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lows IDEA\, ‘Aetiviies/Suppors Accommodation Time and frequency provided: for identified writing tasks. date:_09/23/2013 Provider ‘Special Education Teache Il benefit from using a graphic organizer for generating ideas and help with vocabulary words. A |e Technology Support nd frequency provided: for identified reading and writing tasks, date:_09/23/2013 Provider: sped and gen ed teachers, parents needs access to reading and writing support technology in the classroom. Since technology is always 9, this box may be amended ltext to speech or audio formats prediction ch to text ‘taking / organizational software supports could be available on a mobile device or computer. for School Personnel Time and frequency provided: up to 20 minutes per week date: 09/23/2013 Provider: sped and gen ed teachers, The sped and gen ed teachers will lan and collaborate on lessons, as well as to modify tests and assignments, per their discretion. ‘Support for Schoo! Personne! Time and frequency provided: at school and parent request Begin date: 0 Consultation is available from the AT Specialist for training and problem-solving assistive technology equipment and strategies to address IEP goals and support access to accessible instruction. 2013 Provider: sped teacher Accessible Instructional Materials Time and frequency provided: at the same time as peers Begin date: 09/23/2013 Provider: Special Education Teacher SPECIALIZED ACCESSIBLE FORMATS| Ill |needs digital text and ausio fles to access textbijs and related core instructional materials, including ass ts. The district will acquire the materials from a repository such as Bookshare, the publisher or locally creat fials. His family has provided access to Learning Ally audio materials. ‘Accommodation ‘Time and frequency provided: Begin date: 02/16/2015 Provider: ‘ducation Teacher Test Modification may be made to test and quizzes. Modification will be at teacher discretion. Content expectations wil remain the same as general education peers but the assessment/delivery method may be modifies. Bie P's uzzes wil bo ready agp asa group setting, Test read gta Pe first preference when possible st read by staff. If usin le Forms, the answer choices will not be shuffied. will have extended tim| i and quizzes (up to double the amount of time) ts will be notified when] res below 70% on an assessment — 2/27/2015 7:28 AM ‘a IDEA A test retake will be given if accommodations have not been met atthe time of the assessment Accommodation Time and frequency provides Begin date: 02/18/2015 Provider: Special Education Teacher Classroom Accommodations TE [Wil nave extended time and assistance to complete written projectsireports 1y need support with organization and editing when writing is required benefits from being in close proximity to the instruction, will be given additional processing time to respond to answers orally in the classroom, Care should be taken [calling on him to respond orally to ensure he has had ample time to silently think through his answer to If. Helpful strategies include; a slow questioning pace, provide multiple choice, give extended time, prime the it with the question. | gj should only be called on when his hand is raised. Jresentations will be inicated prior to parents at the time they are assigned to give ample time for 2. guides for test will home 3-5 days prior to the test. Ifa test does not have a study guide, parents will Be notified Notes taken in class will b to} I prior to in order to read along and highlight as the teacher is lecturing ‘When possible notes will ide} —_hogledocs or by someone taking notes in the classroom. Modifications may be made to class] ssignments at teacher discretion. Content expectations should not be modified. Accommodation ‘Time and frequency provided:_| Begin dat ‘Communication 2/18/2015 Provider Copies of textbooks will be sent home if online access is not available. Its preferred to have digital textbooks from the publisher. Copies of progress monitoring probes will be sent home every two weeks in a sealed envelope and left in the office to be picked up by parents or scanned and emailed to parents, ‘Weekly communication will be provided to parents to support home and school communication. A weekly preview will be sent home to parents. Parents will be notified if goal areas are 4 points below the line and what instructional change has been made joved from general educat ‘h plus time Copies: School, AEA, Parent(s) July 1, 2014 butps:// 1of3 oy IDEA hps:/www iowaidea.o Student: — Date: 02/18/2015 Page__of [Special Education Services [indicate the special education 8, supplementary aids and services, based upon peer-reviewed research to the hat will be provided in order for this individual: 1) to advance appropriately toward attaining 2) to be involved and progress in the general curriculum; 3) to be educated and participate wi is with disabilities and nondisabled individuals; 4) to participate in extracurricular and other no| lies; and 6) by age 14, to pursue the course of study and ost-high school outcomes (liwwgrrerwergre-wlorking) ‘Services ‘Specially Designed Instruction: 45 minutes per Day In general education setting:_45 Begin date: 02/18/2015 In special educatic n setting:_0 Provider: Special Education Teacher ‘To focus on reading and writing strategies in a more individualized and modified pace setting, a collaborative English class is recommended. This will aso allow for more review and practice of skills, as well as direct and immediate feedback - especially capitalization, comprehension strategies, basic writing mechanics and fluency. Specially Designed Instruction: 45 minutes per Day In general education setting: 45 In spec Bogin date: 02/18/2015 ‘education setting: _0 Provider: Special Education Teacher To focus on math concepts in a more individualized environment and at a modified pace with the gen ed curriculum, @ collaborative math class is recommended. This will allow for more review and practice of skills especially in the areas of mult-digit computation, problem solving and maintaining grade level concepts. Specially Designed Instruction: 45 minutes per Day In general education setting:_45 In special education setting: 0 Begin date: 02/18/2015 Provider : Special Education Teacher ‘To focus on a modified pace in the gen ed curriculum, the collaborative science class is recommended. Focus can be on direct and immediate feedback, pacing, skill development and reinforcement and content appropriate modified tasks, Specially Designed instruction: 48 minutes per Day In general education setting: _0 Begin date: 02/18/2015 In special education setting: 45 Provider: Special Education Teacher |i receive direct instruction in reading to work one on one on his skill deficits using an interactive mutti- approach designed to transform his foundational reading skills from isolation into the ability tq aa and lchend integrated text. Sped and reading teachers will work with AEA and parents to make surd I is ng instruction tied directly to his reading deficits. ly Designed Instruction: 45 minutes per Day jeral education setting:_45 In special education settin date:_02/18/2015 Provider: Special Education Teacher. ‘To focus on a modified pace in the gen ed curriculum, the collaborative social studies class is recom} Focus can be on direct and immediate feedback, pacing, skill development and reinforcement and col appropriate modified tasks. 2/27/2015 7:28 AM DEA2

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