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Rate of reaction

Done by:-Ranim Khaled

Objectives: To be able to understand what is rate of

To be able to relate rate of reaction with
temperature , concentration and surface

Rate of reaction: Therateof areactionis thespeedat which a

If areactionhas a lowrate, that means the molecules
combine at a slowerspeedthan areactionwith a high rate.
Somereactionstake hundreds, maybe even thousands, of
years while others can happen in less than one second.

Factors that affect the rate of the

4.Surface area

Temperature: When temperature increases,

energy of the particles will increase
, number of collisions will increase ,
number of successful collisions
increase finally the rate of reaction


When concentation increases , number of particles increases ,

number of collision increases , number of successful collision
increases, rate of reaction increases.
When concentation decreases , number of particles
decreases , number of collision decreases, number of
successful collision decreases, rate of reaction decreases.

Surface Area: The rate of a chemical reaction can be raised by increasing

the surface area of a solid reactant. This is done by cutting
the substance into small pieces, or by grinding it into a
powder. If the surface area of a reactant is increased:
1. More particles are exposed to the other reactant
2. There are more collisions
3. The rate of reaction increases

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