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ED 3601


KR 2011

Lesson Plan
Grade/Subject: Grade 8 Science Unit: Light and Optics Lesson Duration: 90 minutes

investigate the
development of
microscopes, telescopes
and other optical devices;
and describe how these
developments contributed
to the study of light and
other areas of science


(Observations, Key Questions,

Students will differentiate

between a microscope,
telescope and binoculars.
Students will identify
advantages to using each
type of device.
Students will discuss
scientific connections
made with the different
types of optical devices.

investigate how light is

reflected, transmitted and
absorbed by different
materials; and describe
differences in the optical
properties of various

What is a microscope
generally used for?
When would you use a
microscope over a
telescope and vice versa?
What scientific discoveries
have developed from the
use of the particular
optical device?
What are the two different
types of telescopes?
How do the two types of
telescopes direct light?
Why would you want to
use binoculars rather than
a telescope?
What qualifies an object/
material as either opaque,
transparent and
How do each of these
materials interact with the
incoming light?
Would these materials act
differently when exposed
to different light sources?

Students will identify

objects that are
transparent, translucent
and opaque.
Students will list objects
that fall under these
Students will explain the
properties of these
materials that are either
transparent, translucent or

Resource #1:

Resource #2:
Resource #3:


Kahoot quiz (online)

Introduction (10 min.):
Attention Grabber: Kahoot it Review Game. I will ask students to take out their phones or pair up with someone who
has a phone with them. Students will log into where they will then enter in the appropriate game code in
order to enter the quiz.
Assessment of Prior Knowledge: Questions 1-7 test the students prior knowledge of properties of light and
Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: Students will be on their phones and reading the questions on the
overhead. Those students without phones will be paired with someone who has a cell phone. If possible, I will rent the

ED 3601


KR 2011

laptops for those students without their phone.

Advance Organizer/Agenda: Kahoot Review, optical devices, ray diagrams, BRAIN BREAK, transparent, translucent
and opaque discussion, scavenger hunt, one word story
Transition to Body: I will instruct students to use their text book (pages 182-186) and look up the characteristics of a
microscope, telescope and binoculars. Students will be asked to remain in their pairs or pair up if not already done so.
Body (70 min.):
Learning Activity #1: Optical Devices. In pairs, students will read through the assigned part of the textbook and
identify the main characteristics, functionality and uses of a microscope, telescope and binoculars. The pairs of
students will make their own chart comparing the three devices in the way in which the light is transferred through
the device. During the time allotted, the students must also identify the two different types of telescopes and
differentiate between them. I will give the students 15 minutes to work in pairs to complete this task. I will have a
timer on the SmartBoard as a resource for the students to refer to. Upon completing the paired researching during
the 15 minutes, the students will be asked to return to their individual desks. I will have the optical devices listed on
the whiteboard, and underneath I will add information that the students provide. I will tell all students to add any
information that they do not already have in their notes. I hope to highlight and emphasize key points during this
time. I will call upon the first group to begin the discussion, however I will use the popcorn answering method to
continue the sharing of ideas. (Popcorn Answering: The person who just spoke chooses the next person to talk as
long as they have not previously already contributed to the conversation. This avoids me having to pick the next
speaker, and also gives some power and choice to the students). Once we have covered all the main points of the
optical devices we will move onto transparent, translucent and opaque objects.
Assessments/Differentiation: Students must write down their findings on a piece of paper. When called upon to share,
students are not allowed to read from their textbook. Students must create their own notes to talk about and add
missing information to their notes.
BRAIN BREAK!! Six Spots. I will number off 6 different spots in the room (1-6). Students will have a choice as to
whichever area they want to go to (5 seconds to choose). I will flip a card. Which ever students are in that corner will
have to sit down. Other students remain standing. I will give students another 5 seconds to choose another spot. The
rounds continue until all students are sitting back down in their seats.
Learning Activity #2: Class Discussion/ Whiteboard. I will first explain ray diagrams and light intensity. The more
rays that hit your eyes (the closer you are to an object) the more intense the light is). I will begin by writing the 3
words: Transparent, Translucent and Opaque on the board. When pointing at the word, I will ask the students to
rate their knowledge of that word out of 5. 5 being the highest and 1 meaning they have never heard of that word.
From this quick formative assessment, this will determine how long I choose to spend on each term. When talking
about each types of material, I will discuss how light interacts with the material specfically. Whether it is absorbed,
reflected or goes straight through. When talking about opaque materials, I will bring up the creation of shadows. I
will briefly touch on a couple examples of each type of material, however I will not go into much detail. This is
going to lead into the Scavenger Hunt.
Assessments/Differentiation: I will hand out a sheet with each term and blanks that must be filled in by the students. I will write the
terms on the borard, along with have an Powerpoint of the information. This way, students can read off the board, from their sheet
or just listen to me talk.

Learning Activity #3: Scavenger Hunt. Students will be challenged to find 3 examples of each type of material in
the school. Students will be given 15 minutes to identify 3 transparent, translucent and opaque objects and note
where in the school they are located. During this time, students are also challenged to correctly identify the 5
numbered objects that I have chosen around the school. Students must correctly identify what and where the
objects are and categorize the objects into its correct T,T or O category. I will make sure that each team has a cell
phone and I ask that they stay aware of the time frame and return to the classroom after the 15 minutes are up.
The first team to return with all these requirements within the time allowed will be awarded the choice of candy
snack. The rest of the class will be allowed to share their other candy snacks I have brought. Students who do not
return on time or cheats will be disqualified from receiving part of the prize.
Assessments/Differentiation: We will go over the students examples as a class and discuss any confusing/ alternatives answers at
this time.

Closure (10 min.):

Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: One word story summary. Students will be split into groups of 4-5 and spaced
out within the classroom. Using the new terminology and knowledge, students will be asked to verbally construct a
story using the word in correct context. One student will begin the story with one word. The following student must
repeat that word and add another word to create a story/ sentence.
Feedback From Students: Their stories/ sentences

ED 3601


KR 2011

Feedback To Students: I will be walking around assisting students who are unsure what to do, or how to continue their
Transition To Next Lesson: We will discuss how light interacts with other reflective surfaces: concave and convex

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