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Research Paper Checklist

Paper Checklist

Running Header (Last Name pg # Jackson 1)

Proper Heading (All 4 elements in order)
Proper Date (Ex. 30 March 2015)
Title (Centered Alignment)
No Extra spacing between heading and title and the title and the introduction
No extra spaces between paragraphs
Paragraphs are properly indented (Use Tab, not 10 spaces)
My thesis is clearly stated towards the end of the introduction
My thesis is highlighted, underlined, or both when it appears
I paraphrased when possible, so I did not overuse direct quotes
I have indicated direct quotations by using quotation marks
I have cited the source for Every piece of info thats not common knowledge
or commentary
I used more signal phrases than not to lead and introduce my sources
I placed the correct citation information in the in-text citation (Author Last Name,
Title of Article, or Website) depending on the lead ins
I sandwiched my source information.
Book, magazine, and newspaper titles are underlined or italicized
Article titles are in quotations, both when you are talking about it and in the intext citation
I have used transitional words and phrases to link ideas smoothly
I have sufficient examples, details, and illustrations to support my points.
More of the paragraphs have source info/evidence than do not.
My conclusion is a reflection that gives the reader something to think about and
answers the why does this matter question.

Works Cited Checklist


No Heading
Works Cited title is at the center of the page at the top
All works cited are in alphabetical order by the authors last name (or title, if not
All citations have the required elements (Author. Article Title. Publisher. Year
Published. Type of source.)
All citations begin at the left margin with the 2nd and beyond lines of each
citation indented
All citations have the proper punctuation (including a period at the end)
2 Database sources, 2 other sources, 1 Interview or Survey

My website sources have two dates the date created and the date accessed
(Try your very best to find the creation date.

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