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for Professional Practice (LOs 1 & 9; Artifacts C1, E, I, & J)

Integrative Theme
Through self-authorship and possessing a deep understanding of self and what
drives me I believe that my professional identity will be one of authenticity. To create an
authentic and energized form of myself I must possess a grounded awareness of the
foundations for the profession, an awareness of emerging nature in the profession, and an
understanding of the finances at an institution. Each of these is pivotal to my success as a
professional but my job satisfaction as well.
Learning Outcome Integration and Demonstration

Awareness of Student Affairs foundations is represented by LO 1. LO 1 three key

defining dimensions are professional purpose, student development exploration, and

personal values development. Artifact C1 demonstrates this learning outcome. Artifact C1
is my Personal Student Affairs Philosophy where I get down to basics of why I am in
student development. It is important for me to remember my beginnings and understand
the theory that developed my understanding of students. I think it will be necessary that I
often look back at my philosophy in order to remember why I got into the profession. It
may also help guide me through difficult times where I am required to make more critical
decisions around student sanctions or crisis management. However, as I develop
professionally it will be necessary to update my philosophy because I imagine that some
things will change over the years.

Emerging nature of student affairs is also represented by LO1. Artifacts E and I

demonstrate this learning outcome. Artifact E is my involvement in the NASPA Excellence

Awards Committee. I plan to remain on this committee for many years. It provides me with

the opportunity to read, in-depth programs that are being developed by brilliant
professionals all over the nation. This committee is a simple way to stay committed and
updated on new emerging themes in the profession. The fact that this profession is always
growing excites me. I do not like to be stagnant and the opportunity to incorporate new
programs will allow me to stay authentic and satisfied with the profession.

Artifact I is my 5 year professional development and action plan in which I lay out

various ways I will continue to drive my personal interests through the profession.
Integrating EQ, yoga, and professional affiliations in my professional practice will help me
to create an authentic space for myself, which can be adapted to meet student needs.
Businesses and higher education are developing a greater understanding around the
importance of interpersonal dynamics with team and leadership development. Utilizing my
developing skills with interpersonal dynamics I will be an asset to any team or organization
that wishes to improve management practices, employee satisfaction levels, or individual

Financial understanding is represented through LO 9. The three key defining

dimensions of LO 9 are budget awareness, cost affective programming, and institutional

context. Artifact J demonstrates this learning outcome. Artifact J is a culmination of work
from Career Services at Trinity Lutheran College. In the Internship Analysis paper I talk
about how I had to find free support services outside of Trinity because there is no budget
for Career Services. Knowing that I have to come up with creative ways to serve students is
important and also exciting. Through the development of career services for Trinity I
explored avenues like Glassdoor, a free career search webpage for college students, and
adapted existing professional development materials from Texas A&M University and the

University of Tennessee. When I move into other positions it will be imperative that I at
least know what my budget is however work diligently to save where I can. In this regard,
understanding institutional context will be imperative in order to create programs that fit
the financial needs of the organization and the students. The more I can plan on saving the
more likely I am to implement new programming by bringing in exciting opportunities that
students want to be involved in.

As I move into my professional life I am energized by the excitement of uncertainty.

There is a lot untold for my future, however the only certainty I do have is myself. I charge
myself with the duty to always strive to push myself out of my comfort zone so that I may
develop exponentially each year of my life. That is a large ticket to fill but I have a thirst for
life that I hope is never quenched yet only satisfied for the moments in each day that are
worth treasuring.

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