commended the important work
under way in the Forum. The nations
welcomed the third meeting of the
Forum to be held in Australia in
March 2013.
Other areas of mutual interests
are as following:
The nations discussed
Australia and Indias mutual
interests in the effectiveness
of global and regional
economic institutions.
The nations welcomed the
launch of the Regional
Comprehensive Economic
negotiations towards a
modern, comprehensive, high
beneficial regional economic
partnership agreement. They
discussed their mutual
commitment to strengthening
the East Asia Summit (EAS) as
a forum that incorporated all
the major economies in the
India-Pacific region.
The nations discussed the
importance of consolidating
the G20 as the pre-eminent
global economic forum.
The nations underlined their
commitment to reinforce the



Indian Ocean Rim Association

for Regional Cooperation
(IOR-ARC), both during Indias
remaining period as chair and
Australias two year term as
chair from November 2013.
The nations reaffirmed their
commitment to finding ways
to break through the current
impasse in the Doha Round of
World Trade Organization
The nations welcomed the
inaugural Ministerial-level
dialogue on energy security in
December 2012 as a
significant step in developing
a strategic relationship on
energy and resources.
The nations acknowledged
the critical importance of
development in helping to
achieve both countries targets
for innovation, productivity
and economic growth and
welcomed efforts underway
to strengthen the bilateral
knowledge partnership.
The nations noted the
contribution of the AustraliaIndia Strategic Research Fund.
The nations highlighted
research work underway to lift
agricultural productivity and
make crops more diseaseresistant. India and Australia
agreed that the next Joint
Ministerial Commission will be
held in Australia in 2014.

India on 19 January 2013

issued an advisory to its citizens in
Nigeria, asking them to limit their
exposure to areas where radical
Islamic sect Boko Haram is active.
The Indian High Commission in an
advisory placed on its website also
warned Indian crew-members to be
careful while plying their ships in


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Gulf of Guinea, dominated by

The advisory also mentioned

some Indians who were victims of
recent violence caused by Islamic
fundamentalists Boko Haram in the
northern city of Kano. It was the first
time in recent years that Indian
nationals and their establishments
were targeted for attack. Northern
part of oil rich Nigeria came under
terrorist attacks by Boko Haram
which killed many people through
shootings and suicide attacks.
The 18th National Level
Meeting between Myanmar and
India was held on 28 -29 December,
2012 in New Delhi. The Indian
delegation was led by A.K Mangotra,
Secretary, Border Management,
Ministry of Home Affairs,
Government of India. While the
Myanmar delegation was led by
Brig. Gen. Kyaw Zan Myint, Deputy


Minister, Ministry of Home Affairs,

and Government of the Republic of
the Union of Myanmar. The major
area of Discussion was that of drug
trade, arms smuggling and

A.K Mangotra highlighting the

shared culture and traditionally
close relationship between India
and Myanmar, expressed Indias
dedication to strengthen the
cooperation between the two
countries to eliminate the nexus
between the drug trade, arms
smuggling and extremism/terrorism.
Mangotra wanted Myanmars
cooperation for co-ordinated
patrolling along the Indo Myanmar
border and dismantling IIGs camps
in Myanmar for peace and economic
prosperity in the region. While Brig.
Gen. Kyaw Zan Myint deputy
minister of Myanmar assured that


Myanmar is never going to allow

insurgents and negative elements to
use its own territory for activities
inimical to its neighbour India.
Highlights of the discussion
Held Between India and Myanmar:
Both sides discussed and
agreed to cooperate closely
on issues like insurgent
Groups along the border, arms
Smuggling & drug trafficking,
border management issues,
Myanmar Fishermen in A&N
jails, illegal smuggling of wild
life parts, inspection and
verification of pillars etc.
satisfaction over opening of a
third Border Liaison Office
(BLO) between Changlang,
India and Pangsau, Myanmar.
Both the leaders emphasized
on nurturing BLOs to promote
cooperation between law
enforcement agencies of both
the countries for peace and
tranquility along the border. It
was decided to open a fourth
BLO in Nagaland sector
between Ukhrul, Manipur,
India and Somra, Myanmar.


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Import Duty on Gold and
Platinum by 2 Percent increased

The Union Government of

India on 21 January 2013 hiked the
import duty on Gold and Platinum
from 4 percent to 6 percent. The
step of the Government came in
effect to control the import of the
precious metals leading a widening
gap in the Current Account Deficit
of the country as the import of gold
has shown tumbling effects on
different economic fronts and has
also played a major role in distortion
of the balance of trade. The
Government has also linked the
Gold ETFs (Exchange Traded
Funds) along with the Gold Deposit
Schemes, so that the supply of the
physical gold in the market can be

increased. These regulations and

increased in the import duty would
also show changes on the customs
duty as well as the excise duty of
gold ores, refined gold, gold dore
bars and more. Within a year, the
import duty on gold has been hiked
for third time. Before this, the
government increased the duty on
import of gold from 1 percent to 2
percent in January 2012 and it
doubled the import duty on
standard gold from 2 percent to 4
percent in March 2012.
eBiz Portal to Provide one Stop
Shop for all Investment
The Union Minister for
Commerce on 28 January 2013
launched an eBiz portal at the CII
Partnership Summit in Agra. The
portal is Indias Government-toBusiness (G2B) portal developed
by Infosys in a Public Private
Partnership (PPP) Model. This
Mission Mode Project will mark a
paradigm shift in the Governments
approach to providing Governmentto-Business (G2B) services for
Indias investor and business



communities. In order to enable

businesses and investors to save
time and costs and in order to
improve the business environment
in the country, an online single
window was conceptualised in the
form of the eBiz Mission Mode
Project under the National eGovernance Plan. The project aims
to create a business and investor
friendly ecosystem in India by
making all business and investment
related regulatory services across
Central, State and local governments
available on a single portal, thereby
obviating the need for an investor
or a business to visit multiple offices
or a plethora of websites. The core
value of the transformational project
lies in a shift in the Governments
service delivery approach from
being department-centric to
customer-centric. E-Biz will create
a 24x7 facility for information and
services and will also offer joinedup services where a single
application submitted by a
customer, for a number of
permissions, clearances, approvals
and registrations, will be routed


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automatically across multiple
governmental agencies in a logical
manner. An inbuilt payment
gateway will also add value by
allowing all payments to be
collected at one point and then
apportioned, split and routed to the
respective heads of account of
Central and State agencies along
with generation of challans and MIS
reports. This payment gateway is the
first of its kind designed in India and
can become a universal payment
gateway for all e-Governance
The Department of Industrial
Promotion & Policy, Ministry of
Commerce & Industry, Government
of India, is the Nodal Government
Agency responsible for the
implementation of the eBiz Project.
Infosys Technologies Ltd. has been
selected as the Concessionaire/
Project Implementation Partner and
is responsible for the design,
development, implementation and
maintenance of the eBiz Solution.
The Implementation of GAAR
deferred by 2 Years

The implementation of General

Anti Avoidance Rules (GAAR) was
deferred by two years by the
government of India. It will now
come into force from 1 April 2016.
Earlier, the provisions of GAAR were
to be implemented from 1 April
2014. GAAR will not apply to those
Foreign Institutions Investors, FIIs
who are not taking any benefit under
an agreement under the Income Tax
Act. Besides, it will also not apply
to non-resident investors in FIIs.The


Parthasarathi Shome Committee in

its final report submitted to Finance
ministry on 30 September 2012 had
suggested that GAAR should be
deferred by three years. The report
was made public on 14 January
2013. Union Government accepted
major recommendations of the
Shome Committee with some
modifications. Shome Committee
was set up by Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh in July 2012 to
address the issue of GAAR.
Union Cabinet Approved 50
Percent Reduction in the Reserve
Prices for CDMA Spectrum
The Union Government on 17
January 2013 approved a 50 per cent
reduction in the reserve price of
spectrum used by CDMA mobile
operators. Spectrum auction, for
both GSM and CDMA, is supposed
to be completed by 31 March 2013
and thereafter the markets will
decide how much revenue the
government will get. With the
reduction of reserve price to 50
percent pan-India 5MHz of 800 MHz
spectrum (CDMA radio waves) will
now cost 9100 crore rupees. It was
witnessed that auction of CDMA
spectrum that took place in
November 2012 did not attract
bidders due to high reserve price.
The reserve price set was 11 times
higher than what operators paid in
2008. Earlier CDMA spectrum price
fixed by government was priced at
1.3 times more than the GSM
spectrum in 1800 Mhz band. The
Cabinet has already approved a 30
per cent cut in the reserve price of
1,800 MHz band spectrum used for
offering GSM services. The Supreme
Court has recently allowed the
companies whose licences were
cancelled to continue operations till
4 February 2013 when the
government is supposed to inform
it of the final reserve or minimum
price for the spectrum sale.

Union Government Approved

Open Policy
Union Government on 17
January 2013 lifted ban on exports
of processed foods and value
added agricultural products in order
to facilitate uninterrupted supply.
The uninterrupted export of such
processed food products is
projected to be regulated by duty.
The list of exportable goods
includes processed foods from
agricultural commodities, such as
wheat, rice, onion and milk.
Benefits of Lifting of Ban
The lifting of Ban is supposed
to give a push to Indias weak
merchandise exports and is
estimated to add 5 billion
dollar to exports over the next
two year with West Asia
identified as a key market for
processed food from India.
It will help Indian exporters to
move up the value chain as
well as create additional
employment in the country.
An always open policy of this
sector will not only help
reduce wastage of perishable
products but also encourage
value addition.
Exports of processed or valueadded products constitute a
very small portion of overall
exports and hence, their
continuation would not affect
the availability in the domestic
market owing to very marginal
processing capacity in the
It was seen that Exports of
agricultural and processed foods
have almost doubled to around
86018 crore rupees in 2012-13 from
43727 crore rupees in 2011-12.
Presently the major agricultural
exports of India are that of raw or
primary produce and unprocessed
or semi processed agriculture


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commodities, which are vulnerable
to restrictions attributing to various
reasons such as bad weather
conditions, deficient or delayed
rainfall and food security issue. The
Government opened up export of
rice and wheat since September
2011 and has emerged a large
exporter of these commodities
since then.

the growth rate. It also pointed out

the diplomatic tensions between
China and Japan would also have an
impact on the growth rate.
IMF forecasted Indian Economic
Growth Rate to be 5.9 percent in

World Bank slashed the Global

Growth Forecast to 2.4 Percent
The World Bank on 15 January
2013 projected that the world
economy would expand 2.4 percent
in 2013, little higher than the 2.3
percent achieved in 2012. In June
2012, the Bank forecasted the
growth up to 3 percent, but due to
the slow growth rate, high
unemployment rate and less
confidence in businesses across the
developing nations it managed to
revise the forecast earlier made.
The World Bank has reduced the
projected growth rate of different
countries. It has slashed the growth
rate of Japan to its half from the one
projected earlier and in case of US
the growth rate has been slashed by
0.5 percent points. The bank also
projected narrowing in the growth
rate of the Euro Region. For
emerging markets of Mexico, Brazil
and India also the projection was
lowered. The report from the lead
author of the Banks Global
Economic Prospects Andrew Burns
describes that the predicted
recoveries of the bank in 2012
would be carried forward towards
the end of the first quarter and
second quarter of 2013. The bank
report also has claimed that the
ongoing political battle in United
States for raising the borrowing limit
and spending cuts by the
Government would bring loss of
confidence in the rate of dollar
creating an alarming situation for the
world financial market and effect

The International Monetary

Fund (IMF) on 23 January 2013
projected that the economic growth
rate of India in 2013 would be 5.9
percent. The IMF also projected an
increased growth rate of 6.4 percent
for 2014 looking forward towards
the gradual strengthening of the
global expansion in Indias context.
In its update at the World Economic
Forum (WEO), the IMF also
forecasted that the global economic
growth rate would be 3.5 percent,
little higher than the 3.2 percent
estimated earlier. As per the report
of IMF, uncertainty in policy making
and supply bottlenecks were one of
the most visible causes that
hampered the growth aspects of the
economies like India and Brazil. It
also stated that the scopes of easing
the policy to any further extent have
also gone down in these countries.
About International Monetary
Fund (IMF)
The International Monetary
Fund (IMF) is an organization of 188
countries that works for fostering
the global monetary cooperation,
promote high employment and
sustainable economic growth,



facilitate international trade, secure

financial stability and reduce
poverty around the world. Since the
end of World War II, the IMF had
been playing a major role in shaping
the global economy. The IMF has
played a part in shaping the global
SEBI Revised the
Mechanism of Offer for Sale

The Securities and Exchange

Board of India (SEBI) on 25 January
2013 revised the mechanism of the
Offer for Sale (OFS). The board took
the decision of revising the norms
because the deadline for the
promoters of the listed companies
to offload their stake for meeting the
minimum public shareholding norm
of 25 percent by June 2013 is
approaching. These revisions
would make the norms much more
economical. The quantity for
cumulative bidding would be made
available online for the market
across the trading session at
different intervals to take care of the
orders that carries 100 percent
upfront margin and also of the
orders which have been placed
without the upfront margin. The
indicative price of the market would
be disclosed for the market across
the trading session and is calculated
on the basis of bids and orders.
Mode of Payments
For institutional investors their
exists an option of paying the
upfront margin in cash or without
margin is available the non-


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institutional investors it is mandatory
to pay in cash the 100 percent of
upfront margin
Facilities available
The upfront margin paid by
both the institutional and noninstitutional investors can be
cancelled or modified up to 100
percent even during the trading
hours Institutional investors would
not be able to modify or cancel their
orders until they pay their upfront
margin but they can make upward
revision of the price or quantity
Provisions available for
Institutional Investors
The investors who have placed
their bids or orders with 100 percent
upfront margin, they can take the
custodian confirmation within
trading hours, with provisions of
settlements within T+1 (trading plus
one day) and in case of trading
without upfront margin it can be
done on T+1 and settlement can be
on T+2 as it would be followed by
the secondary market transactions.
The facility of extended halfan-hour after trading hours that was
given to the custodians previously
has been omitted.
CCEA approved Defreeze in the
Tariff Value of Edible Oils

The Cabinet Committee of

Economic Affairs on 17 January
2013 approved the de-freezing of
the tariff values of the all types of
edible oils and notified that the
tariffs of these oils would be
decided on the basis of the existing


international prices in the market.

Oils that would suffer the effect of
this decision are Soyabean Oil
Crude Palm Oil - RBD (Refined
Bleached Deoderized), Palm Oil
Crude, Palmolein Crude, Palm Oil
others and Palmolein
others. The decision would bring
an advantage to the domestic
refining industry because of the
impact that the imports of the edible
oils will do on the collected duty.
Under Section 14 (2) of the
Customs Act 1962 the tariff
value is fixed on the edible oils
mentioned would be notified
fortnightly. The tariff value of the
edible oils remained unchanged
since 31 July 2006 as a result of fiscal
measures to control inflation. This
halt in increase in the tariff value
have created a great difference
between the notified tariff and the
computed landed prices following
the price of edible oils in the
international market. This halt had
an adverse impact on the domestic
refining industry as well as the
revenue collection.
The cap on Subsidized LPG
Cylinders raised from 6 to 9
The Union Government of
India on 17 January 2013 hiked a cap
on the subsidized LPG Cylinders
from 6 to 9 and offered a partial
relief to the consumers of LPG
cylinders. This move of the Union
Government would come into effect
from April 2013. As per the orders
of the Government and the
decisions made by the Cabinet
Committee on Political Affairs
(CCPA) the rate of the kerosene and
LPG would remain unchanged and
the quota on the five subsidized
cylinders from September 2012 to
March 2013 would be given to the
consumers. Further, from 1 April
2013 onwards people would be
entitled for nine cylinders per

annum. Subsidized rates of LPG for

14.2 kg cylinder in the market is
410.50 rupees and further
requirement of any household
beyond the cap of 6 cylinders costs
895.50 rupees per cylinder. As per
the reports from Oil Ministry, it
suffered a total subsidy loss of about
37411 crore rupees on cooking gas
in 2012-2013 at 520.50 rupees per

The Election Commission of

India has also granted no-objection
to this act of Government of raising
the cap on LPG gas quota. This
decision was taken in a meeting of
the commission, under the
chairmanship of VS Sampath the
Chief Election Commissioner of
India. The Union Government on 15
January 2013 wrote an application
to the election commission to know
its stand on the issue of raising the
cap on the subsidized cylinders. The
center wanted to take the
permission from the commission as
the model code of conduct was
operational in Nagaland, Meghalaya
and Tripura, where the elections are
scheduled to be conducted in
February 2013.
CCEA approved the Continuation
The Cabinet Committee on
Economic Affairs on 17 January
2013 approved the continuation of
the Jawaharlal Nehru National
Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM)


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to sanction new projects and
capacity building activities till 31st
March, 2014 under Urban
Infrastructure and Governance
(UIG) and Urban Infrastructure
Development Scheme for Small and
Medium Towns (UIDSSMT)
components of JNNURM.
New Urban infrastructure
projects in States / UTs would be
approved till 31st March, 2014, and
taking up new capacity building
activities in Urban Local Bodies
(ULBs) and States has also been
approved. The proposal would
enable provisioning of creation of
urban infrastructure, particularly in
small and medium towns, in all
States and UTs. These projects
would be subsumed in the next
phase of the JNNURM for the 12th
Five Year Plan.
FDI Inflow in China Decreased
3.7 Percent

The FDI inflow of China dipped

in for the first time in 3 years. There
was a decline of 3.7 percent in the
FDI inflow of China over 2012, as per
the data revealed by the Ministry of
Commerce in Beijing. However,
China still holds its position as the
most lucrative FDI destination in the
world. It drew 111.7 billion dollar
FDI in 2012 in comparison to 116
billion dollar in 2011. FDI flows
nevertheless sink in for 7th month
in a row in December 2012 with a
fall of 4.5 percent in comparison to
November 2012. Analysts are of the
view that the foreign players were
restricting their investments keeping

in mind the taking over of new

President of China, Xi Jinping in
March 2013, who is expected to
liberalise the Chinese economy
more. This might lead to relaxation
of capital account controls.

The SC of India ended the Tax

Exemption of Cookie Man under
SSI Notification

India has crossed One Billion

Mark in Tea Production

The Supreme Court of India on

14 January 2013 ended the tax
benefit from the Australian Foods
India Private Limited, makers of
Cookie Man cookies with a claim

The Union Commerce Ministry

of India in the third week of January
2013 released figures and it
mentioned that tea-industry in India
had passed the one billion kilogram
mark production. This target has
been crossed by the participation of
the small tea-growers. To bring into
net and check out the production
of tea in the nation the industry
regulator, Tea Board of India
launched a major exercise in which
it tried to rope producers from both
organised and unorganized sectors
of India, these producers also
included those who never reported
the crop statistics at their end. The
exercise was taken up in 2012 and
it helped in bringing up the fact that
India was able to produce 75 million
kilogram more tea than the 988
million kilogram, estimated earlier in
a year from January 2011 to
December 2011.
By November 2012, it was
reported that 1023.9 million
kilogram of tea crop was crossed
following the figures of the field
level data.

that branded goods cannot claim

excise exemption that is designed
for small-scale industry, even in case
those are sold loose and without
packaging. The Australian cookie
making company claimed the
benefits of excise duty on the
cookies sold by its retail stores
across the nation without any brand
name or packaging. The two judge
bench of the Supreme Court
comprising Justices DK Jain and JS
Khehar heard the appeal from the
revenue department against the
decision of the tax-tribunal for
granting the Australian company the
excise exemption. The two judge
bench in its decision of review
stated that Physical Branding of any
product is not necessary to prove
that it was a branded product, as the
product in itself shows its
association with the brand name
and thus it cant take the benefits of
the SSI (small scale industry)
The Revenue
Department went to the Supreme
Court to challenge the orders of the
CEGAT (Customs, Excise and




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Service Tax Appellate Tribunal)
against the excise exemption
offered to the Australian Cookie
making company.
MTNL launched its Video
Telephony Service in Delhi and

cost of borrowing. RBI in its third

quarter monetary policy review
surprised the market by cutting
short-term lending rate called repo,
by 0.25 per cent to 7.75 per cent and
Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) by similar
margin to 4 per cent.

Government Telecom Service

Provider MTNL on 17 January 2013
launched its video telephony
service in Delhi and Mumbai, the
first by any service provider in these
two cities. This service will change
the way people communicate with
each other without travelling and
will improve their quality of life in
many ways.

The service is ideal for

communication and applications
like tele-medicine, tele-education
and e-governance adding that the
service would save time, and cost
and improve productivity. Our
correspondent reports that using
this service, calls can be made
within India on MTNL/BSNL HDVoice and video telephony network
and the video call charges would be
2.50 rupees per minute.
RBI slashed Repo Rate to 7.75
Percent and CRR to 4 Percent
The Reserve Bank of India on
29 January 2013 slashed its key
interest rates by 0.25 per cent and
released 18000 crore rupees
additional liquidity into the system
to perk up growth through reduced


The repo rate cut will reduce

the cost of borrowing for individuals
and corporates, whereas the
reduction in CRR, which is the
portion of deposits that banks have
to park with RBI, would improve the
availability of funds. Unveiling the
policy review in Mumbai, RBI stated
that the stance of monetary policy
in this review is intended to provide
an appropriate interest rate
environment to support growth as
inflation risks moderate. CRR cut will
have impact on long term interest
The RBI, however, has reduced
the growth projections for the
current financial year to 5.5 per cent
from its earlier estimate of 5.8 per
cent. On inflation, it moderated the
rate to 6.8 per cent for March-end
from earlier projection of 7.5 per
cent. The repo rate, which was cut
last in April 2012, stands revised at
7.75 per cent with immediate effect,
while the liquidity infusing CRR
stands at 4 per cent effective 9
February 2013. Inflation has been
the prime inhibiting factor that has
prevented the RBI from cutting repo
rate in the last nine months, which
have seen a host of liquidity infusing

measures like a cut of 1.75 per cent

in CRR, government bond buybacks
and a one percentage point cut in
SLR. RBI however, added the caveat
stating that the stance will depend
on how the government manages
the risk from the twin deficits on the
fiscal and current account side, and
the evolving growth-inflation
dynamics. Stating that the widening
current account deficit, which
represents the differential between
the foreign exchange earned and
expended through trade and
services, is a big concern, RBI said
the number is expected to widen in
third quarter,beyond the 5.4 percent
in the preceding quarter. RBI praised
governments recent reform
measures including liberalisation of
FDI in retail, deferment of GAAR and
progressive deregulation of fuel
prices saying these actions will help
engender stable macroeconomic
conditions and return the economy
to its high growth trajectory. The RBI
will come out with mid-quarter
review on 19 March 2013 and the
annual policy on 3 May 2013.
2.5 Percent Import Duty imposed
on Crude Edible Oil
Union government on 17
January 2013 imposed a 2.5 per cent
import duty on crude edible oil with
keeping the duties unchanged on
refined cooking oil fearing a hike in
retail prices. The decision was
taken at the meeting of Cabinet
Committee on Economic Affairs
(CCEA) in New Delhi with a view to
protect domestic farmers. The
Agriculture Ministry had proposed
an increase in the duty on crude
edible oil to protect the interest of
palm growers, particularly from
Andhra Pradesh. Presently there is
no import duty for crude edible oil
but refined edible oil attracts an
import duty of 7.5 per cent India
imports about half of the total
domestic requirement of cooking


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oil. In 2011-12 oil years
(November-October), the total
import of vegetable oils (edible and
non-edible oil) was at an all-time
high of 10.19 million tonnes. In the
first two months of the current oil
year, imports were up 5 per cent.
The Agriculture Ministry sought for
7.5 per cent import duty on crude
edible oil and 15 per cent on refined
oil. But during the inter-ministerial
meeting, the finance ministry felt
such a sharp rise would lead to rise
in inflation. There is zero duty on
crude edible oil and 7.5 per cent on
refined edible oils. India imports
over 50 per cent of its domestic
demand. In 2011-12 oil years, the
country imported a record 10.19
million tonnes of vegetable oils.
RBI set up Working Group to
review Banking Ombudsman
The Reserve Bank of India in
the month of January 2013 had set
up a working group to evaluate and
make improvements in the
grievance redressal mechanism for
bank customers. The working
group constituted in the Reserve
Bank of India is going to review,
update, and revise the Banking
Ombudsman Scheme, 2006. As per
the RBI annual report of the Banking
Ombudsman Scheme 2011-12, In
Financial Year 2011-12, the banking
ombudsmans office of the RBI
received around 72889 complaints.
It disposed off 94 per cent of the
customer complaints, About onefourth of the total customer
complaints were about banks
failure to meet commitments and
non-observance of fair practices
code. Also, it was seen that the
Banking Ombudsman received
14492 card-related complaints in the
reporting year. Unsolicited cards
and charging of annual fee in spite
of being offered free card formed
the basis of some of the complaints

against the banks. Presently, we

have 15 Banking Ombudsmen with
unambiguous jurisdiction covering
the 29 States and seven Union
Territories in India.
12517 crore Rupees of Capital
Infusion approved in 10 PSU

The Union Cabinet on 10

January 2013 approved a proposal
of infusing 12517 crores rupees in
public sector banks so that bank
could enhance the lending activity
and meet the capital adequacy
norms. As per the Finance Minister
P Chidambaram about 9-10 public
sector banks are going to be
benefitted from the capital infusion
programme. Also, the name of the
banks, the amount for each bank
and terms of the conditions will be
decided in consultation with them
at the time of infusion. The
government is supposed to Provide
capital funds to PSBs during the year
2012-13 to the tune of 12517 crore
to maintain their Tier-l CRAR
(capital to risk-weighted assets
ratio) at comfortable level. The
need for that is to make the PSU
remain obedient with the stricter
capital adequacy norms under
BASEL-III as well as to support
internationally active PSBs for their
national and international banking
operations undertaken through their
subsidiaries and associates. In
principle approval of the Cabinet is
accorded for need based additional
capital infusion in PSBs from the
year 2013-14 to 2018-19 for ensuring



compliance to Capital Adequacy

norms under Basel- III.
Benefits of the Capital Infusion in
The capital investment will
ensure fulfillment to the
regulatory norms on capital
adequacy and will cater to the
credit needs of productive
sectors of the economy as
well as to withstand the
impact of stress in the
It will support national and
operations of PSBs and will
boost the confidence of
The infusion of. 12517 crore
rupees in the equity capital of
PSBs would enable them to
expand their credit growth.
This additional availability of
credit will cater to the credit
needs of our economy and
will also benefit employment
oriented sectors, especially
agriculture, micro and small
promotion of their economic
activities which would, in turn,
contribute substantially to the
growth of the economy. The
Government is committed in
making all the PSBs financially
sound and healthy so as to
ensure that the growing credit
needs of our economy are
adequately met. To meet the
credit requirement of the
economy, banks would
commensurate to the increase
in their Risk Weighted Assets
(RWAs). The government
earlier had infused about
20117 crore rupees in public


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sector banks during 2010-11,
and 12000 crore rupees in
10% Stake Sale in Engineers India
Ltd (EIL) approved

The Union Government on 10

January 2013 approved 10 per cent
stake sale in Engineers India Ltd
(EIL), which is supposed to bring
back a sum of around 800 crore
Rupees to the government. The
stake is going to take place this
fiscal, April 2012 to March 2013 and
is approved by Cabinet Committee
on Economic Affairs (CCEA). At
present 80.40 Percent of Stake in EIL
is held by the Government. Earlier
in 2010 Government divested 10 per
cent stake through an FPO in EIL, a
leader in engineering consultancy.
For the July-September quarter of
the current fiscal, April 2012 to
March 2013, EIL reported net profit
of 161.24 crore of rupees up 10 per
cent over the same period in 201112. The government has proposed
to raise 3000 crore rupees. by way
of disinvestment in 2012-13. So far
this fiscal, the government has been
able to realise just over 6900 crore
rupees through stake sale in PSUs.
Further stake sale in Oil India and
NTPC is lined up for January and
February 2013.
Fitch Ranked Indias Sovereign
Rating into Negative Status
The Rating Agency Fitch
released its latest outlook on Indias
Sovereign Rating on 8 January 2013
and maintained the negative status


for India. The negative rating came

out of the concerns over the
inflammatory pressures, slow
economic growth and uncertain
fiscal outlook. Moodys and
Standard and Poor are the other two
agencies along with Fitch that has
rated India into its negative category
of the sovereign rating outlook.
There are prospects of shifting India
in the junk grade in case the
fundamentals doesnt improve in
next few months.
Manufacturing Sector Displayed
Six-Month Highest Growth in
December 2012
T h e Purchasing Managers
Index (PMI) from HSBC survey
revealed on 2 January 2013 that the
manufacturing activity of India
increased in December 2012 to
maximum in six months. This
happened because of an increase in
the new orders as well as
strengthened factory output. The
survey provides a peep into the
sector of manufacturing ranging
from jobs to output. The survey
showed that the manufacturing
activity increased from 53.7 in
November 2012 to 54.7 in
December 2012. The parameter for
measuring is a figure of 50 points.
The sector showing figure more than
50 points displays growth while that
below 50 points indicates
contraction. The chief economist of
HSBC described that the
manufacturing sector gained pace
because of upstick in the new orders
as well as faster growth of output.
An increase in the manufacturing
activity of India indicated a positive
sign for the economy as well.
Private Sector of India registered
a Net Profit of 4.3 percent
The data released from the
Reserve Bank of India on 9 January
2013 reported that the Private

Corporate Sector of India registered

a net profit of 91800 crore rupees in
the first half of 2012-13 (April to
September), which is 4.3 percent
higher than the one reported in the
first half of the 2011-2012. In terms
of growth in Sales on the basis of
the financial results of 2832 listed
non-financial and non-government
companies in the first half of the
current fiscal the companies grew
by 12.3 percent, which is equivalent
to 14.34 lakh crore. The details of
the report states that the operating
profit (EBITDA) of these companies
has gone up by 4.9 percent to 1.88
lakh crore rupees.

The report states that with a net

profit margin of 17 percent, the
performance of the Information
Technology (IT) sector was better,
when compared with the
manufacturing and non-IT service
sectors. The net profit margin of the
non-IT service sector and
manufacturing sector were 4.9
percent and 5.7 percent
respectively. The manufacturing
companies show a rise in its net
profit by 2.4 percent, which is
equivalent to 61200 crore rupees
and the non-IT companies dropped
down by 3.9 percent, from the one
recorded previous year. The
companies involved in computer
and activities related to it show a rise
in net profit of 18.6 percent that is
equivalent to 18200 crore rupees.
The financial companies registered
a net profit of 27.3 percent that was
equivalent to 8500 crore rupees,
when compared to previous year


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Red Wine can distort the results
of Testosterone Level in Body

Researchers from the Kingston

University, London in January 2013
declared that Red Wine helps in
enhancing hormone testosterone in
the body of the athletes and players.
The researchers also claimed that
the beverage would not only help
them in winning the trophies, but an
athlete under influence of red wine
can also cross all the anti-doping
tests. A team at the Universitys
School of Life Sciences led by
Professor Declan Naughton in their
findings confirmed that there are
chances in which, the amount of
testosterone excreted by the body
is distorted under the influence of


Red Wine and can easily skip the

drug tests from the Urine
Samples. Quercetin
compound found in red wine that
have abilities of blocking the action
of enzyme called UGT2B17 partially.
UGT2B17 is an enzyme that finds out
testosterone in the human body and
then signals kidney to excrete
it. Testosterone is a natural steroid
hormone available in the body of
men and women with abilities of
increasing the muscle mass, speed
up the recovery process and boost
stamina to a different level. The
research was conducted in test
tubes till date and the human trial is
yet to be done. The clinical study of
its effects on human beings would
help in determining the effects of
red wine on human being.
2 Billion Year Old Martian Rock Is
a Meteorite with 10 Times More
Water than Normal
Scientists claimed that the 2billion year old dark black rock,
called Northwest Africa (NWA)
7034 or Black Beauty , which landed
into Sahara desert in 2011 is actually

new kind of Martian meteorite

which contains 10 times excess
water than the normal.

Black Beauty weighs around

320 g. After studying it intensively
for over a year, the team of US
scientists finally determined that the
meteorite was formed 2.1 billion
years ago and that too during the
starting of most recent geologic
period called Amazonian, on
Mars. Programme scientist for the
Mars Exploration Programme at
NASA headquarters, Washington
explained that the age of Black
Beauty was important because it is
majorly older than the other Martian
meteorites. NASA also explained
that the meteorite is a perfect match
for the outcrops as well as surface


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rocks which it had studied remotely
through their Mars rovers as well as
satellites. The
composition of Black Beauty is
much different than previously
studied meteorites from Mars. It is
composed of cemented remains of
basalt, which is a rock that is formed
from hastily cooled lava. These
remains are mainly pyroxene and
feldspar, which most probably are
from the volcanic activities. This is
an unusual meteorite chemistry
which matches the Martian crust
that was measured by Mars Odyssey
Orbiter as well as Mars Exploration
Rovers of Nasa. Around 110 Martian
rocks have already been recovered
on Earth, primarily in Sahara or
Antarctica. The oldest one is from
4.5 billion years ago when Mars was
much warmer and wetter. A lot of
Martian meteorites are from 1.3
billion years ago and remaining ones
are from 600 million years ago. The
latest meteorite is Black Beauty
which was donated to University of
New Mexico by a US citizen who
had purchased it from the Moroccan
meteorite dealer in 2011.
Indias First Successful Intestinal
Transplant Performed
The first successful and healthy
intestinal transplant surgery in India
was given to a software engineer on
24 November 2012 at Medanta
Medicity, Gurgaon. Because around
60 percent intestinal transplants are
not successful due to jettison and
higher degree of infection of
transplanted organ, therefore the
hospital authorities waited for
announcing the results till patient
recovered completely. The earlier
attempts of intestinal transplant in
India have always failed. The
chairman managing director of
Medanta, Dr Naresh Trehan
announced that this was the first
successful intestinal transplant in
India and it provided new hopes to

the country. In context with the

intestinal transplant for the Delhi
gangrape victim, Dr Trehan declared
that the victim was not medically fit
for the surgery. In the patient who
received the first successful
intestinal transplant in India, merely
28 cm of small intestine was left out
of 600 cm. Rest of it was removed
completely. Small intestine
performs the function of food
absorption as well as digestion. But
after finding the cadaver donour, the
transplant was successfully
completed on 24 November 2012.
The cost of surgery was 30 lakh
Scientists Developed a Drug That
Help Paralysed Walk Again

central nervous system (CNS) from

harmful chemicals carried in the
bloodstream, was also crossed
efficiently. This is for the very first
time that the oral drug was observed
to provide effective therapy like this.
This is therefore said to be the first
drug that if taken orally, produced
functional improvement leading to
no toxicity in rodent model. Apart
from this, the scientists tested the
small molecule for the ability to
avoid death of cells known as
oligodendrocytes. Oligodendrocytes actually are the cells which
surround as well as provide
protection to the axons, which are
long projections of the nerve cells.
Protection is provided to axons by
wrapping them in myelin sheath
which provides protection to the
India Successfully test-fired
manoeuvrable version of

Scientists at the Stanford

University in the second week of
January 2013, California developed
an experimental drug called LM11A31 which is claimed to help
paralysed people reclaim their
movements. The new drug enabled
the mice which had no movements
in lower limbs, to walk again with
the coordinated steps. The mice
were even able to imitate the
swimming motions. In a 42-days
long experiment, the scientists gave
three doses of the drug to different
groups of the mice starting at four
hours post injury and later twice
every day. In the tests, it was also
observed that the medication did
not cause any pain in mice. Also,
there were no toxic effects on
them. Blood brain barrier, which is
responsible for protecting the



India on 9 January 2013

successfully test-fired a highly
manoeuvrable version of the 290-km
range supersonic cruise missile
BrahMos from a naval warship off
the coast of Vishakhapatnam in Bay
of Bengal. The missile blasted off in
a pre-designated war scenario
taking a double manoeuvre in Sform hitting the designated target
ship just one meter above water line.
The sheer velocity and power of hit
made the missile rip through the
ships hull.
The present test firing is
considered to be the 34th launch of


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BrahMos after the successful
October 2012 launch from INS Teg
in the Arabian Sea.
About BrahMos Missile
BRAHMOS is a two-stage
missile with a solid propellant
booster engine as its first stage
which brings it to supersonic speed
and then gets separated. The liquid
ramjet or the second stage then
takes the missile closer to 3 Mach
speed in cruise phase. Stealth
technology and guidance system
with advanced embedded software
provides the missile with special
The BrahMos missile system
was inducted into the Indian
Navy in 2005 when it began
arming the Rajput-class
guided missile destroyers and
inducted subsequently in
many warships.
BrahMos is capable of
acquiring data not only from
the American GPS but also
from Russian GLONASS
satellite systems also, which
ensures double redundancy.
The missile has identical
configuration for land, sea and
sub-sea platforms and uses a
Transport Launch Canister
(TLC) for transportation,
storage and launch.
Astronomers discovered
Magnetic Ropes in Venuss Upper
Astronomers found flux ropes
in Venuss ionosphere (upper
atmosphere), above the poles in the
second week of January 2013. The
flux ropes are magnetic entities
stretching for hundreds of
kilometers in size. Astronomers
were boarding the European Space
Agencys Venus Express Spacecraft.
Flux ropes have been seen before
around other planets, including
Earth. They transport superheated


plasma gas from one end of the rope

to the other. Flux ropes are formed
on Earth near the face of the planet
opposite the Sun. The stream of
charged particles known as the solar
wind flows around the planet and
thus a magnetotail of charged
particles on the other side is
created. Unlike most other planets
in the Solar system, Venus has no
magnetic field. The ionosphere (or
upper atmosphere) of Venus acts as
an obstacle to the solar wind. The
ionosphere of Venus remains
unmagnetised most of the time, but
when the solar wind reaches a
higher pressure than the
surrounding atmosphere it gets
magnetised. In these conditions,
relatively small flux ropes can form
because of the higher speed of the
solar wind blowing over the slower
ionosphere. In fact, the flux ropes
on Venus form from solar particles
on the side of the planet facing away
from the Sun, in the magnetotail.
Earlier, the giant flux ropes were
also found in the atmosphere of
Mars. Mars does not have a magnetic
field like Venus.
Scientists Developed a Drug to
Reverse Permanent Deafness
Scientists in the second week
of January 2013, at the Harvard
Medical School, US developed a
drug codenamed LY411575, which
is claimed to be a cure of the
permanent deafness. The drug
works by exciting the inner ear. It
actually triggers the restoration of
sensory hair cells. As of now, it was
not possible to refurbish the cells
which were lost because of various
factors such as toxic drugs, infection
and loud exposure of noise. This
kind of deafness, which usually
occurred to DJs and rock musicians,
was assumed as irrevocable.
Scientists were successful in
restoring the hearing in mice to
some extent. These mice were

deafened due to loud noise. The

scientists believed that this research
was helpful in creating effective
treatments related to acute noise
provoking deafness in the humans.
The sensory hairs which are
very tiny are present in the cochlea
and they are very crucial for hearing.
Vibrations of the sound which are
transferred from eardrum shake
these hairs, leading to nerve
messages transferred to the brain.
In the absence of these hairs, the
pathway to hearing remains
blocked. As a result, the auditory
centre of the brain does not receive
any signals. Fish as well as birds
have the ability to regenerate the
sound-sensing hair cells. Mammals
lack this ability. In the new
reprogrammed inner ear cells by
reducing the protein known as
Notch. In the early laboratory
research, it was shown that the
Notch signals enabled in preventing
the stem cells in cochlea from
transforming themselves to new
sensory hair cells. Newly developed
drug can curb Notch. In the study,
mice suffering from noise-induced
loss of hearing could generate
functional sensory hair cells once
the drug was injected in the
damaged cochlea. The study is
significant because the hearing loss
affects 250 million people in the
Mars Curiosity Rover captured a
Flower like formation on Martian


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NASA in the first week of
January 2013 unveiled that Mars
Curiosity Rover has captured an
image of a flower like object
embedded on the rocks of Mars. It
has also photographed a snake-like
rock formation on the Martian
Rocks. The picture of flower was
captured by the microscope Mars
Hand Lens Imager held by the
robotic arm of Rover on 19
December 2012. The 2.5 billion
dollar Curiosity Rover landed on
Mars on 5 August 2012 with a
mission to identify that was the
planet in its past was habitable or
had primitive microbial life. The
mission would end after 2 years
from the day it landed on the
Glenelg, the Martian Peak base
named MountSharp by the
Researchers Discovered Fossil of
First Bird with Teeth in China

Fossil skeleton of the early bird

called Sulcavis Geeorum which
lived 125 million years ago was
discovered in the first week of
January 2013 in China. The bird had
strange kind of ridges on the teeth
which allowed it to open up hardshelled snails and insects as
well. This is an unusual fossil which
was preserved so well that some of
the stomach contents were present
even now. The discovery would
help the researchers find out the
kinds of food items that earliest
birds of Earth ate during the time
when dinosaurs existed. The fossil
skeleton of the first bird with teeth

indicated that the bird had

durophagous diet, which means that
the teeth of this bird were able to
eat prey that had hard exoskeletans.
Researchers believed that teeth of
this new specimen increased the
known range of tooth shapes in the
early birds, which in turn would
indicate about the ecological
About Sulcavis Geeorum
Sulcavis Geeorum is the
enantiornithine bird (extinct
toothed bird) that existed
around 125 million years ago
in Liaoning Province, China.
Enantiornithine birds are
actually a kind of early birds
and also the most numerous
birds from dinosaurs-era.
Sulcavis Geeorum is said to be
the first bird discoevred with
tooth enamel. The birds are
said to be have evolved from
the dinosaurs but the
dinosaurs have carnivorous
teeth that have special
characteristics for eating only
Enantiornithine are the unique
birds among others that show
minimal tooth reduction along
with assortment of the dental
patterns. However, Sulcavis
Geeorum has strong teeth
having grooves on inside
surface which strengthen their
teeth against harder foods.
No other bird species in the
past had striations, preserved
ridges, serrated edges or other
kinds of dental ornamentation.
Indian Institute of Astrophysics
to Develop Worlds Largest Solar
The Indian Institute of
Astrophysics (IIA), Bangalore in the
first week of January 2013 informed
about its decision to come up with



worlds largest solar telescope in

Ladakh region of Jammu and
Kashmir. The project would
commence by the end of year 2013
and the telescope is likely to be
placed at Hanle or Merak village
near Pangong Lake in Ladakh. The
telescope would be a 2-metre class,
state-of-the-art National Large Solar
Telescope (NLST).

Its expected that the project

would complete by 2017. The
project has been planned with a
budget of 300 crore rupees and after
installation, it would help the
practicing day and night astronomy.
This telescope would help the
researchers to understand the
process of creation and decay of
sunspots along with other
fundamental processes that takes
place on the surface of sun. This
telescope would also help in filling
the longitudinal gap between
Europe and Japan. The telescope
with its innovative design and
backend instruments would also
provide crucial information on
nature of magnetic fields due to its
unprecedented spatial resolution.
Cochin Shipyard launched
Cochin Shipyard Ltd (CSL) on
8 January 2013 launched the
first fast patrol vessel (FPV), built
for the Indian Coast Guard. The
vessel which is named Aadesh was
launched by Jayasree Muralidharan,
in the presence of M.P.
Muralidharan, Director General of
Indian Coast Guard (ICG) and K.


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Subramaniam, Chairman and
Managing Director of the Coast

27 ships on order consisting of 20

FPVs, five offshore support ships for
Indian and foreign owners, one
buoy tender vessel for the
Department of Lighthouses and
Lightships and the Prestigious
Aircraft Carrier for the Indian Navy.
About Cochin Fast Patrol Vessel

The vessel is the first in a series

of 20 numbers fast patrol vessel
(FPVs) contracted by CSL for the
Indian Coast Guard. The contract
was signed in year 2010 with of
which the delivery the last vessel
scheduled for 2017. The ship was
designed by the Kochi-based SEDS
and this is the first association
between CSL and a local design
house. The yard also launched two
other platform supply vessels for
PSV Holdings Inc, Cyprus.
Specification of Fast Patrol
Vessel (FPV)
It has a designed speed of 33
knots with propelled water
jets to attain the speed.
Its primary role includes
fisheries protection and
monitoring, patrol within
exclusive economic zone
(EEZ) and coastal patrol, anti
smuggling, search and rescue
operations and for anti piracy
The secondary role of vessel
is to provide communication
link and escort convoys during
hostilities and war time.
Although it is small in size and
Cochin Shipyard currently has


Cochin Fast Patrol Vessels

(FPV) are basically chain of 20
patrol boats being built by Cochin
shipyard Limited for the Indian
Coast Guard at its shipyard located
at Cochin in state of Kerala.
The Vessels have length of 50
m and can attain speed of 35
Each vessel is powered by
three Tognum supplied 16V
4000 M90 engines with an
output of 2,720 kW (3,648
bhp) each in combination
with three Rolls-Royce
Kamewa 71S3np water jets to
enable them to operate in
shallow waters and offer
higher speeds and better
conventional propellers.
The vessels roles include
coastal patrolling, antismuggling missions, fisheries
protection, as well as search
and rescue duties.
India Affected By the Cyber
Spying Campaign Called Red
Kaspersky Lab, the Russian
cyber security firm on 14 January
2013 revealed that India is one
among various nations which are hit
by the cyber spying which has been
targeting governmental, diplomatic
and scientific research organisations
for around 5 years.
The cyber spying campaign is
termed Red October or Rocra by the
Kaspersky Lab. Rocra significantly
affected countries like Kazakhstan,

Russia, India, Belgium and

Azerbaijan apart from other
countries in Eastern Europe, Central
Asia and Soviet republics.
Rocra infected hundreds of the
computers across the world in
categories such as research
diplomatic/embassies, nuclear/
energy research, trade and
commerce, aerospace and military
as well as oil and gas companies.
Kaspersky Lab declared that the
cyber spying campaign was
functional since 2007 and at present
too it is active.
Kaspersky Security Network, the
number of infections that affected
Russia was maximum (35). It was
followed by Kazakhstan (21). India,
Azerbaijan and Belgium had 15
infections each. Other affected
nations included Armenia (10),
Afghanistan (10), Turkmenistan (7),
Iran (7), US (6), Vietnam (6), Ukraine
(6), Pakistan (5) and Brazil (4).
About Red October
Rocra is the short name given
to Red October. Apart from
attacking the established computer
workstations, Rocra can also steal
the data from various smartphones,
catch the files from the removable
disk drives as well as abandon the
network equipment configurations.
Rocra can also scan through the
local network FTP servers as well as
email databases.
Rocra is not like the other
highly automatic cyber-spying
campaigns such as Gauss and
Flame. The attacks of Rocra are very
carefully chosen.
The configuration of the
hardware as well as software of the
victims device is what drive every
operation. Apart from the software
and the hardware, every habit of
document use and the native
language also drive the operation.


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Intel Developed New Device That
Helps Stephen Hawking
Communicate Faster
A team at Intel, the computer
hardware firm created a device,
which is said to allow Stephen
Hawking, the renowned scientist of
the world to communicate faster
than before. With the help of new
device, Hawking will be able to
discuss his ideas about fundamental
physics in speedy manner. The 71year old physicist has been affected
by the degenerative disease, due to
which he composes sentences at
very slow speed, i.e., one word per
minute. But Intel created a new
device which allows him to create
five words per minute. The rate of
sentence composition could also
increase to ten words per
minute. Hawking, from last 10 years
has composed the sentences at a
pace of one letter at a time while
making use of the jerk of the cheek
in order to stop the cursor as it runs
on the on-screen keyboard. He
therefore composes his sentences
at a pace of one word at a time and
the computer, which is attached to
the wheelchair reads it aloud in the
metallic voice.
However, in the recent past,
Hawking, who is suffering from the
motor neuron disease, finds it
difficult to control the cursor using
the jerk of his cheek, which
significantly slows down the pace
at which he can communicate with
everyone. Intel started working on
the new device for Hawking in 2011
after he requested for the help from
Gordon Moore, the Intel co-founder.
The new device or system which
was created by Intel makes use of
the facial recognition technology in
order to identify not just the cheek
movements of Hawking, but also the
jerks from the mouth as well as the
eyebrows, which eventually sends
his words to the new machine for
speech. Justin Rattner, Intels chief

technology officer described that a

device with character-driven
interface has been created, which
is actually a better word
forecaster. The new technology of
the device would enable Hawking
to make use of two diverse signals
in order to express his ideas, which
in turn also means that he would be
able to communicate while making
use of the Morse code. This in turn
is a great improvement.
Worlds First 3-D Printed Building
Planned by Dutch Architect to
come up by 2014

The Dutch architect, Janjaap

Ruijssenaars in the fourth week of
January 2013 unveiled his plans to
design the first 3D-printed house of
the world. The Landscape House
will appear as a continuous looping
Mbius strip that rises from the
ground and then folds back in
seamless rolling band. However, the
intricate geometry of the planned
building is not crafted from
concrete, but from the layers of
printed sand. Janjaap Ruijssenaars
is at present, working with the
mathematician and artist Rinus
Roelofs for creating this building in
sections of up to 6x9m, which are
printed with the help of D-Shape
printer. The special D-Shape printer
is developed by the Italian engineer
Enrico Dini and it makes use of the
stereolithography principles just like
the small printers. The only
difference is that this D-Shape
printer is scaled up and uses the
sand fused together with the help
of chemical binding agent.



The sections of the building

will be printed like the hollow shells
and later they will be filled with the
fibre-reinforced concrete in order to
imbibe it with the extra strength.
The special, first-of-its-kind 3D
printed building will take an
estimated time of 18 months, which
means that it will be available in
2014. The cost of constructing this
building is estimated to be 4-5m
(3.3-4.2m). Earlier, the largest
ever 3D-printed object was created
by the Italian architect Andrea
Morgante of Shiro Studio. This
architect made use of the same
printer in order to fabricate the 3mhigh pavilion in 2009.
Iran Announced Sending a
Monkey Successfully Into Space

Iran on 28 January 2013

announced that it had successfully
sent into space a monkey. While
declaring the sending of a monkey
into space, Iran also declared that it
was yet another step towards the
space flight goal of Tehran. The
rocket called Pishgam (meaning
Pioneer) reached at a height of 120
km. Though the details about timing
or the location were not disclosed,
but Iran declared that the monkey
had come back to the Earth
successfully. Since a long time, Iran
wanted to send an astronaut in
space as its aerospace programme
in 2012. In 2010, Iran declared that
it had launched the Explorer rocket
into space which carried worms,
turtle and mouse. Irans effort to
launch a monkey into the space had
earlier failed in 2011. However, US


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and the allies worried that the
technology from the space
programme might be utilised for
creation of missiles which could
potentially also be armed with the
nuclear warheads. Iran, in the
meanwhile, denied that it took
atomic weapons and also claimed
that it was using the nuclear reactors
applications. In its joint project
with Russia, Iran had announced that
it had successfully launched
satellites into space back in 2005.
Though Iran conceals details of the
new space facility that it has
planned, but the most important
satellite launch complex of Iran is
near Semnan.
Early monkeys sent into space
The first country to launch the
primate into space was US. It
sent a rhesus monkey known
as Albert into a sub-space
altitude of 39 miles in the V2
rocket in 1948. However,
Albert died because of
suffocation in the flight.
Another monkey called Albert
II was sent into space
achieving the altitude of 83
miles in the V2 rocket in 1949.
Though Albert II survived but
it died because of parachute
In late 1949, other two
monkeys called Albert III and
Albert IV were sent but again
did not survive.
In 1951, Albert V died because
of parachute failure.
In 1951, Albert VI, also called
Yorick survived the flight but
only reached the height of 45
miles. The boundary of outer
space is considered beyond
62 miles.
The landmark was achieved
by the US in 1959 when two
primates were recovered alive


after their spaceflight. These

primates were a rhesus
monkey called Able and a
squirrel monkey called Baker.
These primates were aboard
a rocket called Jupiter.
River Ran on the Mars 3.5 Billion
Years Ago

The European Space Agency

released surprising pictures of the
remains of huge river which ran
across the Red Planet, Mars at some
point of time, on 17 January 2013.
The images which were captured by
the ESAs Mars Express showed
Reull Vallis, the river-like structure,
which is believed to have formed
when water ran from the surface of
Mars in distant past. The Reull
Vallis, cut a steep-sided channel
through Promethei Terra Highlands
and then ran towards the floor of
huge Hellas basin. The structure
which surprised the astronomers
stretches for around 900 miles or
1500 km across the Martian surface
and also shows various tributaries.
One of the tributaries was seen
cutting the main valley towards the
upper side in the north. Experts
from ESA opined that these images
displayed a resemblance with the
morphology which is found in
various areas affected by glaciation
on Earth. Planetary scientists, in the
meanwhile opined that images
represented the presence of high
water or the glacial levels on Mars,
before the water or ice evaporated.
ESA described that the sides
of Reull Vallis were mainly sharp as

well as steep in the images captures

by the Mars Express. The parallel
longitudinal features covered floor
of the channel. The structures like
these were believed to be formed
due to passage of loose ice or debris
during Amazonian period because
of the glacial flow along the channel.
These structures, it is believed, were
formed somewhere around 3.5
billion years ago. The lineated
structures like these, which were
rich in ice, were also found in the
surrounding craters. Such images
were useful because they provided
the scientists and astronomers a
glimpse into the past of the Red
Astronomers measured the
Process how Universe cooled on
lines of Big Bang Theory
Astronomers in the fourth
week of January 2013 revealed that
they have made the most precise
measurement of the fact that how
the Universe has cooled down in a
period of 13.77 billion years history
following the prediction made in the
Big Bang Theory. To find out the
fact and to carry on the study, the
astronomers studied molecules in
the gas cloud at a distance of 7.2
billion light years from us
somewhere in the universe a
distance so far that the light emitted
from it took half the age of the
Universe to reach us. A team of
Astronomers from France, Germany,
Sweden and Australia used the
Australian Telescope Compact
Array to measure the heat of
Universe at the time when it was half
of its current age.
A statement released from the
CSIRO Astronomy and Space
Science described that the study
has been able to find out the most
precise measurement to identify the
fact that how the Universe has
cooled over a time of 13.77 billion
years. The scientists looked back


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halfway across the Universe to look
back halfway into the Universe
history and the basic reason to do
so is to identify the time, when the
light left the galaxies. Astronomers
studied gas at a distance of 7.2
billion light years away in an
unnamed galaxy and identified that
the cosmic background radiation
was the only thing that kept it warm
left over by the big bang. Behind
this unnamed galaxy PKS 1830-211
quasar is also in existence.
Space Telescope of NASA
Discovered Magnetic Braids in
Suns Atmosphere

The space telescope of NASA

discovered astonishing magnetic
braids of super-hot matter in outer
atmosphere of the Sun. The
scientists claimed that this discovery
could help in explaining the
mysterious hot corona of the Sun.
The scientists of NASA additionally
also explained that the discovery
made by High-Resolution Coronal
Imager, or Hi-C of NASA would help
in forecasting the space weather in
a better way. The 9.5-inch (24
centimetres) telescope was
launched by NASA in July 2012 on
the 10-minute flight merely beyond
the atmosphere of the Earth in order
to know about the corona, which is
atmosphere of the Sun. The NASAs
photographs depicting astonishing
details, before it came back to the
Earth. It was found out that the Suns
surface was very hot, as expected.
It was almost up to 6125 degrees

Celsius. However, it was found that

the corona, the outer atmosphere
which is way above the surface of
the Sun was even hotter, by around
a 1000 times more, despite the
absence of solar flares.
The scientists also discovered
that the powerful magnetic waves
which rippled from below the
surface of the Sun could heat up the
corona by 1.5 million degrees
Celsius. However, it was made clear
that this was not the only reason that
temperatures of the corona. With
the high-resolution images of the
corona of the Sun, it is clear that
magnetic braids generated a lot of
heat, which is enough to support the
fact that the temperature is as high
as up to 6 million degrees Celsius.
The scientists from NASA
revealed that they had observed the
bundle of magnetic fields, which in
turn wrapped various other bundles
to create magnetic bundle
ensemble. The magnetic fields in the
ensemble have different kinds of
lengths. Also, there may be
difference in the rate of curvature
along the solo field lines. Some of
the fields are curved highly, while
the others are curved less.
The magnetic fields were also
visible physically within the superhot plasma that composes the Sun.
For example, the highly curved
magnetic fields could appear like
the coronal loops or the giant arches
which rise from the Sun. The
magnetic braids in turn can also
grow unbalanced so that the
individual magnetic field lines of
force can communicate within
This phenomenon is called
reconnection and it diminishes the
magnetic fields curvature, which in
turn releases huge amount of energy
that heats up the plasma or increases
the speed of solar flares or other



Even though the magnetic

braids were visible on the Suns
surface, but there are not enough
ways to find out how common these
magnetic braids were in corona. The
scientists explained that there was
a possibility that the braids being
observed were not actually the
bundles of magnetic fields but
actually the sets of various magnetic
loops which were overlying or
underlying on each other. If this
was the case, then it was possible
that they stored less energy than
what it was analysed. Despite all
this, the corona of the Sun still held
100 times the amount of energy
which needed to be super-heated.
Device to remove insect pests
from stored grains
Stored grains are attacked by
several pests. They assume
importance as they start their
damage in the field itself. Generally
insects fly from nearby farms, farm
store houses or farmer storehouses
and start laying eggs on the grains
that are stored. Eggs are the root
cause in of damage to the grains
during storage. As the use of
pesticides and fumigants on or near
stored grain is more dangerous to
human beings and due to the
development of resistance to the
insects, mechanical methods like
rotation, tumbling and impact of
infested grains prove to be effective
in the removal of stored-product
Limited information
Mechanical removal of insects
from stored grains is an important
pest control strategy. Till now only
very limited information is available
in using the mechanical mode for
controlling the egg stages of insects.
Hence, a device to remove adult
stored product insects and crush
the eggs present in stored grain has
been developed by Department of


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Agricultural Entomology, Tamil
Nadu Agricultural University,
Coimbatore. The device has a grain
feeding hopper, insect cleaning unit
with an outlet to collect them
separately and an outlet for the
treated grain.
It can be easily operated and
within five minutes majority of the
insects present in the food grains
can be removed and collected in the
collection outlet. Further inner
arrangement in the insect cleaning
unit facilitates crushing of the eggs,
if any, in the grains. The capacity of
the hand operated machine is 200
250 kg/hr. It can be easily motorized
depending on the need.
Scientists Discovered Gene That
Restricts Tumours
Scientists at the Jawaharlal
Nehru Universitys School of
Biotechnology claimed in the third
week of January 2013 that they
found the SCO2 gene which has
potential qualities of restricting
Scientists claimed that this
SCO2 gene can therefore be used
for the treatment of various kinds of
cancers. As of now, p53 gene was
considered as the protein that holds
back tumours and therefore
prevents occurrence of cancer. But
as per the combined research
studies which were conducted by
the scientists of JNU School of
Biotechnology and Ohio State
University Medical Centre as well as
other universities, p53 gene employs
SCO2 gene to imbibe this tumoursuppressing quality to it. In the
research study, the scientists
injected SCO2 protein which is
encoded in SCO2 gene, in the colon
as well as breast tumour xenografts
in the mice. The result was constant
decay of the tumours. When SCO2
was combined with cancer drugs
such as tamoxifen and cisplatin, the
success rate of hypoxic tumour


regression was 85 percent in 4

Actually, SCO2 is responsible
for enhancing the production of
reactive oxygen species (ROS),
which in turn activates the apoptosis
signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1).
Apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1
(ASK1) then degenerates the growth
rate of tumours. ROS is a kind of
encompasses oxygen, which in turn
leads to easy reaction with the other
molecules in the cell. Building of
ROS in the cells can lead to
damaged DNA, RNA as well as
proteins, eventually being fatal. But
SCO2 causes promotion of ROS for
positive reasons, i.e. to activate the
cell death and thus shrinking these
tumours. The scientists however
also made it clear that translating
these findings into the real-time
treatment or therapy would take
time. But it is still a very important
step in the process of understanding
mechanistic reasons of cancer. The
scientists declared that all the genes
which are involved in cancer cell
metabolism hold importance, but
they need to be understood and
discovered. However, with the
advanced therapies and the
treatments in the future, cancer
would not remain a deadly disease.
Researchers Discovered Protein
behind Scaly and Dry Skin in

A team of researchers
including that of an Indian-origin, at
Oregon State University discovered

in the first week of January 2013,

one malfunctioning protein which
leads to itchy, dry as well as
inflamed skin wounds in a kind of
The protein is called Ctip2 and
it actually causes certain skin
conditions by controlling body fat
which keeps the skin hydrated and
healthy. Eczema actually causes
major loss of certain fluids through
the skin which in turn leads to
penetration of certain allergens. In
the study conducted by the
researchers, it was found that
insufficient Ctip2 leads to reduction
in the lipids in skin which are
required for staying healthy and
Additionally, this leads to unwanted
creation of proteins which can
cause inflammation.
The ability of the skin to
oppose to inflammation goes down
inflammation is rising and the main
factor is Ctip2 not performing its job.
One of these or both these issues
can cause eczema. It was known
that Ctip2 controls the body fats
which can keep your skin hydrated
and healthy, but researchers
discovered that in case this protein
starts malfunctioning, it could lead
to atopic dermatitis which is a
common kind of eczema.
At present, the treatment
includes moisturizing the skin for
protection. In certain difficult cases,
powerful steroids are used but it
also leads to negative effects,
especially long term side
effects. The skin is actually the
largest human body organ and also
the important one. It fights against
the external factors and therefore is
also influenced by environment and
genetics. In the condition of
eczema, the function of skin slows
down. The findings in turn can help
the researchers in discovering the
new treatments for eczema.


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The main findings of the study
were as follows:
Protein called Ctip2 starts
controlling body fats which
are helpful in keeping the skin
cell hydrated as well as
However, in the people
suffering from eczema, this
starts malfunctioning leading
to itchy, red and dry skin.
The researchers believed that
the findings could lead to
certain new treatments as
Astronomers discovered Largest
Cosmic Structure in the Universe

Astronomers in the first week

of January 2013 discovered the
largest known structure in the
Universe called Large Quasar Group
(LQG) that is powered by super
massive black holes clump together.
This cluster of galaxies spans across
four billion light years. Quasars are
considered to be the nuclei of
galaxies of the universe, which
undergoes brief period of extremely
high brightness making them visible
in the sky from extreme distant
positions. The LQG was identified
by a research team from the
University of Central Lancashire
(UCLan) that is led by Dr. Roger
Clowes and the significant size of
the same is challenging the Albert
Einsteins Principle of Cosmology.
The principle states the Universe
when viewed at a large scale, it
seems to be the same; it doesnt
matters that from where it is being

observed from. The Einsteins

principle is just an assumption but
was never demonstrated after
observations so its beyond
reasonable doubts. The newly,
discovered LQG carries a dimension
of 500 megaparsecs (Mpc). The
elongated structure makes its
longest dimension to a size of 1200
Mpc or 4 billion light years, which
is 1600 times larger than the distance
between the Milky Way Galaxy and
the Andromeda Galaxy.
Andromeda Galaxy is the
nearest neighbour of the Milky Way
Galaxy and is separated from eachother by about 0.75 Mpc or 2.5
million light years. The cluster of
whole galaxies of the Universe can
be up to 2 to 3 Mpc and the LQGs
can go up to 200 Mpc and above.
The modern calculations of
astrophysicists states that they cant
find any structure larger than 370
Mpc and these calculations are
made on the basis of modern theory
of cosmology and the principle of
cosmology. One will take 4 billion
years to cross the LQG if one travels
with the speed of light and this is
just not because of its huge size but
also because it has challenged the
accepted principle of cosmology
given by Einstein. Astronomers in
the first week of January 2013
discovered the largest known
structure in the Universe called
Large Quasar Group (LQG) that is
powered by super massive black
holes clump together. This cluster
of galaxies spans across four billion
light years. Quasars are considered
to be the nuclei of galaxies of the
universe, which undergoes brief
period of extremely high brightness
making them visible in the sky from
extreme distant positions. The LQG
was identified by a research team
from the University of Central
Lancashire (UCLan) that is led by Dr.
Roger Clowes and the significant
size of the same is challenging the



Albert Einsteins Principle of

Cosmology. The principle states
the Universe when viewed at a large
scale, it seems to be the same; it
doesnt matters that from where it
is being observed from. The
Einsteins principle is just an
assumption but was never
demonstrated after observations so
its beyond reasonable doubts.
The newly, discovered LQG
carries a dimension of 500
megaparsecs (Mpc). The elongated
structure makes its longest
dimension to a size of 1200 Mpc or
4 billion light years, which is 1600
times larger than the distance
between the Milky Way Galaxy and
the Andromeda Galaxy. Andromeda
Galaxy is the nearest neighbour of
the Milky Way Galaxy and is
separated from each-other by about
0.75 Mpc or 2.5 million light years.
The cluster of whole galaxies of the
Universe can be up to 2 to 3 Mpc
and the LQGs can go up to 200 Mpc
and above. The modern calculations
of astrophysicists states that they
cant find any structure larger than
370 Mpc and these calculations are
made on the basis of modern theory
of cosmology and the principle of
cosmology. One will take 4 billion
years to cross the LQG if one travels
with the speed of light and this is
just not because of its huge size but
also because it has challenged the
accepted principle of cosmology
given by Einstein.
Agartala to turn a green city
Aiming to make Agartala an
environmentally safe city, the
Tripura government is preparing a
report to make use of solar energy
mandatory by owners of buildings.
The present building rules would be
changed to make use of solar energy
compulsory in buildings to reduce
dependence on conventional
energy, TripKar said the company
would soon provide PNG


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connections to 10,000 new
domestic consumers here. The
Agartala Municipal Council has
made a Rs 452.32 crore-master plan
to make Agartala a solar city. The
Union Ministry of New and
Renewable Energy would bear 90
per cent of the cost and the
remaining 10 per cent would be
borne by the state government in the
next three years. The Transport
department has already introduced
70 Compressed Natural Gas -run
buses and CNG kits would be fitted
to those vehicles run either by petrol
or by diesel. About four lakh
people live in the city, but the
density of automobiles in this city is
higher than many big cities in the
country, state Transport and Urban
Development Minister Manik Dey
said. There are over 200,000 various
types of vehicles, including 4,500
auto-rickshaws, plying in the city
and many such auto-rickshaws are
now fitted with CNG kits, he said.
At present there are three
CNG stations and we have a plan to
set up more such stations. PNG
connections would be given to
additional 10,000 households within
six months, Kar said. Tripura
Environment Minister Joy Gobinda
Debroy said. The rules would be
applicable to private, government
and commercial buildings, Debroy
said. With the Centre suggesting that
Northeastern state capitals should
be included among 60 cities in the
country to be turned into solar
energy hotspots, Debroy said the
state government had started
preparing a detailed project report.
Meanwhile, the Tripura Natural Gas
Co Ltd (TNGCL) has announced a
plan to run all vehicles in the city
with CNG by 2013.
Curiosity rover set to drill its first
Martian rock
NASAs Curiosity rover is
preparing to drill the Martian surface


and is driving towards a flat rock

with pale veins that may hold clues
to a wet history on the Red Planet.
Its the most highly anticipated
milestone since the six-wheel,
nuclear-powered rover landed near
the Martian equator five months ago
on its two-year prime mission,
investigating whether the planet
ever offered an environment
favourable for microbial life. If the
rock meets rover engineers
approval when Curiosity rolls up to
it in coming days, it will become the
first to be drilled for a sample during
the mission, NASA said. Drilling
into a rock to collect a sample will
be this missions most challenging
activity since the landing.

It has never been done on

Mars, said Mars Science Laboratory
project manager Richard Cook of
NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
The drill hardware interacts
energetically with Martian material
we dont control. We wont be
surprised if some steps in the
process dont go exactly as planned
the first time through, Cook said in
a NASA statement. Curiosity first will
gather powdered samples from
inside the rock and use those to
scrub the drill. Then the rover will
drill and ingest more samples from
this rock, which it will analyse for
information about its mineral and
chemical composition.
The chosen rock is in an area
where Curiositys Mast Camera
(Mastcam) and other cameras have
revealed diverse unexpected
features, including veins, nodules,

cross-bedded layering, a lustrous

pebble embedded in sandstone,
and possibly some holes in the
ground. The rock chosen for drilling
is called John Klein in tribute to
former Mars Science Laboratory
deputy project manager John W
Klein, who died in 2011. The target
is on flat-lying bedrock within a
Yellowknife Bay. The terrain in this
area differs from that of the landing
site, a dry streambed about 500
metres to the west. Curiositys
science team decided to look there
for a first drilling target because
orbital observations showed
fractured ground that cools more
slowly each night than nearby
terrain. The orbital signal drew us
here, but what we found when we
arrived has been a great surprise,
said Mars Science Laboratory
project scientist John Grotzinger.
This area had a different type of wet
environment than the streambed
where we landed, maybe a few
environments, said Grotzinger.
LHC to re-awaken in 2015 with
doubled energy, luminosity

After a successful three-year

run that saw the discovery of a
Higgs-boson-like particle in early
2012, the Large Hadron Collider
(LHC) at CERN, near Geneva,
Switzerland, will shut down for 18
months for maintenance and
upgrades. This is the first of three
long shutdowns, scheduled for
2013, 2017, and 2022. Physicists and


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engineers will use these breaks to
ramp up one of the most
sophisticated experiments in history
even further. According to Mirko
Pojer, Engineer In-charge, LHCoperations, most of these changes
were planned in 2011. They will
largely concern fixing known
glitches on the ATLAS and CMS
particle-detectors. The collider will
receive upgrades to increase its
frequency. Presently, the LHC
smashes two beams, each
composed of precisely spaced
bunches of protons, at 3.5-4 teraelectron-volts (TeV) per beam. By
2015, the beam energy will be
pushed up to 6.5-7 TeV per beam.
Moreover, the bunches which were
smashed at intervals of 50
nanoseconds will do so at 25
After upgrades, in terms of
performance, the LHC will deliver
twice the luminosity, Dr. Pojer
noted in an email to this
Correspondent, with reference to
the integrated luminosity. Precisely,
it is the number of collisions that the
LHC can deliver per unit area which
the detectors can track. The
instantaneous luminosity, which is
the luminosity per second, will be
increased to 1x10 per centimetresquared per second, ten-times
greater than before, and well on its
way to peaking at 7.73x10 per
centimetre-squared per second by
2022. As Steve Myers, CERNs
Director for Accelerators and
Technology, announced in
December 2012, More intense
beams mean more collisions and a
better chance of observing rare
phenomenon is the appearance of
a Higgs-boson-like particle. The
CMS experiment, one of the
detectors on the LHC-ring, will
receive some new pixel sensors, a
technology responsible for tracking

the paths of colliding particles. To

make use of the impending new
luminosity-regime, an extra layer of
these advanced sensors will be
inserted around a smaller beam
pipe. If results from it are successful,
CMS will receive the full unit in late2016. In the ATLAS experiment,
unlike with CMS which was built
with greater luminosities in mind,
pixel sensors are foreseen to wear
out within one year after upgrades.
As an intermediate solution, a new
layer of sensors called the B-layer
will be inserted within the detector
for until 2018. Because of the risk
of radiation damage due to more
numerous collisions, specific
neutron shields will be fit, according
to Phil Allport, ATLAS Upgrade
Coordinator. Both ATLAS and CMS
will also receive evaporative cooling
systems and new superconducting
cables to accommodate the higher
performance that will be expected
of them in 2015. The other
experiments, LHCb and ALICE, will
also undergo inspections and
upgrades to cope with higher
luminosity. An improved failsafe
system will be installed and the
existing one upgraded to prevent
accidents such as the one in 2008.
Then, an electrical failure damaged
29 magnets and leaked six tonnes
of liquid helium into the tunnel,
precipitating an eight-month
shutdown. Generally, as Martin
Gastal, CMS Experimental Area
Manager, explained via email, All
sub-systems will take the
opportunity of this shutdown to
replace failing parts and increase
performance when possible.
Tough times and calorie intake
People tend to seek highercalorie foods that will keep them
satisfied longer when there is a
perception of tough times, a new
study has claimed. According to the
study, bad news about the economy



could cause you to pack on the


The study found that when

subconsciously primed with such
messages, a live for today impulse
is triggered causing people to
consume nearly 40 per cent more
food than when compared to a
control group primed with neutral
words. When the same group
primed with tough times messages
was told the food they were
sampling was low-calorie, they
consumed roughly 25 per cent less
of the food.
The Oldest Super Predator Living
on Earth, Tyrant Swimmer
Discovered by the Scientists
Scientists at the University of
Edinburghs School of Biological
Sciences in the second week of
January 2013 discovered that the
oldest known super predator of the
world was the marine crocodile.
Predators are the carnivores that are
capable of feeding on the prey
which is large or even larger than
them. This recently discovered
oldest known super predator of the
world, a marine crocodile was a
toothy beast which looked partly
like a shark and partly like a
threatening dolphin. The scientific
name of this oldest predator of the
lythrodectikos or simply Tyrant
Swimmer. The lead author of the
University of Edinburghs School of
Biological Sciences, Mark Young
described that the Tyrant Swimmer
was the oldest metriorhynchid
macrophage, an animal with a


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capability of feeding on the largebodied prey. The term called
metriorhynchid basically represents
the bunch of marine crocodiles
which were identical to dolphins
that we see now.
However, they do not have
bony armour, but do have tail fluke
and flipper-like forelimbs. Tyrant
Swimmer was capable of opening
its mouth wider. The remains of the
Tyrant Swimmer which were found
in Oxford Clay Formation, the
Jurassic marine sedimentary rock
formation originally from Southeast
England were studied. These
remains were stored for sometime
Glasgow. Tyrant Swimmer basically
is known to be from the shallow
marine areas across Europe,
primarily Poland, England and
France. Around 165 million years
ago, a lot of Europe was completed
covered by the shallow sea, which
also led to the formation of large to
small islands. It is in this shallow sea
that the Tyrant Swimmer lived with
various other marine reptiles.
However, the Tyrant Swimmer
might have been faster in water than
others, which allowed it to out-swim
possible predators. Tyrant Swimmer
could have used its swimming
capabilities for capturing the prey.
However, no contents of the
stomach of Tyrant Swimmer were
located as of now, which meant that
what it ate precisely, is still a
Two New-Born Giant Planets
Observed Around the Star
Astronomers studying about
the newborn star called HD 142527,
observed glimpses of the planets
which were forming around it,
depicting the stage of planetary
evolution which was never seen
before. The new-born planets were
observed using the largest radio
telescope on Earth, Atacama Large


Millimetre /submillimeter Array in

the Atacama Desert of Chile. It was
observed that streams of gases
were flowing through the gap found
in the disc of the material that was
surrounding the young star
supported theories, about how
these planets grew.

The European Southern

Observatory (ESO) described the
vast stream of gases were flowing
through the gap in disc.
Astronomers were studying the HD
142527 which is 450 light years away
from the Earth. It was found that this
star is surrounded by cosmic dust
as well as a disc of gases. The disc
is segregated into an inner as well
as an outer part with the help of a
gap. The gap might have been
created by newly formed giant
planets of gas which were clearing
out the orbits as they revolved
around the star. The astronomer
leading the study, Simon Casassus
explained that these giant planets
grew in size by capturing gases from
the outer discs, from the streams
which act like bridges across the
gap in the disc. Simon Casassus also
explained that astronomers were
predicting the existence of these
streams but this was the first time
that they were observed directly.
U.S. Food and Drug
Administration approved New
Tuberculosis Drug
The U.S. Food and Drug
Administration on 31 December
2012 approved a Johnson &
Johnson tuberculosis drug that is

counted to be first new medicine to

fight the deadly infection in more
than four decades. The agency
named Sirturo, for use with older
drugs to fight a hard-to-treat strain
of tuberculosis that has not
responded to other medications.
Sirturo, which chemically known as
bedaquiline, is the first medicine
specifically designed for treating
multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.
Thats a form of the disease that
cannot be treated with at least two
of the four primary antibiotics used
for tuberculosis. Sirturo provides
much-needed treatment for patients
who dont have other therapeutic
options available. However, it was
also mentioned by the agency that
the drug carries risks of potentially
deadly heart problems and should
be prescribed carefully by doctors.
It is estimated that roughly onethird of the worlds population is
infected with the bacteria causing
tuberculosis. The disease is rare in
the U.S., but kills about 1.4 million
people a year worldwide. Of those,
about 150,000 succumb to the
increasingly common drug-resistant
forms of the disease. About 60 per
cent of all cases are concentrated
in China, India, Russia and Eastern
The standard drugs used to
fight the disease were developed in
the 1950s and 1960s. It was seen
during company testing that Nine
patients taking Sirturo died
compared with two patients taking
a placebo. Five of the deaths in the
Sirturo group seemed to be related
to tuberculosis, but no explanation
was apparent for the remaining four.
Regardless of the deaths, the FDA
approved the drug under its
accelerated approval program,
which allows the agency to clear
innovative drugs based on
promising preliminary results.


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Trends of increasing
jellyfish overstated

Tree rings reveal climate


One form of neuron tur ned

into another

A new collaborative multinational

study suggests trends of increasing
jellyfish may be overstated by the
media, finding that there is no
robust evidence for a global
increase in jellyfish over the past
two centuries.

A study of tree-ring width samples

in Eastern Europe shows that the
amount of climate warming since
the mid-20{+t}{+h}century is
unprecedented with several cold
phases around 1150, 1400 and the
19th century.

A new finding by Harvard stem cell

biologists turns one of the basics of
neurobiology on its head
demonstrating that it is possible to
turn one type of already
differentiated neuron into another
within the brain.

Human-tiger conflict: true

picture of risks

Tooth gr owth, weaning in

chimps not linked

Fewer Englishmen adding

salt at the table

A new survey of villagers conducted

in the Sunderbans of Bangladesh
reveals that the villagers perceived
susceptibility to and ability to
mitigate human-tiger conflict were
influenced by their poverty relatedproblems.

New research challenges the

relationship seen in primates
between the eruption of the first
molar and certain developmental
milestones. This in turn questions
our understanding of the milestones
in early humans.

The number of people in England

adding salt to food at the table fell
by more than a quarter in the five
years following a national
campaign, according to r esearch
published in the British Journal of
Nutrition .

Berries benefits affected by


NASA SLS core stage passes

major milestone

An image gallery gift from

NASAs Swift

Extracts from numerous berries

high in beneficial pigments were
exposed to human saliva to see just
what kinds of health-promoting
substances are likely to survive and
be produced in the mouth.

The team designing Americas new

flagship rocket, Space Launch
System (SLS), has completed
successfully a major technical
review of the vehicles core stage.
The vehicle will provide a new
capability for human exploration.

Though smaller than ground-based

telescopes, Nasa satellite Swifts
Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope plays
a key role in rapidly pinpointing the
locations of gamma-ray bursts, the
brightest explosions in the cosmos.

Forest-feeding beetles thrive

from warming

Warming temperatures have

allowed tree-killing beetles to thrive
in areas that were historically too
cold for them for most years, says
a study of pine forest regions of
Rocky Mountains in the U.S. and
Engineered algae make fuel
from sunlight

Chemists have engineered blueg reen algae to gr ow chemical

precursors for fuels and plastics
the first step in replacing fossil fuels
as raw materials for the chemical

Vaccines for greater immune

cell potency

In an approach to aid vaccine

development, Whitehead Institute
scientists have shown that
enzymatically modified antibodies
can be used to generate highly
targeted, potent responses from
cells of the immune system.
Specially coated cotton
collects water from fog

Researchers have developed a

special treatment for cotton fabric
that allows the cotton to absorb
exceptional amounts of water from
misty air: 340 per cent of its own



Coronal mass ejection

affects space weather

On January 13, at 2:24 a.m. EST,

the sun erupted with an Earthdirected coronal mass ejection or
CME. CME is a solar phenomenon
that can send solar particles into
space and reach Earth one to three
days later.
Clues to lifes origins in
Martian underground

Minerals found in the subsurface of

Mars, a zone of more than three
miles below ground, make for the
strongest evidence yet that the red
planet may have supported life,
according to new research
published in Nature Geoscience .


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Space travel may be harmful
to the brain

A new study in the journal PLOS

ONE shows that cosmic radiation
which would bombard astronauts
on deep space missions to places
like Mars could accelerate the
onset of Alzheimers disease.
3-D study sheds light on
songbird singing

Interactive 3D PDF models of the

syringeal skeleton, soft tissues,
cartilaginous pads, and muscles
affecting sound production by
songbirds have been created to
study their support and vibration at
superfast speeds.
Red wine could mask
testosterone levels

Red wine could give athletes and

players a boost in the sports arena
by increasing the amount of
performance-enhancing hormone
testosterone in their bodies,
according to researchers fr om
Kingston University.

diverse backgrounds who are

struggling to quit.
Mysteries of spider silk
strength unravelled

Researchers have found a way to

obtain a wide variety of elastic
properties of the silk of several
intact spiders webs using a noninvasive laser light scattering
technique, leading to an
understanding of their strength.
More serious quakes may
rock the Himalayas

A research team has found that huge

quakes in the range of 8 to 8.5
magnitudes have left clear ground
scars in the central Himalayas and
such quakes could happen again.
Most fish stocks unrelated to

Fisheries managers should spot

environmental conditions that
hamper or help fish stocks, rather
than assuming that having a certain
abundance of fish assures how
much can be sustainably harvested.

Strict diets may not be

needed for aged people

Eating diets high in sugar and fat

may not affect the health outcomes
of older adults ages 75 and up,
suggesting that placing such people
on overly restrictive diets may have
little benefit.
Studying emotional

A new study of 152 Vietnam

veterans brain injuries offers the
first detailed map of the brain
regions that contribute to emotional
intelligence the ability to process
emotional information and navigate
the social world.
Auroras occur outside our
solar system too

University of Leicester planetary

scientists have found new evidence
suggesting auroras similar to
Earths Aurora Borealis occur on
bodies outside our solar system,
providing a way of observing the
new objects.
Pheomelanin helps bir d in
low stress state

Russia to launch lunar

mission in 2015

Hearing loss speeds up

memory decline in aged

Russia will launch a robotic lunar

station in 2015, a top official said
Tuesday. Federal space agency
Roscosmos chief Vladimir Popovkin
said the Luna-Glob will lift off from
the Vostochny space port in
Russias far east.

Older adults with hearing loss are

more likely to develop problems
thinking and remembering than
older adults whose hearing is
normal, according to a new study by
hearing experts at Johns Hopkins.

The study of survival from one

breeding season to the next of a wild
European population of barn
Pheomelanin production favours
the consumption of cystene,
beneficial in low stress conditions.

2011 gamma-ray source was

a giant black hole

Stem cell approach restor es

sight in mice

In 2011, a months-long blast of

energy launched by an enormous
black hole almost 11 billion years
ago swept past Earth. Using a
combination of data from different
telescopes, astronomers have
zeroed in on the source.

Blind mice can see again, after

Oxford University researchers
transplanted developing cells into
their eyes and found they could reform the entire light-sensitive layer
of the retina. The approach can
treat retinitis pigmentosa.

Warnings on cigarettes
ef fective across races

Some groups, such as racial

minorities, have a hard time quitting
smoking. New research suggests
hard-hitting graphic tobacco
warnings may help smokers of




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India Lost the Series against
Pakistan by 2-1

India won the last match of the

Pakistan in India ODI Series on 6
January 2013 against Pakistan by 10
Runs. With this win over Pakistan,
India lost the three matches one day
series by 1-2.
1st Match: The first match was
played at MA Chidambaram
Stadium, Chepauk, at Chennai on 30
December 2012. India scored 228
runs at a loss of 6 wickets and
Pakistan managed to achieve the


target to win the match by 6 wickets

(with 11 balls remaining). At the end
of the match Dhoni was chosen as
the player of the match.
2nd Match: In the second
match played at Eden Gardens,
Kolkata on 3 January 2013 (day/
night format) Pakistan gave a target
of 251 runs for India to win but India
was able to score 165 in 48 over with
no wicket remaining in hand. Nasir
Jamshed was elected as the Player
of the match.
3rd Match: India playing first
at Feroz Shah Kotla, Delhi on 6
January 2013 (day/night format)
scored 167 runs in 43.4 over and
Pakistan was all out at 157 runs in
48.5 over. India won the match by
10 runs and MS Dhoni was once
again chosen as the Player of the
At the end of the series, Nasir
Jamshed of Paksitan was declared
as the Player of the tournament.
Kevin Pietersen Signed FullCentral Contract with the ECB

Kevin Pietersen on 9 January

2013 signed the full-central
agreement with the England and
Wales Cricket Board (ECB).
Pietersen was dropped from the
final Test against South Africa
because of the alleged claims that
he had sent the text messages to the
rival players in which he criticised
the then-England captain Andrew
Strauss. By the end of 2012, Kevin
Pietersen returned back to the team,
but he only had his short-term
contract. However, now he signed
the full-central contract which gave
him the same status like other teammates of England cricket team.

Pietersen saw a very chaotic


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2012 in which he announced his
retirement not just from the 50-over
internationals but also from the
Twenty20 internationals. There were
doubts about his future in Test
cricket as well. Apart from this,
Pietersen missed the World T20 in
Sri Lanka. He was denied one of the
ten central contracts which were
conversation with the ECB, he came
back to the England team in October
2012 and thereafter in all forms of
the game.
Virat Kohli named CEAT
International Cricketer of the

Vice-captain of Indian Cricket

team Virat Kohli on 4 January 2013
was named the International
Cricketer of the Year while Pakistan
cricket team bagged the top
honours for the best team at the
CEAT Cricket Awards 2011-12 in
New Delhi. Virat Kohli had
deafeated Hashim Amla, Kumar
Sangakkara and Michael Clarke to
bag the prestigious award. Kohli
was the top run-getter for India in
both Tests and ODIs in 2012 with
his career-best 183 which came
against Pakistan in the Asia Cup in
March 2012 only. The Former
Pakistan cricket captain Zaheer
Abbas was honoured with the
lifetime award while Saeed
Anwar got the best audience
choice awards. In the special
category-India-Pakistan awards,
former Pakistan skipper Inzamam-ulHaq was awarded with the best ODI

bastman honour, Indias Sunil

Gavaskar-Best Test batsman, Kapil
Dev- Best Test bowler and Wasim
Akram was adjudged as the best
ODI bowler. Unmukt Chand, the
man who led the Indian side to win
the U-19 World Cup 2012 was
declared the Indian Youngster of the
Year award.
CEAT awards is based upon Ceat
Cricket Rating (CCR)

won the final match against

Saurashtra by an inning and 125 runs
on the third day of Ranji Trophy final.
The Mumbai team so far has played
in 44 finals of Ranji Trophy. Mumbai
in their first inning scored 355 runs
while Saurashtra in reply could
manage only 148. In its second
inning Saurashtra was bundled out
for merely 82. Mumbai pacers Ajit
Agarkar (4-15) and Dhawal Kulkarni
(5-32 & 9-56) did an excellent job.
Wasim Jaffar was declared Man of
the Match. Ajit Agarkar was the
captain of the winning team.
India won the ODI series against
England 3-2

The Ceat Cricket Rating

(CCR) system ranks the best players
and teams in the world based on
their performance in Tests and One
Day Internationals over a period of
12 months from 1st May to 30th
April. The points are allocated on
overall performances and the
system takes into account the
batting, bowling, fielding and
wicket-keeping performances
making truly international,
comprehensive and most credible
cricket rating in the world.
In its first year of Inception of
Award in 1995-96 the CEAT
International Cricketer award was
bagged by Brian Lara. A year later
the CEAT International Team award
was instituted with Pakistan as the
best team in the world. During the
World Cup in 1999, CEAT also
instituted the CEAT International
Cricketer of the World Cup and
Rahul Dravid was the recipient of the
award in acknowledgment of his
outstanding cricketing performance
in the championship.
Mumbai won its 40th Ranji
Mumbai won its 40th Ranji
trophy at Wankhede Stadium in
Mumbai on 28 Jan 2013. Mumbai



England defeated India by

seven wickets in the fifth and the last
ODI played at Himachal Pradesh
Cricket Association Stadium,
Dharamshala on 27 January 2013.
Despite Englands win in this match,
India won the series against England
by 3-2. India batted first in the match
and scored 226 in 49.4 overs. In
reply, England easily reached the
target with seven wickets remaining.
The details of the remaining matches
are as following:
First ODI- Played at Saurashtra
Cricket Association Stadium,
Rajkot on 11 January 2013.
England won by 9 runs.
Second ODI-Played at Nehru
Stadium, Kochi on 15 Jan
2013. India won by 127 runs.
Third ODI-Played at JSCA
Complex, Ranchi on 19
January 2013. India won by 7


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Fourth ODI-Played at Punjab
Cricket Association Stadium,
Mohali, Chandigarh on 23 Jan
2013. India won by 5 wickets.
Suresh Kumar Raina of India
was declared player of the series.
Alastair Cook was the skipper of
England ODi team while Indian ODI
team was led by Mahender Singh
Kohli became the Quickest
Indian and Second at World
Level to complete 4000 ODI Runs
The Indian Cricketer and the
right handed batsman Virat Kohli on
19 January 2013 completed his 4000
runs in One day International cricket
tournament. He is the 12th Indian
batsman and 84th at world level to
reach this milestone. By scoring
these runs in just 93 innings, he
became the first quickest from India
and second at world level to
accomplish this milestone. Viv
Richards, the West Indies player
reached this milestone in 88 innings
in the year 1985 and is placed at the
1st position in the list of crickets to
touch the mark of 4000 runs in less
number of innings. Both Richards
and Kohli played in 96 matches to
reach the score. Before Kohli, the
former Indian Captain Sourav
Ganguly had this record of scoring
the fastest 4000 runs in ODI in 110
matches and 105 innings.
Virat Kohli
Virat Kohli is an Indian right
handed batsman and a rightarm medium fast bowler
He captained the India Under19 cricket team, for a
memorable U-19 World Cup

triumph at Malaysia in 2008.

Virat Kohli played his first ODI
match against Sri Lanka in the
2008 Idea Cup
M S Dhoni climbed up to Fourth
Position in the ICC ODI Players
ICC on 7 January 2013 released
the ICC Player Rankings of ODI
batsman placing Mahendra Singh
Dhoni, the Captain of Indian Cricket
Team at fourth position in its list.
Dhoni was ranked at the fourth
position, due to the consistent
performance he had displayed in
the past three-match ODI series against Pakistan. Virat Kohli slipped
by one rank to third position in the
list. Suresh Raina managed to move
one point upward to twenty-sixth
position and Yuvraj Singh reached
to forty-first spot in the latest ranking

South African batsman Hashim

Amla and AB de Villiers are sharing
first and second position
respectively in the latest ranking
released. Nasir Jamshed, the
Pakistani opener batsman managed
to jump forty-five places to react
thirty-first spot, due to the
consistent performance displayed
in the three one-day-international
series against India.

Simon Taufel to be the First

Umpire to deliver the MCC Spirit
of Cricket Cowdrey Lecture 2013

Simon Taufel, the umpire who

has been the five-time ICC Umpire
of the Year from 2004 to 2008 would
be the first umpire to deliver the
prestigious MCC Spirit of Cricket
Cowdrey Lecture that would take
place on 24 July 2013. This
announcement was made by the
England and Wales Cricket Board
(ECB) on 11 January 2013. The
lecture of 2013 would be the 13th
lecture, ever since its inception and
Taufel would be the third Australian
after Adam Gilchrist (2009) and
Richie Benaud (2001 the first
lecture) to deliver this lecture.
MCC Spirit of Cricket Cowdrey
MCC Spirit of Cricket Cowdrey
Lecture first began in the year 2001
in the memory of the former
Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC)
president Colin Cowdrey. He played
an important role in enshrinement
of the Spirit of Cricket in the
preamble of the Code of the Laws
of Cricket in the year 2000.

Australian Open 2013
Novak Djokovic of Serbia
defeated Andy Murray of UK in four
sets to win Australian Open 2013


final. The tournament was held in

Melbourne. It was Djokoviks third
consecutive Australian Open title
and fourth overall. Nine other tennis

players had won consecutive

Australian open tournament, but
none three straight years. Djokovic
had five break-point chances in the


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opening set, including four after
having Murray at 0-40 in the seventh
game, but couldnt convert any of
them. In 2012, Djokovic had started
with an epic 5-hour, 53-minute fiveset win over Rafael Nadal at the
Australian Open, the longest Grand
Slam final. Djokovic won his first
major title in 2008 Australian Open.
He now has six Grand Slam titles
altogether. Federer has won four of
his 17 majors at Melbourne, and
Agassi is the only other player to
have won that many in Australia
since 1968.

Victoria Azarenka of Belarus on

26 January 2013 won the Womens
Singles title of the Australian Open
Tennis tournament at Melbourne.
The World Number One defeated Li
Na of China, 4-6, 6-4, 6-3 in the final
to win the title for the second
successive time. The match lasted
for 2-hour and 40-minutes which
featured 16 service breaks, with Li
losing her service nine times.
Top seeded American
brothers Bob and Mike Bryan won

the mens doubles title. Americans

Mike and Bob Bryan won their
record 13th Grand Slam doubles
title, defeating the Dutch team of
Robin Haase and Igor Sijsling 6-3, 64.
Brisbane International Tennis
Andy Murray, the third seeded
Scottish tennis player retained his
Brisbane International Tennis Title
after defeating the Bulgarian Grigor
Dimitrov on 6 January 2013. Murray
defeated Dimitrov by 7-6 and 6-4 in
straight sets. This is the first title won
by Murray in the year 2013 and
twenty-fifth title of his career.

With this win, Murray was

successful in winning 78800 dollar
and 250 Emirates ATP Ranking Point
and Dimitrov ended up with 150
Emirates ATP Ranking Point and
41540 dollar.
Womens Doubles
Indian Tennis player Sania
Mirza and her American partner
Bethanie Mattek-Sands on 5 January
2013 lifted the WTA Brisbane
International trophy with a win
against Kveta Peschke and Anna-

Lena Groenefeld. The second

seeded Indo-American pair Sania
Mirza and Bethanie Mattek-Sands
defeated fourth seed Anna-Lena
Grnefeld of Germany and Czech
Keveta Peschke with 4-6 6-4 10-7 in
the summit face-off of the 1000000
US dollar event.
The win is supposed to be
Sanias first doubles title of the
season and 15th of her career. Sania
and Mattek earned 470 ranking
points each and shared 51022 US
Dollar as prize money. On the other
hand, In the same tournament World
no. 3 Serena Williams claimed her
first ever single Brisbane
International Title with 6-2, 6-1
victory over Russian tennis player
Brisbane International Tennis
Brisbane International Tennis
Title is an internationally acclaimed
Tennis Tournament that is organised
every year in the month of January
at Queensland Tennis Centre in
Brisbane, Queensland in Australia.
The tournament is played on the
outdoor hard courts and is a part of
ATP World Tour 250 series of the
World Tour of the Association of
Tennis Professionals (ATP) as well
as the WTA Premier tournaments of
the Womens Tennis Association
(WTA) Tour. The tournament is held
before the Australian Open, the first
Grand Slam tournament of the

FIFA Ballon dOr Award for
fourth time
Lionel Messi, the Argentine
footballer won FIFA BallondOr
Award on 7 January 2013 as a
reward to his 91-goal in a year for
Barcelona and Argentina, in the year
2012. Messi voted to be the best

player for the fourth year in a row

managed to beat his close
competitors, Cristiano Ronaldo of
Spanish champion Real Madrid and
Barcelona teammate Andres
To win this award, Messi won
41.60 percent votes and was



followed by Ronaldo, who won

23.68 percent votes and Andres
Iniesta, who won 10.91 percent
votes of all the votes casted. The
votes were casted by National Team
Coaches and Captains as well as
journalists invited. All these people,
helped in selecting the top three


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from a huge list of 23 nominated
With this win for the fourth
time, Messi has left behind the three
time FIFA winners namely Zinedine
Zidane of France and Ronaldo of

The FIFA Ballon dOr

FIFA Ballon dOr Award was
started in the year 2010 after
merging the two, France Footballs
Ballon dOr and the mens FIFA
World Player of the Year Award. It
is the associations football award

that is awarded to the years best

performer. The player is selected via
voting process and the votes are
casted by the captains and coaches
of the International Teams as well
as the journalists from across the

Mercedes to Launch New
Formula One Car

Mercedes decided to uncover

its 2013 Formula One car for Nico

Rosberg and Lewis Hamilton on 4

February 2013 at the pre-season test
start in Spain. The new F1 car called
F1W04 would be launched at
Circuito de Jerez. Lewis Hamilton,
the 2008 world champion joined
Mercedes from McLaren, replacing
Michael Schumacher, the 7-times
champion. The team of Mercedes
was positioned at number 5 in
constructors list of 2012. The
launch of new cars of other top
teams will take place as follows:
McLaren on 31 January 2013
Ferrari on 1 February 2013
Red Bull on 3 February 2013
Toro Rosso on 4 February 2013

International Paralympic
Committee Decided to Launch
International GP Circuit for
International Paralympic
Committee (IPC) decided to launch
the international grand prix circuit
especially for the elite athletes who
are disabled. This international
grand prix circuit is scheduled to be
launched in April 2013. The version
of IPC of the strong Diamond League
shall comprise of eight meetings in
all, at various venues across the
world. Two of these venues which
also include the final one shall be
held in Britain.

Farmers Insurance Open

Tiger Woods on 29 January

2013 won his 75th PGA Tour title in
the Farmers Insurance Open at
Torrey Pines. Woods entered into
the fifth day of play with a six-shot

lead over his closest competitors,

Brandt Snedeker and Nick Watney.
Although, he was far from his fluent
best and he dropped four strokes
in three holes from the 15th, it did
not stop his progress to victory and
he finished on 14 under par .He
parred his first five holes without any
problem before birdieing the 13th
after two putting from 52 feet.
Woods dropped another shot
on the 17th and missed a 15ft birdie
putt on the last, however, his levelpar 72 was enough to secure him
victory. Snedeker had just five holes
to try and put any type of pressure

on Woods, but he could produce no

late wonderful stint and had to settle
for a final-round 69 and a tie for
second place alongwith Josh Teater,
who also carded a three-under-par
round. Watney was placed at the
best position to challenge Woods
but four bogeys in 10 holes
undermined his effort and he
finished in joint fourth, alongside
Jimmy Walker on nine under.
American duo Rickie Fowler and
Robert Garrigus and Australias
Aaron Baddeley finished a shot
further back.

Badminton World Federation
Saina Nehwal, the Olympics


bronze medalist on 17 January 2013

clinched her career best second
rank in the latest rankings released

by the Badminton World Federation

(BWF). To clinch the second
position in the latest rankings


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released, Saina scored 80091.7444
points and is leaded by the Chinese
Li Xuerui, who has 94626.7153
points by her name. Parupalli
Kashyap the quarterfinalist in
London Olympics was also
successful in clinching his career
best tenth position in mens list and
he has 51986.6900 points by her
name. Kashyap is the only Indian
player to be within the list of top-25
players in the BWF list.

Saina Nehwal regained her

world number two position after an

interval of two years. For the first

time, she achieved this position in
December 2010. On the day, when
Saina Nehwal achieved the number
two position once again she
displayed a dominant performance
on her journey to quarter finals
against Pui Yin Yip of Hong Kong in
the Malaysian Open Super Series
and won it in the straight sets with
21-12, 21-9 points.

Athlete of the Year Award At
JAAA Golden Cleats Awards

Usain Bolt, the fastest man of

the world and Shelly-Ann FraserPryce, the womens 100m Olympic
champion won the male and female
Athlete of the Year awards

respectively on 8 January 2013 at

Jamaica Athletics Administrative
Association (JAAA) Golden Cleats
Awards ceremony which took place
at Terra Nova Hotel in St
Andrew. Glen Mills, the Racers
Track Club head coach won the
Coach of the Year Award for the
second time in a row, bringing his
total of winnings to 3. It was Mills
who conditioned Bolt and Yohan
Blake, which in turn helped them in
grabbing gold and silver
respectively in 100m and 200m at
the London Olympics. In the
meanwhile, the Howard Aris Award
was won by Fedrick Dacres, the
2012 World Junior discus champion

and Jeneive Russell, the 2012 World

Junior 400m hurdles champion.
Howard Aris Award was established
in 2012 to commemorate late former
JAAA president. The award
recognises the athletes who
represent their county with the
distinction in non-traditional events.
The athletes additionally, also won
the scholarships worth 250000
dollar, acceptable at the University
of Technology, the University of the
West Indies or GC Foster College.
Usain Bolt acclaimed the renowned
status by defending three gold
medals, which are 100m, 200m and
4x100m at 2012 Olympic Games in

National Weightlifting
Championship 2013

Manpreet Kaur, 23, of All India

Police claimed the womens +75kg
gold medal in the final day of the
National weightlifting championship

at SRM University campus, Uttar

Pradesh on 10 January 2013.
Manpreet Kaur lifted 189 kg to
secure maiden National title. At the
second position stood Binitha Devi
by lifting 187 kg and Amanpreet
Kaur finished at 3rd position with
185 kg. In the mens +105kg
category, Himanshu Kumar Chang of
Railways bagged the top most
honour by lifting 346 kg in all.
Former champion, Sandeep Kumar
of Services on the other hand lifted
328 kg and grabbed the Silver. At
the third position was Pardeep
Kumar with 327 kg. Manpreet who



was also the champion at AIP meet

in December 2012 lost to Binitha in
snatch by just 1 kg when she lifted
85 kg in the previous attempt. But
in her final approach, she winched
104 kg in the last attempt and won
the gold.
Final results were as follows:
Men: +105kg:
1. Himanshu Kumar Chang
(RSPB) snatch 154kg, clean
and jerk 192kg, total 346kg
2. Sandeep Kumar (SSCB) snatch
135kg, clean and jerk 193kg,
total 328kg


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3. Pardeep Kumar (MP) snatch
139kg, clean and jerk 188kg,
total 327kg
Women: +75kg:
1. Manpreet Kaur (AIP) snatch
85kg, clean and jerk 104kg,
total 189kg
2. Binitha Devi (Kar) snatch 86kg,
clean and jerk 101kg, total
3. Amanpreet Kaur (Pun) snatch
84kg , clean and jerk 101kg ,
total 185kg

February 2013. However, before the

Hong Kong marathon, Singh will be
running in the Australia marathon as

International GP Circuit for
International Paralympic
Committee (IPC) decided to launch
the international grand prix circuit
especially for the elite athletes who
are disabled. This international
grand prix circuit is scheduled to be
launched in April 2013. The version
of IPC of the strong Diamond League
shall comprise of eight meetings in
all, at various venues across the
world. Two of these venues which
also include the final one shall be
held in Britain.
Fauja Singh Announced

Fauja Singh, 101, the oldest

marathon runner of the world
decided to stop running in the
competitions after Hong Kong
marathon which will be held in

Fauja Singh is also popularly

known as the Turbaned Tornado in
all the international events. Though
Fauja Singh announced his
retirement from marathon, but he
admitted that he would keep
running for inspiring the
masses. Fauja Singh was born on 1
April 1911. Fauja was also felicitated
at the Buckingham Palace by the
queen in London on December 7,
IOC asked Armstrong to return
back the Sydney Olympic Bronze
The International Olympics
Committee (IOC) on 17 January
2013 asked the all time popular
Cyclist Lance Armstrong facing the
charges of doping to return the
Olympic Bronze Medal and
Certificate of 2000 Sydney Games.

The IOC wrote a letter to the

defamed Cyclist and the winner of
seven times Tour de France and
asked him to return back the bronze
medal and the certificate that
accompanied it for the mens time
trial event. The dominoes continue
to fall for Lance Armstrong, with the
International Olympic Committee
formally requesting that the
disgraced cyclist return his Olympic
bauble from the 2000 Sydney
Lance Armstrong
He was stripped off from the
seven Tour de France titles
that he won from 1999 to 2005
on 22 October 2012 and was
banned from cycling for life.
U.S. Anti-Doping Agency
(USADA) accused Armstrong
of leading a doping
programme with his team and
submitted a 202 page report
Lance Armstrong is a cyclist,
who used performance
enhancing drugs and banned





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Golden Globe Awards 2013

In the prestigious Golden

Globe Awards 2013 , the hostagecrisis movie Argo thrashed Lincoln
to bag best picture as well as best
director awards on 13 January
2013. Les Miserables , on the other
hand won the awards in best
musical or comedy category with
the actors Anne Hathaway and Hugh
Jackman winning one trophy
each. The award-winning movie
Argo is actually inspired by 1979
crisis US diplomats in Iran. In the
category of Best Drama, other
nominees were Django Unchained,
Zero Dark Thirty as well as Life of
Pi. Lincoln which was leading the
race with a total of seven
nominations took away just the


trophy of best actor which was

awarded to Daniel Day-Lewis for his
role as the 16 President of US.
However, the film might have better
opportunities at Oscars where it is
nominations. The Golden Globe
Awards 2013 also did not stand
with Life of Pi and the film only
took home a single award, the best
original score by Mychael Danna.
List of Golden
Globe Awards 2013 Winners:
Best Motion Picture-Drama:
Best performance by an actor
in a motion picture Drama:
Daniel Day-Lewis (Lincoln)
Best performance by an
actress in a motion picture
Drama: Jessica Chastain (Zero
Dark Thirty)
Best Director: Ben Affleck
Best Supporting Actor:
Christoph Waltz
Best Supporting Actress: Anne
Best Original Score: Life of Pi

Best Animated Feature Film:

The other winners at the
Golden Globe Awards 2013 were as
Best Foreign Language Film:
Amour (Austria, Les Films Du
Losange, X Filme Creative
Pool, Wega Film; Sony Pictures
Best Animated Feature Film:
Best Original Song: Skyfall,
Adele from Skyfall
Best Original Score: Mychael
Danna, Life of Pi
About the Golden Globe Awards
The Hollywood stars came on
13 January 2013 to Beverly Hills,
Calif for taking the much-popular
Golden Globe trophies at 70th
annual Golden Globe Awards.
These awards were presented by
Association. The first Golden
Globes were held at Hollywood
Roosevelt Hotel and were hosted by
Hollywood Foreign Correspondents
Association. From there, the idea of


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recognizing the excellence in the
concept of moviemaking came up
by the members of Foreign
Correspondents Association. The
first awards of the organisation took
place in early 1944 and the informal
ceremony took place at 20th
Century Fox.
58th Idea Filmfare Awards

58th Idea Filmfare Awards

were given away on 20 January 2013
at YRF Studio, Andheri. At the 58th
Idea Filmfare Awards, Barfi!, the
much-acclaimed film grabbed seven
Black Lady awards while, Kahaani
bagged five awards. The award for
the Best Actor was given to Ranbir
Kapoor for
performance in Barfi! Vidya Balan,
on the other hand was adjudged as
the Best Actress for Kahaani. Barfi!
was awarded with the Best Film
award, while Kahaanis director
Sujoy Ghosh won the Black Lady for
t h e Best Director. The lifetime
achievement award was given
to Yash
posthumously. Yash Chopras wife
Pamela collected this award on his

Rest of the awards was as

Best Lyricist: Gulzar for Challa
(Jab Tak Hai Jaan: Director
Yash Chopra)
Best Music Director: Pritam for
Best Playback (Female):
Shalmali Kholgade for the
song Pareshaan
Best Playback (Male):
Ayushmann Khurrana for the
song Pani da Rang
Lifetime Achievement Award
-Yash Chopra
Best Actor in a Supporting
Role (Female): Anushka
Sharma (Jab Tak Hai Jaan)
Best Actor in a Supporting
Role (Male): Annu Kapoor
(Vicky Donor)
Padma Awards

Pranab Mukherjee, the

President of Union of India on 25
January 2013 approved conferment
of 108 Padma Awards. Four people
have been conferred with Padma

Vibhusan, twenty four are conferred

with Padma Bhusha n and 80 people
would be receiving Padma Shree
Awards. Out of all the awardees
twenty-four are ladies and 11
people belong to categories like
NRIs, PIOs, Foreigners and
Posthumous awardees.
Padma Awards
Padma Awards are the highest
Civilian Awards and are conferred
to people in three different
Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan and
Padma Shri. These Awards are
conferred on people for the work
done by them in different categories
including art, social work, public
affairs, science and engineering,
trade and industry, medicine,
literature and education, sports, civil
service, and many more.
Padma Vibhusan is conferred
on the people for the
exceptional and distinguished
services done by them
distinguished service of high
Padma Shri is given to a
distinguished service in any
These awards are announced
on the eve of Republic Day
celebration and are conferred by the
President of India at a function
organised at Rastrapati Bhawan.

Padma Vibhushan
Shri Raghunath Mohapatra
Shri S. Haider Raza
Prof. Yash Pal
Prof. Roddam Narasimha
Dr. Ramanaidu Daggubati
Smt. Sreeramamurthy Janaki


Science and Engineering
Science and Engineering

State/ Domicile
Uttar Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh
Tamil Nadu


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Dr. (Smt.) Kanak Rele
Smt. Sharmila Tagore
Dr. (Smt.) Saroja Vaidyanathan
Shri Abdul Rashid Khan
Late Rajesh Khanna
Late Jaspal Singh Bhatti
Shri Shivajirao Girdhar Patil
Dr. Apathukatha Sivathanu Pillai
Dr. Vijay Kumar Saraswat
Dr. Ashoke Sen
Dr. B.N. Suresh
Prof. Satya N. Atluri
Prof. Jogesh Chandra Pati
Shri Ramamurthy Thyagarajan
Shri Adi Burjor Godrej
Dr. Nandkishore Shamrao Laud
Shri Mangesh Padgaonkar
Prof. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
Shri Hemendra Singh Panwar
Dr. Maharaj Kishan Bhan
Shri Rahul Dravid
Ms. H. Mangte Chungneijang Mary Kom

Public Affairs
Science and Engineering
Science and Engineering
Science and Engineering
Science and Engineering
Science and Engineering
Science and Engineering
Trade and Industry
Trade and Industry
Literature & Education
Literature & Education
Civil Service
Civil Service

West Bengal
Maharashtra #
Punjab #
Uttar Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
Madhya Pradesh


State/ Domicile
Andhra Pradesh




Andhra Pradesh
Tamil Nadu

Padma Shree
Shri Gajam Anjaiah
Swami G.C.D. Bharti alias Bharati Bandhu
Ms. B. Jayashree
Smt. Sridevi Kapoor
Shri Kailash Chandra Meher
Shri Brahmdeo Ram Pandit
Shri Vishwanath Dinkar
Patekaralias Nana Patekar
Shri Rekandar Nageswara Rao
alias Surabhi Babji
Shri Lakshmi Narayana Sathiraju
Smt. Jaymala Shiledar
Shri Suresh Dattatray Talwalkar
Shri P. Madhavan Nair alias Madhu
Shri Apurba Kishore Bir
Shri Ghana kanta Bora Borbayan
Smt. Hilda Mit Lepcha




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Smt. Sudha Malhotra
Shri Ghulam Mohammad Saznawaz
Shri Ramesh Gopaldas Sippy
Ms. Mahrukh Tarapor
Shri Balwant Thakur
Shri Puran Das Baul
Shri Rajendra Tikku
Shri Pablo Bartholomew
Shri S. Shakir Ali
Sh. S.K.M Maeilanandhan
Ms. Nileema Mishra
Ms. Reema Nanavati
Ms. Jharna Dhara Chowdhury
Late Dr. Ram Krishan
Late Manju Bharat Ram
Prof. Mustansir Barma
Shri Avinash Chander
Prof. Sanjay Govind Dhande
Prof. (Dr.) Sankar Kumar Pal
Prof. Deepak B. Phatak
Dr. Mudundi Ramakrishna Raju
Prof. Ajay K. Sood
Prof. Krishnaswamy Vijayraghavan
Dr. Manindra Agrawal
Dr. Jayaraman Gowrishankar
Prof. Sharad Pandurang Kale
Smt. Vandana Luthra
Ms. Rajshree Pathy
Shri Hemendra Prasad Barooah
Shri Milind Kamble
Ms. Kalpana Saroj
Dr. Sudarshan K. Aggarwal
Dr. C. Venkata S. Ram alias
Chitta Venkata Sundara Ram
Dr. Rajendra Achyut Badwe
Dr. Taraprasad Das
Prof. (Dr.) T.V. Devarajan
Prof. (Dr.) Saroj Chooramani Gopal
Dr. Pramod Kumar Julka
Dr. Gulshan Rai Khatri
Dr. Ganesh Kumar Mani
Dr. Amit Prabhakar Maydeo


Social Work
Social Work
Social Work
Social Work
Social Work
Social Work
Science and Engineering
Science and Engineering
Science and Engineering
Science and Engineering
Science and Engineering
Science and Engineering
Science and Engineering
Science and Engineering
Science and Engineering
Science and Engineering
Science and Engineering
Trade and Industry
Trade and Industry
Trade and Industry
Trade and Industry
Trade and Industry

Jammu and Kashmir
Jammu & Kashmir
West Bengal
Jammu & Kashmir
Tamil Nadu
Bangladesh *
Uttar Pradesh #
Delhi #
Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal
Andhra Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh
Tamil Nadu


Andhra Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh


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Dr. Sundaram Natarajan
Prof. Krishna Chandra Chunekar
Dr. Vishwa Kumar Gupta
Prof. (Capt.)
Dr. Mohammad Sharaf-e-Alam
Dr. Radhika Herzberger
Shri J. Malsawma
Shri Devendra Patel
Dr. Rama Kant Shukla
Prof. Akhtarul Wasey
Prof. Anvita Abbi
Shri Nida Fazli
Shri Surender Kumar Sharma
Dr. Jagdish Prasad Singh
Late Shaukat
Riaz Kapoor Alias Salik Lakhnawi
Prof. Noboru Karashima
Shri Christopher Pinney
Smt. Premlata Agrawal
Shri Yogeshwar Dutt
Shri Hosanagara Nagarajegowda Girisha
Subedar Major Vijay Kumar
Shri Ngangom Dingko Singh
Naib Subedar Bajrang Lal Takhar
Ms. Ritu Kumar
Dr. Ravindra Singh Bisht


Uttar Pradesh

Literature & Education

Literature & Education
Literature & Education
Literature & Education
Literature & Education
Literature & Education
Literature & Education
Literature & Education
Literature & Education
Literature & Education

Andhra Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh

Literature & Education

Literature & Education
Literature & Education
Fashion Designing

West Bengal#
Japan *
UK *
Himachal Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh

Satellite Hall of Fame

Santiago Astrain and others.

The Society of Satellite

Professionals International (SSPI)
would honour, the Former Chairman
of ISRO and Secretary Department
of Space, Professor U R Rao by
inducting him as the member of the
prestigious Satellite Hall of Fame,
Washington. His induction to the
Satellite Hall of Fame is scheduled
for 19 March 2013 in a gala function
that is to be organised at
Washington, D.C. USA. After being
inducted into the hall of fame, Prof.
Rao would be joining the list of
illustrious space scientists like Dr.
James A. Van Allen, Dr. William
Pritchard, Dr. Harold Rosen, Dr.
Joseph V. Charyk, Arthur C Clarke,

SSPI Hall of Fame


upgraded it via satellite technology.

The pioneers of communication as
well as satellite based aerospace
scientific research and development
for delivery of business related
applications for government and
institutions via satellite are selected
as members of the Satellite Hall of
Asias Nobel-Type Prizes

The Society of Satellite

Professionals International (SSPI),
since 1987 has been in the process
of recognizing the invaluable
contributions of the people involved
in transforming the life on earth and

A business tycoon from

Taiwan with interests mainly in
China declared on 28 January 2013
that he was funding the Asias Nobel
Prizes for outstanding achievements
in natural and social sciences.
Samuel Yin, the head of Ruentex
Group announced that he would
establish Tang Prize Foundation


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which would have an initial
donation of 103 million dollar. Tang
Prize Foundation, which uses the
name of Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD),
is valued by the Chinese for cultural
as well as scientific achievements.
It was decided that the prizes under
the Tang Prize Foundation will be
awarded every alternate year to the
international leaders in sustainable
development, biopharmaceutical
science, the rule of law as well as
the study of China.

Samuel Yin declared that these

categories were kept in the new
awards because the Nobels, which
are 118 years old, did not include
these fields. He also opined that
these categories had high
importance for the humanity.
About the Tang Prize Foundation
The prizes under the Tang Prize
Foundation will commence from
2014. The winners of the prize
would be entitled to receive 1.7
million US dollar. Nobel prizes
award 1.2 million US dollar to the
awardees. The winners of the Tang
Prize will be nominated as well as
screened by the special committees
which in turn would be established
by the Academia Sinica, the highly
prestigious research organisation of
About Samuel Yin
Samuel Yin is aged 62 years.
He is well known for the
donations towards the fields
of charity and education in
In 2012, Samuel Yin had

offered to donate 95 percent

of the total assets after his
death. His total assets are
valued at 3.4 billion US
In fact, through his donations
towards education, 80000
students in China received
tuition assistance.
In 1980, he also co-financed
the building of 250km railway
in eastern China.
Indian writer shortlisted for the
Man Booker Prize for Fiction

He was shortlisted for DSC
Prize for South Asian literature
in 2012 for Bharatipura, the
novel which came in 2010 in
English language.
Other authors shortlisted for the
International Man Booker Prize
for Fiction 2013
Other finalists for International
Man Booker Prize for Fiction 2013
Aharon Appelfeld (Israel)
Lydia Davis (USA)
Intizar Husain (Pakistan)
Yan Lianke (China)
Marie Ndiaye (France)
Josip Novakovich (Canada)
Marilynne Robinson (USA)
Vladimir Sorokin (Russia)
Peter Stamm (Switzerland)
About the International Man
Booker Prize

UR Ananthamurthy, the
Kannada author was shortlisted
among other ten authors for
prestigious International Man
Booker Prize for Fiction 2013. UR
Ananthamurthy, 80, is an only Indian
who was shortlisted in the final list
of this prestigious award. The list of
the awardees was announced at the
Jaipur Literature Festival on 24
January 2013. UR Ananthamurthy is
considered as the important author
bringing reforms in the form of new
movement in the Kannada language.
The author has so far written 5
novels, 8 short story collections and
3 poetry collections.
About UR Ananthamurthy
UR Ananthamurthy studied
English Literature at Univesity
of Mysore. He got his
doctorate from the University
of Birmingham.
Ananthamurthy is popularly
known for his novel called
Samskara which came up in



International Man Booker Prize

is a derivative of Britains Man
Booker novel-of-the-year
prize. It is awarded to the
author for his lifetime work.
The International Man Booker
Prize is meant for the authors
of any nationality whose work
can be found in English.
The winner of this award
would be announced in
London on 22 May 2013 by the
chair of judge Christopher
Indian Researcher Selected For
Award for Alzheimers Drug

Mahaveer Golechha, the

London-based Indian researcher
was selected to be felicitated for an
award that includes his work on a
drug that can be a potential cure of
Alzheimers disease. Golechha, 27
this Young
Investigator Scholarship Award
which will be awarded by
the Alzheimers Drug Discovery


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Foundation at its 7th Annual Drug
Discovery for Neurodegeneration
Conference in February 2013 at San

Mahaveer Golechha would be

felicitated for the research on
naringin, which is said to be the
bioflavonoid found in citrus fruits
and grape fruits. In the study
conducted by Golechha, he found
discovered that naringin has
essential anti-Alzheimer activity.
This in turn could be essential for
further research for developing cure
of the disease. Alzheimers disease
is primarily the neurodegenerative
disorder which affects mostly the
elderly. Mahaveer Golechhas work
on the naringin would be included
in the poster presentation at the San
Francisco conference.
Krishi Karman Awards for the
year 2011-2012

The President of India, Pranab

Mukherjee on 15 January 2013
presented the Krishi Karman Awards
for the year 2011-2012 at an award
ceremony at the Rashtrapati Bhavan.
The awards were presented to the
State Governments for their
excellent performance in increasing
the production of food grains in
their respective states.


Awards in Different Segments

The Awards for Special Contribution to
Total Food Grains Production

Madhya Pradesh, Tamil
Nadu, Manipur and
Award for Contribution to Production and Bihar
Productivity of Rice
Award for Contribution to Production and
Productivity of Wheat
Award for Contribution to Production
andProductivity of Pulses
Award for Contribution to Production and
Productivity of Coarse Cereals
Uttar Pradesh

Ten states namely Punjab,

Uttarakhand, Assam, West Bengal,
Tripura, Rajasthan, Gujarat,
Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram and
Himachal Pradesh were presented
commendation awards. From the
eight awards winning states, for the
first time one male and one female
farmer were also awarded for their
outstanding performance.
Krishi Karman Awards
The award was instituted in the
year 2010-11 for recognizing the
meritorious efforts made by the
states in production of food grains.
The Awards include a trophy, a
citation and a cash reward of 2 crore
rupees for total food grain
production and 1 crore rupees for
each of the four individual crops.
For commendation award winner
the cash prize declared is of 25 lakh
rupees and for individual farmers
the prize amount is 1 lakh rupees,
with a citation and a trophy. The
awards are presented in two
different sets and they are one for
the total food grain production and
second for the production of
individual food grains that includes
rice, wheat, pulses and coarse
cereals. The awards were finalized
and the states were selected by a
selection committee that was
headed by the secretary of
agriculture and cooperation that

accessed the performance of states

following certain fixed criteria,
which took into account the
implementation of programmes for
crop production as well as the
innovative approach adopted for
delivery of effective services.
Kirti Chakra
Major Abup J Manjali of the
Rashtriya Rifles was selected for the
award of Kirti Chakra for his
extraordinary bravery efforts in
counter- terrorist operations in
Jammu and Kashmir. Major Manjali
will be awarded on 26 January 2013.
Major Manjali is the only soldier to
receive this second- highest
peacetime gallantry award Kirti
Chakra on the Republic Day. Apart
from him, eight other jawans as well
as officers were selected to be
awarded with the Shaurya Chakra.
Major Abup J Manjali belongs to the
Bihar Regiment and at present is
deputed to Rashtriya Rifles. It is
important to note that the Kirti
Chakra can be given away to military
personnel as well as the civilians.
This award is the peacetime
gallantry award which is equivalent
to Mahavir Chakra. Shaurya Chakra,
on the other hand, is being given
away to Major Sandeep Kumar of 13
Sikh Regiment for his bravery act in
Northeast area. Apart from him,


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Navy officer will also receive
Shaurya Chakra for saving lives in
Mumbai fire incident.
Tipperary International Peace
Prize for 2012

From the list of 119 films released in 2012, 27 films were green signaled in
the Screen Academy Selection singled for consideration by the Jury. The
screen jury comprised the eminent members of the Indian Film Industry.
These panelists after several rounds of discussions and debates were able
to finalise the nominations.
For details read the table
Award Category
Best Film
Best Actor Male

Irelands prestigious Tipperary

International Peace Prize for 2012
was awarded on 3 January 2013 to
Malala Yousafzai the teenage
schoolgirl from Pakistan, who was
shot by Talibans Gunman in
October 2012. Malala would be
conferred with the award for her
bravery, courage and determination
to speak and support the cause of
access to equal education for every
child. With this award, Malala
became the second Pakistani
National to win the award. Before
this, Lt. Benazir Bhutto was awarded
with the same award in 2007. Malala
was one among the five nominees,
which included Sonia Gandhi, the
Indian National Congress Party
President and Hillary Clinton, the
U.S. Secretary of State.

Paan Singh Tomar
Irfan Khan for Paan Singh
Tomar and Ranbir Kapoor
for Barfi
Best Actress Female
Vidya Balan for Kahaani
Best Director
Anurag Basu for Barfi
Best Actor in a Negative Role
Tigmanshu Dhulia for
Gangs Of Wasseypur
Best Actor in a Comic Role (Male/Female) Annu Kapoor for Vicky
Donor) and Abhishek
Bachchan for Bol Bachchan
Best Playback Singer (Female)
Shalmali Kholgade for
Best Music
Pritam for Barfi
Best Playback Singer (Male)
Javed Ali for Ishaqzaade
Best Story
Sujoy Ghosh & Advaita Kala
for Kahaani
Best Lyrics
Javed Akhtar for Talaash
and Muskanein Jhoothi
Best Choreography
Prabhu Deva & Vishnu
Deva for Go Govinda and
OMG: Oh My God
Legend of Indian Cinema Award
Amitabh Bachchan
Lifetime Achievement: Award
Yash Chopra

The 19th Colors Screen Awards

Order of Canada Award

The 19th Colors Screen

Awards were announced on 12
January 2013 in a function at
Mumbais Bandra Kurla Complex.

Venkatesh Mannar a Channai-



born Scientist of Indian Origin and

President, Micronutrient Initiative,
Canada was awarded with Canadas
Highest Civilian Award the Order
of Canada in the last week of
December 2012. Mannar, a
Graduate from Indian Institute of
Technology, Madras and a post
graduate in chemical engineering
from Northwestern University, US,
was honoured with the award for his
forty years long contribution
working towards reduction of
deficiencies among the worlds
most vulnerable.


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Micronutrient Initiative
The not-for-profit organization,
Micronutrient Initiative is dedicated
towards ensuring the worlds most
vulnerable, the children and the
women mainly in the developing
countries get a proper amount of
(supplements) that they require for
survival and it tries to thrive the same
programme. The organization works
for identifying, development,
implementation and monitoring the
cost effective solutions for hidden
hunger. The Support offered by
Canada to the organization allows it
to improve lives of more than 500
million people in 70 different
countries, annually. All this is being
done through different programs of
the organization and they are child
health, child survival, growth and
development, and womens and
newborn survival and health
Order of Canada Award
The Order of Canada instituted
by Queen Elizabeth II in the year
1967 is a Canadian National Order
and is the second highest honour of
merit in the Country. It is placed next
to Order of Merit. The order is given
to people with lifetime outstanding
achievements and their dedication
towards the community and service
to the nation and people in
Canadian Society in all the sectors.
Frances Simone de Beauvoir
Prize for Womens Freedom
Malala Yousafzai, 15, the
schoolgirl from Pakistan shot by
Taliban for campaigning girls
education, on 9 January 2013
received Frances Simone de
Beauvoir Prize for Womens
Freedom in Paris. Malalas father
Ziaudin Yousafzai received the
honour on her behalf. The award is
accompanied with 2.5 million


Rupees honorarium. In the first

week of January 2013, Malala
Yousafzai got released from the
British hospital. She is waiting for the
reconstructive surgery to be
performed on the skull. Malala was
shot by the Taliban in her head after
her school bus drove through
Mingora town of Swat Valley of
Car of the Year Award 2013

Renault Duster was awarded

the Car of the Year Award 2013 by
the automotive magazine Autocar
India at the annual awards night on
9 January 2013 in Mumbai. In the
gala event, there was a strong
competition for the award among
some of the most renowned and
reputed names in auto industry.
Autocar India gave away 22 awards
in all, in the two-wheeler as well as
four-wheeler segment. Renault
Duster grabbed three awards in all
and these were SUV of the year
2013, viewers choice car of the year
2013 and overall Autocar car of the
year 2013. In the meanwhile,
Mahindra and Mahindra was
awarded with the Manufacturer of
the Year Award 2013 and Bajaj KTM
200 Duke bagged the Autocar Bike
of the Year 2013 and viewers choice
Bike of the Year 2013.
Nominations for BAFTA 2013
Life of Pi a n d The Best Exotic
Marigold Hotel, the Hollywood films
which had their shooting in India
were chosen for the major BAFTA
Awards 2013. The political drama of
Steven Spielberg, Lincoln is leading

its way with ten nominations. Suraj

Sharma, the Indian actor was already
nominated for the BAFTA Awards
2013 for the category of Rising Star.
He acted as the Pi in Life of
Pi directed by Ang Lee. Life of
Pi a n d Les Miserables earned nine
nominations respectively. These
with Lincoln, Zero Dark Thirty and
Argo in the category of Best
Film. Daniel Day-Lewis was
nominated for the category of Best
Actor for his portrayal as US
President in the movie Lincoln.

Others who are nominated in

this category include Ben Affleck
for Argo, Joaquin Phoenix for The
Master, Bradley Cooper for Silver
Linings Playbook and Hugh
Jackman for Les Miserables. Ang
Lee was nominated for Best Director
category in BAFTA for Life of Pi
along with Ben Affleck (Argo),
Kathryn Bigelow (Zero Dark Thirty),
Michael Haneke (Amour) and
Quentin Tarantino (Django
Unchained). Life of Pi is running for
the categories original music,
cinematography; best adapted
screenplay, production design,
special visual effects, Sound and
editing. Argo is running for
categories best adapted screenplay,
editing, sound and original
music. Lincoln is running for best
cinematography, costume design,
makeup and hair, original music and
production design. The British
Academy Film Awards 2013 will be
held at Royal Opera House on 10
February 2013.


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Justice D.K. Jain

Union Government of India on

7 January 2012 appointed Justice
D.K. Jain as Chairman of the 20th
Law Commission of India. Justice
Jain would take on the chair of the
Chairman of the Law Commission on
24 January 2012 after he retires of a
Judge of Supreme Court on the
same day. The Law Commission is
responsible for offering advices on
complex issues to the Government.
He would be heading the
commission as its chief for a period
of three-years from the date of being
in the office.


20th Law Commission of India

The 20th Law Commission of
India was constituted with the
Order of the Government of India
with effect from 1 September 2012.
The functioning of the commission
would end on 31 August 2012. The
commission would be responsible
for identification of obsolete laws
and suggest measures suitable for
quick grievance handling and
redressal of the citizens. It would
also be examining the laws that
effects poor and suggest measures
which would help in harnessing the
law and the legal process for the
economically weaker and poor
section of the society.
Roelant Oltmans


Hockey India on 17 January

announced that Roelant Oltmans,
the Dutch Coach would serve the
Indian Hockey Team as Director High Performance and would look
forward towards the sports in India
till 2016 Rio Olympics. Oltmans
would be responsible for the
planning the training program as
well as calendar for both the junior
and the senior Players in Men and
Women sections.
Roelant Oltmans
He is a Dutch field hockey
coach and has coached the
Dutch team for 14 years
He is Dutch Olympic
Committee as performance
manager for elite sports
He is serving Uttar Pradesh
Wizards team in the ongoing
Hockey India League
He was the coach of the Dutch
side that won Gold Medal in
Atlanta Olympics
He has also been a part of
Dutch side in two FIH World
Cups, Euro Hockey League
and three FIH Champions


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Sam Pitroda

Broadcasting Ministry on 29 January
2013 constituted a seven-member
expert committee to review the
institutional framework of Prasar
Bharti. The committee will be
headed by the Advisor to the Prime
Minister on Public Information
Infrastructure, Sam Pitroda. The
committee will have Prasar Bharati
CEO Jawhar Sircar as its convener.
The committee will review the
relationship of Prasar Bharti with the
government, its continuing role as a
public broadcaster and measures
needed to ensure its technical
upgradation. It will also suggest
ways of using the new media to
deliver digital content both in
broadcast mode (DTH) and in a
demand based mode like YouTube.
members; retired IAS officer Asha
Swaroop, who had earlier served as
secretary in the I&B Ministry,
Professor M P Gupta of IIT Delhi, B
K Gairola (Mission Director eGovernance), Jitendra Shankar
Mathur, additional secretary and
nominated member on the Prasar
Bharati Board and Shekhar Kapur (a
member of the National Innovation

Forum which will be held in Davos

from 23 to 27 January 2013. There
will be other three members in the
delegation and these involve Power
Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia, Heavy
Industry Minister Praful Patel and
Commerce & Industry Minister
Anand Sharma. Kamal Nath being
chosen as the leader of the
government because this is the first
time when someone not from the
ministries of finance or commerce
is leading the delegation. Choice of
Kamal Nath as the leader reflected
his importance in the UPA.

Back in 2006 as well, when the

economy was at its boom, Kamal
Nath launched India Everywhere
campaign, depicting India as a
lucrative destination for the
investment purpose and for placing
it in the top most table at the global
level. However, now Indian
delegation has the challenge of
convincing business tycoons at the
global level that India is among the
Milos Zeman

Kamal Nath
Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh elected Kamal Nath, the Union
Minister for Urban Development
and Parliamentary Affairs, as a leader
of Indian delegation for annual
meetings for World Economic

Milos Zeman became Czech

Republics first directly elected



President as per the Czech Republic

Presidential election results
declared on 25 January 2013. He
won 55 percent as compared with
45 percent of Karel Schwarzenberg.
Milos Zeman is the former Prime
Minister of Czech Republic and
head of theParty of Civic RightsZemanovci (SPOZ) while Karel
Schwarzenberg is foreign minister in
the present centre-right coalition
government. Zeman succeeds
Vaclav Klaus as the President of
Czech Republic. Milos Zeman is the
first directly elected President in
Czech history (and overall third
President), with the presidential
elections held prior to 2013 all being
decided internally by the senate.
Prior to this, he served as the Prime
Minister of the Czech Republic from
1998 to 2002. As leader of the Czech
Social Democratic Party during the
1990s, he transformed it into one of
the countrys major political parties.
He was also the Chairman of the
Chamber of Deputies- the lower
house of the Czech parliament- from
1996 to 1998.
Rajnath Singh

Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) on

23 January 2013 elected Rajnath
Singh as its new President. His
appointment to the post was
announced by Thawar Chand
Gehlot, the Central Election Officer
at the headquarters of the party, at
New Delhi. Rajnath Singh replaced
Nitin Gadkari, who served the party
as its President for a period of three
years from December 2009 to
January 2013.


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About Rajnath Singh
He has served BJP as its
former National President
from December 2005 to
November 2009
In 1988, Rajnath Singh was
elected as the Member of
Legislative Assembly for UP
Legislative Council in 1988
He was elected as the Chief
Minister of Uttar Pradesh on
28th October 2000
He have been the MLA from
Haidargarh constituency in
Barabanki, two times
He was appointed as the
Union Minister of Agriculture
and subsequently for Food
Processing on 24th May 2003
during his term in the office;
he initiated a few projects like
Kisan Call Centre and Farm
Income Insurance Scheme.
Rahul Gandhi

Rahul Gandhi on 19 January

2013 was formally elevated and was
appointed at the position of party
Vice-President of Congress at the
Chintan Shivir organised at Jaipur in
appointment, Rahul Gandhi took
over the second highest chair of the
oldest political party of the nation,
just after the party-president and her
mother Sonia Gandhi. His
appointment to the post came up
following the decision made by the
Congress Working Committee, the
partys highest decision making



Brij Bihari Lal Butail

Jaipur is the capital city of

western state of India Rajasthan and
also known as the Pink City. The city
was built in 1727 by Sawai Jai SinghII, Jaipur and was the first planned
city of its time. Its a place with
beautiful palaces, forts and havelis
namely palace of Amber, Hawa
Mahal, Jal Mahal and more. The city
holds a long history of battles for
power within it.
Congress Vice Presidents in the
Post Independent India

Brij Bihari Lal Butail was

unanimously elected as the new
speaker of Himachal Pradesh
Legislative Assembly on 9 January
2013. Brij Bihari Lal Butail is the fivetime MLA as well as Senior Congress
leader. Butail was elected as the
speaker unananimously after the BJP
decided that none of its candidate
should field for this designation,
leaving him as the only
choice. Three nominations for
Butail were filed which included,
Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh and
Agriculture Minister Sujan Singh
Pathania, second by Leader of the
opposition P K Dhumal and state BJP
chief Satpal Singh Satti as well as
third by the Irrigation and Public
Health Minister Vidya Stokes and
Sharma. Butail got elected for the
fifth time to Vidhan Sabha from
Palampur. He remained as the
minister as well as political advisor
to Chief Minister. Butail is the 12th
Speaker of the state Assembly as
well as second from Palampur.

Arjun Singh in 1986 was

designated as the first VicePresident of the party
appointed as the party VicePresident in 1997
Urjit Patel
Urjit Patel was appointed as
theDeputy Governor of theReserve
Bank of India on 3 January 2013.
Urjit Patel succeeds Subir Gokarn,
who handled Monetary Policy in RBI.
The three-year term of Subir Gokarn
terminated in November 2012 but
he was given an extension which
ended finally on 31 December 2012.
Urjit Patel was chosen over current
Deputy Governor Subir Gokarn and
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
economist Kalpana Kochhar. There
are in all four Deputy Governor Posts
in RBI. With the termination of term
of Subir Gokarn, one post was
S. Ramakrishnan
A senior Scientist from ISRO,
S. Ramakrishnan took over as the
Director of the Vikram Sarabhai
Space Centre (VSSC), Thiruvananthapuram in the first week of January
2013. Ramakrishnan carries a four
decades of experience in rocketry
and headed the Liquid Propulsion
Systems Centre (LPSC) at ISRO. He
replaced P S Veeraraghavan.

Syed Asif Ibrahim

Syed Asif Ibrahim, the 1977

Madhya Pradesh cadre IPS officer
took over the office of Intelligence
Bureau as a director on 1 January
2013 from Nehchal Sandhu. Alok
Joshi, the Haryana cadre IPS officer
on the other hand took over the
office of RAW as the director on 31
December 2012. The names of the
head of IB and RAW were cleared
in November 2012 by the cabinet


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committee which was headed by
the Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh. Syed Asif Ibrahim was
appointed as officer on special duty
in the Intelligence Bureau after his
appointments panel. With this,
Ibrahim became the first Muslim to
acquire such a prestigious post in
the IB. Nehchal Sandhu retired as
the head of IB on 31 December 2012
after which Asif Ibrahim took over.
Before holding the position of head
of IB, Asif Ibrahim served as a
special director in IB. He became
the special director after returning
from London where he held the
(Coordination) in the Indian high
Srikanth Srinivasan

Indian-American Srikanth
Srinivasan on 4th January 2013 renominated by US President Barack
Obama as Federal Judge for the
District of Columbia Circuit. Srikanth
Srinivasan is among the 33 federal
judges re-nominated by the
President Barack Obama for the US
Court of Appeals and the only Indian
American re-nominated by Obama
for the District of Columbia Circuit.
The nomination is pended over the
United States Senate Committee on
the Judiciary which is charged with
conducting hearings prior to the
Senate votes on confirmation of
federal judges nominated by the
president. Srinivasan was born in
Chandigarh, and grew up in
Lawrence, Kansas and had received
his BA with honors and distinction

in 1989 from Stanford University and

his JD (Juris Doctor) with distinction
in 1995 from Stanford Law School,
where he was elected to Order of
the Coif and served as an editor of
the Stanford Law Review.
Rajiv Takru
Rajiv Takru , the Senior IAS
officer on 9 January 2013 promoted
and appointed as Secretary of
Financial Services in the Finance
Ministry. Rajiv Takru was promoted
from his present post of Additional
Secretary and Financial Adviser in
the Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare. The job of Rajiv Takru is that
of looking after the functioning of
banks, insurance companies and
other financial institutions. Rajiv
Takru, is a 1979-batch officer of
Gujarat cadre and was earlier CEO
of Prasar Bharti and had worked in
the Information and Broadcasting
Ministry. Rajiv Takru is going to
succeed Dinesh Kumar Mittal, who
retires on 31 January 2013. Also, in
an another appointment ,
the Appointments Committee of
Cabinet (ACC) headed by Prime
Minister Manmohan Singh had
approved the appointment of Ravi
Mathur as Secretary in the
Department of Disinvestment under
the Finance Ministry. Ravi Mathur, is
a 1979-batch IAS officer of Rajasthan
cadre and is currently Additional
Secretary in Ministry of Labour and
Vijayraghavan, was also appointed
by the Appointments Committee of
Cabinet (ACC) as Director, National
Centre for Biological Sciences,
Bangalore as Secretary, Department
of Biotechnology.

taking over the oath he asserted that

there was scope for strengthening
the trial processes related to
prevention of atrocities against
women. He acknowledged the need
for the courts to reduce the trial

He also stressed that there was

shortage of judges at the Rajasthan
high court. At present there are 21
judges against the 40 posts of high
court judges and he also highlighted
accorded priority to setting up of
fast track courts for cases pertaining
to sexual abuse and other atrocities
against women. Chief justice
Amitava Roy was until now working
at the Guwahati high court and was
second in seniority there. He had
replaced chief justice Arun Kumar
Mishra who was transferred to the
Calcutta high court in month of
December 2012.
Rusi Framroze Surti

Justice Amitava Roy

Justice Amitava Roy on 2
January 2013 was sworn in as the
Chief Justice of Rajasthan High
Court. The oath was administered to
him at Raj Bhavan by the Governor
of Rajasthan Margaret Alva. With



Rusi Framroze Surti, the former

all-rounder of India from Surat died
on 13 January 2013 in Mumbai. Surti
was aged 76 years. Surti was often
also called poor mans Garry Sobers
and played 26 Test matches for India


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from the time period of 1960 to
1969. He played for Rajasthan as
well as Gujarat in Ranji Trophy. In
Sheffield Shield, he represented
Queensland 35 times.
About Rusi Framroze Surti
In the Ranji Trophy, Surti
played for Gujarat from 195657 to 1967-68. He also played
for Rajasthan from 1959-60
and 1960-71.
While playing 26 tests for
India, he scored a total of 1263
runs which included nine 50s.
He grabbed 42 wickets during
the tests.
Overall, Surti played a total of
160 first-class matches scoring
8066 runs including 6
centuries and 54 fifties. His
highest was 246 not out.
The best performance of Surti
came during 1967-68 during
the tour of New Zealand and
Haradhan Bandopadhyay
Haradhan Bandopadhyay, the
renowned Bengali actor died on 5
January 2013 in Kolkata after
struggling for his life for 15 days.
Haradhan Bandopadhyay was aged
86 years and is survived by wife and
Bandopadhyay worked in a total of
66 films and he had a career span of
six decades. He worked with
Satyajit Ray in movies such as
Mahanagar, Shonar Kella, Jai Baba
Felunath and many more. He
worked with some of the renowned
directors such as son of Satyajit Ray,
Sandip Ray and Mrinal Sen.
Aaron Swarth
Aaron Swarth, the internet
activist and co-founder of Reditt
committed suicide by hanging
himself on 11 January 2013. The 26
years old computer genius was the
developer of the early version of the
RSS (Rich Site Summary) web feed


system was facing federal criminal

charges in cases of a controversial
fraud and hacking allegations. He
was largely credited as the coauthor of the specifications of the
RSS 1.0 web feed format at the age
of 14. RSS feed generally is a format
that supports the users to find out
content from the sites, where
updates keeps on changing regularly
like a news website or a blog.

founding member of National

Organization for Woman died on 2
January 2013 at Wisconsin. She was
aged 92 years.

Pandit Ram Sanehi Shukla

Pandit Ram Sanehi Shukla, the
veteran freedom fighter died at the
age of 98 at Sahebpur Village under
Madiyahon tehsil on 3 January 2013.
Shukla, who was a disciple of
Mahatma Gandhi, died after
surviving a long illness. The last rites
of the freedom fighter were
performed at the Manikarnika Ghat
of Varanashi with full state honour.

Lerner died in peace at the

assisted-living facility in the city of
Madison. She founded the doctoral
programme in the womens history
in Madison at the University of
Neil Adcock

Koto Okubo

Koto Okubo, the lady who

received the title of worlds oldest
lady alive after the death of Dina
Manfredini of United States, died on
12 January 2013. The 115 years old
Okubo was born on 24 December
1897 in a town near Tokyo, Japan.
Dina Manfredini after receiving the
title died within two weeks time and
she received the award after the
death of Japanese Jiroemon Kimura.
Jiroemon born on 19 April 1897, in
the ancient capital of Kyoto also
died at the age of 115 years.
Gerda Lerner
Gerda Lerner, the leader in
womens history as well as the

Former South Africa fast

bowler, Neil Adcock died on 6
January 2013 at the age of 81 in
Howick, KwaZulu-Natal province of
South Africa. He had pneumonia
and was also suffering from cancer
for a long period of time. Brief
Insight into Neil Adcocks Career
M.S. Gopalakrishnan

Gopalakrishnan, the Violin maestro
died on 3 January 2012 at the age of


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82. He died with the complaints of
breathlessness and a brief illness.
The violinist was an expert in
Hindustani and Carnatic systems of
classical music. He is now survived

by his wife and a violinist son and

daughter M Narmada and Suresh
Respectively and another daughter
Latha. Hailing from the Parur lineage
he was a recipient of both Padma

Bhushan and Padma Shri and had a

career span of about 75 years. The
Music Academy conferred him from
the Sangita Kalanidhi title.

still enjoys the support of six
members of the AJSU, two of the
Janata Dal (United), two
independents and one nominated
member who has voting right in a
trial of strength.

Arjun Munda

Akbaruddin Owaisi

The Arjun Munda Ministry in

Jharkhand on 8 January 2013
resigned and recommended
dissolution of the two-year-old
Assembly to the governor in Ranchi.
The decision of his resignation came
after his coalition partner, the
Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM),
decided to withdraw its support
from the 28-month-long BJP-led
coalition government. Arjun Munda
called an emergency meeting and
notified Governor Syed Ahmed of
the cabinet decision just an hour
before JMM chief Shibu Soren met
the governor with his 18 MLAs, and
handed over a formal letter of
withdrawal of support. Now, it is
Governor Syed Ahmed who has to
decide whether to invite another
possible coalition to form the
government, after being convinced
that it will have the strength to prove
its majority on the floor of the
Assembly, or heed Mundas
recommendation to dissolve the
assembly to pave the way for
elections. The BJP and the JMM
have 18 MLAs each in the 82member Assembly. The outgoing
Munda government had the support
of 47 MLAs. Though the JMM has
walked out of the coalition, the BJP

Akbaruddin Owaisi, the Majlise-Ittehadul Muslimeen (MIM) MLA

who was indicted of making hate
speech was arrested on 8 January
2013 after going through the
medical tests in government
hospital in Hyderabad. The MLA on
7 January 2013 sought time of four
days for appearing in front of the
police on certain medical grounds.
The MIM leader Akbaruddin Owaisi
is facing charges which range from
sedition to waging a war against the
state. He was booked on 3 January
2013 under two different sections of
the Indian Penal Code (IPC) by the
police in Nirmal Town, 200 km away
from Hyderabad. He was booked
under the charges of promoting
hostility between different groups
as well as performing actions which
are harmful to the harmony, apart
from the charge of attempting to
wage war against the state. The last
charge if proved, leads to life
imprisonment or death sentence.



Akbaruddin Owaisi, who is the

member of Andhra Pradesh
assembly, is at present facing five
charges which include doing public
mischief, threatening people for
giving false evidence, criminal
conspiracy, sedition and disobeying
the official orders. He was booked
in Nirmal Town by the police on
grounds of delivering malicious
speech in town on 22 December
2012 at a public meeting. He is also
facing other such charges in
Nizamabad town. Hyderabad
police, Ranga Reddy police as well
as police in other districts also
booked various cases against him.
JBT Teachers Recruitment Scam

The Delhi Court on 22 January

2013 sentenced 10 years in prison
for the former Chief Minister of
Haryana and the leader of the
National Lok Dal (INLD) Om Prakash
Chautala and his Son Ajay Singh
Chautala, who is an MLA from
Dabwali constituency. The two
along with 53 others have been
sentenced for their alleged
involvement in the Junior Basic
Trained (JBT) teachers recruitment
scam in which 3,206 JBT teachers
were recruited illegally in the state
in the year 2000. Vinod Kumar, the
special CBI judge after found all the


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accused guilty of forgery, use of fake
documents as genuine, cheating,
conspiracy under the IPC and abuse
of the official position under the
Prevention of Corruption Act.
Among the convicted, there exists
the name of two IAS officers Sanjiv
Kumar, the then Director in the
Directorate of Primary Education
and Vidya Dhar, Chautalas former
Officer on Special Duty and both of
them have been sentenced with 10
years of imprisonment. The Political
advisor to the then Haryana CM and
MLA, Sher Singh Badshami was also
sentenced with 10 years of
imprisonment. Among the other 50
convicted, one was sentenced for
five years in jail and the rest 49 have
been sentenced with 4 years term
in jail.
David Coleman Headley

prosecution pressed for a sentence

of 30 to 35 years for him. The death
penalty and extradition options
were dropped because of the
cooperation shown by him.
Headley, under a deal with U.S.
Government supplied major
information about the terror
suspects, which was really helpful
in carrying on the investigation and
bring defendants like Ilyas Kashmiri,
Tahawwur Rana and other Pakistanbased operatives under criminal
charges. Justice Leinenweber in
third week of January 2013
sentenced 14 years in Jail to
Tahawwur Rana, the Chicago based
businessman and immigration
consultant for his alleged
involvement in supporting the
terrorist group from Pakistan, which
worked with the intelligence service
of Pakistan and carried out the 26/
11 Mumbai Attacks in 2008. He was
also a convict for a Denmark strike
in a Jyllands-Posten a Danish
Tahawwur Rana

of the Prophet Mohammed. The

court described Rana as a partner
in crime of Mumbai Attacks, when
166 people were killed and among
them six were Americans. The trails
undertaken in the year 2011
identified string evidences against
the Spy Agency of Pakistan the InterServices Intelligence Directorate
(ISI) of playing a direct role in the
operations that was planned and
designed to kill people from west
and the US. The sentence was
pronounced by U.S. District Judge
Harry Leinenweber and he chose a
punishment that was higher than the
minimum 11 years in prison under
the guidelines of federal sentencing.
The Judge claimed that the crime in
the newspaper building at
Copenhagen and the act of
beheading the hostages and
throwing the heads out of the
windows to create a situation of
panic was very serious. Rana being
aware about Headleys involvement
in the Mumbai Attack was the proof
of the murderous potential of him.
The Federal Court Judge also added
post-prison supervision for five
years of Rana in his sentence.
Darul Uloom Deoband

David Coleman Headley, the

Pakistani-American and the
mastermind of the 26/11 Mumbai
Terror Attack 2008 was sentenced
to 35 years in Prison on 24 January
2013 by a U.S. Court. The Court
sentence would be followed by a
release. The sentence was
pronounced by the U.S. Federal
District Court Judge Harry
Leinenweber, who said that Headley
was a terrorist and numerous crimes
were committed by Headley but his
confessions turned up to be the
reason that lenient sentences were
issued for him. It was admitted by
the U.S. Government that the nature
of role played by Headley in 26/11
attacks were deplorable and the


Tahawwur Rana, the Chicago

immigration consultant was
sentenced for 14 years in Jail by the
Federal Judge of US. He was
sentenced by the court for his
alleged involvement in supporting
the terrorist group from Pakistan,
which worked with the intelligence
service of Pakistan and carried out
the 26/11 Mumbai Attacks in 2008.
He was also a convict for a Denmark
strike in a Jyllands-Posten a Danish
newspaper that published cartoons

Darul Uloom Deoband, the

leading Islamic seminary on 23
January 2013 demanded that the
controversial writers should be
banned from the sixth edition
of Jaipur Literature Festival
(JLF) which began on 24 January
2013. The demand of the Deoband
is in line with the warnings of certain
Muslim groups to the organisers of


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JLF against the invitation of the
authors who have remained in
controversy for hurting the religious
sentiments of communities. Certain
Muslim groups had also warned the
organisers of JLF on 21 January 2013
against inviting the controversial
authors. It is important to note that
the Darul Uloom Deoband also
pleaded to the Government of India
to ban authors like these from
visiting India. In the similar context,
the youth wing of the Bhartiya Janata

Party warned JLF against the

presence of Pakistani litterateur in
the event, citing beheading of Indian
soldiers at the LoC. In the
meanwhile, the Producer of the
Jaipur Literature Festival announced
that even though everyone had an
equal right to express the feelings,
but JLF would not be hijacked. JLF
was first held back in 2005 and since
then, it is one among the most
notable annual gatherings of book
lovers as well as literati.

Nitin Gadkari
Nitin Gadkari resigned from his
post as the BJP President on 22
January 2013. After his resignation,
Rajnath Singh was appointed as the
party chief. A lot of senior BJP
leaders had earlier sought removal
of Gadkari as BJP chief after his
name came up in the Purti scam in
2012. Nitin Gadkaris name surfaced
in the corruption charges in his
company purti Group.

Chinas Travel Attractions
Zhao Jiang the Director of the
Government-run China Radio
Internationals (CRI) Tamil station
has written a book in Tamil titled
Chinas Travel Attractions. The book
will carry her Tamil name
Kalaimakal. This is her first book in
Tamil and would make a debut in
the Chennai Book fair that is going
on in YMCA College Ground in
Nandanam and will continue till 23
January 2013. The book by Zhao
Jiang would be available on the stall
of the publication house named
Gowtham Pathippagam. The book
named Chinas Travel Attraction is
a compilation of the history and
culture of the Beijing, Sanghai and

Tibet and can be considered as an

introduction these. The book also
carries the story of changes seen by
the Chinese Capital in recent past to
its turning up as a city of subways.
The author has tried to capture the
Indian mindset and introduced the
historical sites of China,
architectural brilliance of Shanghais
and would act as a travel guide to
Er Ist Wieder Da
New novel about Adolf Hitler,
called Er Ist Wieder Da (Hes Back)
authored by Timur Vermes became
the bestseller in Germany,
replacing Winter Of The World b y
Ken Follet. Er Ist Wieder Da is the
novel that makes use of the

proactive approach with a tinge of

comedy and satire. The book was
released in September 2012. The
book has a different plot in which
Hitler, instead of dying by the end
of Second World War, goes to sleep
in 1945 and wakes up in modern
Berlin in 2011. The novel with a
different approach climbed up to
the Germanys bestseller list with
over 250000 copies sold. 75000
audio books have also been
sold. The German press plans to
publish the book in English as well.
There have been mix reviews about
the book, where some literary critics
applauded the book, while some
called it a marketing machine in the
name of Hitler to earn money.

Silk Letter Movement

The President of India, Pranab

Mukherjee on 11 January 2013
released a Commemorative Postage
Stamp on Silk Letter Movement at

Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. The

Silk Letter Movement refers to the
golden history of Indias freedom
struggle in which, the Deobandi
leaders tried to generate a panIslamic revolt in British-India against
the British Empire by gaining
support of Afghanistan and Turkey
Governments. Obaidullah Sindhui
and Maulana Mahmood Hasan were
the two main leaders of the
movement. In 1916 few letters,
which were written on Silk, were
caught by the British.



11th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas

The three-day 11th Pravasi
Bharatiya Divas (PBD) kicked off in
Kochi on 7 January 2013. The event
saw delightful response from the
people with more than 2000
The distinctive feature of this
years Pravasi Bharatiya Divas is that
this is the first time that there is going
to be an exclusive session on Middle
East. The organizing partner of this
year summit is Indo-Canada
Chamber of Commerce (ICCC).


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Minister for Overseas Indian Affairs
Vayalar Ravi is leading the day-long
Middle-East session along with
Chief Minister of Kerala Oommen
Chandy and Joseph. The whole day
event of 7th January 2013 would see
discussions on problems that
people from Kerala face in the
Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh will inaugurate the annual
flagship event on 8 January2013
and President Pranab Mukherjee will
deliver the valedictory address on
9 January 2013and also confer the
Pravasi Bharatiya Samman awards.
About Pravasi Bharatiya Divas
Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (PBD)
is celebrated on 9th January every
year to mark the contribution of
Overseas Indian community in the
development of India.
January 9 was chosen as the
day to celebrate this occasion since
it was on this day in 1915 that
Mahatma Gandhi, the greatest
Pravasi, returned to India from South
Africa, led Indias freedom struggle
and changed the lives of Indians
PBD conventions are being
held every year since 2003. These
conventions provide a platform to
the overseas Indian community to
engage with the government and
people of the land of their ancestors
for mutually beneficial activities.
These conventions are also
very useful in networking among the
overseas Indian community residing
in various parts of the world and
enable them to share their
experiences in various fields. During
the event, individuals of exceptional
merit are honoured with the
prestigious Pravasi Bharatiya
Samman Award to appreciate their
role in Indias growth.
The event also provides a
forum for discussing key issues
concerning the Indian Diaspora.


World Conference on
Telecommunications (WCIT-12)

International telecommunication Union (ITU) summoned

t h e World
International Telecommuni-cations
(WCIT) in Dubai, United Arab
Emirates which was held from 3
to14 December 2012. In the
landmark conference, it was
decided that the current
International Telecommunications
Regulations (ITRs) shall be
reviewed. After negotiating for two
weeks, the delegates from the length
and breadth of the world agreed to
a fresh international treaty
called New Global Telecoms
Treaty, which will welcome the
power of information and
communication technologies (ICTs)
to everyone in the world. More than
2000 delegates from across the
world were registered for this
The main points of the treaty
were as follows:
The treaty basically embarks
general principles for making
sure that there is free flow of
the information across the
New provisions ensured that
there was special emphasis on
the future efforts for helping
the developing countries, on
promotion of accessibility to
the disabled as well as on
emphasising the right to
freedom of expression of

people over all the ICT

In another provision, there
was an inclusion of a
Resolution for creating one,
globally-harmonised number
for access to various
efficiency of the ICT networks,
new text making it mandatory
for the prices set for mobile
roaming as well as fighting
against the e-waste.
Issues that provoked debate at
the World Conference on
International Telecommunications:
There were certain tough
issues which led to debate at this
conference. These issues were Network security
Unwanted bulk content like
spam e-mails
Definition of the entities which
provided services under terms
of the treaty,
Whether the language on
freedom of expression in the
Preamble text of the treaty
should be included or not
The principle of nondiscriminatory access of the
networks of each others
ITUs Gold Medal
In WCIT-12, the ITUs Gold
Medal, which is the highest honour
of the organisation, was awarded by
Hamadoun Tour to Chairmanship
of Al Ghanim.
About WCIT-12
WCIT-12 was among the most
open treaty-making conferences of
the world which had live as well as
archived webcasting. There was
English-language captioning of the
meetings of substantive working
committee (Committee 5 Review)
as well as the conference Plenary


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sessions. There were in all, 1275
proposals to this conference from
the member States. WCIT-12
included around 1600 delegates
onsite from 151 Member States. This
also included around 70 Ministers,
Ambassadors and Deputy Ministers.
Medium Lift Helicopter Complex
at Phalodi
The Chief of the Air Staff,
N.A.K. Browne inaugurated the
Medium Lift Helicopter Complex on
7 January 2013 at Phalodi, near
Jodhpur. The complex has been
developed with the purpose of
raising the new Mi-17 V5 helicopter
Unit. The Hanger Complex
inaugurated by the Chief is one of
the biggest pre-engineered hangers
of its type and in the Indian Air
Force. This unit would add up to the
operational capabilities of the new
Air Base. The new air base would
be utilized by the Air Force in the
forthcoming exercises namely Iron
Fist scheduled for 22 February 2013
and Live Wire in March 2013.
6th Vibrant Gujarat summit
Chief Minister of Gujarat
Narendra Modi on 8 January 2013
inaugurated the biennial(held every
second year) Vibrant Gujarat Global
Investors meet by throwing open a
mega trade exhibition that has over
one thousand firms from as many as
16 countries displaying their
products. The highlight of the sixth
edition of the summit is an
international conference of
academic institutions with expected
participation of 200 delegates from
130 institutions from 50 countries.
The six-day global trade show
spread across over 1 lakh square
metres is supposed to receive a
whopping 15 lakh visitors and has
13 domes, 14 pavilions, over a
thousand stalls and over 25000
products on display and is going to
be one of the largest of its kind in
the country. Unique and interesting

displays from various companies are

a centre of attraction at the Global
Trade Show: like a unique Solar
Aircraft model from Solvay Group,
Craft Village by Industrial Extension
Cottage, Solar Village by Gujarat
Energy Development Agency and
Gujarat Power Corporation Ltd.
About Vibrant Gujarat Summit
Vibrant Gujarat is the name
given to a biennial investors summit
held by the government of
Gujarat.The Global Trade Show is an
integral component of Vibrant
Gujarat Summit. This platform offers
a unique opportunity to corporate
houses, institutions and industrial
giants to showcase their
innovations, products and services
to a large gathering of Indian and
global summit delegates and also
allows having meaningful businessto-business interactions resulting in
serious business and trade
opportunities. Apart from Partner
Countries Japan and Canada,
various other countries like USA, UK,
Australia, Netherlands, Rwanda,
Israel and Mozambique etc., have
marked their presence at the event.

Mumbai to add to the family

income. Sunmeets husband
Manmeet is a small time actor who
has appeared in about 150
commercials and Ram Gopal
Varmas Jungle. The show featuring
Sunmeet winning the game show
will be aired on 12 January 2013.The
show is hosted by Bollywood Actor
Amitabh Bachchan and it features
on Sony TV. 37 year old Sunmeet
Kaur Sawhney plans to donate a part
of the money for prayer rituals. The
other contestant who had win the
amount of 5 crore rupees is Sushil
Kumar a computer operator from
Motihari district of Bihar. Sushil
Kumar was a contestant in season 5
of KBC. He was the first participant
in the history of KBC to claim the
amount of 5 crore rupees.
Air Marshal Kulwant Singh Gill
Air Marshal Kulwant Singh Gill
on 8 January 2013 took over the
charge of National Defence
Academy, Khadakwasla as its new
Commandant. Kulwant Singh
replaced outgoing Lt. Gen Ashok
Singh to take over this post.
Mukesh Ambani

Sunmeet Kaur

Sunmeet Kaur Sawhney, a

housewife from state of Punjab in
January 2013 emerged as first
woman to win 5 crore rupees on TV
game show Kaun Banega Crorepati
6 (KBC). Sawhney who had studied
till XII class only is a home tutor and
she presently resides in city of
Mumbai. She used to give tuitions
to young children in suburban



Mukesh Ambani, the Indian

business tycoon is the 18th richest
person of the world having personal
wealth of 24.7 billion dollar in 2012,
as per the Bloomberg Billionaires
Index, which is the daily ranking that
describes 100 wealthiest individuals
of the world. Mukesh Ambani is the
chairman and MD of Reliance
Industries and for the sixth time in a
row, he retained his rank as the


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richest Indian of the world. Infact,
his ranking jumped up from 19th
position to 18th and his wealth
increased from 21 billion dollar to
24.7 billion dollar in the world, the
Index revealed. The Index also
revealed that the Mexican
telecommunication tycoon Carlos
Slim was the richest person of the
world in 2012 with personal wealth
of over 70 billion dollar. The founder
of Microsoft, Bill Gates as well as the
founder of Zara, the fashion retail,
Amancio Ortega retained the
position in top three with their
wealth standing just more than and
a little less than 60 billion dollar
respectively. The investor Warren
Buffett came down to fourth
position despite adding a personal
wealth of approximately 5 billion
dollar and donating a huge chunk to
the charity. The net worth of IKEA
founder, Ingvar Kamprad got the net
worth increased to around 40 billion
dollar, thus achieving the fifth
position. The Index revealed that
the top 100 billionaires of the world
became richer even more in 2012
with the total wealth increasing by
approximately 15 percent to 1.81
trillion dollar.
Oldest Fossil of the Earth
Scientists while analysing the
Australian rocks claimed that they
discovered certain traces of bacteria
in Western Australias Pilbara region,
which lived a record-breaking 3.49
billion years ago. The biochemist at
Old Dominion University in Norfolk,
Nora Noffke described that the
traces of bacteria are among the
oldest fossils ever found and
therefore they are said to be the
oldest ancestors of humans. In case
these fossils are actually so old, then
it could assist the scientists in
understanding about initial phases
of life on this planet. The discovery
is also helpful in stimulating the
search for the ancient life that exists


on other planets apart from

Earth. These newly-discovered
fossils are not the horrified body
parts, unlike those of dinosaurs
bones. They actually appear like the
textures on surface of the sandstone
which is believed to be sculpted by
the living organisms that existed
during that time. These fossils were
discovered in the sandstone at
bottom of Strelley Pool rock
formation in the Western Australia.
During the analysis, the carbon
which created the textured rocks
was measured. Around 99 percent
of the carbon which is found in nonliving things is called carbon-12,
which is actually the lighter version
of element in comparison to carbon13, which forms the remaining 1
percent. Microbes which make use
of the process of photosynthesis for
making their food comprise of even
more carbon-12 and less quantity of
carbon-13. This predisposition was
evident on that Australian rock from
which fossils were discovered.

took place on 16 December 2012.

The Delhi gangrape victim had died
in Singapore. The UN human rights
chief declared that attacks like these
were happening against females in
all the social classes in India. She
expressed that this was the national
problem which affected women of
almost all the castes and classes.
Pillay in the meanwhile also
welcomed the protests supporting
anti-rape, declaring that these
would help women in overcoming
their fears in New Year. It was
announced that though the union
government of India took a few
steps for ensuring women safety but
a lot more needed to be done.
Pillay also asked the Indian
government for inviting UN Special
Rapporteur on the violence against
the females to visit India for helping
in the process. UN Special
Rapporteurs are the autonomous
experts who are especially trained
for investigating issues like these.

Navi Pillay

First Earthquake-Proof Hindu

Temple of the World

Calling the sexual violence and

brutality against the females as
national issue in India, the human
rights chief of UN, Navi Pillay asked
the union government of India to
strengthen the legal administration
against sexual crimes, primarily
rapes. The UN human rights chief
was however against death penalty
for the rapists. The United Nations
High Commissioner for Human
Rights gave her detailed reaction to
the heinous Delhi gangrape of 23year old Para-medical student which

One among the biggest Hindu

temples in US, which is built at an
enormous cost of 100 million dollar
near Hollywood city, Los Angeles
was opened on 3 January 2013. The
temple became an attraction for its
majesty as well as eco-friendly
design ever since it was inaugurated
on 23 December 2012. This is the
68th Swaminarayan temple built by
Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha
(BAPS) by making use of the 35000
hand-carved Italian Carrara marble



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pieces as well as Indian Pink
Sandstone. The temple is also said
to be the first earthquake-proof
Hindu temple of the world and it is
expected to standstill for 1000
years. Making use of the state-ofthe-art technology for providing it
protection from the earthquakes, the
temple includes two huge domes,
122 pillars, five pinnacles, 129
archways and four balconies. The
upper portion of the entire complex
is earthquake-proof because it is
segregated from base with line of 40
base-isolator units. There are 6600
hand-carved motifs which are a
depiction of assortment of devotion,
dedication and inspiration apart
from historical figures that
showcase Hinduism. The temple is
located on 20-acre site comprising
of 91 foot pond that is lotus-shaped,
gymnasium, classrooms as well as
Cultural Centre. For generating
electricity, the temple makes use of
the solar power system. The temple
in all is said to be an amalgamation
of traditional stone art as well as
architecture along with modern

covering nearly all 8.5 lakh Polling

Stations. Around 46000 Educational
Institutions also celebrated National
Voters Day. Around 4867 Youth
Voter Festivals have been held
across the states to engage youth in
the registration process.The
National Function to mark the 3rd
National Voters Day was held at
Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. 25th
January is also the foundation day
of the Commission, which came into
being on this day in 1950. The
Commissions objective through
NVD is to increase enrolment of
voters, especially of the newly
eligible ones, to make universal
adult suffrage a complete reality.
The National Voters Day is also
utilized to spread awareness among
participation in the electoral
Ballistic Missile K-15

Heritage Status to Neta Jis

Ancestral House
The West Bengal Government
on 22 January 2013, the day of Neta
Ji Subhash Chandra Boses birth
anniversary, declared that it would
give a heritage status to his ancestral
house at Kodalia in South 24
Parganas district. The Government
also announced that if the need
arises to acquire the land, than it is
also ready to do so.
3rd National voters Day
The Election Commission of
India celebrated the 3rd National
Voters Day across the country on
25 January 2013. The theme for the
3rd NVD isInclusion . NVD functions
were held at more than 6.5 lakh
locations across the country

India on 26 January 2013

successfully test fired an
underwater ballistic missile, K15(code-named Bo5), with a strike
range of around700 kilometres, from
an underwater platform in Bay of
Bengal. The medium range K-5
ballistic missile was test-fired from
an underwater pontoon and all
parameters of the test firing were
The major features of K-15 are
as following:
K-15 is the 10-metre tall
Submarine-Launched Ballistic
India is only the fifth nation to



have SLBM. The other four

nations are Russia, China,
France and USA.
The process of integrating K15 missile with INS Arihant,
the indigenously built nuclear
submarine will start now.
India is also in the process of
developing K-4 missile with a
range of 3000 km.
Oldest Elephant of Japan
Hanako, the third oldest
elephant of the world, celebrated its
66th birthday at the Inokashira Park
Zoo of Japan. Hanako is also the
oldest elephant of Japan at the
Inokashira Park Zoo which is
situated in border of Mitaka and
Musashino in western Tokyo. The
ceremony in which the birthday
celebrations took place was
attended by approximately 800
people. Hanako was born in
Bangkok and was brought to Japan
from Thailand in 1949 when it was
just 2 years old. Hanako has lived in
the Japans zoo since 1954. The
actual birthday of Hanako is not
known, which is why 1 January is
celebrated as its birthday every year
by the zoo authorities. In 2012,
Hanako matched record of the
oldest elephant of Japan, Suwako
who died back in 2008 at the Kobe
Jigme Khesar Namgyel

Bhutan King Jigme Khesar

Namgyel Wangchuck is to be the
chief guest at the Republic Day


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parade for the year 2013. The Bhutan
King is also to be the chief guest at
the Confederation of Indian Industry
Partnership Summit-2013 to be held
at Agra from 27th to 29 January
2013. Bhutan Kings visit will
contribute to further strengthening
and expanding the close bilateral
relations between India and Bhutan.
The unique and special relations
between the two neighbouring
countries are characterized by
everlasting friendship, deep
understanding and mutual trust.
World Anti-Leprosy Day
World anti Leprosy Day was
observed to focus on disease. World
anti Leprosy Day was observed on
30 January 2013 to focus attention
and create awareness about the airborne disease. The day is chosen in
the memory of Mahatma Gandhi,
who took a keen interest in the
eradication of leprosy and the plight
of people affected by it. Several
programmes are being organised
across India to galvanise people to
fight the stigma and discrimination
against leprosy which is now
completely curable.
Latest data by the National
Leprosy Eradication Programme
stated that there was a marginal
reduction of 1.24 per cent in Annual
New Case Detection Rate. In 201112, it stood at 10.35 per lakh
population as against 10.48 in 201011. In order to contain spread of the
disease, ASHA workers under the
National Rural Health Mission are
being involved in the anti-Leprosy
programme. Treatment of leprosy is
available free of cost in all
government health facilities.

that honour given to her was too


The padma awards are

announced every year on the
occasion of Republic Day. Apart
from Janaki, the other person from
Tamil Nadu who was chosen for the
Padma Bhusan was industrialist
Ramamurthy Thyagarajan.
Major facts related to
Sreeramamurthy Janaki
S. Janaki was given Padma
Bhushan award in Art
She hails from Tamil Nadu
She remained in her field for
55 years. She is 75 years old.
The singer had won four
national awards and was
selected for Padma Bhushan
in the art category, among 24
padma bhushan
awardees who were from
different fields.
Halimah Yacob

Emergency in
Three Major Cities of Egypt

Halimah Yacob (58) became

the first woman and the 9th Speaker
of the Singapore Parliament on 14
January 2013. She replaced Michael
Palmer, the former Peoples Action

President Mohamed Morsi

announced emergency as well as
curfew in three main cities of Egypt
on 27 January 2013. Emergency
and curfew was declared by the
Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi
in three main cities, i.e., Suez,
Ismailia and Port Said because of
increasing violence and protests in
the streets. The violence posed
serious threats to Morsis
government as well as the
democracy of Egypt. It is important
to note that the three major cities
sit on the economically crucial Suez

Sreeramamurthy Janaki
Sreeramamurthy Janaki, the
renowned playback singer, refused
to accept the Padma Bhushan
award. She refused on the grounds
that only some people from the
Southern states were awarded and


Party MP. Palmer got down from the

post of Speaker of the Parliament
and as an MP on 12 December 2012.
Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee
Hsien Loong nominated her for the
designation of speaker. Halimah
Yacob came down from her post of
Minister of State (Social and Family
Development) and was elected as
the Speaker by Members of
Parliament. In her role, she is
expected to play an independent
role during all the parliamentary
debates, but she stressed the fact
that she would remain ahead for the
Singaporeans concerns and would
also share the views on various
policies. Various MPs stood up in
favour of the appointment of
Halimah Yacob in the Parliament,
which also highlighted the
importance to women as well as the
Malay-Muslim community.
Halimah Yacob, 58, is an
Indian-origin woman born in
Singapore. She belongs to the
Peoples Action Party. She has
remained the Minister of State,
Development, Youth and Sports
from 21 May 2011 to 31 October
2012. She has also held office as the
Minister of State, Ministry of Social
and Family Development from 1
November 2012 to 13 January 2013.



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Canal. The state of emergency was
imposed for one month in three
major cities of Egypt. Under the
Mubarak-era laws which are ineffect to the Egypts new
constitution, under the state of
emergency, the ordinary judicial
process as well as most of the civil
rights is suspended. Also, the state
of emergency imparts extraordinary
powers to the police and the
President. In Port Said, the violence
ignited over the death sentences
which were imposed by the court
on 21 local soccer fans for the role
they played in riots.

2013 inaugurated the centenary

celebrations of the National Test
House at Kolkata, West Bengal. The
Governor of West Bengal, H.E.
Mayankote Kelath Narayanan
released a book on history of the
National Test House and gifted its
first copy to the President on this
INS Saryu

Kalyan Singh

Kalyan Singh, the former Chief

Minister of Uttar Pradesh on 21
January 2013 merged his Jan Kranti
Party with Bhartiya Janta Party. Singh
merged his party with BJP during the
Atal Shankhnaad Rally of BJP in
Lucknows Jhelum Park. He himself
was unable to join the party himself
as he is an independent MP from
Etah Constituency and before
joining the party it is required for him
to resign from the membership of
the house as it is an electoral cause
under anti-defection law. His
resignation from the Parliament
would have created a space for byelections for the Etah Seat. Kalyan
Singh left BJP before the Lok Sabha
Elections of 2009 due to the
differences with the senior leaders
of BJP.
National Test House
Pranab Mukherjee, the
President of India on 20 January

assemblies on 16 January 2013. The

demand is electoral reforms, among

The Indian Navy on 21 January

2013 commissioned INS Saryu, its
largest shore patrol vessel for the
maritime surveillance around
Andaman and Nicobar Islands. INS
Saryu, the 105 meter vessel is built
at Goa Shipyard Limited is the first
among the four new class naval Off
Shore Patrol Vessels (NOPVs) to be
commissioned, rest would be
commissioned by the Indian Navy
in next one and a half year or so.
Air Marshal PK Roy, commander in
chief of Andaman and Nicobar
Command of Indian Navy
commissioned the ship in the Vasco
Town. The ship would be
patrolling across the exclusive
economic zone of the exclusive
economic zone across the island
and discharge its duties on the
eastern coast. INS Saryu has a
capacity of being offshore for a
period of a month.
Tahir-Ul Qadri
Tahir-ul Qadri, the Canadareturned cleric led thousands of the
protestors in Pakistan and rallied in
Islamabad for the third consecutive
day on 16 January 2013. Qadri asked
the government to quit as well as
dissolve the provincial and national



In his speech, Qadri who

marched on 14 January 2013 to
Islamabad with thousands of
supporters to protest near the
Parliament in Pakistan outlined four
major demands, which included
electoral reforms as per the
Constitution before the elections as
well as reconstitution of Election
Commission. On 16 January 2013,
Qadris protests leveraged as the
apex court passed an order for
arresting Prime Minister Raja Pervaiz
Ashraf on the corruption charges
associated with power projects.
National Girl Child Day

This day is celebrated as the

National Girl Child Day every year
by the Government of India with an
objective to raise consciousness of
Indian society towards the girl
children. The Women and Child
Development Ministry observed
National Girl Child Day on 24
January 2013. 24 January is
celebrated as the National Girl Child
Day every year since 2008 by the
Government of India. The primary
objective of the National Girl Child


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Day is raising awareness and
consciousness of the society
towards the girl child. The primary
aim is to ensure that every girl is
respected and valued in Indian
society. On this day, the Women
and Child Development Ministry
take up multi-pronged approach for
addressing as well as working
towards the trend of diminishing
child sex ratio in India. The initiatives
like these ensure that girl child is
born as well as nurtured in a way
that it gives them equal
opportunities as well as rights like
those to the boys. On the National
Girl Child Day, the aim is to address
issues related to health, education
and nutrition of the girl child. The
States Women and Child
instructed the District Programme
Officers of various states of India to
organise programmes for the
National Girl Child Day.

implementation of PWDV Act

2 0 0 5 a n d a Resource Tool for
Monitoring & Evaluation of PWDV
Act 2005. The Best Practices Manual
sets out to acknowledge the
exemplary efforts of some States in
implementation of PWDV Act. The
Resource Tool builds a normative
framework which can be used by
state and central nodal agencies to
comply with obligations under the
PWDVA. The Monitoring &
Evaluation Report documents
implementation of the Act and
evaluates its functioning by
analyzing the judgments and orders
passed. It also presents the
attitudes, knowledge and practice
of stakeholders under the Act.
Shah Rukh Khan

Sixth National Conference on

Implementation of PWDVA

The National Mission for

Empowerment of Women (NMEW)
in collaboration with the Lawyers
Collective Womens Rights Initiative
(LCWRI), supported by UN Women
held the Sixth National Conference
on implementation of PWDVA
(Protection of Women of from
Domestic Violence Act), 2005 on 21
January 2013. The Sixth Monitoring
and Evaluation Report titled Staying
Alive: Evaluating Court Orders was
released at the National Conference
along with the release of the Best


Shah Rukh Khan, the

Bollywood superstar topped the
inaugural Forbes India Celebrity 100
list. The ranking was given based on
the popularity as well as income of
the biggest entertainers of India.
Second on the list was Salman Khan
and MS Dhoni followed in the third
position. The special edition of
Forbes India judged in eight
different categories, i.e., directors,
film actors, TV personailities,
models, comedians, sports stars,
authors and singers/musicians. Even
though Salman Khan and MS Dhoni
were ahead in the ranking in terms
of popularity, in comparison to SRK,
but the Bollywood King ranked high
because of his earning, most of
which came from the brand
endorsements. The list prepared by
Forbes India is meant to rank most
powerful Indians in media as well

as entertainment sector. After

collecting data, the ranking was
given based on income of the
celebrities which came from
business of the entertainment sector
as well as the fame which was
measured in terms of online
presence, media mentions and
social media follower. Among the
sportspersons, MS Dhoni, the
captain of India cricket team
grabbed the top most position. In
the category of singer/musicians, AR
Rahman led the pack. Malaika Arora
Khan was declared as the leading TV
personality. On the other hand,
Karan Johar was listed as the most
powerful director. In other
categories were comedian Vir Das,
model Esha Gupta and author
Chetan Bhagat. The youngest
celebrity in the list of Forbes India
was Saina Nehwal, aged 23 years.
Chakan-Da- Bagh
The Indian and Pakistani
armies held Brigade Commanderlevel flag meeting at Chakan-DaBagh in Poonch district in Jammu
and Kashmir on 14 January 2013. The
objective of the meeting was to deescalate tension along the Line of
Control and border. Beheading of
Indian soldier at the LoC was taken
up strongly by India in the meeting
apart from repeated cease fire

The Indian Army reportedly

voiced its concern over the violation
of the ceasefire by Pakistani Army
and the mutilation of the bodies of
two Indian soldiers killed in
Pakistani firing on 8 December 2012.


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Selected Articles from Various

Newspapers & Journals
Moving forward to go back
Persistent efforts by multiple
western players finally paid off. The
Taliban and the Kabul government met
officially in Chantilly, a suburb of Paris,
on December 20 and 21 under the aegis
of a French think tank called the
Fondation pour la Recherche
Strategique. The Taliban was
represented by senior leaders
Shahabuddin Dilawar, former Taliban
ambassador to Saudi Arabia, and Naeem
Wardak both based in Doha.
The government side was
represented by the Higher Peace
Council chairman Salahuddin Rabbani.
Also participating were Yunus Qanuni,
the ideologue of the opposition National
Coalition of Afghanistan led by Abdulla
Abdulla, Ahmad Zia Massoud, brother
of the legendary Tajik commander
Ahmad Shah Massoud, as well as
representatives of the hardline Hizb-ulIslam of Gulbuddin Hikmatyar. In all,
there were about 20 delegates
participating in the talks.

For an understanding
It is noteworthy that the Kabul
delegation included a sprinkling of nonPashtun tribes Massoud, a Tajik,
Mohaqqeq, a Hazara leader, and
Faizullah Zaki, an Uzbek. Mr. Massoud
said there was a new generation which
did not believe in war and sought an
understanding with the Taliban. The
Taliban, for its part, clarified in no
uncertain terms that no negotiations
with anyone were involved and that the
Taliban wants the world community to
listen to our goals; in other words, the

Taliban approached the Paris talks as a

platform to air its ideology and
demands. A few weeks prior to the
Chantilly meeting, Kabul had disclosed
a Peace Process Roadmap consisting
of five steps, which sought to outline a
vision in which, by 2015, the Taliban,
the Hizb-e-Islami and other armed
groups will have given up armed
opposition. There is reason to believe
that this roadmap 2015 is a joint
Afghan-Pakistan draft, prepared in close
consultation with the United States. The
roadmap assumes that all the armed
insurgencies will have transformed
themselves into political groups and will
actively participate in the political and
constitutional process, including
national elections. The first step focuses
on securing Pakistans collaboration
which would include Pakistan releasing
specific Taliban detainees.
Pakistan has already repatriated
several mid-level Taliban prisoners and
might release Mullah Baradar. The
second step envisages direct talks with
the Taliban, which Pakistan should
facilitate, in Saudi Arabia in the first half
of 2013. Step three calls for ceasefire
and transformation of the Taliban into a
political party. The final steps include
securing peaceful end to the conflict
during the first half of 2014 and moves
to sustain the long-term stability of
Afghanistan and the region. Lip service
is paid in the roadmap to the principles
of respect for the Afghan constitution
and renunciation of ties with al-Qaeda.

A concession
This was the first time senior



Taliban representatives sat down with

the government and other opposition
groups. This, in a way, amounts to a
concession by the Taliban which had,
thus far, refused to talk to the Kabul
government which it did not regard as
legitimate. There was no joint statement
after the Chantilly meeting. In the words
of the sponsoring think tank, the
objective was to encourage the Afghans
to project themselves towards the
horizon of 2020.
Nonetheless, the importance of
the talks having taken place should not
be minimised. The Taliban issued a
statement after the talks in which it
rejected the present constitution on the
ground that it was made under the
shadows of B52 bombers of the
invaders. We need a constitution
based on the holy Islam, national
interest, past achievements and social
justice, the Taliban declared. How
much should be read into the fact that
the Taliban talked of holy Islam and not
based on sharia? It also referred to
social justice; does it suggest an
implied pledge to go slow on womens
issues? Turkmenistan offered to host a
follow-up meeting to Chantilly but Kabul
refused; did Kabul feel that the meeting
was more meaningful for the Taliban
than for the government? It is obvious
that this flurry of activity has only one,
perfectly understandable objective from
the American and the Wests
perspective: to provide a respectable
screen behind which to implement the
withdrawal from Afghanistan. As for
Hamid Karzai, he too would wish to
leave behind some legacy whereby


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there will be at least an agreement on
paper which, hopefully, will avoid the
countrys descent into chaos which
many analysts anticipate post-2014.

The announcement of the Paris
talks signifies several things. Firstly, it
means that the U.S. and NATO have
given up, once and for all, the objective
of defeating the Taliban. Secondly, there
is more than a tacit admission that the
Afghan National Security Force will be
incapable of ensuring security in the
country post-2014,considering that only
one out of 23 Afghan brigades is
considered capable of operating on its
own. The green on blue attacks have
also played their part in this. Thirdly, it
proves that the British are still far ahead
of the Americans in understanding the
region. The U.K. called for co-opting the
Taliban in the government years before
even Mr. Karzai did, as the only way out
for the country.
Fourthly, and importantly, it must
be borne in mind that the West,
especially the Americans, never had any
problem with the Taliban. It was the
treatment of women that made the then
U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright anti-Taliban. The forceful action
after 9/11 was aimed at al-Qaeda, not
the Taliban. Had the Taliban agreed to
cut ties with al-Qaeda then, it would still
be ruling in Kabul. The West by and large
would have nothing to worry as and
when, not if, the Taliban obtains a share
in the government. The roadmap
explicitly states that the Taliban will be
included not only in the state power
structure but will also be given nonelective positions at different levels. This
is a clear reference to governorships in
provinces such as Paktia, Paktita and
Khost. India should watch these
developments most warily. There is no
reason for us to rejoice at the possibility
of the Taliban becoming a part of the
government. We did support the
reconciliation process some time ago,
but it was probably more theoretical at
that time when the three red lines were
still in place, namely, respecting the
constitution, renunciation of violence
and severing ties with al-Qaeda. These
red lines have since been given up and
are now projected as objectives to be


considered at the end of the process

rather than as preconditions for talks. It
is one thing to support the efforts to
achieve stability in Afghanistan and
another to welcome an arrangement
which will guarantee the Taliban a share
in power with all the negative
consequences that might follow for us.

Pakistan, the winner

Pakistan has emerged the clear
winner. We should have no illusion. Mr.
Karzai has decided to throw in his lot
with Pakistan, his brother. Pakistan, for
all its protestations of not wanting the
Taliban returning to power in Kabul, has
been given the pride of place in Mr.
Karzais roadmap which confers key role
on Islamabad in the whole process.
Pakistan has succeeded in convincing
its western interlocutors that there is a
paradigm shift in the political mindset
in the country. Once the Taliban
manages to get a share of power in
Kabul, it will eventually endeavour to
grab total power. Since it will remain
the most cohesive force, ideologically,
politically and militarily, it would be
imprudent to exclude this possibility. In
other words, the Taliban might well
achieve around a conference table what
it failed to achieve in the battlefield.

Courtesy-The Hindu

Needed, urgent electoral reforms

When the Election Commission of
India turned 60 on January 25,
2 0 1 0 , The Hindu opened its lead
editorial of January 29 with the words,
After overseeing 15 General Elections
to the Lok Sabha, the ECI, in its diamond
jubilee year, can with justifiable pride
claim to have nursed and strengthened
the electoral processes of a nascent
democracy. The successes have not
been consistent or uniform, but over the
last six decades the ECI managed to
make the worlds largest democratic
processes freeer and fairer.

Largest management exercise

Commissioner of India, I had the
satisfaction of stewarding the general
election of 2009, arguably the largest
management exercise in the world, with
integrity and transparency on display in
each of the countrys 543 parliamentary


constituencies. It is however important

to remember that this globally admired
institution was built brick by brick from
the days of Sukumar Sen, who faced
innumerable odds when he conducted
Indias first general election in 1951-52,
when literacy was a dismal 16 per cent
and where an enormous structure had
to be created in even then, the worlds
largest democracy.
Over the years the Commission
kept pace with changing needs,
aspirations and technology. In 1988
Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhis
government amended the Constitution
to reduce the voting age from 21 to 18,
thereby enfranchising a whole new
generation of voters. In 1982, electronic
voting machines made a quiet trial entry
in the by-election to the Parur Assembly
constituency of Kerala. Later, they were
tried in a few States until 2004, when
Chief Election Commissioner T.S.
Krishnamurthy took the plunge and
conducted the entire general election
using almost a million machines.
For paucity of space, the reforms
and good practices that developed over
the years can at best be briefly
recounted. These included the creation
of a fully computerised database of
electors, followed in 2009 by a
comprehensive photo electoral roll;
election cards reached 514 million
voters in time for the general election
and de-duplication technologies helped
further eliminate bogus and duplicate
entries. A Booth Level Officer was
created to become the custodian of the
electoral roll at each polling station,
leading to constant door-to-door
verification of electors. Myriad forms of
voter assistance were built in on and
prior to the election day. General and
supplemented by micro-observers to
keep the poll day processes transparent.
Video cameras began to record the
polling and counting procedures.
Through the strategy of vulnerability
mapping, first tried on any scale in the
Uttar Pradesh election of 2007, localities
that for reasons of deliberate exclusion,
accident or design did not turn up to
vote, were identified and enabled to
vote. The Commission developed a
system of online communication
(COMET) that made it possible to


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monitor every polling booth on the day
of election. In the recent Himachal
Pradesh election, there was real-time
monitoring of polling at all 7,553 booths
using GPS and a web-enabled facility
through the Google search engine.
Above all, a vital instrument of the
Election Commission of Indias
impartiality, the Model Code of
Conduct, designed to neutralise the lal
batti culture and level the playing field
between candidates of the ruling party
and those in opposition, earned even
the grudging respect of political players
in the fray! Throughout these years of
innovation and development, the
Supreme Court of India has stood like a
rock behind the Commission, ensuring
it a clear field once elections are
announced and until they cease. This
respect and support have earned the
admiration of many polities in our
neighbourhood and beyond.
On the flip side, however, The
Hindu editorial also pointed out the
challenges of criminalisation of politics
and the misuse of money power. The
dominant role of money in elections,
which is taking more and more
outrageous forms, is deeply worrying.
Instances of politicians paying for news
coverage and bribing voters were
widespread in the 2009-2010 elections.
I do agree that these are major
problems which have already assumed
such proportions that I fear that the
electoral process in the future may well
stand compromised at the altar of
winnability. The process is also
reflective of a growing disconnect
between the governed and several of
those who are elected by means of
financial clout and covert muscle
power, to dangerously fill the vacuum
that stands created. The subject of
criminality in politics as well as the
dangers of huge overspending, are part
of the reforms package that successive
Election Commissions have addressed
to successive governments. The
response over two decades has been
tepid, but now there are glimmers of
hope that change may come.
Let me take electoral finance first.
Although statutory limits were increased
in 2011 to broadly Rs. 40 lakhs for a
parliamentary seat and Rs. 16 lakhs for
an assembly election, levels of actual

spending exceed these limits. The ECI

does its best by posting as many as 2000
senior officers as observers during a
parliamentary election, but in spite of
such a large machinery, the candidates
and parties use stealth to their
advantage. Clearly, raising the monetary
ceiling from time to time will not be the
answer, while doing away with the
ceiling altogether will lead to the
creation of oligarchies with little trace
of true representation. According to one
estimate, in the recent elections in
Himachal Pradesh, the declared income
of the 10 richest candidates is
cumulatively over Rs. 394 crores! In the
recent Gujarat election, the 20 richest
candidates all won, among whom the
richest declared assets of a whopping
Rs. 268 crores!
As early as 1972, the Joint
Amendments to Election Laws
suggested that the state assume the
burden of legitimate election expenses
of candidates and political parties. In
1978, the Tarkunde Committee echoed
the need for some electoral expenses
being taken up by the government. The
Dinesh Goswami Committee (1990)
suggested state funding in kind. The Law
Commission Report of 1999 pointed to
partial state funding. In 2004, the
President in his address to the Joint
Session of Parliament announced the
new governments intent for state
funding, itself an item on the National
Common Minimum Programme of the
UPA. However, when the ECI convened
an all-party meeting in February 2006 to
discuss the Centres proposal on state
funding and invited the six recognised
national and 44 recognised State-level
political parties, on the proposal of
funding not in cash but in terms of
facilities, the majority view was that this
would only add to the advantages of
bigger parties.
It is true that in many well set
democracies the proportion of state
funding has been increasing vis--vis
private financing, but if the 2006
dialogue was anything to go by, it would
necessitate the strong will of the national
parties to deliberate different models
where state funding can be
supplemented by proportional air time
in the electronic media, which the ECI



can administer on the basis of an agreed

formula. The ECI must also be
empowered to de-register non-serious
political parties and the Representation
of People Act 1950 amended to more
harshly punish electoral violations.

Dealing with Criminalisation

As regards dealing with those with
criminal antecedents, the ECI has time
and again written to the Government of
India of the day to debar through
legislation those against whom charges
stand framed for heinous offences.
However, parliamentary committees
hold that such a provision is liable to
misuse by parties in power seeking
vendetta. They suggest special courts
and speedy trials instead, but these
recommendations have not yet been
translated into action. Yet many
discerning parliamentarians privately
accept that the winnability factor that
induces a party to offer tickets to those
against whom criminal cases are
pending (albeit in appeal), also has the
effect of increasingly alienating large
sections of people from the political and
ruling class itself. Of course this also
reflects the widening gap between the
leadership of a party from those it seeks
to represent. To illustrate my point, did
the mass movement of the freedom
struggle need those with criminal
antecedents to provide it momentum or
to drive it when obstacles arose?
However, I draw hope from the
speeches at the ECI Diamond Jubilee
Celebration on January 25, 2010 where
both the Chairperson of the UPA, Sonia
Gandhi, and the Leader of the
Opposition in the Lok Sabha, Sushma
Swaraj, took a public position against
this growing unhealthy trend. I remain
hopeful, too, that the present Law
Minister will take forward the pending
draft legislation on this subject which
would be a vital step towards
strengthening our democratic structure.

Courtesy-The Hindu

Lets make Judges

Selection more Transparent
The decisions of the Supreme
Court in the two judges cases in 1993
and 1998 have been criticised because
they have not only practically amended
the Constitution (which could only have


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been done by Parliament) by inventing
a collegium system unknown to the
Constitution, but also because the
working of the collegium system has
often been found defective. I would,
therefore, like to describe my preferred
method of recommending names for
appointment. I came to Chennai as Chief
Justice of the Madras High Court in
November 2004. The sanctioned
strength of High Court Judges here was
then 49 (60 today). At the time, there
were about 23 or 24 vacancies, which
meant that about half the posts in the
High Court were lying vacant. I was a
total stranger to Tamil Nadu as I had
come from Uttar Pradesh. I had been a
lawyer in the Allahabad High Court, and
thereafter a judge there. Every
institution is really about the personnel
manning it. So, a High Court is not really
about a beautiful building or beautiful
lawns but the judges who man it. They
should be first class people in conduct
and in legal knowledge. I was
determined to recommend good names
for appointment as High Court Judges
and not bow to pressure.

This was the Method I Adopted

I requested a dozen sitting judges
of the High Court, in order of seniority,
to give me a list of lawyers of the High
Court whom they thought deserved to
be appointed as High Court judges. I
also requested four or five very senior
and respected lawyers of the Madras
High Court to give their lists. I also
consulted some respected retired

Thus I got about 17 or 18 Lists

I received those lists, and, along
with my two senior most colleagues,
found certain names to be common in
many lists. Enquiries were made even
about those names. We also considered
some names which were not very
common. This exercise went on for two
to three months and ultimately there
was consensus. It was these names
which were recommended for
appointment. I then went to Delhi and
met the then Honble Chief Justice of
India, Mr. Justice Lahoti, and informed
him about the methodology I had
I told him that I had insisted that I


would only recommend the names of

persons who had a great reputation and
good practice, were non-controversial
and not too close to any political party
(otherwise such persons would not be
neutral and impartial). I also referred to
what was said by a Lord Chancellor of
England (who had then the authority to
recommend names for appointment of
British High Court judges) that the
person whom he would recommend
must be a gentleman, and it would do
no harm if he knew a little law! (The
second part of this sentence should not
be taken literally because it is certain
that a person to be appointed as a judge
must know some law! What I meant was
that if a person has put in 20 years as a
lawyer, he is bound to know some law.
More important, thereafter, is that he
should be of high character.)
I told Mr. Justice Lahoti that the
methodology that I had adopted was a
result of a consensus after wide
consultation with about 20 persons
including sitting judges, respected
retired judges and very senior respected
lawyers of the High Court. Since none
of the persons I had recommended was
either known to me (except for their
performances in cases they argued
before me) or belong to my caste or
community, I had no personal interest
in any such person. Hence it was up to
the Supreme Court Collegium to
approve or disapprove the names. In any
case, I told him, it would not, in any way,
bother me if any name was rejected
because I had no personal interest.

Ignoring Pressure
I must add that certain important
people did try to influence me in this
connection, but I paid no heed to them
as I was determined to do my duty to
the Madras High Court, come what may.
As a result of that, almost all my
recommendations were accepted, and
17 judges were appointed to the Madras
High Court in December 2005, a record
for that High Court.
In my opinion, the methodology
which was adopted by me should also
recommendations for appointment of
judges in the Supreme Court as well as
in all High Courts. The present system,
based on the decisions of the Supreme


Court in the Judges Case, is defective

as there is a lot of subjectivity. In my
opinion, the Judges Cases should not
be understood to mean that only the five
senior most judges of the Supreme
Court (three senior most for the High
Courts) should be consulted for
appointment as Supreme Court and
High Court Judges. There should be very
wide consultation with at least 15 to 20
people who are highly reputed as
judges, former judges, senior lawyers.
After this, the consensus which emerges
should be recommended.
I was the sixth in seniority in the
Supreme Court. But I regret that I was
never consulted by the Chief Justice.
The five senior most judges met in a
highly secretive manner for deciding
whom to recommend as a judge of the
Supreme Court. This manner severely
restricts the inputs which are required
recommendations. Justice Ms Ruma Pal,
former Judge of the Supreme Court, said
that deliberations of the collegium are
a complete mystery. It should not be
so in a democracy, where there should
be transparency, otherwise allegations
are bound to arise, however unfounded,
that improper recommendations have
considerations. I, therefore, recommend
to the Chief Justice and to the Chief
Justices of all High Courts, that they
should follow the same method I
adopted for appointment of judges in
the Supreme Court and all High Courts,
and not limit the consultations to only
Collegium members. In my opinion, the
decisions of the Supreme Court in the
cases of 1993 and 1998 should be
understood in their proper perspective,
and not in a narrow sense.
Courtesy-The Hindu
Was Vivekananda a turning point
in modern history of India and world?
Was Swami Vivekananda a turning
point in the modern history of India and
the world, and did he trigger a new
spiritual wave?
This is the point of reflection of a
commemorative volume that studies
how 30 years after his birth in 1893, the
monk had taken the Western world by
storm with his ground-breaking ideas on
religion and philosophy.


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150th birth anniversary of Swami
Vivekananda, says that the nationwide
celebration of the iconic figures birth
anniversary this year should become a
second turning point, expediting the
process of change that he initiated over
a century ago.

Foreword by President, PM
A glimpse into the book, which
has a foreword by the President of India,
the Prime Minister, and the President of
the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna
Mission, reveals a rich trove of thoughts
from scholars across the world, as well
as monks and nuns of the order. The
book will be formally released in midJanuary. It includes a poem, titled Hold
on yet a while braveheart, written by
Swami Vivekananda. Several sections of

the book, which deals with the monks

teachings and sayings, show how
prescient he was.
An article on him and the ideal
woman of the future refers to the portion
where an observation made by
Vivekananda over 100 years ago is to the
fore again now. In India there are two
great evils trampling on women and
grinding of the poor... There is no hope
for the rise of that family or nation where
there is no estimation of women or
where they live in sadness, he wrote.
One of the most endearing parts
of the 645-page book would perhaps be
the letters of J.J. Goodwin, Swami
Vivekanandas stenographer, which
gives an idea of the man.

Rousing Rreception

A letter written by Goodwin to

Sara Bull in January 1987 narrates how
Vivekananda received a rousing
reception in Colombo and at Jaffna,
where there was a procession of about
20,000 people. Goodwin says that his
work in the West had caused a
tremendous spiritual revival. Visits were
also made to Anuradhapuram.
According to eyewitnesses, the Swami
enjoyed a following wherever he went
within the country and outside. While
the book is divided into five sections,
the ones on his personality and his
teachings may just as well turn out to
be the most avidly read. The book
published by the Advaita Ashrama will
be available from all outlets of the
Ramakrishna Mission at a discount.
Courtesy-The Hindu


The validity of our strategic
objectives towards Pakistan should not
be allowed to be distorted by any
jingoistic reaction to the incident in
Jammu & Kashmir on January 8, 2013,
in which two Indian soldiers were killed
well inside Indian territory by a Pakistani
Army group and where one of them was
allegedly decapitated.
While Pakistan has denied any
decapitation, it has sought to project the
incident as in retaliation for an earlier
incident on January 6 in the Uri sector
in which, according to it, a Pakistani
soldier was killed by a raiding Indian
Army unit. This has been denied by the
Indian Army. According to it, it merely
countered covering fire by Pakistani
units in the area to facilitate the
infiltration of some militants into J&K
across the Uri area.In the present state
of contentious relations between the
two countries, it would be difficult to
establish the real sequence of events.
Each government and Army will assert
the veracity of its version.

Dialogue process
Our strategic objectives are to
work for good neighbourly relations
marked by normal trade, people to
people contacts, greater sporting and
cultural interactions, hassle-free travel
and a confidence-building mechanism.
A sustained dialogue process is

necessary to achieve these objectives.

It will be unwise and short-sighted
to allow our justified anger over the
incident of January 8 to undermine the
dialogue process. It will be in the
interest of the people of both countries
to resist the urge to discontinue the
dialogue process.
At the same time, one has to
recognise that such incidents of tactical
gravity will continue to mar bilateral
relations so long as there is no genuine
change of mindset in the Pakistan Army
towards India. This mindset is marked
by sustained hostility towards India and
a determination to annexe J&K and keep
India destabilised through the use of
terrorism as a strategic weapon against
India. Having achieved a reduction of
the nuclear and conventional asymmetry
through the acquisition of a nuclear and
missile capability, Pakistan has built up
for itself a set of tactical options to keep
India bleeding and destabilised through
terrorism and other means without
triggering off a conventional and nuclear
war. The January 8 incident arose from
the Pakistan Armys confidence that
India has limited tactical options to
retaliate without running the risk of
starting a conventional and nuclear war.
Pakistans experience in helping the
United States in waging a covert warfare
against the Soviet troops in Afghanistan
with the help of surrogates has taught it



the importance of building for itself a

mix of covert tactical options that it can
use against India.
Prime Ministers Indira Gandhi,
Rajiv Gandhi and P.V. Narasimha Rao
knew the importance of a covert tactical
armoury to act as a disincentive against
Pakistan for increasing the cost of its
using terrorism against India and
encouraging it to seek accommodation
with India. Our subsequent Prime
Ministers and our elite have had no
understanding of the importance of
such an armoury to supplement our
conventional and nuclear arsenal. As a
result, we are totally bereft of any
tactical options for riposte against
Pakistan when it indulges in actions such
as the 26/11 terrorist strikes in Mumbai
or the January 8 incident in J&K. A
power without suitable means of covert
riposte will find itself a paper tiger.
Pakistans mistaken belief that its
nuclear, missile and covert capabilities
have reduced India to a paper tiger has
to be removed through the acquisition
of covert options. Covert action does
not mean doing to Pakistan what it has
been doing to us. It means creating
strong disincentives for its hostile
actions. It does not mean tit-for-tat
action. It means creating concerns and
uncertainty in its mind about the
consequences of its actions.
Covert action, to be effective, has


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to be sustained and unpredictable and
must be based on the support of
objective allies in its population. We
have such objective allies in its
population. It is for us to identify them
and make common cause with them.

Courtesy-The Hindu

A medieval India in a Modern Era

The Delhi gang rape incident has
been in news since the past few days
and almost everyone seems to be quite
shocked by the brutality and inhumanity
with which the unfortunate incident
took place. Well, I am not shocked. Yes,
you got that right. I am NOT shocked.
What else can we expect in a patriarchal,
male-dominated, women-battering
society where girls are killed even
before they are born?
The constant craving for sons, the
adherence to some rotten practices of
the so-called Great Indian culture like
female foeticide, dowry, the purdah
system, and the deprivation of the girl
child from good food, nutrition,
education, health, entertainment and
freedom, are only a few examples of
how the Indian woman is treated as an
unwanted sub-human species in her
own country. It is this latent hatred and
brutality towards women that we have
internalised as a society which was
manifested in the Delhi incident. I am
sorry, but not surprised .
The subjugated status of women
is evident right from the seemingly
harmless cultural practices like taking
the husbands family name after
marriage to the more violent practices
like honour killings and rapes. Even
among the very educated families of
modern India, a womans education and
career are considered secondary and
her duty of bearing and rearing children
as primary while it is just the opposite
for men.
On top of it, the Indian woman is
burdened with the additional
responsibility of upholding the family
honour. Therefore, in any form of power
display, be it in a communal riot or
simple personal enmity, the easiest way
for the Indian male to dishonour his rival
is to sexually assault the women related
to the rival or his community.
We should be ashamed to call
ourselves a 21st century nation when


even today the honour of a girl is

measured not by her education or
personal achievement in any field but
only by her capacity to uphold her
bodily integrity. The biggest evidence
of this medieval practice is the
term izzat lootna for rape.
That an average woman walks on
the Indian streets, goes to school,
college or office and lives
independently is the result of years of
struggle by women. But there is a
counter current that constantly tries to
push the independent women back into
their homes where they can be kept
confined within the four walls. That is
precisely why any and every modern
educated independent woman is
harassed not just on the crowded streets
and buses but in their offices and homes
as well.
I doubt there is any independently
travelling woman in India who has not
faced vulgar comments, gestures, and
groping irrespective of what dress she
wears or at what time of the day or night
she travels. And yet, not just the semieducated, rural people but the very elite,
educated and modern people lecture
women on what to wear and at what
time to travel.
I saw many facebook comments
on modest dressing for women. First,
how does one define modest dressing?
For some a baggy jeans and a loose tee
may be modest, whereas for others even
showing your fingers or face may be
bold. So whose standards are the girls
supposed to follow? And who
guarantees a harassment-free living for
woman if she dresses up modestly?
Fathers rape daughters, uncles rape
nieces, masters rape their maid servants,
husbands rape wives, teachers rape
students harassment and eve-teasing
are so integral to every Indian womans
life that they dont even complain
nowadays and the solution to all these
as suggested by our experts is modest
dressing! Now I am shocked!
Some strategies discussed on
various TV channels like more patrolling,
police training, more street-lights, strict
adherence to laws prohibiting the use
of tinted glasses on vehicles, tracking
illegal vehicles, police and legal reforms,
more women police, etc., are all fine as
long as they are not just on paper and


discussion committees but are actually

implemented. But unless we change our
patriarchal and misogynistic mindset,
the police, the law-makers, the judiciary
who are people from this very society
can never be any different. Their attitude
will only reflect the attitude of our
society towards women.
Therefore, we have to change.
Our society needs to change. We, as
parents, as teachers, as friends, as
leaders, as colleagues and as human
beings need to inculcate in ourselves as
well as in our children, students, friends,
followers, colleagues and every fellow
human being, the values of gender
sensitivity, gender equality, equal
respect for men and women; and,
together, we need to fight our medieval
mindset and embrace the virtues of
modernity with open arms while
keeping its vices at bay.
And, above all, women need to be
aware of and fight for their rights. As
someone has rightly said, rights that are
not asserted cease to exist.

Courtesy-The Hindu

Between a rock & the

Voting on New Years Day for the
first time in 62 years, the United States
House of Representatives has passed the
American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012
(the so-called fiscal cliff bill) by 257
votes to 167, accepting the version
which the Senate had earlier approved
by 89 votes to eight. In the House, 172
Democrats voted for the bill and 16
against, with 85 Republicans for and 151
against. The legislation now goes to
President Barack Obama, for signing into
law. The Act will end the temporary tax
breaks granted by President George W.
Bush in 2001, but the hikes, from 35 per
cent to 39.6 per cent, will affect only
those on over $400,000 a year; the
President conceded his initial $250,000
threshold. The middle classes, however,
will pay more in payroll taxes, the U.S.
equivalent of national insurance, which
had been frozen earlier in a tax holiday,
and the White House had to accept
reduced increases in estate taxes, which
affect only rich Americans. Other
administration concessions, totalling
$205 billion, lie in tax breaks for
corporate research and development,


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and continuing corporate tax exemption
on foreign subsidiaries profits. The
President, for his part, can claim some
gains, such as extension periods for
unemployment benefits, and tax credits
on earned income, childcare, and
college tuition fees all of which help
poorer and middle earners. In addition,
the spending cuts due to start on
January 1 have been deferred for two
The new Act, nevertheless, is only
a stage in a bitter political war between
the President, those Congressional
Democrats who support him, and the
House Republicans in particular. It
means the scheduled end of the Bush
tax cuts did not coincide with spending
cuts, with the attendant risk of a
recession the fiscal cliff but battles
await over the deferred cuts and the
debt ceiling, the amount the federal
government is allowed to borrow. Yet
the House Republicans concern is
clearly not with the budget deficit,
which shrank from 10.1 per cent of GDP
in 2009 to 7 per cent in 2012, but with
taxation itself and even the idea of
government, defence apart. Especially
since January 2011, when the
Republicans won the House with a large
number of Tea Party-style extremists, the
GOP has, solely on ideological grounds,
persistently obstructed all of Mr.
Obamas efforts. The President, too, has
often appeared disdainful of
Congressional liaison and even of the
complex legislative process, but there
is no sign that the GOP will respond to
a different approach. This apparently
endless and bitter confrontation shows
U.S. politics at its ugliest and most
dysfunctional, as well as the
constitutions vulnerability to the very
factionalism it was meant to prevent.

Courtesy-The Hindu

Green Books,
Red herring and the LoC War
Late one night in the summer of
2009, four improvised 107-millimetre
rockets arced over the Pul Kanjari
border outpost in Punjab, and exploded
in the fields outside the village of Attari.
For the first time since the war of 1971,
there was an attack across the IndiaPakistan border. In September that year,
four more rockets were fired; then, in

January 2010, there was a third assault.

Now, as Indian and Pakistani troops
trade fire along the Line of Control
(LoC), it is more important than ever to
understand the significance of those
events. The rocket attacks, believed to
have been carried out by the Tehreeke-Taliban Pakistan, represented a
glimpse into a grim future that Indias
policy of strategic restraint has been
designed to avert a war of attrition
waged by jihadists that would turn
Indias western frontiers into a kind of
nuclear-fuelled Lebanon.
Ever since January 2008, two
months after General Pervez Ashfaq
Kayani took over as chief of the Pakistan
Army, clashes along the LoC have
escalated. India reported 28 ceasefire
violations in 2009, 44 in 2010, 60 in 2011,
and 117 last year. The traditional
explanation that these clashes are
linked to terrorist infiltration across the
LoC borne out by the data: during
this period, Jammu and Kashmir has
become significantly less violent, not

New Doctrine
Pakistans military literature
provides some insight into what is going
on. The countrys generals, it shows,
hope heightened tensions with India will
help rebuild their legitimacy, extricate
themselves from a domestic insurgency
they are losing, and push jihadist groups
now ranged against the Pakistani state
to turn their energies eastwards. India,
driven by a barrage of ill-conceived war
polemic, is pushing itself into this trap.
Earlier this month, reports
emerged that Pakistan had amended its
doctrinal manual, called the Green
Book , to include a chapter identifying
internal insurgent forces as the countrys
principal national security threat. No
one, though, has quoted as much as a
single line from the Green Book i n
question one of several reasons to
suspect it might just be a red herring.
Pakistani Prime Minister Raja Pervez
Ashraf, in a January 4 address at the
National Defence University, called on
the armed forces to redesign and
redefine our military doctrine to fight
terrorism. It seems reasonable to infer
that, on that date, he at least was
unaware of a new doctrine.



C. Christine Fair, a Georgetown

University scholar who is the
preeminent authority on the Pakistan
Armys internal doctrinal literature
and the first to bring the Green
Book series to light is in little doubt
that is the case. This talk of a new
doctrine is rubbish, says Dr. Fair, I think
a lot of people who really ought know
better have let themselves be talked into
buying snake-oil.
The Green Book isnt, in fact, a
doctrinal testament or even, in fact,
one book. For the last two decades, as
first reported in The Hindu in 2011, the
Pakistan Armys general headquarters
has published collections of essays by
senior officers, with the name assigned
to the series. The 2010 Green Book , on
information warfare, only became
available last year; the next in the
biennial series only became available in

Suspicions of India
From the very first essay in the
current Green Book , it becomes clear
the Pakistani officer corps maniacal
suspiciousness of India hasnt stilled.
Brigadier Umar Farooq Durranis
Psychological Warfare Against Pakistan,
asserts that the Research and Analysis
Wing funds many Indian newspapers
and even television channels, such as
Zee Television, which is considered to
be its media headquarters to wage
psychological war. The creation of
[the] South Asian Free Media
Association a few years back, Brigadier
Farooq claims, was a step in the same
direction. Even the eminent scholar
Ayesha Siddiqas work, he insists, is a
classical example of psychological war
against Pakistan.
The most subtle form of this
psychological war, the Brigadier states,
is found in movies where Muslim and
Hindu friendship is screened within
[ sic. ] the backdrop of melodrama.
Indian soaps and movies are readily
welcomed in most households in
Pakistan. The effects desired to be
achieved through this is to undermine
the Two National Theory [as] being a
person obsession of [Muhammad Ali]
Had the Green Books not been


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official publications, none of this ought
to have been a cause of worry. There is,
after all, no shortage of delusional
paranoiacs on the eastern side of the
India-Pakistan border either, in and
outside the armed forces.
From the Pakistan Army chief
himself, though, we know ideas like
those of Brigadier Durrani are
considered worthy of serious
consideration. In his foreword to the
2010 edition, General Kayani asserts that
the essays provide an effective forum
for the leadership to reflect on, identity
and define the challenges faced by the
Pakistan army, and share possible ways
of overcoming them.

The Eastern Enemy

Language of the kind that runs
through the 2010 Green Book pervades
earlier editions too. In 2002, as Pakistan
faced up to the looming war between
its armed forces and their one-time
jihadist allies, theGreen Book focussed
on low-intensity warfare. Brigadier
Shahid Hashmat, typically, argued that
the threat of low-intensity conflicts
should be considered as the most
serious matter at [the] national level.
Thus, he went on, all national agencies
and resources must be directed
concurrently for launching an effective
and robust response against this threat.
The blame for the crisis imposed
on Pakistan by religious sectarian groups
and jihadists, though, is firmly placed
on India. Lieutenant-Colonel Inayatullah
Nadeem Butt, using ideas near-identical
to those in the current Green Book ,
asserted that India has been
aggressively involved in subverting the
minds of youth through planned
propaganda and luring them towards
subversive activities.
Even as they considered how to
fight religious sectarian groups and
revolutionary jihadists, the officers who
contributed to the 2002 Green
Book thus focussed on imposing
punitive costs on India. Brigadier
Muhammad Zia, for example, noted that
India is highly volatile on its internal
front due to numerous vulnerabilities
which, if agitated, accordingly could
yield results out of proportion to the
efforts put in. In similar vein, Major Ijaz
Ahmad advocated that [the] Inter-


Services Intelligence should launch low

profile operations in Indian-held
Kashmir and should not allow the
freedom movement to die down.
Linguistic, social, religious and
communal diversities in India, the
officer continued, should be exploited
carefully and imaginatively.
Put another way, even as they
considered tactics to defeat insurgents
in Pakistan, the officer corps also
discussed sponsoring insurgencies in
India, to tie down their arch-adversary.
General Pervez Musharraf described the
2 0 0 2 Green Book , as a valuable
document for posterity; he was right.

Tough Challenge
Like all forms of madness, the texts
in the Green Book arent without
method: crisis with India is, after all, a
precondition for ensuring the Pakistan
Armys preeminent position in the
countrys power structure. 26/11, it is
surprisingly little remarked upon, almost
did pay off for Pakistans Army. Less than
a week after the attack, a senior Army
commander was reported as calling the
jihadist chief Baitullah Mehsud a
patriot. The officer said the armys war
with the Taliban leaders like Mehsud
was merely the result of minor
misunderstandings. There is plenty of
evidence that jihadists in Pakistan are
growing more powerful and that
organisations like the Tehreek-e-Taliban
are seriously considering expanding
their operations eastwards. The
practical struggle for a sharia system
that we are carrying out in Pakistan, its
deputy chief Maulana Wali-ur-Rahman
said in a recently-released video, the
same way we will continue it in Kashmir,
and the same way we will implement
the sharia system in India.
It is self-evident that preventing a
rapprochement between jihadists and
the generals is in Indias best interest
one reason why Prime Ministers Atal
Behari Vajpayee and Manmohan Singh
proved willing to pay the political price
for a policy of strategic restraint. That
the will to continue doing so is fraying
in the build-up to the General Election
is evident. India has, so far, punished
Pakistani aggression with a variety of
means, conventional and covert but
the seduction of grandiose gestures is


growing. Indians must become aware,

though, that a more muscular response
to Pakistani aggression on the LoC, like
all instant gratification, will come with
a price that probably isnt worth paying.

Courtesy-The Hindu

On Shaky Foundation
The draft of the 12th Five Year Plan
covering the period 2012-13 to 2016-17,
approved by the National Development
Council last week, aims to achieve an
annual average growth rate of 8 per cent,
scaled down from 8.2 per cent. The
Prime Minister has called the target
aspirational, while a few Chief
Ministers, notably Narendra Modi, found
it lacking in ambition. Political
statements apart, it is clear that the focus
on growth rates has tended to distract
attention from the rest of the planning
exercise. In retrospect, most official
projections have been over-optimistic.
The approach paper of the 12th Plan
talked of an annual average growth rate
of between 9 and 9.5 per cent. The
Prime Minister had gone even further,
hoping for double-digit growth rates
during the latter part of the Plan. What
made those projections totally
unrealistic was the fact that the
economic slowdown was already
getting reflected in successive quarterly
GDP data. The Union Budget (2012)
projected an ambitious growth rate of
7.6 per cent, way above what most other
forecasters had estimated at that time.
The government has been slow in
lowering the forecasts even when
conclusive evidence of deceleration has
been coming in. True to form, the
government expects the economy to
grow by between 5.7 and 5.9 per cent
this year the first year of the 12th Plan
when the growth during the first half
has been at just 5.4 per cent.
Considering that a revival in
manufacturing where the slowdown is
most pronounced cannot happen that
quickly, an annual average rate of 8 per
cent over the plan period can be
achieved only if the growth rate in each
of the last three years is well above 9
per cent.
The Planning Commission is
banking on reinvigorating a few existing
policies while expecting vastly
improved performance in certain key


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areas: gross fixed capital formation rate
to go up to 35 per cent from the present
32 per cent, with the private sector
playing a major role in catalysing such
investment; a new look industrial policy
that focuses on better coordination
between the government and the private
sector to vastly improve business
sentiment; stressing the importance of
national industrial manufacturing zones
in a scheme of reviving industrial output.
More controversial are suggestions to
streamline labour laws by increasing
the threshold employment for labour
legislation to 300. The case for
increasing agricultural growth to 4 per
cent largely through technology
absorption is unexceptionable. Yet all
these and more may not be sufficient to
achieve an annual growth rate of 8 per
cent. Since any likely shortfall will reflect
adversely on the planning process itself,
the question then is: is the obsessive

Courtesy-The Hindu

Making a Mockery of
Domestic Gas Pricing
Dr. Rangarajan was my professor
and I worship him as an economist and
academician. However, I fail to
understand why he lends his enormous
reputation to reports on the energy
sector that are far removed from his area
of experience and expertise, especially
when the Committee he recently
chaired did not have a single member
with any notable knowledge or
understanding of the complex global
gas markets. A one-hour consultation
with an independent industry expert
would have informed the Committee
that its recommended methodology has
no relevance to determining the basis
or formula for the price of domestically
produced gas in India a task it set
out to deliver under its terms of

Price Sensitivity
The report recognises the price
sensitivity of gas demand in India, yet,
like most government documents, it
presents indefensible demand and
independent of gas prices. The report
confirms that most Indian natural gas

producers are currently guaranteed a

well head price of at least $4.2 to $5.25/
MMBTU. However, it does not clarify if
this is the price for dry or wet gas
thereby forgetting the economic value
of natural gas liquids extracted by
producers before selling the dry gas as
feed stock and/or an energy source.
More importantly, the report suggests
that the above price is not sufficiently
remunerative to encourage domestic
natural gas production but fails to
provide any evidence to support such a
conclusion. Can the Committee identify
conventional gas field in the world that
receives or has received this high a well
head price for dry natural gas year after
year on an arms-length basis?
The Committee justifies the
formula approved for pricing natural gas
from KG Basins D-6 field, overlooking
the objections that the then Cabinet
Secretary and I had raised against the
proposed formula. Here too, the
Committee fails to point out that India
is the only country in the world that
adopted a formula by which the gas
price rises exponentially with the price
of crude between its floor price and its
cap. The rest of the world follows
formulae by which such linkage is a
linear function, with a more gradual
slope between the floor price of gas and
its cap. Under the approved formula, the
floor price of KG Basin gas determined
at a crude price of $25/barrel is $2.50/
MMBTU but it rises exponentially to
$3.50/MMBTU at a crude price of $26/
barrel yielding a 40 per cent increase in
the price of gas for a 4 per cent increase
in the price of crude. In the then relevant
range of crude prices between $50/
barrel and the cap determined at $60/
barrel, the price of gas varies very
narrowly between $4.1 and $4.2 per
MMBTU. In essence, the approved
formula violated international practice
to ensure that, under prevailing market
conditions, the KG Basin gas receives a
price that was well beyond the price at
which the same gas was bid out under
an international tender or its cost of
service. Fortunately, KG basin produces
dry gas thereby negating any additional
bonanza from natural gas liquids. Suffice
it to say that despite the CAGs report,
the full extent of the KG Basin scam is



far from being completely exposed. The

Rangarajan Committee, nevertheless,
finds the KG Basin gas price, that also
triggered an increase in the gas prices
approved for ONGC, not sufficiently
The above shortfalls, I dare say, are
minor oversights when compared to the
indefensible formula recommended for
determining the well head price of
conventional natural gas produced in
India. The recommended formula
estimates the price by averaging some
numbers derived from foreign gas
markets even though those numbers
neither represent well head price of
conventional natural gas anywhere in the
world nor reflect the cost of service for
producing conventional natural gas in
In layman terms, the suggested
formula establishes the fair price of
carrots based on some imputed prices
of bananas, apples and oranges. Let me
explain this in more detail.
As a first step, the Committee
recommends estimating, on a monthly
basis, what it calls the Average
Producer Net Back for Indian Imports
for the trailing 12 months by deducting
$3 to $4 from the prices paid by India
for import of LNG from different sources
over the same period. It is
recommended that all LNG imports,
including spot purchases and term
contracts, be included. The $3-$4
number representing current cost
estimates of liquefaction, transportation
and sweetening natural gas would be
updated regularly. Surely, such an
exercise would yield a number. What
this number represents, though, is
anybodys guess. Certainly, it is not the
average well head price of conventional
natural gas in the countries exporting
LNG to India; nor is it relevant to
determining fair well head prices for
Indian producers of conventional
natural gas.
Next, the Committee recommends
that we estimate, on a monthly basis,
something that it calls the Weighted
Average Price to Producers in the Global
Markets during the trailing 12 months.
To calculate this number it uses the
Henry Hub spot index as the price for
all U.S. gas sales, the NBP spot index of
U.K. for all gas sales in every country


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comprising Europe and the Former
Soviet Union and the Average Producer
Net Back for all Japanese LNG imports
(computed on the same basis as
recommended above for India); over
the same period. Again, it is
recommended that total volume of all
gas contracts in the respective
jurisdictions be included irrespective of
their differences. This exercise too will
yield a number but what it represents
or its relevance to Indian gas producers
is beyond comprehension.
recommends that the average of the two
numbers calculated above, based on
hitherto unknown concepts in the global
gas markets, be used to compensate
producers of conventional natural gas
in India.
I cannot lay bare all the
complexities of the regionally
fragmented global gas markets here but
let me simply state that natural gas varies
widely in its characteristics across
different sources and the three regions
covered have distinctly different pricing
mechanisms for gas. The ownership
structures in the industry make it
difficult to fathom at what point in the
value chain is the profit being booked
and how much. Gas contracts vary from
spot purchases to long term with widely
varying basis for pricing. The structure
of the regional gas market and the
related gas infrastructure in the relevant
jurisdiction impact gas prices
significantly. Finally, non-price elements
that are not transparent, geo political
considerations and security of supply
concerns play an important role in the
pricing of gas. The Henry Hub
benchmark index is available for next
day delivery and up to 108 months in
the future. Similarly, the more recent
NBP benchmark index permits trading
of gas as a commodity on spot and
longer term basis. However,
importantly, the physical trade
occurring at the typically quoted Henry
Hub or NBP price is minuscule
compared to the global trade in gas.


the fact that in 2011 the reported

average dry gas price per MMBTU at
Henry Hub was $4.01 while at NBP it was
$9.03 and the Japanese LNG imports
averaged $14.73 cif which, based on
the Rangarajan Committees definition,
would yield an Average Producer Net
Back of $10.50 11.50/ MMBTU for
Japanese imports. IEA projects that
such disequilibrium will continue at
least for the coming 10-15 years.
Given above market realities and
the current state of the gas industry in
India, a well regulated cost of service
would be the preferred option for
determining the well head price of
Indian gas. And as the original
proponent of price discovery through
limited sectoral competition, let me
reiterate that, if done properly, it too
deserves a far more serious
consideration than that given by the
Rangarajan Committee. Both these
approaches have been successfully
implemented in markets at a stage of
development similar to India. The
diffidence of the Committee in
recommending these two approaches
perhaps reflects its lack of confidence
in Indias governance and regulatory
capacity/capability. Recommending a
Mickey Mouse formulation as a
substitute to improving such
governance and regulatory capacity/
capability is, however, clearly
As long as the PMO keeps
appointing acceptable babus and
academics to such important
committees and specialised positions of
governance and regulation, it will be the
blind leading the blind and we will
stumble from one blunder to another
under historical myths that pervade
Indias energy and other key sectors.
This ruling cliques inability to deal with
well informed and well intentioned
professionals who raise fundamental
questions is evident in more arenas than
just energy. The forbidden citadel must
open its gates to such professionals if
India is to move forward.

Courtesy-The Hindu

Unlike oil, natural gas does not

have a fungible global market thereby
exacerbating the above complexity. The
resulting disequilibrium is illustrated by


India must get in on the

Ground Floor
At the end of 2012, India


completed its seventh two-year term as

a non-permanent member of the United
Nations Security Council. In a period
that proved unexpectedly challenging
for the principal organ of the U.N.
system, India was actively involved in
debates over crises in North Africa and
the Middle East. On the more mundane
but no less fundamental issue of
international development, however,
New Delhi has sat largely on the
sidelines, paying insufficient attention to
opportunities for addressing domestic
priorities and enhancing Indias standing
in international affairs.

Indeed, there is a fundamental
overwhelming domestic imperatives of
equitable growth on the one hand and
the nations external policies on the
other. Too often we are content to act
the part of a powerful and
technologically sophisticated nation
without actually pursuing a foreign
policy that might serve our basic
developmental goals. Nowhere are such
failures more evident than on the
Millennium Development Goals (MDG).
Signed into existence in 2000 by 190
countries, they represent a historic
global framework and universal goals
(with specific targets and indicators) in
the areas of poverty, gender, health,
education and the environment for all
signatories to achieve by 2015. Powered
in part by the MDGs, 600 million people
have been lifted out of poverty, 56
million more children go to school and
14,000 children escape death each day.

Work on Next Goals

With the 2015 deadline
approaching, the international
community is now starting to develop a
framework for the next generation of
development goals. The U.N. SecretaryGeneral has appointed a 26 member
high-level panel to advice on the new
framework. Simultaneously, the U.N. is
facilitating national consultations in 100
countries (including India) to make the
process as participatory as possible. The
panel and consultations will feed into
preceding the adoption of a new
framework in September 2013.


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This process is clearly important
for both poor and rich countries, yet
most members of Indias foreign policy
establishment and the informed public
remain oblivious to its significance. It is
easy to dismiss a largely U.N.-driven
negotiation that could set arguably
unrealistic targets for all countries to
meet. India is a sovereign nation that
need not take direction from any
constellation of international actors. The
goals themselves are not immune to
contradictions, and will be variably
relevant to India. Moreover, a fixed set
of overarching goals may constitute an
unwise approach to development
policy in general.

What MDGs stand for

These critiques notwithstanding,
the MDGs represent an unprecedented
international consensus on priorities and
targets for equitable growth. Developing
the next set of MDGs affords the
international community an opportunity
not only to take stock of achievements
since the turn of the millennium but also
to establish norms and principles that
will define and influence the next stage
of global development. India can and
should play a key role. Two principal
opportunities beckon India. First, in the
domestic realm, significant efficiency
gains would derive from aligning the
next generation of global development
goals with Indias goals, only some of
which overlap with the MDGs. Rather
than having parallel bureaucracies for
the implementation of two different
development agendas, the government
can do more with less by influencing
global post-2015 debates to reflect
Indian concerns and priorities. This may
be all the more readily achieved
because India is widely seen as the
ultimate laboratory for development.
Moreover, many developmental

sustainability, financial inclusion,
information and communications
technologies can no longer be
effectively addressed within nationally
circumscribed approaches.
The second major opportunity lies
in the international realm. The post-2015
effort offers emerging powers,
particularly India, an opening to shape

the rules of the game at a critical

juncture of global institutional
development, which can be significantly
influenced by a positive Indian vision
for national and global economic and
social progress. If we can establish our
own international aid agency and
trumpet the merits of Indian soft
power, then we must also actively
participate in the post-2015 process. As
a rising power desirous of a seat at the
global high table, India can accumulate
influence through constructive
leadership in international institutions,
which often requires creating original
solutions and forging consensus around

Three ways for India

As things stand, the Indian
government could do more to engage
with the post-2015 process. There are
at least three ways in which the present
level of involvement could be improved.
First, the Ministry of External Affairs
the governments first point of contact
with the U.N. should urgently consult
the relevant line ministries and State
governments and commission a white
paper on its own recommendations that
can then be deliberated in the public
sphere. Second, to be genuinely
inclusive, the government should go
beyond traditional civil society to
engage faith-based groups, trade unions
and peoples movements in any
frameworks. Third, India should work
towards building collaborations with
other similarly placed countries in the
international negotiations.
Whether India takes note or not,
the global post-2015 MDG process has
institutional momentum and will result
in an outcome relevant to India. By not
actively participating in its formative
stages, we risk missing a vital
opportunity to address key domestic
challenges and to shape global norms
in ways that protect our interests while
projecting leadership in international
affairs. In the final analysis, Indian
diplomacy needs to think more seriously
and creatively about Indias

Courtesy-The Hindu

SEWA Model shows Cash



Transfers Work
While meaning well, the United
Progressive Alliance (UPA) is putting at
risk the great idea of cash transfers by
designing them primarily as
substitutions for subsidised consumer
goods. That may be a laudable longerterm aim; the Public Distribution System
(PDS) is in a mess. But strategically, cash
transfers must boost economic growth
and be a progressive measure to reduce
income inequality and poverty, both at
the outset and in the longer-term. They
can be both. The reduction of cheating,
repeatedly mentioned by government
spokesmen, must be a secondary gain,
not the main one.
If, as with the ill-advised Kotkasim
model, the intention is simply to
substitute cash payments for a subsidy,
many people will become worse off in
the first few months. While the price of
kerosene will be raised, teething
problems with the banks or with the
cash flow will mean they will not obtain
the cash repayment to compensate. It
is all very well for planners to say this
will be sorted out eventually. The poor
live on the edge, and cannot tolerate
short-term costs. While they struggle,
the legitimacy of the cash transfer policy
will be eroded.

Pilot scheme
This is why SEWA and Unicef have
been implementing a cash transfer pilot
scheme in which the cash provided has
been a small top-up to existing
subsidies. As a result, nobody in the
villages is worse off than before. There
have been teething problems associated
with opening bank accounts and with
learning how to use the cash. But these
have taken place in an atmosphere of
net gain for the recipients. As people
have learned to adapt, support has
grown not only for the idea of cash
transfers but for substitution for rationed
items. As a result, planners could now
implement a substitution scheme in
those villages that would be welcomed,
would improve welfare and save
government money.
The biggest mistake the
government is making in rolling out the
Kotkasim model is trying to save money
in the short-term rather than treating the


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rollout of cash transfers as a measure
with upfront net spending that will
reduce public spending in subsequent
years, once the scheme has been
legitimised. Cutting budget deficits is
necessary, but it must be a medium-term
objective, not a short-term one that
jeopardises the longer-term.
The biggest risk is that so many
people will lose in the set-up period that
the idea of cash transfers will be
delegitimised before it has a chance to
become appreciated as liberating and
welfare-improving. This should not
happen in the Anashree scheme in
Delhi, which is sensible in that it will give
an unconditional cash transfer to
vulnerable people excluded by the cap
placed on Below Poverty Line cards.
Although it will be limited because of
its targeting, it will not cut anybodys
living standards. But the broader
scheme in those 51 districts will suffer
from targeting failures and a premature
substitution procedure.

citizens cannot tolerate without acute

This way of substituting cash for
subsidies would be strategically wise
and redistributive, since it would leave
scope for increasing the value of
transfers to low-income groups while
saving money fiscally, since the saving
on any reduction of a subsidy could be
shared between the government coffers
and the citizen recipient. After all, both
the citizen recipient and the government
would gain revenue.
This leads back to the most
important point of all. Cash transfers
must be understood primarily as a way
of reducing inequality and poverty,
while being fiscally sustainable. Other
considerations must be secondary to
that objective. This is why we should
all plead with the politicians to go
against their nature and depoliticise the
transformation of social policy as much
as they can. Well, we should try.

An example

First set up the Labs,

then Dream the Nobel

Let me give an example to

illustrate the fiscal point. Suppose one
were to provide everybody with Rs.200
per month on top of the value of the
PDS and other subsidies, with the
proviso that within three months of
starting to receive that cash they had to
receive it in a bank account or obtain
the Aadhaar. This would give people
time to deal with the practicalities, while
nobody would actually lose in the shortterm.
At the end of the first year, the
cash transfer amount could be increased
to, say, Rs.300 while some subsidy
worth Rs.100 were removed, again
leaving nobody worse off. In that
second year, the fiscal saving would be
well above the Rs.100 because we know
the cost of transferring Rs.100 to any
recipient is actually about Rs.350. The
Ministry of Finance has told us that, and
the Deputy Chair of the Planning
Commission has said that only 16 per
cent of spending on subsidised item
reaches the poor. So any removal of a
subsidy would save the government
much more than the value of it to the
consumer. And it must always be
remembered that a government can
afford short-term costs that low-income


Courtesy-The Hindu

At the 100th annual session of the

Indian Science Congress held in Kolkata
earlier this month, Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh urged scientists to
give top priority to research that would
address pressing problems in the
country, such as energy security,
agricultural productivity, safe drinking
water and sanitation. He asked scientists
across disciplines to collaborate with
one another, and with private research
labs to foster innovation that would
improve living conditions in India.

Last in Retaining Talent

But if that is to happen, the country
would first need an environment for
research. A recent survey by the
National Bureau of Economic Research
in the United States (http://
spectrum.ieee.org/at-work/techcareers/the-global-brain-trade) contains
some revealing numbers. Switzerland
has the highest rate of immigrant
scientists and the United States,
unsurprisingly, is the most popular
academic destination around the world.
But shockingly for India, 40 per cent of
its researchers are emigrating to pursue
their research abroad; the aspiring


economic powerhouse is at the bottom

of the list for retaining research talent.
So why does a country with a trillion
dollar economy not attract its own
researchers? A peek into the state of
research in India can give some answers.
In 2011, of the 14,617,000 people
who graduated from the colleges in
India, 12 per cent pursued post graduate
degrees and an abysmal one per cent
pursued research in the country. The
low interest in research is due to sub
standard facilities, which in turn is due
to a lack of funding in most research
institutes. Indians are willing to pursue
research but not in India. In 2011, the
number of students from India pursuing
higher education (masters and PhD) in
the U.S. was 103,895 and they formed
14 per cent of the higher education
population in the U.S. alone.
In terms of research productivity,
India has 7.8 scientists per 1,000
population compared to 180.66 in
Canada, 53.13 in Korea and 21.15 in the
U.S. The scarcity in research was
vindicated by the number of patents
filed in 2010. There were a total of
36,812 patents filed in India, of which
only 7,044 were domestic applications
and the remaining, foreign patent
applications. Of these 7,044
applications, only 1,725 applications
were granted patents. While quantity is
not necessarily a prescriptive of the
quality, it does provide a perspective on
emphasis on research in the system.
One of the pillars of higher
educational institutes, leave alone
research, is the amount of capital that is
invested in educational activities. Even
in the 12th Five Year Plan proposed by
the Planning Commission, the
educational expenditure is not
anywhere near the proposed target of
six per cent of GDP. The investment in
higher education as of 2009-10
according to a recent report released by
the University Grants Commission
(Higher Education at a glance) was a
paltry 1.25 per cent of GDP. The U.S. on
the other hand has a public expenditure
at 3.1 per cent (2007) of its almost $15
trillion GDP. Harvard Universitys
endowment stands at $32 billion
whereas the total extramural grants
provided to Indian universities put
together is about Rs.12 billion! As a first


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step up, there should be an increase in
spending in higher education research
to at least two per cent of the GDP in
order to try infusing capital into
academic research.
The policy document released at
the Science Congress in the first week
of January was titled Science,
Technology and Innovation. It
contained no details, no road map for
research, and was more aspirational
than visionary. Besides everything else,
India does not enable scientists and
corporates to make more revenues from
their intellectual property rights. Not
only does India suffer from the lack of a
culture of research or shortage of funds,
but there is also a lack of clarity in
matters such as Intellectual Property
regulations that could help researchers
earn greater revenues.
The Protection and Utilisation of
Public Funded Intellectual Property Bill,
(PUPFIP), the Indian equivalent of the
Bayh-Dohle Act, has been pending in
Parliament since 2008. If passed, it could
help to leverage the best out of the
intellectual properties of patents. A
recent report from the Indian School
Business (India R&D 2011 Industry
& Academia Linkages) estimates that
the total R&D spending of the top 100
companies is Rs.11,500 crore. Only 13
per cent of it goes into partnerships with
universities. Intellectual property
regulation and awareness could assist
in increasing this share of spending by
corporates in building university
research centres.

Alumni Involvement
The top 19 out of the 20
universities in the U.S. News rankings
have a common dominating
denominator. All of them are run
predominately by alumni of the
institutions. Even in public universities
such as Purdue, there is a significant
alumni involvement in the boards. In
India, this is an idea nonexistent in
government institutes and very rare in
private institutes.
Alumni involvement ensures that
the universities interest is the most
supreme (especially in an era where
education is non profit) and everything
else becomes secondary. As such, it
would be an interesting idea for the state

to impose a minimum 50 per cent

involvement of the alumni in the
functioning of university boards. This
would democratise the process more,
and help to nurture talented alumni who
could contribute back to the
President Pranab Mukherjee
observed at the Science Congress that
a Nobel Prize in Indian science was
long overdue, as if every country has
a predetermined right to be given the
Nobel. Lets get the research going first.

Courtesy-The Hindu

Voice of the Establishment

As we approach United States
President Barack Obamas second
inauguration, attention must turn to the
(now very) old question: why has
Obama maintained the principal planks
of the foreign and national security
policies of the George W. Bush
administrations, despite having
promised radical change? In their haste
to explain, most commentators cling to
what are now old favourites: Obamas
legacy of wars and financial crises; his
lack of experience in foreign affairs; his
personal insecurities at being
commander-in-chief but having served
in no wars. None of those arguments are
without merit but they remain wedded
to arguments suggesting that had this or
that been different, Obama would have
transformed U.S. policy and power. This
is patently false.
An article in a recent pre-election
issue ofForeign Affairs , the house organ
of the U.S. foreign policy establishment,
unwittingly (almost) hit the nail on the
head: Obama is the Republican
candidate, it declared. Actually,
Obama was the Establishment
candidate and the real Establishment
is bipartisan, welcoming millionaires
from both its wings in the Democratic
and Republican parties. Obamas most
recent nomination of former Republican
senator, Chuck Hagel, as Defense
Secretary illustrates this perfectly:
variously described as a liberal realist
or internationalist, or a Republican
realist, Hagel is endorsed by the big guns
of the Establishment: Colin Powell,
Robert Gates, Brent Scowcroft,
Zbigniew Brzezinski, and others, who



have rushed to defend him against the

neo-con charges of anti-semitism and
weakness on Iran, Syria, etc.
Hagel supported the Iraq war. He
supports full-blooded aid to Israel. He
just thinks military power isnt always the
answer to every problem. This makes
him, to neo-cons, weak on national
security. Obamas pick for Secretary of
State is Senator John Kerry another
pro-Iraq war advocate, as was Hillary
Clinton, the hardline and hawkish State
Department head, and current VicePresident Joe Biden. Withdrawn from
nomination for the post of head of CIA
in 2008, John Brennan is Obamas
choice for that role in 2013. Brennans
complicity in the use of torture, in
supporting the Guantanamo facility and
the secret prisons programme,
escalated drone strikes i.e. illegal
assassinations with plenty of civilian
casualties, is well known or widely
suspected, but hardly thoroughly
investigated. He is likely to sail through
the Senate hearings to which all
nominees to top posts are subject.
Obama promotes those who
backed the most absurd American war
since Vietnam not because he is
insecure, inexperienced, lacking
knowledge of foreign affairs, or because
he inherited a mess. He is a member of
the Establishment, fully bought into the
American global power programme,
and who sees all problems through the
prism of U.S. Establishment interests.
It is not public opinion that drives
U.S. foreign policy: it is the
Establishment and its myriad think
tanks, foundations, and other experts
and financial backers from Wall Street
and other prestigious addresses, who
are responsible for the global financial
crisis and the pushy character of U.S.
power, dressed up as exporting U.S.
core values.
Who is the Establishment? Long
ago, Godfrey Hodgson, the keenest
British observer of American political
life, provided an excellent definition:
they are, he argued, the power behind
the throne, the people who know the
right people who get things done, those
operating outside the U.S. Congress and
mainly as appointees in the executive
branch, whose power is often exercised
outside of the constitutional forms.


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Backed by big bucks
The power to block the people
who dont belong and promote those
who do. Wall Street, not Main Street,
runs America. When White House
incumbents say that millions stand
behind me, they are referring to big
bucks from Wall Street banks and
American multinationals like Lockheed
Martin, arms firms at the heart of the
military-industrial complex that
continue to wield massive power in the

Not unable, but unwilling

In this, his second term, Obama
should have been able to break free
from anxiety and inexperience and
speak with his own voice, if the usual
critics had it right. That he is not doing
so is not because he is obtuse: it is
because hes bought into the
programme. Obamas record in dealing
with issues that were not inherited
legacies gave the game away long ago:
the President who would not do
coercive regime change supported it in
Libya; who professed friendship to the
people of the Middle East and provided
record levels of aid to Israel; who won
the Nobel Peace Prize and dramatically
increased drone strikes across the world
and escalated the war in Afghanistan;
who believed in democracy and backed
Hosni Mubaraks oppressive regime in
Egypt until it was clear that he was
yesterdays man; who backed Saudi
intervention in Bahrain against citizens
fighting for their democratic rights; and
so on.
Despite the great achievement that
President Obama represents as the first
African-American chief executive, it is
important to remember that he is not a
man of the people, let alone of black
people. He has dropped any pretence
of dealing with the structural and
historically-rooted problems of racial
and social inequality; and has paid his
dues to the Establishment that placed
him in the White House in 2008 to pick
up the pieces of crisis-ridden American
power after eight years of George W.

The Bush legacy

So militaristic is Obamas foreign
policy programme that he out-


manoeuvred the neo-conservativebacked Mitt Romney and gave him no

place to go but increased rhetorical
stridency. This has proved embarrassing
to liberals who tend to remain quiet on
Obamas military escalations; it has also
helped him outflank the neo-cons who
harp on without credibility about
Americas weaknesses.
neoconservatives have a vested interest
in recognising the truth of Obamas
record: it is one of which George W.
Bush would have been proud.

Courtesy-The Hindu

United against the terrorist threat

Since January 11, the French and
Malian armed forces have been engaged
together in a military operation to halt
armed terrorist groups. They were
threatening the whole of Mali. France
and Mali shared the conviction that this
was a matter of utmost emergency.
As terrorism is a global threat, and
India also a victim of terrorism, we wish
to explain to our Indian friends the
urgent challenges at stake in Mali and
the international legal and political
framework of this military operation.

Necessity to Act
The situation in Mali was
increasingly dangerous. Terrorist groups
setting up in northern Mali have been
destabilising the country, brutalising and
killing civilians and destroying
invaluable cultural heritage. Malis
integrity was at stake. The stability of the
entire Sahelian region and beyond was
threatened. The security of Europe as
The terrorist groups have
launched a southward attack early
January, involving hundreds of armed
militants. They had realised that time
was running out for them. Last
December, the adoption of U.N.
Security Council Resolution 2085, with
the help of our Indian partner,
authorised an African-led International
Support Mission to Mali, or Afisma.
Terrorists tried to take advantage of the
delay before its full deployment. Their
objective was to seize new strategic
positions by force and trigger the
collapse of the whole country to
establish a stronghold. By getting closer


to the Malian capital city, Bamako, they

were planning to make it almost
impossible to roll them back.
The terrorists had to be stopped
without delay. This first action was a
precondition for allowing the second
step, i.e. the swift deployment of the
Afisma. The French deployment is not
a substitute to the African force. The
final aim is to restore Malis territorial
integrity, and address the situation
within a comprehensive framework,
developmental dimensions.
Frances intervention falls strictly
within international law: it responded to
a formal request by the Malian President.
It is being conducted in accordance
with the U.N. Charter and the resolutions
of the Security Council. In a letter sent
to French President Franois Hollande,
Malian President Dioncounda Traor,
warmly and sincerely thanked the
French people for their timely support
on behalf of the Malian people.

Rooted in international strategy

Our joint action has received
strong international political backing.
Meeting in New York on January 14, all
the members of the Security Council
expressed their support to this
intervention. The U.N. Secretary
General, Ban Ki-moon, confirmed the
United Nations full support. Mali and
France have already been able to count
on many international partners support,
notably from the African Union and the
Ecowas, which is the West African
subregional organisation. Several
countries have committed military
support, such as the United Kingdom,
Germany, Belgium, Denmark, the United
States, Canada, with others, such as
Russia, to follow.

Resolve to fight terrorism

Preparations are being stepped up
for the deployment of a West African
force. Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger,
Nigeria and Togo have prepositioned
their contingents for urgent deployment.
Cte dIvoire, Ghana, Liberia, Senegal
and Sierra Leone will also contribute to
the deployment of Afisma. Non-Ecowas
African countries will also participate,
such as Chad, who has pledged to
deploy troops in support of the Afisma
operations. The objective is to deploy


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Afisma as soon as possible. The military
command is already being deployed to
Bamako and troop deployment has
started, with Benin, Nigerian and
Togolese contingents. The Ecowas
summit just held in Abidjan (Cte
dIvoire) has reiterated the African
resolve to act and called for more
support. A donors conference will take
place in Addis Ababa at the end of
January on the occasion of the African
Union summit. The European Union
(EU) has decided last Thursday to
establish a training mission in Mali
(EUTM Mali) that will help the Malian
Armed Forces to improve their military
capacity. The EU is also providing
significant financial support: it has
allocated over 660 million to the Sahel
region and, in the framework of the
Strategy for Development and Security
in the Sahel adopted in 2011, the EU has
further mobilised additional financial
resources for projects worth 167
million. The operation is under way and
is going on satisfactorily 2,900 French
troops are already engaged alongside of
the Malian Army. It will last as long as
necessary. Terrorist groups can be sure
of our resolve: air strikes are conducted
by French Rafale and Mirage aircrafts
every day, with Malian as well as French
troops fighting on the ground. Several
cities have already been liberated. This
joint operation highlights the trust and
friendship between Mali and France and
our common dedication to fighting

Algerian incident
Terrorism is one of the most
serious threats to international security.
We know what sort of barbaric acts the
terrorist groups in Mali are committing.
We know what their objectives are. We
will not let them achieve them. We are
grateful for the overwhelming
international support we are receiving
since the beginning of our operation. It
shows that the international community
is united in fighting a threat which is
characterised by global links and
interaction between individuals and
groups, wherever they are.
The brutal large-scale terrorist
attack in the south of Algeria which has
just taken place proves it once again. A
large number of foreign nationals

working on the site have been

murdered. Confronted with what can
only be described as an act of war, the
Algerian authorities had no other choice
but to act swiftly.
There should be no respite in our
fight against terrorism. By combating
alongside the Malian armed forces, and
in the framework of international law,
France is shouldering her international
responsibilities and fulfilling her
international obligations. India, by
voting in favour of Resolutions 2056,
2071 and 2085 in the U.N. Security
Council, has showed her deep sense of
international responsibility. In the
ongoing fight against terrorism in Mali,
France and Mali know that they can rely
on the full understanding and solidarity
of Indians, who have already borne the
brunt of heinous terrorist acts.

Courtesy-The Hindu

In Myanmar, a
Winning Hand for America
The recent upturn in the United
States relations with Myanmar a key
neighbour of India was the outcome
of years of diplomatic manoeuvring
following the 1988 democracy uprising
and the State Law and Order Restoration
Council (SLORC) military governments
refusal to acknowledge the 1990 general
election results. It was also a result of
the U.S. governments dual-track policy
of using carrots and sticks. Unlike India,
which moved to normalise relations
with SLORC by the mid-1990s, the U.S.
made some fundamental demands as a
condition for normalising bilateral ties.
These included: the release of all
political prisoners (over 2,000 held in
different prisons across Myanmar in the
beginning of 2012), inclusive dialogue
with opposition parties and ethnic
minorities, adherence to United Nations
non-proliferation agreements on nuclear
weapons and an end to any illicit
cooperation with North Korea, greater
accountability on human rights issues,
and an end to violence against ethnic
minorities. The U.S. also asked the
Myanmar government to hold free and
fair by-elections.

Steady steps
On January 13, 2012, a total of 651
political prisoners were either released



or offered presidential pardon by the

Myanmar government. Those released
included prominent political prisoners,
including leaders of the 1988
democracy uprising, the ex-military
intelligence chief and deposed Prime
Minister General Khin Nyunt, and ethnic
Shan leaders Hkun Htun Oo and Sai
Nyunt Lwin, who were sentenced to 93and 85-year prison sentences
Second, the Thein Sein
agreements with several ethnic armed
groups: the Arakan Liberation Party
(ALP), Chin National Front (CNF),
Karenni National Progressive Party
(KNPP), Karen National Union (KNU),
Karen Peace Council (KPC), National
Socialist Council of Nagaland-Khaplang
(NSCN-K), New Mon State Party
(NMSP), Pa-O National Liberation Army
(PNLA), and Shan State ArmyNorth
successfully held by-elections in April
last year. Pro-democracy leader Aung
San Suu Kyis National League for
Democracy won in 43 of the 44 seats it
contested. One seat each was won by
the ruling USDP and the Shan
Nationalities Democratic Party (SNDP).
The Union Solidarity and Development
Party (USDP) candidate captured the
seat where the NLD candidate was
disqualified. The SNDP won a seat from
the Shan state. The participation of the
NLD and other political parties
associated with ethnic minorities
boosted the governments claim for
legitimacy and credibility of its sevenstep road map towards democracy
that initially began in 2003.
As the Obama administration
promised to reciprocate action for
action, Derek Mitchell, Special
Representative and Policy Coordinator
for Burma, was confirmed as the new
U.S. Ambassador on June 29. U.S.
investment sanctions were lifted on July
11, which was followed by the
suspension of import bans on goods
from Myanmar on September 27. The
lifting of investment sanctions enabled
U.S. companies and international
financial institutions such as the World
Bank and International Monetary Fund
to begin re-establishing links with


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Myanmar. The U.S. made four important
achievements from the improvement in
relations: it demonstrated the triumph
of diplomacy over isolation; it won an
assurance that Myanmar had not
engaged in any illicit engagement with
North Korea on nuclear programmes; it
was able to emerge as a symbol of
democracy and human rights around the
world; and it got to build a firmer
foundation of its presence in Southeast
In addition, the improvement of
relations enabled the U.S. to re-establish
the U.S. Agency for International
Development (USAID) mission to
Myanmar, to lend support for a normal
UNDP country programme, and to
facilitate travel to the U.S. for select
Myanmar officials and parliamentarians.
It also paved the way for the U.S. and
Myanmar to cooperate on the recovery
of the remains of Americans missing in
action or taken prisoners of war during
World War II.
By improving bilateral relations
with the United States, the Myanmar
government achieved the goal of
legitimacy it had long sought. Until the


April by-elections, the U.S. and other

western nations still considered the
results of the 2010 general elections
unrepresentative of the people. The
other major achievement was the lifting
of sanctions.

Obamas visit
culminated in President Barack Obamas
visit to Myanmar on November 19, the
first ever visit by a sitting U.S. President.
His historic tour was, however, criticised
by several rights groups, which argued
that it was premature to make such a
high-profile visit when violence still
continued in the Kachin and Rakhine
states, and when political prisoners
remained behind bars. The Obama
administration said the Presidents visit
was to acknowledge the democratic
reforms and to encourage further
On a positive note, both
governments must be congratulated for
taking the necessary steps to improve
bilateral relations. However, the primary
concern now is whether political
gestures from the Myanmar government


will lead to addressing ethnic minority

problems, which remains at the heart of
decades-old conflicts in the country.
When can the Myanmar government
sign a ceasefire agreement with ethnic
Kachins, and will the signed ceasefire
agreements with various groups lead to
guaranteeing autonomy?
Moreover, will the 2008
constitution be amended to remove the
inherent role of the military in politics,
which is currently guaranteed 25 per
cent of seats in Parliament without
election? Will all remaining political
prisoners be released unconditionally?
Can the Rohingya problem be resolved
amicably? Uncertainty remains as to
how the U.S. government will respond
in case of the non-fulfilment of these
Overall, 2012 was a significant year
in terms of diplomatic rapprochement.
Nevertheless, the longevity and
durability of bilateral relations between
the two nations will be contingent upon
how democratic transition progresses
inside Myanmar.
Courtesy-The Hindu


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The term soft state was first
used by the noted economist
Gunnar Myrdal in his classic book
The Asian Drama in the context of
South Asia for the inability of the
states to implement their economic
plans and programmes efficiently
and effectively. Now the term has
acquired additional dimensions of
meaning that subsumes a
comprehensive collapse of even the
most basic functions of the state. A
commentator Atul Kohli has aptly
drawn attention to the paradox of
the enormous expansion of the state
power in India at the same time
when its powerlessness to act
effectively is equally obvious.
India is vulnerable to terror
attacks. To fight terror, the country
needs to strengthen its security and
intelligence. The need of hour is to
revamp border security, maritime
security and aerial security. The
nation needs a complete recast of
its intelligence mechanism. There is
a pressing need for stringent
counter-terrorism policy and its
implementation. In order to weed


out terrorism from its roots, India

needs to terrorise the terrorists and
their sympathizers. In the end, the
one pertinent thought that resonates
years after the 26/11 attacks is
Does human life count for even a
little bit in India? The government
should act and that too fast.
Indira Gandhi who was once
considered as one of the worlds
powerful leader was the Prince
Minister of the country who proved
that India was not a soft state
through her actions In the war with
Pakistan in 1971 leading to the
creation of Bangladesh, annexation
of Sikkim in 1975 and suppression
of separatist move-ment in the
country. 1971 the Pakistani army
heavily cracked down on the civilian
population of erstwhile East
Pakistan and as a result over 10
million refugees fled to India. The
Pakistan military action was in
disregard to the election verdict
which caused the emergence of
Awami League as the single largest

Muhammad Yahya Khan and the

then political leaders of West
Pakistan apprehended the shifting
of political capital from Islamabad
to Dhaka or separation of its eastern
wing, despite assurances the
Bangaoandhu Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman to resolve the issue within
the framework of Pakistan.
The military repression in
erstwhile East Pakistan and the flight
of refugees brought India into a war
with Pakistan. The US mooted a
resolution in the United Nations
Security , Council warning India
going to war with Pakistan. India a
Gandhi signed a treaty of friendship
and cooperation with the Soviet
Union in August 1971 and the So
Diet Union vetoed US proposal in
the UN. India is not a soft state but a
strong nation that has earned the
respect and admiration of the world.
The repelling of Pakistani
intruders from the Kargil heights in
1999, and a swift paratroop
intervention in the Maldives to
reverse a coup against President
Gavoom in 1996 providing rare
instances of hard power success.


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Against these examples are the
said 1962 China war, the spectacular
failures of the Indian Peacekeeping
Force in Sri Lanka in 1987 (the Force
withdrew after incurring heavy
casualties in an unplanned war with
the Tamil insurgents), the hijacking
of an Indian Airlines aircraft to
Kandahar in 1999, resulting in the
cra-ven release of detained terrorists
front Indian jails. the repeated
bleeding of the county through
terrorist incidents planned and
directed from Pakistan, and
innu-merable unprovoked incidents
on the Bangladesh border involving
Indian loss of life. India is often
caught in a cleft stick on such
matters: it typically treads softly in
its anxiety not to come across as a
regional badly and, in so doing, it
emboldens those who are prepared
to test it. As a result, India has been
noticeably reluctant to evolve a
strategic doctrine based on hard
power. Indeed, there is a sense in
which most Indians still think that
would be unseemly.
Dossiers after dossiers were
sent to Pakistan. Date after date was
set for action against the
perpetrators of Mumbai attacks. But,
three years after 26/11, there is zero
progress by Pakistan to bring the
perpetrators to justice. However,
has India failed to bend Pakistan
internationally? Dont forget this
government shocked the nation by
delinking terrorism from Indo-Pak
composite dialogue in Sharm elSheikh in 2009. Earlier Prime
Minister Manmohan Singh went on
to describe his Pakistani counterpart
a man of peace.
The 26/11 terror attacks in
Mumbai shook India and stunned
the world. re-vealing huge chinks in
the countrys anti-terror armour. A
year later, the sole sur-viving
terrorist captured by authorities,
Mohammad Ajmal Kasab, has not
been convicted, the masterminds of

the deadly assault are free, and the

country harbouring the terrorists,
Pakistan, is probably laughing at our
weakness, dismiss-ing us as a state
whose outrage is easily calmed by
tokenism. For India war is nut the
only way to assert ones strength,
dialogue with Pakistan is the best
recourse given the volatile situation
in the country. This is not to dispute
that terrorism in India is emanated
from across the border. But the
cross-border terror networks work
in tandem with the local terror
elements. In the last one decade
there was a surge in home grown
terrorism. More interestingly, the
local terror elements are getting
political patronage.
China is developing Sri Lankas
Hambantota port in the south of the
island republic, which will give it
access to the Indian Ocean Region
[IOR], an area of strategic influence
it is seeking to dominate by
developing the PLA Navy [PLANT
into a formidable blue water force,
with task forces spearheaded by
nuclear pow-ered ballistic
submarines. Interestingly, Sri Lanka
first offered this project to In-dia.
but Indias vacillation made it turn
to China The train from Beijing to
Tibet reaches strategically sensitive
heights. With this railway line and a
network of excellent roads
extending almost till the Indian
border. China has increased its
capacity to move troops and
materiel to the Line of Actual Control
in 25 days as against the earlier six
months. India knows that its soft
power cannot solve its security
challenges. To counter the terrorist
threat. there is no substitute for hard
power. Hard power without sot!
power stirs up resentments and
enmities: soft power without hard
power is a con-fession of weakness.
Where soft power works is in
attracting enough goodwill from
ordinary people to reduce the



sources of support and succour that

the terror-ists enjoy. and without
which they cannot function. But this
means that India also needs to solve
its internal problems before it can
play any role of leadership in the
world. There is need for more
systematic development of a soft
power strategy than India currently
has. So far, such strategic
advantages as have accrued from
Indias soft power - goodwill for the
country amongst African, Arab and
Afghan publics.
India that has entered its
seventh decade as an independent
country is one -open to the
contention of ideas and interests
within it, unafraid of the prowess or
the products of the outside world,
wedded to the democratic
pluralism that is Indias greatest
strength, and determined to liberate
and fulfill the creative ener-gies of
its people. Such an India truly enjoys
soft power, and that may well be the
most valuable way in which it can
offer leadership to the 21st century
world. The recent autonomy
resolution passed by the Kashmir
Government brought out the soft
underbelly of the Indian state.
People have criticized the
government for not acting in a
mature and decisive manner. The
government should have been
strong enough to have the resolution
considered by Parliament or at least
by a committee or a group of
Ministers. But if it rejected the
autonomy resolution for reasons
which one can surmise, why did it
buckle under adverse criticism and
agree to meet the Kashmir Chief
Minister so soon after rejecting it?
People see this as a manifestation
of the country being a soft and weak
Take several incidents or
events that show the softness of the
Indian state. The country has had to
suffer from a series of strikes which


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have crippled the functioning of the
government. There are strikes by the
banking personnel, by the
telecommunication or the airlines
staff, by the truck drivers and by
sundry organizations including
electricity, government unions,
teacher unions, etc. In most, if not
all, such strikes, the government, the
Central or the State, buckles under
the combined pressure of these
unions and the different political
parties which usually support these
strikes and lead to closure or slowdown of work. Whenever such
strikes take place and are resolved,
usually by giving hefty pay hikes or
other benefits, it is only the
organized sector which benefits.
The unorganized sector neither gets
the pay hikes nor improvement in
their working conditions.
The United Kingdom was also
beset with prolonged strikes before
and after Ms. Margaret Thatcher
became the Prime Minister. But she
introduced legislation so that these
strikes and closure of work became
difficult, if not impossible. A
government must strike a proper
balance between legitimate
collective bargaining rights and
public interest or common good.
The recent events in which the
Christians have come under attack
of some unlawful and criminal
elements have brought out the
vulnerability of the Indian state.
These attacks are barbaric and
unequivocally, but why should the
government be so apologetic? Why
should this happen in India? The law
should be strong enough to deal
with such situations and whoever is
guilty, should be punished as per
law. Talking of the guilty politicians
and other important personalities
being brought to book, there seems
to be a comical turn to the way the
events unfold. After a lot of fanfare,
permission is obtained from the
Governor or Chief Minister or


someone else to prosecute some

politician. After this is done, there
are interviews of some leading
personalities and often of the CBI or
ED Directors about the investigation
that is going on to collect irrefutable
evidence to punish these persons.
Then one gets to see shots on the
TV of these persons being sent to
judicial custody under heavy police
deployment. And then what
happens? Nothing. The indicted
persons are invariably found to be
either innocent or at least the
evidence is not strong enough to nail
them. Why does this happen with
such unfailing regularity? Was the
evidence initially collected not
strong enough, or were the
witnesses intimidated to withhold
crucial and damning evidence? Or
is the law of the land not good
enough to punish these highly
personalities? Or is there political
interference or some other
underhand deals which let the
indicted go scot-free? In any case
the state is shown to be in poor light.
Contrast this with the
treatment meted out to the ordinary
citizen, especially the poor, helpless
ones. They are kept in police lockup and incarcerated in jails on mere
suspicion or at the behest of some
powerful persons and stay there
often for long periods even without
proper charges being framed
against them, let alone proper
In fact, the irony is that they
sometimes spend more time in jails
as under trials than the quantum of
punishment they would have
received had they been properly
prosecuted and received the
punishment for the crime they are
alleged to have committed. There
have been reports that in Andhra
Pradesh, there are about 9,000
under trials who have been behind
bars for different periods from a
year to five years. The government

has decided to release 7,000 of them

because they have already
completed longer terms than what
the punishment due to them if they
had been prosecuted and found
guilty of their alleged offences. In a
similar situation in Bihar in the past,
the Supreme Court came to the
rescue of the under trials on a PIL
and directed the Bihar Government
to file annual report to the Court on
their incarceration. Politically, the
institutions of state were meant to
be strong and resolute but in actual
practice we find them wanting in
several situations as shown above.
In many instances, be it the
cleanliness of our rivers or fixing the
height of our dams or the
implementation of the Srikrishna
Commission Report in Maharashtra,
we find that the Supreme Court has
to intervene because the executive
has failed to discharge its duties. Is
it good for our polity? In fact, many
observers have decried this
tendency and have bemoaned the
emergence of the Supreme Court as
an executive organ of our state. In
any case, judicial activism can at
best be a palliative and not a
panacea for all our problems.
In fact, the courts are now
tending to come in the picture with
sickening regularity for resolution of
patently political conflicts, for giving
an aggrieved party or individual his
due, for filling in gaps in legislation
in the interest of good governance.
The latest example is its comments
on the role of the Central
Government on the implementation
of the Srikrishna Commission Report
and on the lack of coherence in the
actions of the governments in New
Delhi and Mumbai and the
prosecution of Mr. Bal Thackeray.
Such an atrophy of the executive
and legislative arms of the state
would be an ominous sign on the
governance in India.
S. K. Singh


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In a democratic setup Media
occupies the most vital position and
forms the very bedrock of
democracy is an aimless, futile
exercise and never fulfill the
aspirations of the people in real
terms. The role of media in a
democracy is as crucial as that of the
politicians and should never be
underestimated. To bring out before
the public nothing but the truth in
all matters without twisting the facts
and should never be afraid of
anyone except God is the first and
foremost job of the media. If a
democracy is to run smoothly in any
country, it is a must that the media
in all fairness should be given full
autonomy and a free hand it
deserves in airing its views among
the people and no unnecessary
restrictions should be imposed on
it. The media also on its part should
play a very responsible, active and
neutral role in discharging its duties
without being influenced by any
particular political party or few
individuals and should treat
everyone on a equal footing.

The word democracy is

derived from the Greek word
demos- meaning - people and
cracy which meansrule. Thus
democracy literally signifies the rule
of the people. In Abraham Lincolns
famous word-democracy is the
government of the people, for the
people and by the people. So
democracy as a form of government
implies that the ultimate authority of
government is vested in the
common people, that public policy
is made to conform to the will of the
people and to serve the interests of
the people. Today we have indirect
or representative democracy where
government is conducted by the
representatives of the people, who
are elected at regular intervals
through elections.
Effective democracy requires
principles and working institutions.
The institutions of democracy are
said to be basically six in number.
They are legislature, elected at
regular intervals by adult universal
suffrage. There must be political
parties with coherent policies and
capable alone, or in conjunction



with other parties for carrying out a

consistent policy and programmes
for the peoples
all round
development and not only those
who may have voted for them. There
must be an executive, staffed with
civil servants who are politically
neutral. There must be independent
legal system and lastly there must be
a free media -both print and
electronic. No democracy can
succeed without a strong and
effective opposition. Strong
opposition exercise a healthy
restraint on the ruling party and
prevents it from subjecting the
people to arbitrary and despotic
rule, sometimes the media acts like
an opposition in the absence of
strong opposition in a country.
Underlying principle of
democracy is freedom i.e. freedom
of speech and expression, freedom
of movement etc. From these
fundamental freecel11s arise the
freedom of mass media and
provides ample freedom for mass
media which includes print and
electronic- media and now a new


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dimension which is added it that of
internet. India is one of the largest
participatory democracy and at the
same time having a powerful mass
media. Media plays a crucial role in
effective working of democracy. It
is the sole means through which
public opinion is generated. It is
regarded as fourth estate in the
effective working of parliamentary
democracy. Since media enjoys
considerable power, there of course
arises the question of responsibility
because every power has its
corresponding- responsibilities,
limitations and accountability. As Sir
Acton has rightly said that power
corrupts and absolute power
corrupts absolutely. Especially in a
democracy where media enjoys
sufficient freedom, responsibility
become- all most important.
Democracy rules out the use of
force. It is based on the recognition
of the worth of man as man,
opportunity of development of
everyone. Since no two human
beings can ever think alike, it is
natural to come across dissenting
opinions at every step, in every field.
True democratic spirit lies in
overcoming dissent through
discussion and persuasion and not
through coercion. In a democracy,
views are not imposed, views are
shaped and moulded. Democracy
inculcates among the people the
habit of tolerance and compromise
and teaches them to show due
regard for the opinions and
sentiments others. The media gives
a platform for this divergent views
which filters and then a commonly
acceptable opinion or view
It plays an important role to
uphold the principles of
sovereignty, secularism, equality,
rule of law, justice which is
enshrined in our constitution.
Important issues of local, national


and international affairs are

discussed and debated by the
media. It provides information of
multi Carious types be it news,
reviews, literature, art, culture,
business, films, entertainment,
religion, law, society etc. We are
living in globalised world where key
to know the world is information
and information, not just generated
within the country but anywhere in
the world, with the emergence of
knowledge based societies and
world economies being so
interlinked with one another any
event happening in one part can
have inpact on the worlds economy
hence a greater dependence on
mass media to keep individual and
countries connected to the world.
Democracy presumes social
equality. Disparities in wealth are a
great threat to democracy. A
country in which a large number of
people remain in abject poverty
while a handful of them have plenty
to spare cannot run efficient
democratic institutions. Similarly
communalism, regionalism, caste
and class distinctions can wreck a
democracy. If a democratic
government does not eliminate
social distinctions and provide
equal opportunities to all, it is bound
to be overthrown sooner or later.
The media high lights these
disparities and petty distinctions
amongst the citizen, thereby help in
minimising their ill effects.
Democracy also requires not
merely an absence of ignorance but
also that the citizens are adequately
educated. If knowledge remains
scanty, fragmentary and confined to
narrow circles and if the mass of
humanity remains steeped in
ignorance and error, there can be no
prospects for the success of
democracy. What is needed is to
bring scientific knowledge to the
doors of all, to universalise culture,
to train the mind and to create the

scientific temper. Education makes

citizens vigilant and also gives them
the boldness to criticize government
measures which are ill-conceived or
harmful. In fact, education produces
wise leadership and an enlightened
and alert public. Here again the
media helps in the spead of
knowledge and information to the
The opinion of the people
regarding the working of the
government as well as their reaction
to government policies is crucial to
the success or failure of a
government in a democracy.
Therefore, no government can
ignore the opinion of the people
who bring it to power. Public
opinion keeps a check on the
government and helps it in
determining its policies.
If media does not discharge its
responsibility independently in any
democratic country, the politicians
are bound to behave like dictations
or even worse than them. As Benito
Mussolini had once rightly said,
Democracy is a kingless regime
infested by many kings who are
sometimes more exclusive,
tyrannical and destructive than one,
if he be a tyrant. It is the fear of
being exposed by the media before
the public that most of the
politicians keep themselves under
control to some extent. Media has a
very big role to play in a democracy
and its stature is in no way less than
that of politicians. Hence it is rightly
called the fourth Pillar of democracy
i.e. Fourth Estate. It is through media
that people become aware of so
many aspects of life of which they
are normally ignorant. Democracy is
meaningless without a free, neutral
and active media. So media carries
with it a huge responsibility in a
democratic setup which it has to
fulfill very carefully without any bias
toward anyone by bringing out the
real facts before the public.


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The media must be free under
any circumstances of a democracy
is to function smoothly but certainly
this freedom should not be misused
by it at the cost of the people. The
media can be free only if it dares to
differ with the Government on such
issue on which it strongly feels that
Government has taken a wrong
stand rather than singing and
praising always the stand taken by
the Government. The media should
no doubt always show us nothing
but the very truth. At the same time
it should also care for the sentiments
of the people and should take extra
precautions to ensure that the news
given by it does not create panic
among the people or increase the
communal tensions. There is no
doubt that media has done a
commendable job from time to time
in making people aware about the
harsh realities of life, in exposing
corruption prevalent in our society,
in increasing the awareness level
among the people and a lot more
but I feel that still a lot remains to
be done. Media is becoming

increasingly popular among people

from all walks of life and it certainly
has the potential of influencing the
thoughts of its readers/Viewers to a
large extent. Media Should, no
doubt, be neutral in airing views but
it should also strongly desist from
airing such views which can
adversely affect the communal
harmony and give rise to deep
suspicion, tension and senseless
violence which leads to killing
innocent people. The media should
make the people aware of the
consequences of the various actions
of the governments. It is the media
which plays a major role in making
a politician hero or Zero. So utmost
neutrality is required on the part of
media to observe and it must give
publicity only to those politicians
who are committed to the welfare
of the poor and underprivileged and
who really deserve it. It is the duty
of the media to make sure that it is
not partial towards any particular
political party or an individual and
gives free and fair opinion to the
people without having any bias

towards anyone. It should never

hesitate is unmasking before public
the real faces of corrupt politicians
and corrupt people without any fear
and in disclosing corrupt practices
prevalent in Government machinery
but at the same time it should also
bring before the pubic the good
work done by the Government. If
media is honest and committed in
its job, democracy is bound to
function more efficiently and the
loopholes present in any democratic
system can certainly be plugged to
the fullest satisfaction of the people.
On the contrary, if media is biased,
corrupt and favours only a particular
party or few individuals, it can prove
to be very dangerous for the smooth
functioning of democracy. No one
can become perfect and one can
only strive to become so. The same
holds true for our media also.
Certainly there is still a lot of scope
for improvement by which the
media can rise upon the aspirations
of the people for which it is primarily
Gyanesh Pandey





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