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T h e

U n i v e r s i t y

o f

S o u t h e r n

Q u e e n s l a n d

Horizontal Alignment

TT hh ee

U nn ii vv ee rr ss ii tt yy

oo ff

SS oo uu tt hh ee rr nn

Q uu ee ee nn ss l aa nn dd

What is the horizontal alignment

It is the design of the road in the horizontal
Consists of a series of straights (tangents),
circular curves and transition curves
Should provide safe travel at a uniform design

TT hh ee

U nn ii vv ee rr ss ii tt yy

oo ff

SS oo uu tt hh ee rr nn

Q uu ee ee nn ss l aa nn dd

Factors Affecting Alignment

Design speed
Cost of resumption of land
Construction costs

Operating speed is influenced by all other factors

so it is the critical factor to consider.

TT hh ee

U nn ii vv ee rr ss ii tt yy

oo ff

SS oo uu tt hh ee rr nn

Q uu ee ee nn ss l aa nn dd

Alignment Considerations

Movement on a circular path
Side friction
Sight distance
Curve geometry
Curves with adverse cross-fall
Short curves
Small changes in alignment

TT hh ee

U nn ii vv ee rr ss ii tt yy

oo ff

SS oo uu tt hh ee rr nn

Q uu ee ee nn ss l aa nn dd

Critical to the safety of design
Safety is a function of design speed, application
of superelevation and side friction
Vehicle travelling around a curve will tend to be
thrown outwards (centrifugal force)
A force (centripetal) must be applied to resist
this tendency and is a function of gravity,
superelevation and side friction

TT hh ee

U nn ii vv ee rr ss ii tt yy

oo ff

SS oo uu tt hh ee rr nn

Q uu ee ee nn ss l aa nn dd

Movement on Circular Path

TT hh ee

U nn ii vv ee rr ss ii tt yy

oo ff

SS oo uu tt hh ee rr nn

Q uu ee ee nn ss l aa nn dd

Forces at Equilibrium

TT hh ee

U nn ii vv ee rr ss ii tt yy

oo ff

SS oo uu tt hh ee rr nn

Q uu ee ee nn ss l aa nn dd

Fundamental Equation for Curve


v2/Rg = f + e
Converting v (m/s) to V (km/hr)
e + f = V2/127R
Accurate for small values of e and f (e up to 0.12
or 12%)

TT hh ee

U nn ii vv ee rr ss ii tt yy

oo ff

SS oo uu tt hh ee rr nn

Q uu ee ee nn ss l aa nn dd

Superelevation (e)
Superelevation is slope across
pavement surface and is fully
developed in the circular curve
e is +ve when road slopes
towards centre of curve or ve
(adverse) if road slopes away
from the centre of curve

TT hh ee

U nn ii vv ee rr ss ii tt yy

oo ff

SS oo uu tt hh ee rr nn

Q uu ee ee nn ss l aa nn dd

Superelevation (e)
When being applied to the road need to take into account
Design speed
Tendency for slow vehicles to track towards centre
Difference between inner and outer formation levels
Stability of high laden vehicles
Length of road to introduce superelevation
Provision for drainage

TT hh ee

U nn ii vv ee rr ss ii tt yy

oo ff

SS oo uu tt hh ee rr nn

Q uu ee ee nn ss l aa nn dd

Superelevation (e)
Maximum Superelevation
Max range from flat to mountainous of 0.06
0.12 respectively but most authorities limit to
In urban areas limit max values to 0.04-0.05
Minimum Superelevation
Should be elevated to at least the cross-fall on
straights ie 3% (0.03)

TT hh ee

U nn ii vv ee rr ss ii tt yy

oo ff

SS oo uu tt hh ee rr nn

Q uu ee ee nn ss l aa nn dd

Side Friction (f)

e + f = V2/127R
Fundamental formula assumes constant
radius of curvature which is not always the
Drivers tend to adjust their line of travel as
a function of radius of curve move in for
large curves and out for small curves

TT hh ee

U nn ii vv ee rr ss ii tt yy

oo ff

SS oo uu tt hh ee rr nn

Q uu ee ee nn ss l aa nn dd

Side Friction (f)

Maximum values reduced by 0.04 for

unsealed pavements

TT hh ee

U nn ii vv ee rr ss ii tt yy

oo ff

SS oo uu tt hh ee rr nn

Q uu ee ee nn ss l aa nn dd

Application of Fundamental Equation

e + f = V2/127R
A road is to be resigned in rolling terrain. After
investigating the current operating speed a
design speed of 90km/hr is suggested.
Determine the desirable and absolute minimum
radii for the horizontal curves. The maximum
super elevation is 7%.

TT hh ee

U nn ii vv ee rr ss ii tt yy

oo ff

SS oo uu tt hh ee rr nn

Q uu ee ee nn ss l aa nn dd

Example Calculate Desirable

Rmin = V2/127 (emax + fmax)
For desirable minimum use desirable maximum
for side friction
So Rmin = 902/127 (0.07max + 0.13max)
= 8100/ (127*0.20)
= 318.9m
Round up to 320m

TT hh ee

U nn ii vv ee rr ss ii tt yy

oo ff

SS oo uu tt hh ee rr nn

Q uu ee ee nn ss l aa nn dd

Example Calculate Absolute

Rmin = V2/127 (emax + fmax)
For absolute minimum use absolute maximum
for side friction
So Rmin = 902/127 (0.07max + 0.20max)
= 8100/ (127*0.27)
= 236.2m
Round up to 240m

TT hh ee

U nn ii vv ee rr ss ii tt yy

oo ff

SS oo uu tt hh ee rr nn

Q uu ee ee nn ss l aa nn dd

Using Tables to Determine Radii

TT hh ee

U nn ii vv ee rr ss ii tt yy

oo ff

SS oo uu tt hh ee rr nn

Q uu ee ee nn ss l aa nn dd

Speed, Radius and Superelevation

TT hh ee

U nn ii vv ee rr ss ii tt yy

oo ff

SS oo uu tt hh ee rr nn

Q uu ee ee nn ss l aa nn dd

Adverse Crossfall


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