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NOTE: Ask your site teacher for guidance and appropriate text(s) to use. Lessons must be
purposeful, based on data, have clear and appropriate learning goals for the students you are
teaching, and aligned with the state core standards at the grade-level you are teaching.
Name: Alexandra Siegendorf
Grade Level:Kindergarten


Purpose of the lesson:
The purpose of the lesson is to have students learn how to collect main parts of the
story so they are able to retell and summarize what it is about. The students will do
this by making a timeline as a whole group and in small groups think back and draw
their favorite part.
SWBAT: Students will be able to retell the hungry Caterpillar and determine their
favorite part by participating in an interactive read aloud, creating a timeline as a
whole class and then independently draw their favorite part on a graphic organizer and
include the site word of the week my underneath the picture.
Learning Goal written on the board:
Today, we will learn about timelines and we will be thinking about the different things
the caterpillar ate throughout the week. We are going to be thinking about the first
thing that happens, the next thing that happens, and what happens last.
Utah State Standards covered: Social Studies Core Curriculum Objectives:
Objective 1
Identify how individuals are similar and different.
Explain how people change over time (e.g., self, others).
Reading: Literature Standard 2
With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.
Common Core Objectives (ELA or Math): KeyIdeasandDetails:With prompting and
support, retell familiar stories, including key details
use TEXT structure of sequencing to
understand and retell a familiar story

Interesting/appropriate TEXTS for

lesson purpose:
The Hungry Caterpillar, by Eric Carle
(this will be read with teacher support)

Teacher MODELING and SCAFFOLDING: (this will include declarative, conditional,

and procedural knowledge of any strategies)
Declarative Knowledge: Today we will learn how to use the events of a story to help us
remember it and retell it. We will try to remember the order of the story. The order of
the story is called the sequence.
Conditional Knowledge: Good readers try to remember the order of the story because it
can help them remember important events. When you can remember important things
about the story it makes it easier to tell other or think about what the story was about.

Procedural Knowledge: We will do this today by reading the hungry caterpillar and
thinking about the first thing that he ate, then we will think about what he ate
throughout the week until we get to the last thing that the hungry caterpillar did. Once
we have read through the story we are going to make a timeline of what the caterpillar
GUIDED PRACTICE: (teacher and students together)
First: read the hungry caterpillar, questioning (ABK)
Students today we are going to read the very hungry caterpillar, during the story I
want you to be thinking about what the caterpillar does throughout the week. The
language that you will use is first, then and next. An example of this is on the first day
the caterpillar at one apple, then he at 2 pears.
Second: talk about the first thing the caterpillar ate in the book, we will do this by
looking back through the book, and we will explicitly talk about each day.
Now that we read the story I am curious does anyone remember what the caterpillar
did first? Hmm, lets go back through and take a look at some important things that the
caterpillar did. Now that we have looked through the book and found some important
things the caterpillar did and when he did it let make a timeline. A timeline helps us to
organize and put important things in order so we can see it on paper and not just in our
Third: I will pass out the clipart (manipulatives) to students and as a class we will reread the book and when the student hear and see the manipulative they have they will
stand up. This will get them kinesthetically involved
Boys and girls these are important pictures of what the caterpillar did. When I pass
them out we have to hold them in our hands and we cannot bend them or sit on them,
but we have to hold them nicely. We are going to re-read the story and when you hear
your part I want you to stand up.
Fourth: I will bring out the timeline and explain why we have timelines. I will use
questioning to promote why and how we can use timelines and what it helps us do.
Fifth: we will look back through the book and use language first, then, next and last.
They will state next the caterpillar ate 2 pears and then tape on their manipulative.
We will do this as a whole group and look back through the book as necessary.
A timeline helps us to organize and put important things in order so we can see it on
paper and not just in our heads. Now we are going to make a very hungry caterpillar
timeline, this will help to show us the important things that the caterpillar did and
when. What was the first thing the caterpillar did? What did he do on Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday etc. ( students will come up
and tape their manipulative on)
INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: (students on their own in small groups)
We will continue the lesson in centers. During this time students are ability grouped
and travel to three different center stations. There are 8 students per station allowing
me to support all of them. At my center station the students will independently work
on drawing their favorite part of the story. First I will ABK about what we just read and
have a small group discussion about parts of the story that was their favorite. I will
demonstrate how to fill out our graphic organizer by using language first, then, next
and last. Additionally, I will model my favorite part to support the students. Underneath
the picture they will write my this is our site word of the week but also ties into my

favorite part of the story I will also help guide them with other words they want to add
in their sentence.
Students we are going to be drawing our favorite part of the story. My favorite part was
when the caterpillar became a butterfly. So on this paper I would draw a butterfly, then
underneath it I am going to write our site word my. Once we have done that I will
help you to write favorite part. Now you are going to think of your favorite part and
draw it and then write about it. I will be here with you so if you need any help you can
ask me or a friend.
3. READING ENGAGEMENT: What engagement principle(s) are you choosing for this
___X_____choice, ____X__collaboration, ________building concepts, _X_____relevance/real
world interaction ________challenge
Briefly describe HOW you will engage your students in this lesson.
Students are constantly collaborating during guided practice, I allow them to be a part
of the story by holding the manipulatives and standing when they hear their part.
Student then get to choose what they write/ draw during independent practice.
4. DIFFERENTIATION. How will you simplify or provide challenge for students who
need it?
My manipulatives are visuals so my ELLs can see the foods the caterpillar ate and
they can also have a text tie with it. My higher students are going to help write the
number of things the caterpillar ate on our timeline and during independent work they
can create a sentence with their picture and not just write my. Those who need more
help I will allow them to trace over the letters M and Y after they draw their picture.
5. WRITING/ASSESSMENT TOOL: The picture of their favorite part has to directly tie
into the story, it cannot be a random picture of anything. I will also authentically assess
them through oral evaluation during guided practice and small groups.
Overall this lesson was successful and one to add to the books. Though it
was a good lesson there are still plenty of things I would change to make transitions
better and keep my students engaged. First, I need to be more aware of the students
needing to go to the bathroom during the lesson because some are escaping from
work or listening. This could be corrected by selecting those who escape work
frequently and having them wait for recess to use the bathroom. Second, I realized in
my story the very hungry caterpillar has a scientific error. In the book it states that
butterflies make cacoons but in reality moths make cacoons and butterflies make
chrysalises. This went unnoticed until after the lesson but during small groups I made
sure to make the scientific correction. Additionally, I needed to be much more explicit
when handing out the manipulatives. I needed to state how to hold them and how not
to hold them and how to be kind to my things because some of the pictures were
immediately being placed in mouths and being bent. This was a very long lesson and I
didnt realize how long it would take to go through all the activities. Next time I need to
break this into two different sections. The first section would reading the book, talking
about our objective and re-reading and passing out the manipulatives. The second

section would have been better placed right after recess where then we could make
the timeline. Allowing this break would help with student engagement. Additionally, if
recess wasnt for a while I would have split up the work by having them get a drink and
maybe a kinesthetic activity to get the wiggles out. Having the students illustrate their
favorite was engaging and creative for the students. They enjoyed doing careful
coloring and sharing with one another what they have drawn.
The next activity I am going to have the students participate in is allowing students to
play with the hungry caterpillar sequencing cards so they can revisit the idea of
retelling the story and putting them in the correct order. I will have these sequencing
cards placed near our hungry caterpillar timeline so they can look back for support.
Additionally, we are going to read cookies week and make do the same lesson for her
week using manipulatives and creating a timeline. This will encourage the notion of
sequencing and why it is important and they will get extra practice!

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