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An investigation of the impact of ethical marketing on

business practices and key stakeholders - A case study of

Phase 1: Planning and preparation
Literature review
Formulation of research objective
Approach organizations to seek access
Completion of research proposal
Write up first draft of introduction
Phase 2: Project implementation
Ongoing inquiry
Obtain measures/other means of data collection
Meet organizational contacts
Seek feedback on proposed methods
Seek ethical approval if necessary
Agree project logistics with organization
Run project
Write up first draft of method
Phases 3: Data handling/analysis and interpretation
Data coding
Data analysis
Data interpretation
Write-up first draft of results
Polish introduction
Phase 4: Report writing
Sharpen up method and results sections
Write-up first draft of discussion
Final overall draft
Submit Dissertation
Phase 5: Organizational report/ feedback
Submit organizational report/feedback
Phase 6: Publication plan

Independent Variable Ethical Marketing

Dependent Variable Business Practices
Key stakeholders

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