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Ongoing Professional Learning


Professional Learning

Canadian Civil Liberties
Association Workshop

This presentation consisted

of a representative from the
CCLA presenting information
on the work done in schools
by the CCLA. They offer
workshops for students of
various ranges and teaches
students about their legal

Building Futures
Ministry Conference

Ken OConnor Lecture
on Assessments

The conference was

sponsored by the Ministry of
Education and consisted of a
panel discussion of current
teachers and principals, and
three 75 minutes seminar
sessions. The three sessions I
attended were Occasional
Teaching, Teachers Engaging
and Communicating with
Parents, and Student WellBeing and Positive Mental
Health: Creating Supportive
Classrooms. Each session
was lead by a representative
from the Ministry of
Education and provided
insightful information on
Ministry guidelines and
This lecture was conducted
by Ken OConnor wherein he
discussed his principles on
assessments and its benefits
for teachers and students.

Reflection Statement(s) on
how this experience
enhanced your
practice/awareness/ overall
This experience enhanced
my teaching practice as it
provided e with a resource
that I can implement in my
law classes. Students will
have an opportunity to
evaluate current laws and
legal issues and discuss the
implications that they have
for their daily lives.
This experience enhanced
my teaching practice
because I felt that this event
contained a lot of practical
information that could be
applied throughout my
entire teaching career. The
conference prepared me for
many issues that I will face
as a new teacher and
provided me with ways to
address them. I felt that the
information provided at the
conference was information
that could help me sustain
my career because they dealt
with issues that I will
definitely come across as I
grow as a teacher.

I felt that this experience

benefitted my teaching
practice because it allowed
me to see how valuable
assessments are for student
success. I was able to get
detailed explanations as to
why these principles for
assessments are being
endorsed by the field of
education. In addition we
were given the opportunity
to ask questions and get first
hand examples of how these
principles could be applied
in any given classroom.

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