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Evaluation Tool #1

Learning outcome assessed: Explain relationship between politics and

Description of assignment:
You will give an oral group presentation from a paper in your class to explain the
relationship between politics and economy.

The economic and political factors at national and global level that
interact with one another are thoroughly identified.
understanding of its stand point regarding the role of a state to control
trade. You describe that how this approach was developed. You give
your opinion regarding merits and demerits of this approach.


You analyze protectionism approach completely and with all the details
pertinent to this approach: how this approach was developed; who
propounded this approach; what point of view is put forward regarding
the role of state through this approach. You give your opinion
regarding merits and demerits of this approach.
You mention different kinds of markets at international level and how
governments influence these markets. Your describe market
You describe by giving illustrations regarding the role of industries and
interest groups to influence their governments to get benefits. You
describe how governments conform to their demands.

Your presentation is well organized and there is proper 5

introduction, body and conclusion of your presentation. Analysis
is focused and there are no unnecessary details. There is logical
coherence and clarity in the speech and there are no mistakes of
grammar and punctuations. You mention different sources of
search which are relevant for the topics.

Rating Scale

Exceeds all expectations - The student has gone beyond the

requirements of the assignment in all areas and no improvements are





Meets all of the requirements and exceeds some expectations The student has met all of the requirements and demonstrates a clear
understanding of the assignment.
Meets expectations in most areas - Detailed and consistent
evidence of the criterion in all aspects, but some improvements are still
Minimally meets expectations - The student has met the basic
requirements of the assignment (pass / satisfactory), but many areas are
in need of improvement.
Does not meet expectations - The student has not met the
requirements in most or all areas AND/OR specific components of the
assignment were not apparent.

Evaluation tool#2
Learning outcome assessed: Evaluate the nature of interaction between
politics and economy at international level.
Description of assignment: You will write a research paper in groups. Your
research paper will present a critical analysis of economic processes of globalization
and reflect on the role of international monetary organizations and multi-national



For critical evaluation of the role of international monetary organizations (IMF

and World Bank) chose any country, Ukraine, Egypt, Pakistan or any other
country and analyze the current conditions of loans given to them by IMF and
World Bank.
For critical evaluation of the role of WTO you are to read a reading material
given on the blackboard and then you are to analyze the dispute settlement
methods of this organization.
Analyze the role of some multi-national organizations in developing countries
such as, Mcdonalds, Coca Cola, Nestle or any other organization.

Scoring Criteria
Explain how global order developed and critically evaluate features of
present global economic order.
Critical evaluate the role of IMF and World Bank towards any developing


Critically evaluate the role of WTO as a dispute settlement body.
Critically evaluate the role of any multi-national corporation.


Total: 55/2

Critical evaluation regarding the role of organizations and their current

policies or processes is done thoroughly:
All facts related to the role of organizations are identified and analyzed.
Analysis is in great detail and very focused: it describes thoroughly the
impact of the policies of organizations/corporations on developing
Use relevant research resources.
There is complete logical coherence in the sentences and writing is
completely free of grammar and punctuation errors.
Critical evaluation regarding the role of organizations and their current
policies or processes is done mostly:
For the most part, analysis is in detail and focused but in some points
relevant detail was missing and some facts regarding the impact of the
policies of organizations/corporations on developing countries are not
identified and evaluated.
Use mostly relevant research sources but one or two research sources
were not related to the research.
Mostly, there is logical coherence in the sentences and writing is free of
grammar and punctuations errors; however, there are three errors of
grammar and punctuations and three sentences are without any logical
Critical evaluation regarding the roles of organizations and their current
policies and processes is average and does not encapsulate all the detail
regarding their role:
Facts are identified but analysis is not done appropriately regarding half
of the facts: it lacks important detail regarding the impact of the
role/policies of organizations/corporations on developing countries; half
of the facts regarding the effects of the policies of organizations are
identified and evaluated properly.
Few relevant research sources are used.
A good enough number of sentences (6-8 sentences) have no logical
coherence and have mistakes of grammar and punctuations
(6-8 errors).
Critical evaluation regarding the role of organizations is done but mostly
important aspects regarding their roles are not discussed.
Analysis mostly does not cover their current policies and processes.
Analysis is mostly not focused and it does not delineate the impact of
the policies of organizations on developing countries.

Few relevant research sources are used.

In the whole writing, sentences are devoid of logical coherence.
There are frequently errors of grammar and punctuations
No critical evaluation regarding the roles of organization is done.
Facts and policies are not identified and evaluated.
No research sources are used.
There is no logical coherence in the sentences and thoroughly there are
errors of grammar and punctuations; thus, there is the problem of

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