Math 3:2-3:6

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Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Template
Name: Alyson Block
Lesson Title: Comparing Fractions
Date: March 2-6,2015
Grade Level: 3rd Grade
Circle one:
Standard(s)/Guideline(s): CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3.NF.A.3.D Compare two fractions with the same numerator or the same denominator by reasoning about their
size. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, or <, and
justify the conclusions, e.g., by using a visual fraction model.
Pre-assessment of current knowledge: Star scores, observations
Instructional Objectives (1-2)

Assessment of Student Learning

Learning Experience

One/Two Assessed Instructional

Objective(s): The student will be
able to

Identify Evidence: (What will you collect or record as data

to demonstrate students have met your objective(s) and

1. Demonstrate comparing
and ordering fractions.
Visual: Students will be using
different tools to help visualize the
fractions as they compare them.

I will collect the students daily assessment page. I will also

collect the smartie page completed on day 2. This will show
me if my students were able to meet the objective and
standard or not. For my whole class math day, I will collect
the answer sheet from their scoot. I will also collect any fast
finishers page, this will just be to look at and see how the
student(s) are doing and not for a grade.

Academic Language:
Procedural steps:
1. (Day 1) Have students complete daily assessment
from last week. (15 minutes)
2. Open books to section 9.4 in go math. Complete
pages 363 and top of 364 together. Go through and
explain 3 different strategies on these pages.
(Missing piece, same denominator, and same
numerator) Have students fill in the book as teacher
does this.
3. Have students complete share and show section on
page 364 with partners at table groups. Teachers will
walk around and assist with students as needed.
4. After ample time to complete, go over problems
together. Have students come up to board to help
explain what they did on their work.
5. Next, complete problem 12 on page 365 with whole
6. Then, students are to complete problems 13-15 on
their own.
7. Discuss what students did as a whole class.
8. (Day 2) Have students open books to page 369.
Complete this page together.
9. After, have students take out slate boards and
markers and their fraction strip tool.
10. The teacher will put up PowerPoint with review
problems on comparing and ordering fractions.
11. Finally, the last 15-20 minutes, the students will be
completing a smarties candy handout involving
writing out fractions, comparing them, and ordering
them. The students will use the smarties candies to
represent their fractions.
12. (Day 3) Whole class math day. The whole class will

Auditory: Students will be

participating in small group
discussions as well as partner
work discussions.
Kinesthetic: Students will be
moving around the room and
working with different partners
during multiple activities this week.
Safety Considerations:

Program Monitoring: (How will you aggregate or compile

your evidence into a class or group view?)
I will compile this evidence by grading the work and
entering it into the grade book (daily assessment page, and
scoot answer sheet). These assessments will be taken for a
grade and looked upon for understanding of comparing and
ordering fractions.


Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Template
be completing two stations today. The first half of
math time will be devoted to the students playing the
game fraction war. The students will be broken into
differentiated partners and play the game with their
partner. The students in the lower level group will be
brought back to the back table for one teacher to
assist students as they play the game.
13. The second half of math time, the students will be
participating in a scoot around the room. This scoot is
asking the students to compare fractions and record
it on their answer sheet. The students will travel
around the room from card to card pertaining to
different comparing fractions problems.
14. For fast finishers, they may complete the comparing
fractions handout.
Authentic Materials: (Describe authentic real life, hands-on
Go math books, fraction strip tools, PowerPoint, fraction war,
fraction scoot, comparing fractions fast finishers, smarties,
smarties handout, daily assessment paper (for Monday only)
Adult Roles:
Assist all students during whole class and small group time
during math.
Resources & References:
Common Core, Teachers Pay Teachers

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