Taylor Scottunit Lesson 3

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Taylor Scott

Unit Lesson 3

Math/1st grade


Learning Objective: Students will be able to answer the questions: How can you
break a shape into equal parts and what happens to the parts when you break up a

Alignment with Standards:

1.G.3- Partition circles and rectangles into two and four equal shares,
describe the shares using the words halves, fourths, and quarters; and use
the phrases half of, fourth of and quarter of. Describe the whole as two of, of
four of the shares. Understand for these examples that decomposing into ore
equal shares creates smaller shares.)
Developmental Appropriateness or cross-curricular connections: The
learning objective is appropriate because students have learned shapes in
previous grades. Students will need the knowledge of geometry outside of
the classroom. Shapes are all around and can be used in many professions.
By studying shapes students will be recognize items that surround them.
Assessment(s) of the Objectives:
Lesson Objectives
Students will be able to
break a big shape into
equal parts that have
special names. Students
will be able to answer
the questions: How can
you break a shape into
equal parts and what
happens to the parts
when you break up a
shape? with 80%

Assessment(s) of the
Pre: Students will
review shapes, the sides
and corners of shape
and name as they are
placed on the smart
bored or pointed out
around the room.
During: Students will
be given various sizes of
on shape (one shape
will be given daily)
students will use the
smaller shapes and
place them in a larger
version noticing that the
smaller parts are parts
of a whole. Students will

Use of Formative
I will use the information
from this lesson to see if
students are ready to
move on. The lesson will
be observed to see if
the student fully
understand the idea of a
composite shape.
Students will also be
assessed on their
quality of picture and
creative ability. I will
place them in small
groups so I can be sure
all students are doing
what they need to do.
The fact that there are

name the parts based

on size and their
relativeness to the
larger shape.
Post: Students will be
given a treat in a shape
of a circle or a
rectangle. The students
will then show the
teacher how to make
they shapes, fourths
and halves.

manipulatives, I will
need to keep a close
eye on all the students.

Accommodations: To accommodate students there will be differentiated

instruction. Small group and time for one on one teaching. Give a copy of the
checklist so teacher can make sure things are being followed .Manipulatives
given based on needs.

Wooden shapes
Hershey bars


Place the students in groups

Call them over to the table after a whole group example of a whole
shape vs. a part of a shape
Hand each student one of each shape
Ask the students to hold up a whole
Then ask them it that whole were to break down the middle what
will it become?
Ask students to break the halves in half to see what they get. Do
this with each shape?
Demonstrate a fourth and a half using different sizes of the shape
Give the students a piece of Hershey or reeses
Ask them to show halves, and fourths
Allow them to eat and call over the next group to repeat the same
Ask them to complete the work book page in the book

Activity Analysis:
1. The activity where the student work with the wooden shape was design

so they could use their hands. The students had the opportunity to
work with the actual shapes. This way they could see exactly what it
looks like, not just how it is on paper. They could feel the vertices, and
sides while counting them. The student seemed to have enjoyed the
lesson since they go to eat. By making part of the lesson, the students
received more on one time. This allowed me to see if they were really
understanding what they were being taught, and were on their way to
mastering the objective. There will be no technology used in this
activity, because the students are using their hands.
2. By giving the students a worksheet to complete that keeps them busy
at their desk. The worksheet will be used as review of the new
vocabulary and other old material. The students will not use
technology in this lesson. The use of technology is not needed because
they will be using their hands.

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