Management Philosophy - Weebly

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Sierra Wall

ELED 3250

April 10, 2014

Management Philosophy
In any successful educational setting classroom management is key. I believe that for
students to be successful they first need to be in a safe and predictable environment. At the
beginning of the school year I plan to create procedures and guidelines so my students know what to
expect throughout the school year. I plan to create a tone in my classroom that is positive, loving
and logical. I am a firm believer in Maslows Hierarchy of Needs. I believe that for students to learn
they first need to feel safe and have each of their basic needs met. This is something I plan to
incorporate into my classroom. I plan to create an environment where my students arent afraid to
express themselves. Through respect students will have a greater incentive to follow instruction.
Along with creating a safe environment I believe in creating independent students. I will
incorporate Charles Fays Love and Logic Theory into my classroom by creating independent
students that will be able to manage there own actions. I believe in building students up and
encouraging them to regulate their own actions. One way I plan to do this is by giving my students
choices, allowing them to choose the consequences to their actions. Each consequence will relate to
the action, if a student is goofing off after coming in from recess one of his/her choices will be to
miss out on a portion of recess, depending on how long the student chose to goof off. Other than
consequences I believe in reward. When students have something to work towards they want to
follow the rules and work there hardest.
As a teacher I sincerely believe that classroom management is key to having a successful
classroom. When a classroom is properly managed it allows for teachers to teach and students to
learn. I however also believe that classroom management has to be flexible. Each class will have
differences and will need to be handled differently. With an effective classroom management plan
the classroom environment with thrive.

Sierra Wall

ELED 3250

April 10, 2014

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