Hercules Quest d2w29

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Gather your supplies

1. Journeys Book
2. Response Journal
3. Pencil Pouch (with sticky

You will explain the elements of a
story myth.
To show that you have met the objective you will
answer questions about the text and complete a
story map.

Looking Ahead: Performance

1. What elements of Hercules Quest make

it a myth?
2. What elements of Zomos Friends make
it a folktale.
Use text evidence to support your answers.

Essential Questions
What are the elements of a myth?
What are the elements of a folktale?
How are the two similar?

Genre: Myth
Myths are imaginative stories that
show what a group of people in the
past believed.

cs often include gods,

goddesses, heroes, and monsters

An explanation of how people and
places came to be
Larger-than-life or supernatural
Events that cannot happen in real
Includes a quest

When an author makes a reference to a famous
person, place, or event the author is using an
allusion. Often authors refer to characters from
myths to help them describe a characters
personality traits.
For example, if an author writes, Paolo had
Herculean strength, the author means that
Paolo is very strong, like Hercules.

Pages 524-525
Take out your Reader Response Journal, and review
your chart.
Turn and discuss any words either you or your partner
dont understand.

Take out Story Map and partner questions from
1.Who are the characters in this myth?
2.What is the setting?
3.What is Hercules quest?
4.What events set up the quest?

Shared Reading
Page 534-537: Hercules Quest

Complete Story Map during shared reading.

Using text what do you think Hercules might be

thinking when Atlas prepares to go on his

Move to sit with your

Mrs. Williamss
Mrs. Pecoraros Class
Sidney, Anthony
Marc, Dalton
Mackenzie, Jai
Dawood, Anek
Taikhoom, Arianna
Carolyn, Katie
Dayna, Zaria
Dania, Colden
Elisa, Alexandra
Filip, Om

Fiza, Arasan
Diliana, Megha, Ty
Suhani, Brandon
Alicia, Devonte
Kimberly, Yahia,
Tanner, Kryzia, Kyle
Alexis, Adam
Jaylen, Susana

Partner work:
1. What is Hercules third task?
2. How is Hercules way of dealing with
the dragon different from his earlier
3. Do you agree that Hercules is
(p. 536)? Support your
opinion using details from the text.

Class Discussion
1. What is Hercules third task?
2. How is Hercules way of dealing with
the dragon different from his earlier
3. Do you agree that Hercules is
(p. 536)? Support your
opinion using details from the text.


1.How did you and your partner work together?

a.We stayed on task 100% of the time, everyone
b.We tried to stay on task, everyone shared, but we felt
c.We got distracted, not everyone shared, and did not
2.What did we do to help us understand the text?
3.We still need help with.(If you still need help, write
your question on a sticky note and put it on the I Need
Help With poster.

Get a clean sheet of paper.

1.Does Hercules succeed in reaching his
goal? What is the text evidence?
2.What traits does Hercules demonstrate on
his quest? Support your ideas with examples
from the text.

Clean up!

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