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Holly Arbon

Dance 276
Final Exam
Question 16: From the text we learn that You only get the quality you teach and
expect. Elaborate on this statement and describe in detail two instances you observed
where the dance teacher demonstrated quality teaching and expected high quality work
from her students. (Chapter 6)
This statement emphasizes the importance of our quality of teaching. Similar to
our discussions the first week about teaching and learning, it is not sufficient to simply
disperse information. An understanding of the content is essential but it is not enough.
Teaching involves inspiring the students to work harder and spark an interest in the
subject matter. One of the best ways to do this is through good questions. I also feel
that it is crucial to be a good example by being excited about the content and being a
lifelong learner.
One of the greatest examples of this that I recall was at the Vista Heights Middle
School with Sydnee Shumway. As we observed the class, there was a real sense of
participation and a high level of quality. I believe that one way that we can evaluate our
teaching is through the performance and understanding of our students. The students
in Sydnees class were working on an improvisational study. In observing their
performance it was clear that she taught and expected quality work.
Another great example of this was seen at Provo High School. Kelli expected
her dancers to follow along and keep up as she led out with enthusiasm. Kelli had great
choreography and great teaching techniques. As she jumped into the combo with
energy you could tell that she was expecting and teaching that the dancers might
improve. The dancers kept up and seemed to genuinely enjoy the experience- her

energy and preparation helped the dancers progress and perform at a higher level
because of her expectations. She used the principle of scaffolding in that she pushed
them too be better than they were without pushing them to a point where they would
become frustrated.

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