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Dinner with a Dane's

Kick-off frokost!
Sndag d.19.4 kl. 13
Sundholmsvej 8, 2300 Kbh. S
Vi er glade for at kunne invitere alle der er nysgerrige
p DWAD, bde vrter, gster, mulige medlemmer og
andre der vil vide mere om vores nye forening.
Ved vores kick-off frokost kan du hrer mere om den
nyopstartede forening, spise frokost med spndende
mennesker fra hele verden og melde dig ind i
foreningen Dinner with a Dane, hvis du har lyst.
Medbring en ret og gld dig til at smage
de andres retter.
De bedste hilsner fra Amanda Dale og
Nanna Klerk fra DWAD.

It's official - Dinner with a Dane is now up and

running! Come and share in the fun at our
kick-off lunch:

Sunday, April 19 at 13:00

Sundholmsvej 8 in Amager
All those interested in the program are welcome.
You can hear more about what we offer, enjoy
lunch with people from all over the world, and
become a member of DWAD, if you'd
Kindly bring a lunch dish to share.
We're looking forward to seeing
you there!

Dinner with a Dane: A community initiative to welcome new residents

Find out more at: Dinner with a Dane/

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