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Work out


Make up for
Look after

Recuperar (por ejemplo recuperar el tiempo perdido)


Get of

Bajar de un medio de transporte

Look forward to

Estar deseando

Turn into

Convertirse en

Set out on

Partir hacia algo

Give up

Dejar, abandonar

Go on

Continuar, seguir

Deal with

Tratar, abordar un problema o situacin

Get on with

Continuar (con el trabajo o los estudios por ejemplo)

Catch up with

Alcanzar, ponerse al nivel

Take up

Comenzar una actividad o un hobby

Put (ones) name

Join in

Registrarse para hacer algo

Go of

Dejar de gustar algo

Set of

Salir, partir

Apuntarse a, participar en

1. A caterpillar will eventually _____________________ a butterfly.

2. I think I would like to _____________________ guitar classes.
3. I'm still trying to _____________________ this last crossword clue.
4. Who will _____________________ the children while we're away?
5. There is still some weekend left to _____________________ that
bad night.
6. My mother's trying to _____________________ computers.
7. Richard _____________________ smoking after his father died of
lung cancer.
8. We _____________________ our summer holiday every year
9. Becky used to like football but she has _____________________ it.

I _____________________ for the course in the English college


You can come with us if you want, we are

_____________________ next week.

We'll have to _____________________ very early to avoid the
rush-hour traffic.
I told them that I want to _____________________ my studies
but my parents want me to get married.
_____________________ the bus at the 'Zentral' bus stop, and
cross the main street at the traffic light.
I though it would be a typical concert, but it
_____________________ for more than three hours.

I can't _____________________ this situation. I just can't take

17. We only need one more player for this game - can you persuade

your sister to join in?

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