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(I) Calculation for National Overseas Scholarship for Vivek Haldar

Beginning of the Scholarship is 12/01/2015.

Total No. of Days for which the Scholarship can be given for January 2015 is 20 Days.
Equivalence of 20 Days in January 2015 into Month = (20/30) = 0.67 Month
Months for which the Scholarship was given other than January 2015 = February 2015 & March 2015
Total No. of Months for the Scholarship = 0.67(January 2015) +1 (February 2015) + 1(March 2015)
= 2.67 Months
Total Amount of the Scholarship per Annum = US $ 14,000
Amount of Scholarship per Month = US $ 14,000/12
= US $ 1,166.67
Amount of Scholarship for January, February and March 2015 = 2.67 Months * US $ 1,166.67
= US $ 3,115.0089
As per the Exchange Rate on 31.03.2015 between US $(US Dollars) and (Euros)
1 US $ = 0.93084
Scholarship Amount for Jan, Feb & March 2015(In Euro Terms) = (US $ 3,115.0089) * ( 0.93084)
= 2,899. 574
Amount of Cheque Received for the Months of Jan, Feb & March 2015 = 2,625.88
Difference in the Scholarship Calculated as per the Exchange Rate on 31.03.2015 and the Cheque
Received = ( 2,899. 574) ( 2,625.88) = 273.694

(II) Back Calculation for Amount of Cheque Received

Total Amount of the Scholarship Cheque Received = 2,625.88
Total Amount of the Scholarship Cheque Received (in Dollar Terms) = US $ 2,625.88 * X (Unknown)
Here, X (Unknown Exchange Rate); 1 Euro = X US Dollars as utilized in the Calculation in the Cheque
Total Number of Months (as calculated earlier) = 2.67 Months

Total Amount of Scholarship for the Jan, Feb & March 2015(Calculated in Part (I) )= US $ 3,115.0089 --(1)
Total Amount of Scholarship in US Dollar Terms as in Part (II) above = US $ 2,625.88 * X (Unknown) --- (2)
Hence, Equating (1) and (2)
US $ 3,115.0089 = US $ 2,625.88 * X (Unknown)
Hence, X = 1.18627
Hence, 1 Euro = 1.18627 US Dollars
So, from here, 1 US Dollars = 0.84297 Euros
This, Exchange Rate was trending in the Month of February 2015 as per the Money Exchange History.

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