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Fungi & Systemic

Alfred Lewin

Schaechter et al. Mechanisms of
Microbial Disease
Kobayashi et al. Medical

Pizza Mushrooms



Characteristics of fungi
A. eukaryotic, non- vascular
B. reproduce by means of spores,
usually wind-disseminated
C. both sexual (meiotic) and asexual
(mitotic) spores may be produced,
depending on the species and
D. typically not motile, although a
few (e.g. Chytrids) have a motile
E. like plants, fungi have an
alternation of generations

More Characteristics of Fungi

F. vegetative body may be unicellular
(yeasts) or composed of microscopic
threads called hyphae
G. cell walls similar in structure to plants
but differ in chemical composition-fungi
cell walls are composed of mostly of
chitin-plant cell walls are composed
mostly of cellulose (plus lignin in
secondary walls)
H. cytoplasmic ultrastructure broadly
similar to plants cells, but differ
significantly in kinds of organelles and
their structures.

Even more fungal facts

I. fungi are heterotrophic ( other
feeding, must feed on preformed
organic material), not autotrophic
( self feeding, make their own
food by photosynthesis).
- Unlike animals (also
heterotrophic), which ingest then
digest, fungi digest then ingest.
-Fungi produce exoenzymes to
accomplish this.
J. Most fungi store their food as
glycogen (like animals). Plants store
food as starch

Final Fun Facts on Fungi

K. Fungal cell membranes have a
unique sterol, ergosterol, which
replaces cholesterol found in
mammalian cell membranes
L. Tubule proteinproduction of a
different type in microtubules
formed during nuclear division.
M. Chitin biosynthesis occurs in fungi.
N. Most fungi have very small nuclei,
with little repetitive DNA.
O. Mitosis is generally accomplished
without dissolution of the nuclear

Fungal Morphology
Hypae (threads)
making up a mycelium

Many pathogenic
fungi are
dimorphic, forming
hyphae at ambient
temperatures but
yeasts at body


Antifungal Agents
Member of polyene class of
antibiotics. Antifungal effect due to
interaction with sterols in
membrane, making membranes
leaky. Has high affinity for
ergosterol, but also binds to
cholesterol - severe side effects.

5-fluorocytosine (5FC)
Fungi (but not humans) deaminate 5FC to 5fluorouracil which blocks RNA and DNA.

Azole antifungal agents

Have 5membered organic rings that contain

either two or three nitrogen molecules
(the imidazoles and the triazoles
respectively). The clinically useful
imidazoles are clotrimazole, miconazole,
and ketoconazole. Two important
triazoles are itraconazole and fluconazole.
In general, the azole antifungal agents are
thought to inhibit cytochrome P450dependent enzymes involved in the
biosynthesis of cell membrane sterols.

Griseofulvin Acts interfering with

microtubule assembly. Concentrates

inkeratinous structures. Effective against


a. Miconazole; b. ketoconazole



Superficial Mycoses
Pityriasis versicolor--pigmented
lesions on torso
Tinea nigra--gray to black macular
lesions often on palms
Black piedra--dark gritty deposits on
White piedra--soft whitish granules
along hair shaft
All are diagnosed by microscopy and
are easily treated by topical

Cutaneous Infections
Infections of skin and its appendages (nails, hair); 20
species of dermatophytes cause ringworm.

Subcutaneous mycoses
Subcutaneous infections - over 35
species produce chronic
inflammatory disease of
subcutaneous tissues and
lymphatics. e.g. sporotrichosis ulcerated lesions at site of
inoculation followed by multiple
nodules - caused by a dimorphic
fungus: Sporotrix schenckii.

Systemic fungal infections are

Natural immunity is high; physiologic barriers include:
1. Skin and mucus membranes
2. Tissue temperatureCfungi grow better at less than 37C
3. Redox potentialCin vivo conditions too reducing for most

Infection requires a large inoculum and

is affected by the resistance of the host

infection often occurs in endemic areas

most infections are asymptomatic or self-limiting
in immune-compromised hosts, infections are more
often fatal (distinction between infection and disease)

Systemic fungal disease is most often associated with three

organisms (in U.S.)
1. Coccidioides immitis
2. Histoplasma capsulatum
3. Blastomyces dermatitidis
Normally found in soil, these organisms infect via inhilation.


Coccidiodes immitis is
considered to be the
most virulent of fungal
Restricted to hot, semiarid areas of SW USA
and Mexico.
Grows in the soil, but
inhalation of a single
spore can initiate

In infected tissues, C.
immitis appears as a
mixture of hyphae and



Normally a benign, sub-clinical upper
respiratory infection
In a small percentage of cases, organism disseminates
from the lungs to a variety of organs, particularly the
CNS, meninges, skin, soft tissues, and bone

In infected tissues, organism is seen as a mixture of spherules

and endospores.

Risk factors for disseminated


Race: Filipinos > African American> Caucasian

Age: Extremes more susceptible
Sex: Males more susceptible


Suppurative or granulatomas inflammation

Spherule or endospores seen on pathology
Culture of microorganisms
Complement fixation assay (in cerebrospinal fluid)

Amphotericin B, Fluconazole

(also called cave disease)
Caused by the dimorphic fungus Histoplasma capsulatum

Intracellular yeast at 37C

Tuberculated macroconidia, grown at 25C

Histoplasmosis is characterized by intracellular

growth of the pathogen in macrophages and a
granulomatous reaction in tissue. These
granulomatous foci may reactivate and cause
dissemination of fungi to other tissues.

1. Usually, acute benign
respiratory disease
2. Rarely, progressive,
chronic or disseminated
3. Endemic area in U.S.
-Atlantic Ocean to N.
Dakota (500,000
cases/year in U.S.),
except New England &
Florida. Most cases in
Ohio Valley and
Mississippi Valley)

H. capsulatum grows in soil,

especially soil
contaminated by guano
(can be cultured from soil).

More Histoplasmosis
90% of histoplasmosis cases are clinically insignificant
1. Disseminated histoplasmosis is diagnosed
frequently in patients with AIDS living in the
central U.S.
2. It is often the initial manifestation of
3. In these cases, the organism spreads via blood from
the lung to involve bone marrow, liver, spleen, or
skin (see calcified granulomas).
4. Spread can also be associated with underlying lung
disease (e.g., emphysema).

Histology and culture
Skin test for histoplasmin [the major hyphal antigen] is not
useful, because most people are positive in endemic area.
In HIV-infected patients with disseminated histoplasmosis,
histo. antigen detection in serum and urine is at least 50%,
and 90% sensitive, respectively.

Even More Histoplasmosis

Immune response

Cell-mediated responses are of primary importance

Phagocytic activity of macrophage is considered an
important component of resistance to drugs.
Activated macrophage can kill yeast


Amphotericin still mainstay of therapy vs.

disseminated histoplasmosis.
Ketoconasole or itraconasole is effective as therapy
for self-limited disease (used in AIDS).

Ocular Histoplasmosis
A small fraction of individuals form
scar tissue in the retina many years
after the original histoplasmosis
infection. This scarring can obscure
the macula and lead to loss of central
vision. The first signs are small histo
spots. Advanced disease is treated
with laser photocoagulation to limit
the proliferation of blood vessels.


Granulomatous mycotic
infection that predominantly
involves lungs and skin; but
can spread to other organs.
Most prevalent in males 4060 years of age and

Blastomyces dermatitidis

Organism probably originates in

the soil (but cant be cultured
from soil in endemic areas)
and infection ensues by
inhalation of spores.


Most cases are in southern, central, and southeastern

The pulmonary infection is either self -limited or
Dissemination often occurs to the skin and to the bone 80% of patients have large skin lesions; a large number
also have granulomatous pulmonary lesions.


Clinical findings
Direct examination in tissue
Isolation (yeast-extractphosphate agar)
Mold to yeast at 37C


Amphotericin B is the drug of choice for rapidly

progressive blastomycosis
Ketoconazole for less severe cases

Immune response
1. Alveolar macrophage provide a modest first line of
2. PMNs (stimulated) also kill Blastomyces cells (by
oxidative mechanisms).
3. Conidia are more sensitive to killing by PMNs
because yeast are too big.
4. Cell-mediated immunity of great importance

Opportunistic Mycoses
Opportunistic mycoses are fungal infections that do
not normally cause disease in healthy people, but do
cause disease in people with weakened immune
defenses (immunocompromised people). Weakened
immune function may occur due to inherited
immunodeficiency diseases, drugs that suppress the
immune system (cancer chemotherapy,
corticosteroids, drugs to prevent organ transplant
rejection), radiation therapy, infections (e.g., HIV),
cancer, diabetes, advanced age and malnutrition.
The most common infections are:

Pneumocystis carinii

Cryptococcus neoformans

Primary infection in lungs

Cryptococcal meningitis is most common
disseminated manifestation
Can spread to skin, bone and prostate

Organism is ubiquitous and

infections occur worldwide
C. neoformans recovered in large
amounts in pigeon poop
Does not cause disease in birds


Lumbar puncture and

microscopic examination
of cerebrospinal fluid is
(India ink staining)
Cyrptococcal antigens in
CSF and serum.

Immune response
Phagocytosis by neutrophils is inhibited by the presence of
a capsule.
However, activated neutrophils have an increased capacity
to phagocytize C. neoformans.
Cell mediated immunity primary defense
About 30% of cryptococcus infections occur in patients
with lymphoma (CNS)

Amphotericin B & 5FC
Fluconazole also effective


Genus occurs worldwide

and contains hundreds of
These species constitute
the most commonly found
fungi in any environment

Major portal of entry is the

respiratory tract. Dissemination
can occur from the lungs and
involve other areas of the lung,
the brain, GI tract, and kidney.
CNS and nasal-orbital cavities
can also occur without lung
involvement. Risk factors for
invasive disease are
neutropenia and high doses of
adrenal corticosteroids


Aspergillosis is the most common fatal infection seen in

patients with chronic granulomatous disease of childhood.
Patients with this condition are unable to form toxic
oxygen radicals after phagocytosis.
Progressive and disseminated disease can complicate
neoplastic diseases, especially acute leukemia, bone
marrow and organ transplantation (not necessarily AIDS).

In immunosuppressed hosts:
invasive pulmonary infection,
usually with fever, cough, and
chest pain. May disseminate
to other organs, including
brain, skin and bone. In
immunocompetent hosts:
localized pulmonary infection
in persons with underlying
lung disease. Also causes
allergic sinusitis and allergic
bronchopulmonary disease.
Agent: Aspergillus fumigatus, A. flavus.

C. albicans is a member of the indigenous microbial
flora of humans.
1. Found in the gastrointestinal tract, upper respiratory
tract, buccal cavity, and vaginal tract.
2. Growth is normally suppressed by other
microorganisms found in these areas.
3. Alterations of gastrointestinal flora by broad
spectrum antibiotics or mucosal injury can lead to
gastrointestinal tract invasion.
4. Skin and mucus membranes are normally an
effective barrier but damage by introduction of
catheters or intravascular devices can permit
Candida to enter the bloodstream.

In vitro (25o C):

mostly yeast;
In vivo (37o C):
Yeast, hyphae and

Vaginal candidiasis is the most
common clinical infection.
Local factors such as pH and
glucose concentration (under
hormonal control) are of prime
importance in the occurrence
of vaginal candidiasis. In
mouth: normal saliva reduces
adhesion (lactoferrin is also


Immune Response
Hyphae are too big for phagocytosis but are damaged by
PMNs and by extracellular mechanisms (myeloperoxidase
and b- glucuronidase). Cytokine activated lymphocytes
can inhibit growth of C. albicans. Resistance to invasive
infection by Candida is mediated by phagocytes,
complement and antibody, though cell-mediated immunity
plays a major role. Patients with defects in phagocytosis
function and myeloperoxidase deficiency are at risk for
disseminated (even fatal) Candidiasis.




Risk factors for candidiasis

Post-operative status
Cytotoxic cancer
Antibiotic therapy
Drug abuse
Gastrointestinal damage.

Chronic mucocutaneous
Chronic mucocutaneous
candidiasis (CMC) is the
label given to a group of
overlapping syndromes
that have in common a
clinical pattern of
persistent, severe, and
diffuse cutaneous candidal
infections. These
infections affect the skin,
nails and mucous
Immunologic studies of
patients with CMC often
reveal defects related to cellmediated immunity, but the
defects themselves vary

Mucutaneous candidiasis:
response to fluconazole

Transfusion of a Candida-specific transfer

factor has been reported to be very successful
(remission for > 10 years) when combined
with antifungal therapy. The availability of
effective oral agents, especially the azole
antimicotics, has dramatically changed the
life of patients living with CMC.

Environmental species kill

neutropenic patients.

Zygomycosis. Zygomycosis due to Rhizopus, Rhizomucor,

Absidia, Mucor species, or other members of the class of
Zygomycetes, also causes invasive sinopulmonary
infections. An especially life-threatening form of
zygomycosis (also known as mucormycosis), is known as
the rhinocerebral syndrome, which occurs in diabetics with
ketoacidosis. In addition to diabetic ketoacidosis,
neutropenia and corticosteroids are other major risk factors
for zygomycosis.

Phaeohyphomycosis. Phaeohyphomycosis is an infection

by brown to black pigmented fungi of the cutaneous,
superficial, and deep tissues, especially brain. These
infections are uncommon, life-threatening, and occur in
various immunocompromised states.

Hyalohyphomycosis. Hyalohyphomycosis is an
opportunistic fungal infection caused by any of a variety of
normally saprophytic fungi with hyaline hyphal elements.
For example, Fusarium spp. infect neutropenic patients to
cause pneumonia, fungemia, and disseminated infection
with cutaneous lesions.

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