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The development of social images of substance users in children: a Guttman

unidimensional scaling approach - Judy A. Andrews, and Missy Peterson
2. Prototype perception and smoking: Are negative or positive social images more
important in adolescence?
Bettina F. Pikoa, , , Judit Baka, b, Frederick X. Gibbonsc
3. Two social influence perspectives of tobacco use development and prevention
4. The social image of smoking among young people in Scotland
H. Allbutt, A. Amos1 and S. Cunningham-Burley1
5. Accentuate the Negative: Social Images in the Prediction and Promotion of
Condom Use1
Hart Blanton1,*, Regina J. J. M. VandenEijnden2, Bram P. Buunk2, Frederick X.
Gibbons3, Meg Gerrard and Arnold Bakker
6. Social thinking and cultural images: teenagers notions of tobacco use
Marie-Louise Stjernaa, , , Sonja Olin Lauritzena, Per Tillgrenb,
7. Self-comparison processes, prototypes, and smoking onset among early adolescents
Renske Spijkermana, , , Regina J.J.M. van den Eijndena, Rutger C.M.E. Engelsb
8. Peers and adolescent smoking
Kimberly Kobus


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