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Jennifer Luque
April 10, 2015

Raft Card 1:

Row 1

ROLE (student)
Educator for the
incoming freshman

8th grade students

A private youtube

Dont you wish


you were better

prepared as an
freshman? In this
assignment you
will create a
learning video on
a private youtube
channel to prepare
freshman what
they will be
learning first
quarter in

Student will be able to clearly understand functions related to algebra by preparing incoming
freshmen. Assignment will not only help incoming freshmen but will review and prepare
existing students for Algebra 2. This assignment meets the common core math standards

CCSS.Math.Content.8.F.A.2 and CCSS.Math.Content.8.F.A.3 and compares properties of

functions and interprets y=mx+b (Corestandards, 2015).
Student Role:
Student is playing the role of an educator to incoming freshman
Incoming freshman
Private youtube channel video

Dont you wish you were better prepared as an incoming freshman? In this assignment you will
create a learning video on a private youtube channel to prepare incoming freshman what they
will be learning first quarter in Geometry.

1. Visit Khan Academy for a review on slope.
2. Take the assessment quiz to make sure you understand the mathematical concepts
3. Use the speech presentation outline provided to map out your presentation
4. Review your presentation with your instructor

5. Go to youtube website and follow the instruction on how to create a private channel
6. Create your video presentation and upload
7. Present to the class
Websites to visit:
Slope intercept form
Slope intercept form
Cartesian Plane presentation

Prepare a 5-minute presentation video to upload to your private youtube channel. This should be
detailed on your understanding of slope intercept form.
You will receive 20 points on each of the following criteria: Mastery of the subject, outline,
presentation, content and creativity.

Raft Card 2:

Row 2

ROLE (student)
A local photographer

A future client

Dropbox file

When you did


your senior

pictures, dont you

wish there was a
better way to
streamline the
viewing process
that supports your
busy schedule?

You will be able to learn how complete a project and present the knowledge and ideas of this
project using evidence to clearly, concisely, and logically so that your audience can follow your
reasoning (Corestandards, 2015). This assignment falls in line with the common core state
standards, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.9-10.4 , CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.9-10.5 and CCSS.ELALiteracy.SL.9-10.6 (Corestandards, 2015)
Student Role:
You will be acting as a local photographer.
Your future clients

Drop box file sharing

When you did your senior pictures, dont you wish there was a better way to streamline the
viewing process that supports your busy schedule?

1. Mock photo shoot you need at least 30 high quality photographs
2. Go over photographs with your instructor to pick which ones work the best for the

Create an outline for the presentation
Create a voice over PowerPoint presentation with images from photo shoot
Create a drop box account
Invite the instructor to share view the file.

Portrait ideas:
Portrait ideas:
How to create PowerPoint presentation using photographs
How to create a voice over PowerPoint presentation?
How to create a dropbox account?
This assignment will be worth a total of 100 points and broken up into three parts. The
PowerPoint presentation will be worth 60 points. The photographs taken will be worth 20 points
and the proper creation of your dropbox account will be worth 20 points.

Raft Card 3:

Row 3

ROLE (student)
Keynote speaker at a

Trade show


Have you ever

mathematics trade



wanted to instruct


an audience on a
subject you are
confident in? In
this assignment
you will be
creating an
presentation on
theorems for
triangles including

the Pythagorean

Objective: Prove theorems involving similarity

This assignment focuses on proving theorems involving similarity while also including the
Pythagorean Theorem. This assignment falls in line with the common core standards,
CCSS.Math.Content.HSG.SRT.B.4 and CCSS.Math.Content.HSG.SRT.B.5 (Corestandards,
Student Role:
Keynote speaker at a mathematics trade show.
Trade show attendees.

PowerPoint presentation
Have you ever wanted to instruct an audience on a subject you are confident in? In this
assignment you will be creating an instructional presentation on geometric theorems for triangles
including the Pythagorean Theorem.

1. Watch the following video on the Pythagorean Theorem

Pass a knowledge test on the subject being presented
Map out the presentation and follow the outline provided
Create a PowerPoint presentation.
Present your presentation live

Pythagorean Theorem
Pythagorean Theorem

Useful Proof explanation
Creative PowerPoint presentation

This assignment will be graded in 4 parts equally for a total of 100 points (25 points for each
topic): Knowledge test, outline, PowerPoint presentation and creativity.

Entry 3: Differentiating Instruction through Technology

The 21st century leaner plays an active role in their learning process with the use of
technology (Saxena, 2013). This student-centered model of instructing is becoming more
popular and ultimately allows students to take charge of their own instruction through the use of
technology. It also empowers students to think critically (Saxena, 2013). Differentiating
instruction through technology is vital to improving how we instruct the 21st century student.
Understanding the limitations of traditional teacher-centric method of instructing by highlighting
the benefits of instructing with technology as a key solution will ultimately help the broken
educational system.

Technology to Differentiate Instruction

PowerPoint Presentation: PowerPoint presentations are probably one of the most popular
technology tools in the 21st century classroom. Not only is this an essential tool for educational
purposes it is a necessary tool for students beyond high school. This is a presentation tool that
can be utilized for any subject. It is a great way to instruct students especially if as and educator
the desired focus is to reach the visual leaner (Stanford, Crow, Flice, 2010). Students can utilize
this tool to present their assignments and learn to incorporate visuals into their assignments.
Power point presentations fall in line with common core standards that require students to
present clearly, concisely and finally the presentation is supported by evidence (Corestandards,
2015). While PowerPoint presentations are common tool used to differentiate instruction, there
are still other technology options an educator can utilize.
Podcast: Podcasts are either audio or video files that can be used as a tool for students to refer
back to especially if the student had a difficult time understanding the subject (Stanford et, al,
2010). The students can download the information that was taught and re listen to the lecture. It
can also be helpful to students who were absent and need to make up assignments. Students can
create podcast and fall in line with the common core anchor standards for speaking and listening
(Corestandards, 2015). Podcasts are a great tool to differentiate in the 21st century classroom and
also keep students excited about learning.
Blogs: Blogs are a great tool for English teachers to utilize and meet the common core reading
and writing standards (Corestandards, 2015). It engages both the students and teacher so that a
collaborative environment is created. This tool is a student centered tool because it is a
technology tool that the student can create and personalize. Blogs are only limited by the
creativity of those who are using them (Stanford et, al, 2010). The collaboration, creativity and

writing involved with blogs are why they make an excellent tool to differentiate instruction in the
Pros and Cons
The pros of using technology to differentiate instruction are, it allows individualized
instruction, it targets every learner and it creates an independent and flexible classroom
environment. By individualizing the instruction in a classroom the instructor is able to guide all
their students through the analysis, practice and mastery of the curriculum being taught
(Hamilton, 2011). On the other hand too much individualization can make students to reliant on
individualization and create problems for the student in other classrooms (Hamilton, 2011).
Targeting every learner utilizes the strengths of the student. It individualizes how the material is
being instructed and suites the students specific needs (Hamilton, 2011). This can be difficult for
the educator because it can lower the bar for students who are high achievers by focusing on the
lower achieving students (Hamilton, 2011). The creation of an independent flexible and creative
environment for students is key to the success of a 21st century classroom. The pros far out
weigh the cons when it comes to deciding whether or not an educator should use technology to
differentiate instruction. It comes down to classroom management and embracing that
technology is here to stay.
Concluding Paragraph
Differentiating instruction through technology is a key component for future educators to
consider. The days are gone where teacher centric-model of instruction is the norm. If educators
want to engage and gain the respect of 21st century students it is vital future educators learn how

to differentiate technology into the curriculum. It is time to move onward to future thinking and

Hamilton, S. (2011, February 22). Pros & cons of differentiated instruction. Retrieved April 13,
2015, from
Preparing America's students for success. (2015, January 1). Retrieved April 12, 2015, from
Saxena, S. (2013, November 6). Using technology to create student-centered learning
environment. Retrieved April 12, 2015, from

Stanford, P., Crowe, M.W., Flice, H. (2010) Differentiating with Technology TEACHING
Exceptional Children Plus, 6(4) Article 2. Retrieved April 11, 2015 from

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