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Article 5/8

5/195 In the linkage shown OC has a constant clockwise

angular velocity 2 rad/s during an interval of
motion, while the hydraulic cylinder gives pin A a
constant velocity of 1.2 m/s to the right. For the position shown where OC is vertical and BC is horizontal, calculate the angular velocity of BC. Solve
by drawing the necessary velocity polygon.

400 mm

Review Problems


5/197 The hydraulic cylinder C imparts a velocity v to pin

B in the direction shown. The collar slips freely on
rod OA. Determine the resulting angular velocity of
rod OA in terms of v, the displacement s of pin B,
and the fixed distance d, for the angle 15.


500 mm

300 mm


Problem 5/195

5/196 To speed up the unrolling of a telephone cable the

trailer with the reel of cable starts from rest and is
given an initial acceleration of 3 ft/sec2. Simultaneously, the tow truck pulls the free end of the cable
horizontally in the opposite direction with an initial acceleration of 2 ft/sec2. If both vehicles start
from rest at the same instant, determine the magnitude of the total acceleration of point A on the
forward end of the horizontal reel diameter (a) just
as the motion starts and (b) one second after the
start of the motion.

Problem 5/197

5/198 The figure illustrates a commonly used quickreturn mechanism which produces a slow cutting
stroke of the tool (attached to D) and a rapid return
stroke. If the driving crank OA is turning at the
constant rate 3 rad/s, determine the magnitude
of the velocity of point B for the instant when

2 ft/sec2

3 ft /sec2

100 mm

500 mm
300 mm
Problem 5/196

Problem 5/198

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