Injso 2009 Model Solutions

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INJSO 2009 Roll Number: Section A Q.No. (a) (b) (©) (@) Q.No. (a) (b) © 16 wW 2 & 7 & Ki 18 Ri 4 x 19 & 5 & 20 Ri «6 Ww 21 & 7 i 22 ® s WOR 23 x 9 x 2 Ri 10 Rw 25 R n Xo &® 2 X ar X 13 R 28 NX u & 29 ® | 15 &® 30 X INJSO 2009 Roll Number: 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 45 Section A (continued) @ % © @ Qh. @ % @ @ 46 X ® 47 xX KX 4 wR ® 49 Rl x 50 ® ® 51 & X 52 ® 53 Xi 54 55 56 87 58 59 ® 60 INJSO 2009 Roll Number: Q.No.61 (Section B) A) ° 8 l I mark | . R Di Z edaje is (of Sar) km be! = 2 km Mego u (Fear) Dinection is 60° (# inet), ine, meten (18) ih aus pect fe the Aabbil’s pat. 05 mak B) eee oye F sin Os mq. | nak . Sin 30° * 4 and (4 i2t) SBP = me fc 3) Sec INJSO 2009 Roll Number: Use this page if you need additional space for any question in Section B. Mention the question number clearly. . Fe 4 ¢nt This force han a Constant pre ad aw Vari able part. The hetigental comport f the acceleAation Fue te te Comtent pat fe A Ces 8 : [ cn se « «| ry z 2 Boms” i mm 22rky | The arrrage acceleration alons the hebei Sontat Ding ch on, Que we hs VAAiaLle per is ° 2 1.12) Cooso re jen emis) =z (2 ) Gease. = > Fue artaaye acecelrahon if, x's (3 + 20 8) met 2 veloor = at (sts 242+”) ms” 33 = ms Re te Fae] z Qhse ms” OS marke R INJSO 2009 Roll Number: Q.No.62 (Section B) me one ke , Ke Sms! yee tome” | mak Ap = ™ (v- 4) = -e2s kg ms” 1 mark Average force = SP = -F5N at momentum, OP, it the see Aven ye change im Land the tei angle . ee ee aed Foe ZAP = i50Nn [os sana e TE, te Second hada ball , time Ff owrack is ones so, Faw 180N 1} mak INJSO 2009 Roll Number: Q.No.63 (Section B) Paet T ' b) Bol’e & l4es% ———]1 mak Past @ : A) AB and CD —— | R maks | Praer m: oO) Cd INJSO 2009 Roll Number: Q.No.64 (Section B) CALCULATION STEPS ARE VERY IMPORTANT APPROXIMATE RESULTS ARE Fine ee Yo Toth energy of te pre deck is ox [3925 - ease] ea a = FOFT AKT 3 Ww Pott Oningy of te Avactads is -\248-9 «cI \\|¢ Nek anny paodnur fut mele f ghrcese oni digadien is ~ ae aylagd © -2e 5s kT = -2800%] [-iz98s (- a¥5 2) [ees on] of 1} mote 4 ghux hwo 2 [ew) 4 dene) +6) [gn = 180 gan oD @~ & ntraled 4 F m ke, $ovem he tenet Cqnadvm, ef mets needed # A Pg 3 6s Amba. ont diye qr ft shen is 6 {mt — TI mak Fue m2T “Ne 4 aR xD = 1 x 008s! x2 = Bile Letnes 8 les Ts tet valame gf ety gen needed, ——d]05 mark V obnme of oe ned = ae = tok ce 1 Lehn ao re) . —— > | oF mak> 6 INJSO 2009 Roll Number: Use this page if you need additional space for any question in Section B. Mention the question number clearly. Gnedrn C4 Coot?) . of Tt nerle ¢ a bacese (ise gem) padres € urls q CO, - 1 mole f (2, wd ate of ahecon mit prdnce 3 ————> |! wk pee net Pe lake. veda Rn Bio = 1 x 00h 21 4310 Les = es Aime. gs Las 4 Omg Coy wivde prodnced om Com vation tf 10 om 4 foo —_ | 1 erante Q.No.65 (Section a ec. nb a oe a) e) £ ¢ INJSO 2009 Roll Number: B) Conggen uptver) ——9 (onggen jet) — [os mark or ab al mak ———— fmt] > [in] SS bomadkw A. INJSO_ 2009 Roll Number: Q.No.66 (Section B) frp No. of dots is nse. No. us Tian gles is n(n Ve xyz $= 2 (xy + ye + Re) \ + . Rxoz (4+ rt) 1 ee eee 1 mt 1 8 2ev(4 +344) INJSO_2009 Roll Number: Q.No.67 (Section B) D Sy —5 5 he ——— [5 monk Man 7. prs mak] i) BAD |i maak | ° See ee] W) B ] 1 mark ] x) A INJSO 2009 Roll Numbet: [ Q.No.68 (Section B) R= 4 + aller IE mperks R " ! > 2 + S > yp]! eo zt S iy vy i iS + | p> 7 xs . wl > - & S 3 b

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