Principles of Nuclear Physics (NPE-503) : N K N P

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Issue Date: 19-3-2015

Due on 30-03-2015 (Before Tutorial)

Principles of Nuclear Physics (NPE-503)

M.Sc. (Nuclear Power Engineering) Batch-22
Problem Set # 3
1) Find which of the following reactions are forbidden by one or more conservation laws. Give all
violated laws in each case.

a) K n 0
b) n 0

c) p
d) p 0

2) Analyse the following decays according to their quark content:

a) K p 0
c) p p p 0 0
b) K p
d) n 0
3) Analyse the following decays according to their quark content:

a) 0
b) 0 0

c) 0
d) c p 0

4) Consider the following high-energy reactions or particle decays:

1. + p 0 + n
5. + + +
2. 0 + +
6. p+ p 0 +0
3. 0 +
7. p+ p .
4. + + +
Indicate for each case:
(a) allowed or forbidden,
(b) reason if forbidden,
(c) type of interaction if allowed (i.e., strong, weak, electromagnetic,etc.)
5) Explain why the following reactions are not observed, even if the kinetic energy of the first
proton is several BeV:
(1) p + p K+ ++
(2) p + n 0 ++
(3) p + n 0 + p
(4) p + n + K+ ++

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