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Free falling body & Projectile motion


Free fall

In Newtonian physics, free fall is any motion

of a body where its weight is the
onlyforce acting upon it.
A body is said to be in free fall when it falls
under the gravitational attraction
of the Earth without any other
forces acting on it.

Without air resistance, all objects irrespective

of mass and shape would fall vertically
downwards with the same acceleration,
known as acceleration of free fall or
gravitational acceleration, g.

The value of g is assumed to be 9.81m/s^2

in the downwards direction.

Since the value of g is constant, equations

for uniformly accelerated motion derived
above can be applied for vertical motion
under gravity by substituting a= -g (assuming
vectors in the upward direction as positive)

v = u-gt
s = 0.5(u + v)t
s = ut- 0.5(gt^2)
v^2 = u^2 2gs

Examples of free falling objects:

-An object dropped at the top of a drop tube
-Falling of a coin after being released in a
vacuum tube with the air inside removed

Examples of non-free falling

-Flying in an aircraft: there is also
an additional force of lift.

Projectile Motion

A projectile is a body that is projected

with an initial velocity and travels in the
vertical plane under the action of gravity.

Based on the figure below, the projectile

motion of a body projected with a velocity u
at an angle 0 to the horizontal can be
resolved into 2 independent linear motion,
one along the x-axis, and vertical motion
along the y-axis

Analysis of the horizontal motion along the

x-axis and the vertical motion along the yaxis

The horizontal distance OP is know as

the range, R

The end
Prepared by
Lionel & Badrul
Special thanks
ms siti esah bt mohd

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