Andrea Wong Starlit Northeast Regional Director Personal Statement

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Andrea Wong Starlit

Personal Statement: Northeast Regional Director (RD)

I was unsure what to expect when I voiced interest in running for Regional Director. Reaching
out to Alumnae and Actives from different Sisterships, I was met with support and advice. In that
moment, I experienced one of the best aspects of Syzterhood - encouragement and motivation
to pursue my interests, regardless of what Sistership I was from, or how well we had previously
known each other.
Since graduation, Ive wanted to give back to Sigma and believe becoming RD is an opportunity
to do that, because Ive always wanted to work with nearby Sisterships.
I am running for RD because I believe all the Sisterships in the Northeast region should be as
strong as possible. I would like to focus on making sure every Sistership is able to maintain its
presence on campus (eg: recruitment, programming, finances) and its relationships with other
I believe I fit this position because I have experienced a chapter that has gone through various
successes and obstacles. Additionally, I believe my ability to be open-minded and fair makes me
approachable and easy to talk to. Furthermore, I am driven and organized, which allows me to
do my best and provide the best results.

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