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Enders Game Essay Writing Packet
Your assignment is to write a 5-paragraph argumentative essay on the
following topic:
Do you believe that Enders Game is an anti-war (against war)
novel, or do you think that it shows that war is sometimes
necessary? Choose a side to argue and use quotes to support
your reasoning.
Choose your side (circle one):

Enders Game is an anti-war novel that shows the evils of war.

Enders Game is a pro-war novel. It shows that sometimes war is


Lesson and Activity 1: Writing a Thesis Statement

What does a thesis statement do?
Thesis: a single sentence that tells the reader what you are going to
be arguing in the rest of the paper.
It is a road map for the essay
Directly answers the essay question and clearly supports one side of
the argument
It something that others could argue or debate
The rest of the paper will support the thesis by expanding on the
details and evidence
1. Brainstorm a list of everything you can think of that makes Enders Game
an anti-war novel OR a pro-war novel, depending on what side you are
arguing. Use examples from the book that prove your point:

2. Then, choose the three STRONGEST pieces of proof from your list and write
them here. These are your three main points:

3. Finally, you are going to put all of these pieces together.

Complete this sentence with your three reasons to create a thesis:

Enders Game is an anti/pro-war novel because

_, and
This is your thesis statement! You will now argue your three points in three
body paragraphs, each of which line up with your three main points.

Lesson and Activity 2: Introductions

What is an introduction?
The first paragraph in your essay, introducing the topic.
Contains a hook, background information, then your thesis.
Part 1: The Hook
The first sentence of your introduction. It should grab the readers
attention and relate to your topic. There are several different types of
hooks you can use:
1. A quote, from the novel or an outside source.
ex. In Enders Game by Orson Scott Card, Ender Wiggin states
that the adults are the enemy, not the other armies.
2. Present the other side.
ex. Some might assume that schools always act for the greater
good of society.
3. Use current events or background information.
ex. Citizens have often accused school leaders of influencing
children for their own agendas.
4. Use imagery or vivid description.
ex. Floating ominously in outer space, the Battle School in
Enders Game is home to children who feel exhausted, isolated,
and anxious beyond their years.
Part 2: Background Information
Now that you hooked in your reader, you must connect it to the topic
of your essay.
Give more information about the topic
Assume your reader has NOT read the book
Make sure the author and title is in the introduction somewhere
Transition sentences to build up to your thesis statement.
Part 3: Thesis Statement
You should already have this done! The thesis is one sentence that tells
the reader what your paper is going to argue.

The conclusion is the final paragraph of your essay. It reviews what you
have just said, and makes the essay feel complete. The conclusion
connects everything into one nice summary.
The conclusion restates your thesis, sums up your main points, and
ends on a hook.
1. Restate your thesis statement
In one sentence, say your thesis again. You can say it exactly the
same, but if you can change the wording around, thats preferable.
Keep your three points in the same order as your thesis and your body
2. Summarize your main points
This is where you restate your three main arguments.
Briefly summarize each one and remind the reader of how it supported
your argument / how it answered the essay question.
Do not introduce brand new information! This is all what you have
already said.
3. End Hook
Leave the reader with a final thought to ponder. What do you want
them to take away?
You can do this with a quote, or important idea.
Some do nots
-Remember, an academic paper doesnt use I or you. Dont say As
I have just said or As you can see
-Dont use the word essay in your essay, such as This essay has just
-Dont say The End. I havent seen anyone do this, but it sounds like
a bad idea.

Stylistic Information for Writing Papers

There are certain conventions we use in academic writing. These are
important things to know for editing and fixing up your paper:
1. We dont use I in an academic paper. You shouldnt write I am
going to explain... or I think that
2. We also dont use you or we.
3. Book titles like Enders Game should be underlined every time
you use it.
4. Events in the book happen in present tense, not past tense. You
would say Ender defeats the buggers, not Ender defeated the
5. Every paragraph should be indented with a tab. You can press
the tab button on the keyboard to make one.
6. Dont put extra spaces between paragraphs.
7. Academic papers arent the place for slang, text-speak, etc.
Grammar and spelling are important for making the paper
8. Include a title!

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