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TEACHERS NAME: Esther Douglas

SUBJECT: Information Technology

DATE: Friday 6th February 2015

CLASS: Form 5

TIME: 9:35-10:10 am

No. of Students: 14


Unit Title: Spreadsheets
Lesson 1: Excel and budgeting decisions

Teacher Resources

Computer system

Student resources

Computer system/Laptops
Case study and checklist

PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE Students should be able to:

Interact with a computer/hardware to input data
Save a document
Knowledge of spreadsheet
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At the end of the lesson students will:

Assessment strategy

At the end of the lesson students will:

1. Create a table in a worksheet with values
and labels for a given case study (creating)

Willingly participate in class activities

Observation, checklist
2. Create a monthly budget prioritizing
Case study
finances and appropriately allocating funds.
3. Apply border and number formatting to
create a presentable worksheet. (applying,
4. Justify the decisions made in the

Observation, Checklist

Observation , Checklist
Oral response

Willing and respectfully work with classmate to

complete student activity

Accept responsibility for work done

Respectfully listen to classmates contribution

Set Induction
Teacher walks into room with $3000.00(fake money) and excitedly talks about items she will buy with the money. She then receives a call from her
best friend and they have a discussion about the friend inviting her to an all inclusive fete. Teacher starts talking about her spending and what bills
she has to pay for the month and whether to cut back on paying some bills. She has to decide whether or not to go. 3 mins
Description of Teaching/Learning Activities:
Teacher Activities

1. T to introduce topic, and informs them that she is

aware of their knowledge of spreadsheet, and we

Student Expected Activities

being developed

Ss to listen attentively and respond accordingly. VS. VL. Inter,

It is expected that 7/14 students will respond

Est. time to

3 mins
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are going to use spreadsheet to apply it to our

everyday life. T ask for a volunteer to quickly
provide a definition of a spreadsheet to refresh
their minds.
2. Teacher ask students to provide examples as to
how spreadsheet can be applied to everyday.


Ss provide examples on the use of spreadsheet

20 mins

3. Teacher places students into groups of gives

students case study which the teacher goes
through with them then ask students to complete
using excel. Students pairing will allow

Ss to respectfully participate in activity and

collaborate with classmate and respond
accordingly. All students are expected to
complete case study

VS, VL, Intra,

inter LM

1) Teacher guides students in the creation

and completion of the situation in the
2) Students enter data does the following:

adjust column width where

create formula using each
cell address
manually enter sum
use auto sum icon
change prices to show effect
on formula
do all the formatting; currency, border,
Teacher walks around the class providing assistance and
immediate feedback.

4 mins
Ss to participate in assessing what they have done.

Intra,inter, VL

Teacher provides students with checklist to assess what

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they have done.

Teacher distribute handout at the end of the class for
students benefit
Closure to lesson:
T.S. (Transition Statement):
In this lesson we learnt about using MSExcel for simple everyday uses such as budgeting and simple calculations.
30 secs
B.S. (Bridging Statement):
In the next lesson we will look at manipulating more calculations.
30 secs
Multiple Intelligence
VS: Visual Spatial

VL: Verbal Linguistic

Inter: Interpersonal Intra: Intrapersonal
N: Naturalistic E: Existential

BK: Body/ Kinesthetic

LM: Logic/Mathematical

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Based on the set induction, your best friend has invited you to this all inclusive carnival fete at South
Academy of Performing Arts. The price of this is $700.00 and includes a costume. You are
responsible for managing the family budget, and the funds must be divided as you see it fit and will
not negatively affect the family. Your monthly budget is $3000.00. You are required to prioritize your
spending to accommodate all the bills for the month and must decide whether or not you will spend
$700.00 to attend this fete.This $700.00 is considered as entertainment. The list is as follows
Savings must be 10% your income generally. The light bill and water bill usually comes every
quarter and has arrived in the mail so you must include it. The light bill is $350.00 and water bill
$180.00. Transportation for the month is $200.00. Currently you are rent so your fixed monthly
Rent amounts to $800.00 and Education is $400.00 Food usually amounts to $400.00 and a small
amount of $100.00 is spent on clothing.
Complete a budget in spreadsheet to manage your expenses and use the appropriate formulas and
functions showing your overall total after you have paid all you expenses. Your budget must be
properly formatted and you must justify whether you will spend that money to go to the carnival fete.
Will you spend that money to go to the fete your best friend invited you to? Please justify

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Names:_________________________________________ Date:___________
Excel budget checklist

TICK (/)

1. All expenses and cost of the items are entered on the spreadsheet

2. Data entered in cell is visible

3. Formula produces correct results

4. Currency number formatting is applied to the price of each expense and to

the total cost
5. Font formatting in applied; Table border and either of font style, font size,
font colour and text highlight


Save file with a meaningful name in a folder named Spreadsheet

Name:__________________________________ Date:______________
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Microsoft Office Excel is a type of general purpose application software known as a spreadsheet.
A spreadsheet is a table consisting of cells (rows, column locations) and is used to manipulate numeric data.
A row runs horizontally and is identified by a number.
A column runs vertically and is identified by a letter.
The intersection of a row and a column is referred to as a cell
Each cell in the spreadsheet can be identified by its cell address or cell reference.
The cell reference or address is simply the column and row position combined. Example A1, B3.
A cell can contain one of three types of information: label (text), value (number) or formulae.
A label can be used as a title or heading to describe an aspect of the worksheet.
It can contain any string of characters (letters or numbers) but must only start with a character that does not
indicate a formula or number. There are two types of labels
1. Text labels which are made up of letters only or any combination of letters, numbers and/or symbols. In our
example Products is a text label and the contents listed in that column.
2. Numeric labels are numbers that are assigned the label prefix, apostrophe (), to make them appear as labels.
Example the year 2005 should be inserted as 2005 to be identified by Excel as a label.

Labels default to the left of a cell.

A label cannot be used in a calculation

A value is a piece of data that can be used in a calculation. Values are the contents of a cell.
Numeric values default to the right of the cell.
A formula is an instruction to perform operation on values.
All formulae (formulae is plural for formula) in Excel start with an equal sign (=)

When a user opens Excel, the user is presented with a workbook which by default contains three worksheets.

( sheet 1, sheet 2, sheet 3, tabs seen to the bottom of the workbook). These sheets allow the user to keep varied
and large amounts of information together in one workbook.

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