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Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College

Education Department
Teacher Candidate: Laura Mabry
Name of Lesson: heart shape, color pink, number 6
Subject: Math

Grade: Preschool

Rationale for lesson: The students are learning the number 6, color pink, and the heart
shape. Children need to learn this information because it will help them describe
objects. These symbols are important to know.
Learning outcomes: The children will learn the number 6, color pink, and the heart
shape today, which will enable them to identify each one.
Assessment of student outcomes: I will know if the students understand the symbol 6,
the heart shape, and the color pink by asking them to identify each symbol and color. I
want them to write the number 6, and draw the heart shape on the white board.
Related Foundations/Indiana Academic Standard:
F.1.9 Draw pictures or symbols to represent a spoken number
F.4.14 Copy circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles
F.4.15 Draw circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles
F.2.7 Follow pages that accompany a story on audio or CD
Materials Needed:
Pictures of a heart, the color pink, the number 6, white board and markers
Lesson/Activity Presentation:
Anticipatory set: Boys and girls may I have your attention. I need your
watching eyes, listening ears, voices quiet, and body still please. We are going to learn
more symbols today.
Teaching procedures:
Can anyone tell me what this is? I will only call on you if you are being quiet.
(Child) This is a heart. Yes, a heart is a shape. Remember our other shapes,
Trixie triangle and Susie, the circle. This is Hailey, the heart. Lets copy her
shape in the air. Get out your magic pencils please. Now, begin up in the air and
go up and over and now make a slant downward to the bottom of the heart. Pick
up your magic pencil and bring it to the top of the heart again. Now go the other

or opposite way; go up and over, then make a slanted line down toward the
bottom of the heart. Great job.
Next, we are going to talk about the number 6. Who would like to locate the
number 6 on the counting line? Ill pick a child who is sitting calmly and
quietly. Lets count to number 6 on our fingers. One, two, three, four, five, and
six, great work. Ill draw six lines on the white board. Lets count the lines to
six. One, two, three, four, five, and six, you all have good counting skills.
We are going to learn one more thing today. We are going to discuss the color
PINK. Ill play the PINK song on the CD player and point to the song written
out on paper. As I point to the words and pictures, I will sing with the song the
first time. Now, I would like you to follow along. When I point to the picture
you sing the name of the picture as I sing the rest of the song. You can sing
along if you want too.
Guided and Independent Practice: I will hold up the right amount of fingers
for the students to visualize counting fingers.
Boys and girls you did a great job learning today. What is one thing you learned
about today? I will call on a child who has good listening skills. What is another thing
you learned about today? I will call on a child who has good listening skills. Would
you like to show us on the white board? I will write it down if not. What is another
thing you learned today? I will call on a child who has good listening skills. Would you
like to point to it please?
Differentiated instruction:
I will keep an eye open for the children who may need more assistance than others and
be prepared to offer extra help.
Multicultural emphasis (if appropriate):
Technology (if appropriate):
CD player
Reflection on lesson:
This lesson went smoothly. Each time I teach a lesson I learn more about stating my
expectations clearly and how to calm a class down. The children picked up on the
number 6 easily. Most of the children knew what a heart shape and color pink was.

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