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April 9, 2015


U.S Open Adoption

Story of the week was about 22 , Year old Adoptive parent Shara Mills and her 2 Year
old son jack . She was telling on Facebook how her son and her had a relationship
with jacks birth parents . She said that she keep jacks birth parents progress about
him every 6 weeks . This is called Open adoption where the son , adoptive parents ,
& birth parents all have a relationship and not staying apart . Sometimes people say
this could be a problem . Making the child confused at a young age not knowing
who there real parents are but thinking they might have to sets of parents . Many
adoptive parents have said in the past that they where afraid that the birth parents
would fall in love with the child so much they maybe they would want him/her back .


Plan Your adoption .



April 9, 2015

Sandra bullock adopted her son louis in 2010 . Even famous people
adopt also .

Sandra Bullock
Adopted son.


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