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Tugas Kimia Dasar I STOIKIOMETRI

Sumber :
Aspirin (C9H8O4) is produced from salicylic acid (C7H6O3) and acetic anhydride
C7H6O3 + C4H6O3 C9H8O4 + HC2H3O2
a) How much salicylic acid is required to produce 1,5 x 102 kg of aspirin,
assuming that all of the salicylic acid is converted to aspirin?
b) How much salicylic acid wolud be required if only 80% of the salicylic acid
is converted to aspirin?
c) What is the theoritical yield of aspirin if 185 kg of salicylic acid is allowed
to react with 125 kg of acetic anhydride?
d) If the situation describe in part (c) produces 182 kg of aspirin, what is the
percentage yield?
a) Reaction:
C7H6O3 + C4H6O3 C9H8O4 + HC2H3O2
m aspirin = 1,5 x 102 kg , n aspirin = m aspirin / Mr aspirin = 1,5 x 10 2
kg / (9.12+8+4.16) kg/kmol = 0,833 kmol
n C4H6O3 = 1/1 x 0,833 kmol = 0,833 kmol
sehingga, m asam salisilat yang dibutuhkan : n x Mr (konversi 100%)
m = 0,833 kmol x (7.12+6+3.16) = 115 kg
b) Jika konversinya 80%, m asam salisilat yang dibutuhkan:
m = 100/80 x 0,833 kmol x (7.12+6+3.16) kg/kmol = 143,75 kg
c) C7H6O3 + C4H6O3 C9H8O4 + HC2H3O2
185 kg
125 kg
M n = 185/(7.12+6+48) n = 125/(4.12+6+48)
= 1,34 kmol
= 1,225 kmol
R = -1225 kmol
-1,225 kmol
+1,225 kmol
S = 0,115 kmol
1,225 kmol
Massa aspirin teoritis (konversi 100%)
= 1,225 x ((9x12) + 8 + (4x16))
= 220,5 kg

% yield

x 100

% yield

x 100

= 82,54%

A particular coal contains 2.5% sulfur by mass. When this coal is burned at a
power plant, the sulfur is converted into sulfur dioxide gas, which is a pollutant.
To reduce sulfur dioxide emissions, calcium oxide (lime) is used. The sulfur
dioxide reacts with calcium oxide to form solid calcium sulfite.
(a)Write the balance chemical equation for the reaction.
(b) If the coal is burned in the power plant that uses 2000 tons of coal per day,
what mass of calcium oxide is required daily to eliminate the sulfur dioxide?
(c) How man grams of calcium sulfite are produced daily by this power plant?
Answer :
(a) S + O2 SO2 (g)
SO2 (g) + CaO (s) CaSO3 (s)
(b) Massa batubara
= 2000 ton/hari
Massa Sulfur =

x 2000= 50 ton/hari

mol Sulfur

tonmol /hari

= 1,5625 ton mol/hari

n S n CaO n CaO
n CaO
= 1,5625 ton mol/hari
massa CaO yg dibutuhkan
= 1,5625 x (40+16) ton/hari
= 87,5 ton/hari
(c) n CaO n CaSO3
n CaSO3 = 1,5625 ton mol/hari
massa CaSO3 yg dihasilkan
= 1,5625 x (40+32+48) ton/hari
= 187,5 ton/hari

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