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TABLE 210-1 Topical Antitungal Agents Commonly Use in Dermatology evens Nae) Tinoe Name(s) FormuuaTon Imianies Gonmaroe rue Fo) 19% crea, oon, nengestrnes, or, Desenex AF Spray cn, ston ommin Lomi AE owes Econ Spectacle rem Ertan Ketcon0 Nea 19% and 2% roam and homo Nawal AD Mecnezce Meat 2% orem oon, poma, say pow, say Meanie soln Monit Dam Zeus oon Dering 196 ren, oon wviumar Over cer 68 kaze Onisiat Onile Sataconazle Ena 2% cream Subonazde Ere 19% cream, slain Sucsyn ‘Aviaries iting Nitin 19% cream, oo Tenatne Lami 19% cream, say solo, soli LanaT Beryianines ‘Bulatine Menian 16cm Povenes iain Best 100,000 Uy cea, nzenge/toche, ore, Wycostain poder, souion Nast Padi bre tonal ations Cepia danine| Lope 0.7% cea orton, 1% shampoo a salon, Pane al cquer Teta nua Malar) 1% cream, poudey, soa ponder spray sion, Tracin selvion Undeenis acd Desenes? 20% cream, 10% penetaing fem, 10%-205 er, 20% spray power rue OTC Conran ages Clovinamebetaretasone ——Lotisone 1% closimanle and 005% betamethasone prope sireponate ream ton Npatrtiamemane acetonide yciogs 100000 Wf mst and 0.1% tance mie conse ens Prec Ouse VOTE © ond O16 ° Rony c ond OTC ° ome 5 Re c Re c Re 5 Re 5 Re 5 Rx c Re 5 Fe NA ow NA ow NA Pe Na Px TABLE 218-1 Topical Antibiotics Name Bacitracin Polymyxin B Gramiciain Mupirocin Neomycin Tetracycline Meclocyeline Erythromycin Clindamycin Chloramphenicol Fusidic acid Silver sulfadiazine Mafenide acetate Nitrofurazone Metronidazole Clioquinol ‘Azelaic acid ‘SOURCE Bacillus subilis B. polymyxa Pseudomonas fluorescens Streptomyces tradiae Semisynthetic! Semisynthetic® Streptococcus erythreus Semisynthetic S. venezuelae* ‘Synthetic Synthetic Synthetic Synthetic Synthetic Synthetic Form AVAILABLE ooo 0S $,6.P.0 SL NA cs BC co CG MEcHanisia OF ACTION Cell wall inhibitor Detergent fon channel Transfer RNA inhibitor 30S ribosome inhibition 30S ribosome inhibition 30S ribosome inhibition 50S ribosome inhibition 50S ribosome inhibition 50S ribosome inhibition Interieres with EF-G Enzyme inhibition Enzyme inhibition Electrochemical Unknown Protein synthesis inhibition Bacteria Gr+ Gr- Gr+ Gr+ Gr- Gre Gr= Gre Gre Anaerobes Broad spectrum Gr+ TABLE 230-3, Dosing Regimens for, Anistamines Conomons Rens, rus ForuuTou Dosa Doss AdasTueNT Fis-gonrtan Hi, anthistines hophencarine 2 de 1g lt Aad, i 8-12 mid Fepat inpaiment 2 my mL Age 6-11 y:2 mg 9-6 Ojtoheptadine 4g ale at: gid Fepat inpaiment 2 my mL sy Age 7-14 tc 4 mgt tid Age 2-6 yr-2mghid td Dahentycanine 35, S0-ngtebet At: 25-50 mg g4-Bh Fepat inpaiment 125195 nL syrup Age 6-12): 125-25 mg gt-Gh 80 mg/5 nl. np Age <6 625-125 mgqt-6h 625965 rL gop 125195 nL syrup toga 10,25 50+, 100-m tablet Age 26 y 25-50 mg g6-8haohs Fepat inpaiment 10mg mL syup Age <6 yr 25-50 my of Trpleraing 35-50, 10mg tbls At 25-50:mg f-Bh Fepat inpaiment Second-gonatin , antistrines arsine! mg ate Aa: 8mg 8d Petal mgt ‘elesine ‘mg ate At: 2-4 mg bid Peal nd hepato ingiment Age 6-124: 12g bid (11% rasa ay 2 sprays id tram &, 10mg tablet Age2 6 yr 5-10 mggd Petal nd hepato ingiment Si myn sup Age 2-6 yr imgod Age6 me-2yr 2519 09, Destine 25, 5g lt Ap 12yr-5 gq Petal nd hepato ingiment S myn sup Age -12)t:25 mg od Age 1-61 25 mg od Age 6-12.01 m9 of Beste? 10mg ablet Age2 6 yr 10-20 mg gd Peal mgt Age6-12yr:5 ng ot Age 2-525 ng of Fevclenaine 30-60: 120-,160-my tet Age2 12.60 mg ob: 120-180 mg qf Real mairent Age 6-12)y:30 mg of. bid Leecatie? mg let Age2 6 yr5g¢0 Petal nd hepato ingiment Loraine 10mg abet Age2 6 yr 10mg qd Peal nd hepato ingiment Si my suspension Age 2-Syr mgod Nivesing 10mg bet ait: 10:rg gd Fepat inpaiment ‘TABLE 231-1 Dosing Regimens for Antibiotics Commonly Prescribed for the Treatment of Skin and Soft-Tissue Infections cuss P-Lactams Tetracyclines Macrolides Fluoroquinolones, Lincosamides Trimethoprim: sulfamethoxazole (co-trimoxazole) GeNenic NAME Penicilin G Benzathine penicillin 6 Dicloxacilin Nafeilin Oxacitin Amoxicillin Amoxicilin/ciavulanate Cephalexin’ Cefainir® Cofprozit Tetracycline Doxyeyctine Minocycline Erythromycin base Clarithromycin Azithromycin Ciprofloxacin Levofloxacin Clingamycin Po IM IM PO PO PO PO Po PO PO PO PO v PO PO v PO, IV PO, IV PO v PO ‘ADULT Dosins 2-24 milion units qd divided aah (18-24 million units qd for neuro syphilis) 2.4 milion units x 1 (early syphilis)? 2.4 milion units weekly x 3 (syphilis >tyh 500 mg q6h IM: 500 mg q4—6h IN-0.5-2 g q4-6h 1-29 q4-6n 500 mg q@h® 875 mg qi2he 500 mq q6h 300 mg q12h 250 mg qt2h 500 mg qGh (bid for acne}* 100 mg qi2-Zane 100 mg qi2h* 500 mg q6h or q1Zh 1g a6h® 250-500 mg q12h 500 mg on day 1, then 250 mg qd x 25 Chiamycia: 1 g single dose 500 mg qzan. Gonorrhea: 500 mg x 1° Gonococeemia: 500 ma qi 2h>x 7 days* Chancroid: 500 mg qt 2h x 3 days Cutaneous anthrax: 10-15 ma/kg qi2h x 60 days Uncomplicated infection: 500 mg q24hr* Complicated infection: 750 mg qzan® 150-450 mg q6h 600-900 mg ash 180 mg/800 mg (double strength) qi2nt 5 mg/kg q6—Bh*

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