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Fifth Grades FINAL science unit is called, Systems and

Survivals. This unit focuses on two main themes, the

classification of organisms, and adaptations and survival.
Students will learn:

Organisms are classified on the basis of their structure.

Organisms have specific behavioral and physical
characteristics (traits) that allow them to survive in a
given environment.
Physical and behavioral characteristics (traits) are either inherited (genetic) or acquired
(from the environment).
As environments change over time, these characteristics may change (adaptations) to
allow them to continue to survive.

During this unit, your child will begin to identify

distinguishing characteristics of plants and animals that
categorize them on an organism classification chart. He/she
will apply previous experiences and new knowledge about
organisms to set up a forest and beach habitat in the
classroom. Your child will be given opportunity to observe,
compare, and contrast the following organisms in the
classroom: hermit crabs, tree frogs and ferns. The unit
concludes with your child doing an AT-HOME animal research
project which they will present to the class. More information with specifics and details
will go home in the near future.

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