05 Teaching Ans Researching Motivation Cap 7 - Dornyei

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Teacher motivation scape + oe te niu drastic of he ras ech + deb hate no but he rtision frag hes + eine hm acermotiten ales te mate othe sere, "The se of ec motation has recaved ee esi in educe Sonal peyhology. There are few pullitons dscasing theatre (ofthe mocratio to teach (although some work has been done on felted unuer auch a aches ob stsfcon, ates and barb =see Dinhaan and Sco, 2000; Pennington, (995), and in a recent article ‘Amerianpuychologis Csikenertial (1093) haere that he wat fovawer ofa ingle sal eating a echers moan tothe eee Inenssofhisorhertucing and w te moan of iso her salen, This al the more surprising hens av we have seen eer (223, 5.85 and 521) the teacher level of ethosiem and commitment i fone ofthe mst mporant factors ht fet he leaner? motion wo Ieee. Broadly speaking fs echer motte wo teach, dere god chance thai rhe tens wl be mooie to learn, Farhermore, Thelin sha this pipe doesnot oly spy to the overllewl of ‘motivation tut a tomore sec ase of mito: for expe, ita tescer finds» panicuaracademie tk meaning rather a poss dradgey th tsk aude lily to be commneted — Sher deedy through debiberste ation, of indirectly by mens of Inline sents who wl tr adop slr pion “This cpr isan atenpe wo daw together voures from various elicmionl domly to pore an overview of teacher epotivation and flow it rlats to ent moron and learing behaviours Along {exhers show cosiersble varton across geographies! loans, (tbjectmaters and the level of education they Wor there pp t0 ie crtain comcnonales tha are sulcadyrobast 0 allo for some [ovcalions eye should bear in mind houhou his chapter {Bnet move rzench is node todo dir imporan ise ast 71 Conceptualising the ‘motivation to teach’ How ean we concep the notion to tech? In what way it {ferent irom the modvaton en paras oer acts? In the mos. ene seme the ondersanding’ of teacher motivation requires 0 {feail esument sine teaching’ is js one ype of human behaviour ‘Ri therfore goneral model of mozetion tt shoal be appli to dserbing ender, scholars have argued tht teacher motraon an be best undestood inthe ight of expecancy-ale theory (2B Mekeachie, 197), expectancy theory (eg, Mlowday and Nar, 1997, ‘efector (em Aceon, 1988), goal-setting ther eg. Latha ‘eal, 1997 and ol determination theory (ep Caksensmiay, 997, Deaieta, 1997) dats the rious proses closely rfl thse ingeacal motvaon theoresa wats ofthe ondering niles nd ‘ES aiveciy. Resenrchers have so highlighted he relevance of ctl oneal factors tthe cllenge of conten 1.5) Bes 1977 and ‘Empond vation the ehllengeof nein 6) (cur, 1997, SSHnh suggest tht ths wield of matiational pyehlogy i oles, Compe tham the uadertanding of mtvton in genet “The other se f the nin, however tat with such a specif pro festonal acivity 15 teaching it might be resi wo expect find ‘Grain unique motivo characteristic ~ for example, co Menify Some facts that have a spec significance in tes of chee impact athe motstion complex undeing teaching. Indeed,» ree of the learre soggess flat fur motrtiona pets are pac Feud with reget t teacher mation 1. rinses prominent urine component as ain comin. 2. eis wey slowly linked with cmt fits, associated with the insiotonal detande and onan of the workplace, and the ‘shit soil role ofthe prefesion, + bed extricate (crew exer a aid igs, sng. Sng berecenstshng and desing, primary a neon ‘he echalesdetships + tye: fcr (acres) sch he stats and image ‘Fences rth impose crtonal changes, oer which aches {ad school have ite contol, faneion as major disuse. ‘Among the tho! fcr, oerll tiseton was ~ not srpringly —sssolted nose stronly with he snount of workload which ene ‘iene wth els epessed by Blak (1997. narey da perceive apt fon (iat the cesehars perception of the insitonal ‘Band one of the ey deterninants of teacher” work fo once 72. Sodol mowledge ‘liu ad Lawrence (1995 panned hat al kee on [Rporane camgonent of aces maton, medi betwen pe Se todre tepals, ier) aed teochng bev, ‘Foon rece nhghe eso, sey coneepaied [owl ables once ble amon ching a bs ir loin sain sh the lage of ota aod key Foiiors eat spore deerme’ crmment to teach snd (kee ome, cee ery frosted et he stain eget tote geen ool te mon the apc workplan the car Santis of he dine 713. the temporal dimension of teacher motivation “Teacher motion tno jus about the mativaion co veach ba ao shoot the motion tobe teacher a Hflong career. Aearer pe Specie highighs te temporal dinesion of motetion in vorstons hgagemens. The igerlined consecutive pe on a caver path — {lhe by Raynor the ‘contingent path setae (ae Concept 73) engi log sen scivement sings in a ery effective manner ‘Desh nal both othe ints plasreobng involved in ‘ek profesign and on varius extn ears that carer advance nent rings bone. TTowever, the eee path s‘lose hats present ‘ENtevemenes donot create fue career steps, his wi hve a masked epee pet on the individ work morale, Tis isu, swe wt seiteton io prcuar relevance othe teaching profession, “conct73Royors conception oar’ asa psytoloil 75. Eo onde cortget pal 1 Raynor’ work long-term achievement igs Gch prt ‘a Ray cy ca thew of ex a ta ap aren, 18D, He ees ares a es oft-secaning sees that oe ene saree a ayn 1740971) To dene mcrae TE the at of eet Raoar nos the cme of ea ering ts aes fel wire sel 3 a eget choppy pero he es mae ee eo omineeme pag. ene nist em a ing wove rer al realy #0) Ney dat ns ene pth eda cs 8 HWS 5 tec or sees cre rng, a une Sie wrx are ag os of Or ee ms pacing ei ee ene tomes omens prea, secu pabe scam, append me eg aD rept a impotn ermine of ee cerrea nin ons Geet he pong, aon of mete cea ak compledon. Int ob ess Fee TS gn any suid motmtond depots be he 1 ie eget won he morally sppoine xen of “ns poml iar onds one Pa arte ne i er f comings pt henry ste eiton carats ev nro oe he ey of oan (i a ey ee or append ong sme Mt crs re nen canyon 0 led pus Ea i etnon deste wh aencenent, whet et err sapped ef bene scr et ts er conined crete Sung Nee FS = ‘Bein overage cee rh ‘lakbura (197) emphases that he marked tp in comdngent pti cde no nly sonal long-ege,derible plas in aor Faerie aneeipated eter ages (927) such 5 advancemess n Engh nee aay othe contents ef Crookes, 197; Jost, 1997), etn an dat revel tht the averse exter fats a0 edith the joy have an eroding efit on soe ofthe tse Herein #89 ofthe American sample agred that thei slay or tr mosvaon inthe claoom and 34% stated the same {Bing show their adrancemene porcine, Farther dais {hg hd by telack of expect fom the coo adaininaon ere department heads the unfavourable employment ond Wee Leck of alvancment oporcniis, and the perceived rua derauin ofthe teacher oe 3. Mandate serie an te. Kien aed Doge (1998) report shee eros cnealametlted presares observed in thi taal 20g reaches stone The Gt ste obiaion wo tech esi (leah sauent, 208 crcl pint which “fen meetned wih rer to ther sat aes well in dhe eal pycholgic ere In Kore, ths pressure wa 0 Symented by the Bited choice oftextookspreseribed bythe ropeT xtonk commie and by the fact tac the prescited ‘ahodtogy ws inpoced by western experi abroad. The vcond Tree pear sve dard re, which ~ apt om the ee ey ar eseng- were so regarded by some eachers ra mletendng (ein the sense a they highlighted How level PS ote, seni dat war aso mensioned about the curse, Hes eter an sometimes cael insensive’ The hid ounce of pesrre isthe interference fom mandated “Menthe or etmpleymandtoryaeadance a poballyeomect ‘rope wa sen olen to dsaisicton. 1k i noteworthy tht although Doyle and Kms (199) sample conuied af two vets of techers of ery llerent apes — western foatracrs in second Ianguage xequiston concent and aie Begun in foreign langunge learning oncst the rests showed nore eumonslsis than difeences “116. Summary ofthe teacher motivation’ constut Aloogh he noun of pu rence tao et soe fone en tober ws imparann he us eleranebitsond ples tha we cn find invasions edveatonl domain comisene pice, with teachers working m dives sane ce er mens tng crn pret ate anh tes ha a upto a general ‘eacher motion consi, ome gly we can deere the teching pofesion 2.» body of ae ok paesonale with an nisl otwated nd ie ey sare cement to pursue what they se a 9 by and Peng jb. The proeston, ower is rating with ons ae eae eran the ssc with the inberet gues of hea sch * he coal igh res ek TEE rcutom of reching supnony Gr exe ey te ee eee ition frac sow fon a nerd eo oi adnan coon mmepers acini eesg onl halge inthe eof oy tated coon yeah near ovens to geet eerie miata ample 71. Aset fsetmtating states for teachers elle revel ter 2 eon on how tet and male ment Fates raat oo ea pote “agreed ete nan wd «= bev be aches 4 3 igo 1 tana ner esouces avd reremr youve bess fvough ae than as and de ie “ nano eda ein tapes yo woke se ars te ees ech «oat ep cng ht you do 2085 ne ‘fesngrote apa «tang he nn yet ins ates for sis 1 Gata gest se pons oct Solon co ltr (85:31) 1 ‘se econo unkons ht re staly worse han howe of fe oe nto wn compare olen eg. anes and Goce) “Thus te nique beefs of dong an inhereny fling oh at ean ek nghenorder pelo ees he eT gel by ves const neoaland eer) ot se cs Zo aly ese hensive of ten occupation Pension, 1995). 12. The relationship between teacher motivation and student motivation hou the azalss of ‘otrtion to tae’ ian tring od ga cof cana eran thi bok en ae alec te msimtiona deposin ofthe leet sath speed in the inrodocon of 2s capes, burly oY 4s ean conduc to eine ths relationship special reseaeh as ere nse indirect evidence and crn amount of et tice coon tat tater msration fa «et se en oman aad aieneent, tl eee inp, om Mi suport, which concen ce impact of acer the es om sudeatahisveren, and chen preset the rez speci cent led t the Unk beowen teacher exes (bitch and learner entosasn oo an Teacher expectations and student achieve: the Pypraton fice ‘One component of de ‘mainton wo tah! comples ino the Oe, compen aon shoot the aden’ Fearing poeih ¢ ft tea pe eeiered chelated ro he more gener expectancy harm ce component arse eae 1-1) TM ene otc for as been shown oo ae es expec sewing 0 ae ene wing mie (o> Pre eh Pygmalion elec aftr road Shs py, with ‘ele nap oF down tot teaches expectao0s dent ing cera models pasted educational pycho- en hs ing poe ora ein ee Bop 85 176. rec ano Resemcame wonton Concept 74 Rosenthal and Jacobsons expert to document the Pypaon eect tn afaowsexperinnt, Reena Jenne (196% summation by Faas eet nadine an ineigence ttt ray PRET lns ihe sat ofthesadonic ya. even wee th Freee erik etwas fo pede we sen would Woo idee oy ese eg at ce nls bcos end of roving ten wih te at Seed ed Th of temples pei al FE eee hep o tls nels eh eee ped tic eprint were gue react: bythe end of Be tee el ie agulcans iene becwec the ome ad ‘he Ye Pietsch beng of the ye hep Were ‘he rosy raget cx inthe may they ere needy the aan ethan econ ned he exeging erence ipa ee iy tri ee nee peatons concerning the aod these expen, ee ing prophase nat sens ned wp 0 he Good, 1791. Thece is» consensus ha nil eacher expectations Gages ero eventsandecher beau wie, aa infloence cen pestannance in corespodingEshion These senting inf cs can be + doe (eg ete learning opportunites or ners challenge), oF Tra ep improved apport aod more detiled pcformane feed ick why nun, change student aides ad motion} Ifthe are consent over ims, these nfuences are ikl to affect the (Sade e-concey evel of spiraion, achievement sings as ren aiua and interction with the teacher. The cumulative eft Tse hangcr ly hen be change in che wdent achivemet ‘Aukoog osntal and Jason orginal sud ee Concept 7) “oly ak ins penne expectations the Pygmalion fect cin so ra eenetveCapectaions (Le. escets expect les han what the vorrenc ape ann tnese cave the fase esoaion offblies Ra sete ca become harmful. Brophy (1985: 180) i ihe Scene ach ne pen ee thn 1. Giving up easily on fow-expecatonseudents (¢not mating ong cough frie answer). eT 2. Cen them more often for are 5 Praag them les fe llorng se. ang nappopritly (eg sir routine respons). 4 Fepeing ve tem ny fedbnkllowing i rps 4 soting them in the back ofthe 00m. ey rain eaten to thes or nterocng with em fea ren 4. Rapes es warn wovads Sem or lo ns hem 8 indies tee ight ofthe Pygmalion ees, achers ned woe very ete gine a fe Pon nd etianof ie al stout he melted bones and senses ca ay ba se napus ening conto lg the aon En formed Eng coisa the tha hy ae 0 Se pctuon odie disiinaon aaa A ony pophe)poenomanon ests ot onl ae Seen ae eclin pup lev. Pati and Soak 1990) tn ereinet by So (968 which wach we te on ean tne of ei) tn cet wets male 2 nn ee parative pte Si sp of se eta Jnana, eens in te Ne on ound on mor a i a ne aon werk Ink between tener Eee od soe tently nonworthy ew of the atta a er ward pac: n come ech oan oe ej tn ste signed owas Sean a an ecne, one and pes alleged fi 2 companied by Ue encore omnis ie ap ay sn the cen om ap ver domed 2 birt ed ow experi In fa Chane ‘til om ac rset anal nmin ress ts OK 0 a ng or eee te odes wh Pa eer ie inta othe shook neglecting ve pes iy ao fern he ational fo AC = ‘a2 Teacher enthusiasm ~feamer enthusim ta thaghe groakng wile, Cesena (1997) pins oe that toa oughta aches hase who ae remerbed std whe 178 exci ano eesearcnne MOnNATION nae rea dfercoce inher tent? deelopment~ae not the onc “Thoture mem sates and power, and they nay oot even be the mo Tatts or knowledges nstrctors a stent has. Usted hey raat the oes who lve wh they are dong, who show by dh TSR ih pion that there i othing else 00 exth they werd uke be ing, Tey are the "utsse whose jnvlrement The fbject mater isso dxcemive chat cf Bordering on being rage eke mtr goes on, iets such fol who koxp the fabric of FE cabc dns unrveling beowen one generation the nex It aon tomo woud believe that nowiedge rely matered?™ 07. [IRIERE cetszeninan onthe eects otter motion ‘Young pcre mre niet anes perry an ct TREE Sia decor or nonce, note it hey fe Recordin we be ose drm fa tear dosnt ble in eer ering hg Uae the set ijk sand de the ently tor cnc Bat tea eo ea aii to oe ecay rete ses ME tei bargin gral sworn od of Pgh gore a Wy ef hd hey tt pee res bing bored? hy sad sre etd who key aerated oy ot er Me ac Seg epee eed ana i ose 2 Pree ie fy ook scund he reds wo seam ee erp ho elon nin tay se de od ae hen ru ‘Chanson 387-79, “The pone Cxksentminali (1997) makes touches upon the or of she eather den elationship. fete eachers are noc nesesy ‘he cnet wh ate succesful in de Dosness of tanseringeogtie IfocmationTetends ce posite ioc of good teachers de 9 {he srength of thee comment tarde the subject mae which becomes fev hat ins in aden a ilar ingens © eee inlcdge ‘As Callsveunilya surmarie: The est Way eee ane ive ha ake sense to purse knowlage 8 © Tele in onesell (p72) 7 Foust T gpsing ates fer eta dome TE ES) nec irom reso ue Be ood snd Brophy on teacher enthusiasm sj ota (1907: 4) report oman eesient ty Wd SD eee capa conan wo Caner hh or ys pring men ee Ey agement sah ren Sy meee), wees thes wee lel dhs a xen elmer to bo rie a aha ee nga estes pocmedia omc” “Ei ie ead we ho og in the sky er el repre eng he en a eum mee ae le, teem Ale oe say wen een mer ol rE dante ones in hse fe eo more ntl Uy eres nt on, hey so ng tha ih eet seca mats nen i otra, Tati ee repo 1 he resentng hi in beste ight, Det Gt wr oe ae to of Caren 09, TaEY cent V2 shoul kn pirat 2 MT casing i. nr hee xr, et enchg poco nine mtr cb? irevenieg (9. 79 180. rec no RESEARCHING HOTHATION Dec Kate and yan on the interactive relationship Betneen te motion of students and teacher ‘he loreip beeen ster aay 7 eect ove that idea snc napisy sens: Sens ec he aie Seimoience and bbatour pt ocly afl fe ers Ot ‘foomsttap nnn ht ote tac eee itu rua ht tas postive ater ha 8 ne ‘Siw ye Forte neers Ut stent ok of etiam ‘ioc them resi con be moter ard usenet fr ei ‘teheglaton tt don ot ashe ha epee (foie hemes ack besa cannes) Tn concion,ahough we dono tet ive precise under ing’ak the ec melting fcors and processes between tice ‘SS nin and seen achieve, the ealeble sear evidence ne ig sopges ca cher ales bel, riod 2d bea sepa sala he geal level oftheir commitment cords the ‘Welds ir learn and the sbjoct mater constute some of the eet eeling infects om siden ota. OF oats Ds ROR 99M cpa, the resnaip beeen teacher ai tee Soh feanerare ome tat at be citer pose oF neg Meng. Yee the esha acer ore uh desigated ener SPAS oop nd therfore they have» spec responsibly for ssstgthck own commiant othe eehing proces 1 Bey SE ys wl en the pjbolea abso Peer enhg proce, wh ae fest wo co erie te snotaina tase th ares Researching motivation

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