Annex Spending Budgeting Ideas/Options

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Annex Spending Budgeting Ideas/Options

October 6, 2009

1. Annex Parties

• Purpose: Give an opportunity for students to get to know their housemates,

particularly at the beginning of the year.
• One party per house at the beginning of each semester
• Food: 2-3 Pizzas and drinks per house or something comparable
• Requirements: A GCHC member to pay and help deliver pizzas (social chair)
• Approximate yearly cost: $60/house/party = $720. (31 Edwards place not in-

2. Magazine/Newspaper subscriptions

• Purpose: Something to read at the diner table. Encourage students to stay in the
only common room of the houses.
• Option A
– New York Times or something comparable
– Requirements: Allow residents to pick a newspaper for their house and ar-
range someone to receive them (secretary).
– Approximate cost: $6/week/house (40 weeks, 7 houses) = $1680
• Option B
– A single magazine: Times/Economist/New Yorker
– Requirements: Allow residents to pick a magazine for their house and arrange
someone to receive them (secretary).
– Approximate cost: $70/house (7 houses) = $490

3. Capital Improvements/Additions

• Option A: $100/house = $650 (Half for 31 Edwards)

– Stuff like lawn chairs, barbeques, or kitchen stereos.
• Option B: $200/house = $1300 (Half for 31 Edwards)

– Stuff like communal cookware/diner ware/spice rack
• Option C: $600/house/2 years = $2100
– A new sofa for houses with porches that can support them. For those that
do not, picnic tables in the back yard.
– Replace alternate houses yearly. Every house renewed once every 2 years.
• Requirements: GCHC must arrange for purchases and deliveries (treasurer)

Total Cost Range: $1860 to $4500

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