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Homework 5

Spring 2015

4.1 The signal X(t), whose pdf is shown in Fig. 1, amplitude modulates a carrier with m = 0.5.
Calculate (S/N )d in terms of Sr /fx for envelope demodulation, assuming white noise with a psd
of /2 watt/Hz at the input.

Figure 1:
4.2 Assume that the baseband message signal in an AM system has a bandwidth of 4 kHz and the
amplitude distribution shown in Fig. 1. The AM signal is accompanied by thermal noise with
a psd /2 = 1012 watt/Hz. The signal is demodulated by envelope detection and appropriate
postdetection filtering. It is required that the output signal-to-noise ratio be greater than 40 dB.
Assume m = 1.
(a) Find the minimum value of the carrier amplitude that will yield (S/N )d 40 dB.
(b) Find the threshold value of ac .
4.3 A carrier of amplitude 1 mv is 50% amplitude modulated by a sinusoidal waveform of frequency
fx < 1000 Hz. The signal is accompanied by thermal noise of twosided spectral density /2 =
1012 watt/Hz. The signal plus noise is passed through a predetection filter having the response
shown in Fig. 2. The signal is demodulated by multiplication with a local carrier of amplitude 2
volts and filtering the product with an ideal lowpass filter having a bandwidth of 1 kHz.

Figure 2:
(a) Find the output signal power.
(b) Find the output noise power.
(c) Find (S/N ) at the demodulator input and (S/N )d .
4.4 The average noise power per unit bandwidth measured at the front end of an AM receiver is 103
watt per Hertz. The modulating wave is sinusoidal, with a carrier power of 80 kw, and a sideband
power of 10 kw per sideband. The message bandwidth is 4 kHz. Assuming the use of an envelope
detector in the receiver, determine the output signaltonoise ratio of the system.
4.5 Let a message signal X(t) be transmitted using single-sideband modulation. The power spectral
density of X(t) is
for |f | fx
fx ,
Gx (f ) =
where and fx are constants. White Gaussian noise of zero mean and power spectral density of
/2 is added to the SSB modulated wave at the receiver input. Find an expression for the output
signal-to-noise ratio of the receiver.

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