Capstone Portfolio Standard Reflection Standard 1

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Professional School Counselor Portfolio (PSCP)

Brief Reflection Form

Standard 1: Nature and Needs of Individuals at All Developmental Levels
Competencies Addressed:
1. Develop strategies for facilitating development through the
transition from
childhood to adolescence and from adolescent to
young adult.
2. Apply knowledge of learning and personality development to assist
students in
developing their full potential.
Date Created: March 10th, 2015
Student Name: Kelli Mitchell

Reviewers Initials: _____________

Reflection Papers must be typed and 2-3 pages in length following the four domain headings
1. Describe the context in which these artifacts were collected and identify the standard
and competency(s) the artifact represents.
My first artifact is a presentation on Trauma Stress. This presentation was part of my
GEDU 529 Human Growth and Learning in the Family and Schools class. The presentation
represents Competency 2. This presentation was an action research project to bring real
solutions to real problems that are found in classrooms and school districts. The presentation
was set to be shown to faculty to show the affects that trauma can have on children and their
ability to learn. Knowing the affects that trauma can have on a child we can better help them
develop to their full potential.
My second artifact is a curriculum unit on Safety that I used while doing my praciticum
at Hoover and Roosevelt elementary schools in Mason City, IA. This falls under competency 1.
The curriculum on safety starts in Kindergarden with good touch bad touch. The curriculum
transitions to each grade focusing on the issues of that age level, ending with internet safety in
3rd and 4th grade.
The third artifact also falls under competency 2. The artifact is a needs assessment and
was collected through my job at 4 Oaks, as we use this work sheet with the children to help them
develop to their full potential. The needs assessment helps one become knowledgable of what
the childs primary need is. By having this knowledge you are able to understand the child and
what they need to be successful.

2. What do they demonstrate to you about your learning and mastery of the competencies
which fall under this standard?

I believe that the Traumatic Stress presentation demonstrates my continued learning and
mastery of standard 1 of the school counseling standards. This presentation served as a platform
to inform staff and faculty of Trauma Stress and the ways in which those afflicted can be served
in the education setting. Over 60 percent of children have has some sort of traumatic stress. At
the beginning of the presentation their are two videos (they are listed as traumatic stress video 1
and traumatic stress video 2) that prove you dont always understand where the behavior is
coming from. In the first video, a child becomes upset when receiving a dress from the lady she
is living with. The lady does not know why she is so upset about the gift. In the second video, it
shows the same child in a home with her mother and father fighting. Her father gets upset and
abusive because of the dress that the mother is wearing. This video proves one might not know
what a child has been through, or what is going to re-trigger their trauma. It is important to be
sensitive and understanding of where the childs behavior is coming from. I continuously have
trainings on trauma, I am trained in trauma through my job at 4 Oaks, and continuously help
children work through their trauma through groups so they can be successful in life.
The Safety curriculum I used in the K-4th grade setting takes the topic and is taught at
their level of learning and is relatable to their age and developmental level. It is important to
have the curriculum continue to grow each year as the kids move up a grade level. Safety is an
important topic, as the students move up a grade level they are still able to review the material
and learn something new. This helps them transition from child to adolescent.
The Needs assessment shows that I apply the knowledge of learning and personality
development to help children grow to their full potential. This needs assessment helps identify
what primary need a student has and what drives them. If a child feels they are not getting this
need met it can affect their behaviors, focus, learning.
I feel that I have succeeded in mastering this standard. These artifacts demonstrate ways
in which the nature and needs of all students at all developmental levels are met.
3. What do these items of evidence tell you about your overall progress toward your
personal goals and your growth as a professional school counselor?
These artifacts show my understanding that each student is an individual. At the start of
graduate school it was hard for me to comprehend that each student had different needs, and with
that one method of teaching or an intervention may work well with one student by not well with
another student. These artifacts show my progress of being able to identify students needs as an
individual and also as an age level.
4. What are your plans for additional growth or improvement in this area?
In the future, I plan on implementing inclusive measures in curriculum
for myself as a professional school counselor as well as influence teachers
and colleagues to do the same. There are students who unreached in every
school. My goal for growth is to find these students and reach out to them.
There are many ways in which an educator can meet the needs of more than
one type of student at a time; it is my goal to do that as well. It is important

that each student is known to all staff and faculty within a school so that we,
as a team can best serve our students.

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