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Name: Marcelo Perez

Class: 39 A
Level: 3r
Career: Ing. Industrial

Funny Story
Last year, I was walking down the street and fell into a hole filled with garbage, then,
walk to my house and water from above fell on my head,stay wet all over. I walk to the
market to buy meat and meat was damaged, I was punished for two weeks to buy the
meat damaged.

About my
I have not heard that as much because my parents always say as others and to stop
eating because I'm fat and I touched after losing weight to stay thin. Nor have I known
I'm a video game addict who spent much time playing games a controllable addiction
after all could not control my addiction eh known I practice many sports for a long time
what I keep practicing every day
I did not know you could do great things, I did not know I could write a novel one by
myself as the protagonist without hiding my author name myself did not know if trained
hard mass to play football will not draw me hold throughout the football season despite
injuring my leg would always have my title on the football field and would be the captain
of my team throughout the season remaining
Not know it was a kind person and I like to help people in need and be a good person
and forgive though other people think of me because I do not expect anything from
anyone without expecting something in return. I did not know that when you speak,
speak very loud and heard everywhere although they try to speak slowly but I can not
speak softly
I did not know that when I go to the gym I get to listen to loud music that other people
are seeing me for the kind of music I listen to. priate I'm in the gym did not know see
that my teacher told me things I never understood him but I wore a lot of exercise so
that my teacher did not tell me anything I did not know myself I could lift more weight
than I imagined lift
I did not know myself I have been very confident, I trust much in no wise tambe who
was so relaxed that I really did not mind the things I was doing that just did it for
obligation, not eh known I charismatic with people, so I did not know I could do many
things for me as when my hair is the only clearer and clearer-law are my eyes when the
sun goes down

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