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Miss Kathol


The Horror Fortune and Fate: Unit Exam

PART A: Multiple Choice- Choose the best answer (11marks)
1. Who is Herbert?
a.) The Fakir
b.) Friend of the White family
c.) The son of Mr. & Mrs. White
d.) The owner of the monkey paw
2. Where did Sergeant-Major Morris gain possession of the mummified monkey
a.) Peru
b.) India
c.) Belize
d.) Indonesia

What does Tessies husband tell her when she is chosen in the lottery?
a.) To be quiet
b.) To be brave
c.) That he loved her
d.) That it wasnt fair

4. Why is it ironic that Mrs. White feels relieved when she is told that Herbert
was in no pain?
a.) He never got hurt; it was a cruel joke.
b.) He was in the hospital on pain medications.
c.) Herbert was a figment of Mrs. Whites imagination.
d.) He was already deceased when she received this news.

Old Man Warner believes the lottery ritual is important because:

a.) He believes that if not completed, the corn crops will fail.
b.) He believes that if not completed the down will be haunted by evil spirits.
c.) He believes that it prevents the community from being destroyed by
d.) He believes that it keeps the community members from becoming

6. Which theme appears in Shirley Jacksons The Lottery?

a.) Unbreakable loyalty
b.) Prosecution of the guilty
c.) Dangers of community life
d.) Danger of blindly following tradition

7. Which theme appears in W.W Jacobs The Monkeys Paw?

a.) The dangers of debt
b.) The dangers of melding with fate

Miss Kathol
c.) The dangers melding with black magic
d.)Animal remains make good tokens
8. What was the main symbol in Shirley Jacksons The Lottery?
a.) Family
b.) The stones
c.) The black box
d.) Slips of paper
9. What was the main symbol in W.W Jacobs The Monkeys Paw?
a.) The fireplace
b.) The Monkey Paw
c.) Two Hundred Pounds ($)
d.) Mrs. Whites knitting needles
10.Why does Sergeant-Major Morris throw the paw into the fire?
a.) He thought it was ugly.
b.) He considers it a magnet for trouble.
c.) He cannot sell it without proving its abilities to grant wishes.
d.) Both b and c.
11.How do Mr. and Mrs. White use their three wishes?
a.) They did not use all three wishes.
b.) Money, a new house, and the resurrection of their son.
c.) Money, the resurrection of their son, for their son to return to his grave.
d.) Money, an extra pair of hands to help out, and the resurrection of their
PART B- True/False (7 marks)
12.) T
F In The Lottery, slips of paper replace wood chips for the lottery

The villager chosen for the lottery is honored and respected by

all the villagers.


The villagers followed the tradition of the lottery because they

fear the unknown.


Sergeant-Major Morris does not warn the White family about

the monkey paw.


in extreme poverty.

The White family wished for the money because they were living

Sergeant-Major Morris is reluctant to give up

the paw because it is a souvenir from India.


her deceased son back to life out of pure grief.

PART C- Written Response (22 marks)

Mrs. White wishes

Miss Kathol
19.What does the ritual of the lottery remind you of? Create a text to text, text
to self, or text to world connection. Identify and explain similar elements
betwenn your connection and the text.(5 marks)
20.Illustrate why the title The Lottery is ironic.(2 marks)
21.Why do you think Tessies family and friends were so quick to turn on her
when she drew the marked paper in The Lottery? (2 marks)
22.Explain why the black box, is symbolic of tradition in The Lottery.(3 marks)

23.Explain why it is ironic that Herbert joked about his familys coming wealth.
(3 marks)
24.What does Mr. White realize about how the wishes are granted? Do any other
characters in the story also come to this realization (Who and Why)? (2

Miss Kathol
25.Why do you think the fakir placed the spell on the paw? Identify what he
may have been trying to prove about fate, and those that try to meddle with
it? Identify how this establishes a theme in the story? Explain. (5marks)
Total :______/40

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